Articles about Kratos |
Canon • Soul Calibur • Mortal Kombat • Shovel Knight • PlayStation All-Stars |
“ | I am the God of War! | „ |
~ Kratos as the wrathful war god. |
“ | Do you see, Gods of Olympus? Do you need more proof than this? | „ |
~ Kratos moments before getting slammed by the hands of the destroyed Colossus of Rhodes |
“ | Zeus, your son has returned! I bring the destruction of Olympus! | „ |
~ Kratos |
“ | The hands of death could not defeat me. The Sisters of Fate could not hold me. And you will not see the end of this day. I will have my revenge! | „ |
~ Kratos to Zeus |
“ | I have lived as a warrior. I have died as a god. Having suffered the ultimate sacrifice, I have been denied release. I... I will defeat Olympus. I will have my revenge. | „ |
~ Kratos |
“ | Don't be sorry. Be better. | „ |
~ Kratos to his son, Atreus |
“ | We will be the gods we choose to be. Not those who have been. Who I was, is not who you will be. We must be better. | „ |
~ Kratos to Atreus |
“ | I came to these lands to escape my past. To start a new life. I can hide no longer. I do not want this war. We have suffered enough. Prophecy did not lead us here. Nor will it win this battle. Wars are won by those that are willing to sacrifice everything. If that is the cost of vengeance... so be it. | „ |
~ Kratos's speech before blowing the Gjallarhorn |
“ | Son, listen closely. You feel their pain because that is who you are. And you must never sacrifice that. Never. Not for anyone... I was wrong, Atreus. I was wrong. Open your heart. Open your heart to their suffering. That is your mother's wish... and mine as well. Today... today, we will be better. | „ |
~ Kratos to Atreus, changing his ways and breaking fate |
“ | What can I say to you? I remember how it felt to take that throne. All that it meant and all that it did not. A God of war... a god of pain. Of suffering. Of destruction. The Norns said I chase redemption that I know I can never deserve. What does that make me? God of fools. A god of... Hope. |
„ |
~ Kratos to a manifestation of his younger self |
Kratos (Greek: Κράτος) is the titular playable protagonist of Sony Santa Monica Studio's acclaimed God of War series. Born and raised among the violent Spartans, Kratos rose through the ranks to become a fearsome general, winning many wars under his command. However, they eventually encountered their mortal enemies, the Barbarians, and were nearly wiped off the map in the ensuing battle. A desperate Kratos begged Ares, the God of War, to help him win the war. Ares listened and bestowed power upon Kratos, leading the Spartans to victory. In exchange, however, Ares demanded Kratos' unflinching loyalty. To this end, the God of War tricked Kratos into murdering his wife Lysandra, and his daughter Calliope, in the ensuing chaos. As a result, their ashes were permanently bonded to Kratos' skin, earning him the moniker "Ghost of Sparta." Enraged and consumed by grief, Kratos renounced his servitude to Ares and sought vengeance on him, eventually killing Ares and ascending to godhood as the new God of War. However, Kratos' struggle did not end there; he had to face his father, the rest of the Olympians, and the Titans on the next journey.
After defeating the Olympians and cleansing Greece through chaos, Kratos fled to the Norse homeland where he married Faye and had a son named Atreus. Following Faye's death, Atreus and Kratos would embark on a journey to fulfil her final wishes, scattering her ashes at the highest peak in all the realms. Many obstacles along the way, including fighting several monsters as well as opposing the Norse gods themselves.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 4-A, Low 1-C with Divine Weapons | Low 1-C | Low 1-C | Low 1-C | Low 1-C | Low 1-C
Key: Demigod (2010 Comics-Ascension-Chains of Olympus-GoW1) | God of War (Ghost of Sparta-GoW2-GOW3) | The Power of Hope | Norse Era (God of War (2018)) | Ragnarok (God of War Ragnarok) | Valhalla (God of War Ragnarok : Valhalla)
Name: Kratos (Greek: Κράτος), Fárbauti (Futhark runes: ᚠᚨᚱᛒᚨᚢᛏᛁ, In Jötnar's mural, meaning: Cruel Striker), Cruel Striker, Einherjar (Along with Atreus in Jötnar's mural), known by many titles such as The Ghost of Sparta, Shield-Bearer (ΦΕΡ'ΑΣΠΙ), White Warrior, The God of War, Stríðsguð (ᛊᛏᚱᛁᚦᛊᚷᚢᛞ) (Meaning: God of War), The Servant of Ares, The Champion of Ares, The Slave of the Gods, The Fist of Ares, The Servant of Zeus, The Marked Warrior, Oathbreaker, The Slayer of Gods, Death, The Destroyer of Worlds, Champion of the Gods, Sinker of Atlantis, Slayer of Ares, Killer of Argos, Cursed Mortal, Fallen God, Murderer of Gaia, Murderer of Children, Son of Zeus, Godslayer, Godkiller, Bearded Beefer (By Brok), Bane of Olympus, Destroyer of Fate, Weapon of the Gods, Bringer of War, Pretender God, False God, The Ashen God, God of Hope
Origin: God of War
Gender: Male
Age: 30-38 before murdering his family (Due to governmental and cultural constraints of Ancient Greece, the minimum age of marriage in Sparta was 30, with the age being supported by Kratos having become the youngest Spartan captain in history and having married Lysandra at the same time. Calliope was 8 years old when she was slain alongside her mother by Kratos), 38-48 during his servitude to the gods up until GoW1 (Served the Gods for 10 years after killing the Furies). 48-60 during his tenure as the God of War (Daedalus's final entry on working for the Labyrinth was marked as Day 4603, roughly equivalent to 12.6 years, the Labyrinth being a direct response to Hephaestus's deceit which was revealed when Kratos opened Pandora's Box to kill Ares). Well over 210 years old as of GoW 2018 (Tyr's temple, which had a vase representing Kratos, had been buried underwater for 150 years after his rampage. In "Lore and Legends", Kratos told his son that he's lived for centuries and considers decades a joke)
Classification: Spartan, Spartan General (Formerly), Demigod (Formerly), Godslayer, God of War, God of Hope
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Martial Arts (Pankration and Jiu-Jitsu. See Feats section)
- Enhanced Senses & Extrasensory Perception (Kratos battles by feeling, sound, smell and a sense honed in battle that transcended physical hints.[1] Able to easily fight and judge distances while blinded, relying on his hearing to give him an edge.[2] Shortly after being depowered, rendered mortal and having been stripped of his godly powers, on his journey to the Island of Creation, Kratos Was able to sense the energy flow and lethality of the Spear of Destiny well before realizing what the weapon was and right before it was used against him, twice in a row.[3] Was able to sense Theseus's magical attacks,[4] sensing energy in magical objects,[5] Lahkesis's reddish apparition appearing before him,[6] as well as sense the presence of the Last Spartan in complete darkness[7] and fight against him.[8])
- Analytical Prediction (Can accurately simulate the potential movement of his opponents, using his instincts and senses[9], even without his eyes. Kratos battles by feeling, sound, smell and a sense honed in battle that transcended physical hints[1])
- Information Analysis (Has shown the capability of not only learning the power and properties of artifacts and weapons with a glance, as he did with the Spear of Destiny[3] and the Amulet of the Fate's compatibility[10] with Cronos' magic. Can instinctively sense the deadly nature and power of the Spear of Destiny, knowing it to be the real danger to him.[3] Could find new vulnerabilities with every move of his opponents, accurately surmising the Rider's battle strategy and why he wouldn't use the Spear.[3])
- Divine Magic (Can channel his divine energy into other objects such as weapons, and use them to filter his magical power through them, further to amplify their strength, durability, and effectiveness. His Blades of Chaos also amplify him back- the more enemies he kills, the stronger and faster he becomes[11])
- Non-Physical Interaction (Souls are constructs of magic, composed of their form, the metaphysical nature of a being, their luck, their mind and their direction. Capable of physically killing souls[12] with his bare hands while having stripped himself of all his equipment and powers at the Forsaken Tree and being rendered completely human.[13] Damaging souls can shatter and fragment their memories as a consequence.[14] He can even force souls[15] out of Sirens[16] with his bare hands. Is also able to easily have sex with invisible and intangible Nyrads[17])
- Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, & 7; Able to kill Undead Legionnaires which can survive fatal wounds,[18] as well as being able to kill resurrecting cursed Legionnaires[19] and undead[20] Cursed Remains.[8])
- Master Acrobat (Incredibly-skilled acrobat, being able to scale tall buildings, mountains, being able to jump from beam-to-beam without losing balance, climb various structures even as they collapse around him, swing around tight corners with his blades and even flip around enemies to attack them from behind, even being able to use his acrobatics to deliver devastating blows)
- Weapon Mastery (Every new weapon he obtains, he instantly becomes a master with, already having achieved mastery of them all even before having become the God of War[21])
- Weapon Control & Chain Manipulation (Is capable of controlling the chains that bind him to the Blades of Chaos and extend them to whatever length he wishes, even using the Blades themselves multiple times without having them attached)
- Instinctive Action (Instinctively traced his red tattoo without knowing it.[22] Instinctively shot an arrow at an undead Leigonnaire.[21] Instinctively reacted to a harpy attack[23])
- Social Influencing (He managed to inspire fanatical loyalty in the Spartan Army, even against overwhelming odds and had them conquer Greece in his name well before he became the God of War.[15] Played Lakhesis against her sisters after a single conversation, with Lahkesis being way more infatuated with Kratos than the other Sisters throughout the entire events of the GoW2 novel. Kratos also repeatedly inspires great attraction in various women he has met in his life, even the Furies inciting into them endless sexual lust for him and his body that they chose seducing him to bring him back to Ares.[24] Even Athena herself holds great empathy and feelings for Kratos which are repressed, often to even unreasonable ends.[15][8] He also convinced Freya to cease her bloodlust against him and he talked Thor into going against Odin, who has had control over the former for his whole life[25])
- Reactive Evolution (Went from initially being affected[24] and slowed down[24] by the Amulet of Uroborus to outright nullifying the enchantment on Castor's body with his punches, and overpowering direct contact[24] with the Amulet's energy, which decays objects that it makes contact with[24]. Even as a depowered Demigod, on his journey to the Island of Creation, he was slowly gaining resistance to the powers of the Sisters of Fate because of his willpower, causing the Sisters to detect irregularities within his Thread of Fate, and by the time he had killed the Dark Rider and Alrik, the Sisters had completely lost all control over Kratos' Thread of Fate,[26] as his Thread had become slack and unresponsive to their actions,[27] no longer being able to make him lose)
- Supernatural Willpower (Never gave in to the Furies' torture to break him and return him back to Ares,[28] even with the prospect of being able to sleep peacefully with illusions of his wife Lysandra, he was eventually able to triumph over them and break his oath to the War God.[24] Even after being stripped of his godly powers, rendered mortal and then mortally crippled by the dying Colossus of Rhodes's hand[8] to the point of receiving massive internal damage,[29] he was still able to get up and limp towards the Blade of Olympus in a desperate attempt to regain his powers back.[8] Is also able to easily shrug off wounds that would normally kill lesser mortals.[30] He was also able to unwittingly but continuously resist the power of the Sisters of Fate with his willpower[8][31])
- Rage Power (Capable of increasing his own strength with anger)
- Purification (All Types; Entering Rage Mode purifies him of all elements and poisons, curses and status effects. He can repeatedly shrug off the Sirens and the effects of their voices on his mind and soul, as well as overcome the Furies' powers clouding his mind and soul[28] with enough focus.[24] He can also negate the stun effects from the Priests of Fate[8] and the Siren's Shriek,[8] purge himself of Chimaera poison, and negate petrification from Gorgons[8][32])
- Life Absorption, Magic Absorption, Energy Absorption & Power Absorption (Can drain the life force and magic energies and abilities of opponents on contact with them with just his bare hands without needing his Blades of Chaos to do so, as seen when he killed the Persian King with his bare hands and absorbed the Ifreet, and then again when he absorbed his previous powers back by physically killing souls[12] with his bare hands while having stripped himself of all his equipment and powers at the Forsaken Tree and being rendered completely human,[13] as well as when he absorbed experience by barehandedly killing Undead Legionnaires[33] and magic from Gorgons.[34] The Arms of Hades can also absorb both life-force and magical energy of the victims that it drags down to the Underworld,[24] with the Souls of Hades being able to do the same as well[35])
- Aura (With the Rage of the Gods, Kratos is enveloped in a Spartan armor with an electric aura)
- Dimensional Storage (Houses[36] all the equipment and magic he's acquired throughout his journey)
- Fire Manipulation & Holy Manipulation (Standard ability of the Blades of Chaos, which were forged in the foulest depths of Hades,[15] imbued with the Primordial flames[25] of both Tartarus[24] and Chaos.[37] The Primordial Fire birthed all other fires in the Greek World and serving as the power source of Helios,[13] as well as life-giving light[13] that keeps Morpheus, the Primordial God of Dreams, at bay from consuming the Mortal World in darkness[13])
- Accelerated Development (Possesses the Rage of Ares,[15] stemming from both the Blades of Chaos and the Fire of Ares, whose magic allows its fighters to regain life and increase their strength and combat capabilities in encounters over every advance they make[38])
- Soul Manipulation, Absorption, Non-Physical Interaction, Mind Manipulation & Memory Manipulation, Probability Manipulation & Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Souls are constructs of magic, composed of their form, the metaphysical nature of a being, their luck, their mind and their direction. With Poseidon's Rage, which itself consists of Poseidon's Power, which destroys[39] both the soul and the body of whoever stands in the path of its electric beam, with Poseidon's Rage being able to even completely destroy[21] incorporeal Wraiths.[40] Kratos is also capable of harming wraith spirits,[24] with wraiths being[21] incorporeal[40], the Blade of Artemis can also interact with and kill Wraiths.[18] With the Soul of Hades, he can summon[24] the Arms of Hades which can transform the living[32] into fragilized souls of the damned,[41] and he can manipulate souls in general with both the Soul of Hades' Tartarus Energy[24] and the Army of Hades[15])
- Transmutation, Deconstruction & Power Nullification with the Soul of Hades (He can summon[24] the Arms of Hades, which can transform the living[32] into mindless Underworld soldiers, as well as strip people off their magic and nullify magic abilities of weapons using the Magic of Hades. The Arms of Hades can also dissolve solid objects on contact[42])
- Limited Healing (With Orkos's Cloak)
- Energy Manipulation & Projection (With Charon's Wrath and Light of Dawn)
- Attack Reflection (The Sun Shield can reflect attacks and projectiles)
- Holy Light Projection (With the Light of Dawn)
- Petrification (With Medusa's Gaze)
- Limited Teleportation (The clones from the Oath Stone of Orkos can teleport to the enemy)
- Summoning & Homing Attack (With the Soul of Hades, which can summon the souls of the Underworld to vaporize enemies,[24] and can summon the rotting Arms of Hades via Plume of Hades or Hades Torment, with the latter being also able to drag its victims down into the Underworld.[24] Can also summon an army of vicious souls with the Army of Hades)
- Portal Creation (The Soul of Hades allows him to create portals to strike foes at a distance)
- Forcefield Creation (With Amulet of Uroboros, which can generate a forcefield to protect its user[24])
- BFR (The Souls of Hades can also summon the Arms of Hades via Hades Torment, which drag down its victims back to the Underworld.[24] Hades can do the same with his arms, as he did against Kratos' men- Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5[43])
- Explosion Manipulation (Can plant explosive cores inside his foes with The Rage of Ares)
- Ice Manipulation (With the Ice of Poseidon)
- Duplication (With the Oath Stone of Orkos)
- Energy Manipulation & Projection (With the Soul of Hades, he is able to blast Hadean Soul Energy at enemies using Tormenting Sorrow, and can also summon said energy straight from the Underworld with Underworld Agony)
- Underwater Breathing (Type 2; With Poseidon's power.[24] Type 3; With Triton's Lance,[13] and Poseidon's Trident[15])
- Animal Manipulation (Wields the Head of Danaus,[44] which can summon animals to do the wielder's bidding[43])
- Electricity Manipulation & Paralysis Inducement (With Lightning of Zeus, Zeus' Fury and Poseidon's Rage)
- Power Nullification (With Lightning of Zeus and Zeus' Fury. A tiny fraction Zeus's powers by default nullify[38] powers and magical abilities[28])
- Time Manipulation, Time Stop, Age Manipulation, Telekinesis, Retrocognition, Precognition & Clairvoyance (Can slow down, freeze and rewind time, as well as de-age or age both enemies or objects considerably with the Amulet of Uroborus. Is able to shape time itself. Can also use the Amulet of Uroboros to levitate enemies[24] in the air which lowers their defenses.[28] The Amulet of Uroboros is superior in potency to the Gems of Uroboros, which has the same Life Cycle powers as the Amulet itself at a weaker scale,[28] and can foresee both the past and the future, and reveal enemy weaknesses.[45] The Amulet of Uroboros can restore objects back to their previous state and undo the causes of their destruction as if it never happened to begin with, or even freeze them during the cause-undoing phase[24])
- Fire Manipulation (Is unfazed by the burning fire of Hades from a monster out for his head[46])
- Soul Manipulation, Life-Force Absorption, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Probability Manipulation & Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; His body and soul could withstand being grabbed and dragged away by the Arms of Hades[8] without being transmuted into a lost soul or monster[32]. Said Arms can also steal lifeforce with every hit[24])
- Time Manipulation, Time Stop, Age Manipulation, Telekinesis, Retrocognition, Precognition & Clairvoyance (Could overpower direct contact[24] with the Amulet's energy, which decays objects that it makes contact with.[24] The Amulet of Uroborus is able to shape time itself, levitate enemies in the air[24] which lowers their defenses[28], and is superior in potency to the Gems of Uroboros, which has the same Life Cycle powers as the Amulet itself[28] at a weaker scale, and can foresee both the past and the future, and reveal enemy weaknesses.[45] The Amulet of Uroboros can also restore objects back to their previous state and undo the causes of their destruction as if it never happened to begin with, or even freeze them during the cause-undoing phase.[24] Able to resist the effects of the Mist of Delphi, which decays everything in its path after activation)
- Precognition (Repeatedly resisted the precognitive powers of the Sisters of Fate[8][31])
- Petrification (Can break out of Gorgon petrification.[24] In response to a question, WoG confirms that Kratos is turned completely into stone and not just covered by a layer of it outside[47])
- Electricity Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement & Status Effect Inducement (Is also able to resist lightning attacks from Automatons empowered by the Lightning of Zeus,[24] as well as resist his own Zeus' Fury thrown at him by his clones made by Ares[15])
- Biological Manipulation (Can easily resist the bugs of Megaera, which can transform its victims into mindless arachnoid monsters on contact alone[24])
- Illusion Creation & Perception Manipulation (Can resist the illusions of the Furies,[24] which is stated to warp the victim's senses[24] and even distort the area around them,[24] with proper focus on his mind[24] or with the Eyes of Truth[24])
- Death Manipulation (Survived having sex with Aphrodite's twin daughters Zora and Lora, whereas everyone else died doing the deed, with Kratos being completely unaware of the situation until after he had done the deed and they had told him of what happened to the other previous attemptees.[48] Resisted the effects of the River Styx,[13] which can kill any being who drinks from it[49])
- Power of the Fates (The Sisters of Fate, who determine the destinies of the Gods and Titans, forge brand new life,[50] manipulate the outcome of events and wars, and decree when exactly a person will die,[51] initially notcing irregularities with the circumstances of Kratos' fate,[51] were ultimately unable to use their powers to actually force Kratos to lose, as seen when he overpowered and killed the the Dark Rider, Alrik[26] and Perseus against their decreed fate for Kratos, the latter action causing Kratos' Thread of Fate to become slack and unresponsive to all the Sisters' actions[27])
All Innate Demigod powers and abilities to a much greater extent, including:
- Immortality (Types 1, 2 & 3)
- Regeneration (At least Low-Mid; Regenerated completely from brutally stabbing himself to death with the Blade of Olympus.[32] Stated that if he were not cursed with immortal life, he would have ended his life by plunging his Blades of Chaos into his heart.[52] Would later regenerate from being impaled through the abdomen by Baldur and being stabbed through the chest by Freya, and then again survived being stabbed through the abdomen by Odin with Gungnir, which moments before had killed Thor)
- Acausality (Types 1 & 4; The rules of time and space operate differently for the Gods.[53] Unaffected by changing the entire loop of events of God of War II required for God of War III to exist,[54] which he did by killing the Sisters of Fate first, then travelling back in time to shove aside Zeus, undoing his own death and saving both Sparta and the Last Spartan, thereby robbing himself of not only a target to kill, but also the need to be brought back to life, or to obtain the powers of the Titans, yet Kratos retained said power-ups and used them against Zeus in their second battle[55])
- Enhanced Accelerated Development (Other; As the God of War, he can become stronger, faster and more combat-capable "with every passing moment"[56])
- Enhanced Reactive Evolution (Even stronger than before. Could withstand lightning[8] from Zeus at the Summit of Sacrifice without issue, when previously a mere touch stripped him of most of his powers[8] in Rhodes. Overpowered the Sisters of Fate cutting off his Thread of Fate without even noticing or feeling its effects which should have crippled and killed him instantly, instead he developed his own will to resist the Sisters' control over his fate and rendered his Thread uninteractible to the Sisters,[57] enabling him to finally kill the Sisters once and for all)
- Self-Sustenance (All Types; As a God of War and like most other Gods and Titans, Kratos has no need to eat, drink or sleep,[3] he has also stated to Mimir that Gods do not nap. Was also able to breathe in the outer space of Ares' dimension)
- Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception & Illusion Negation (Scaling to Ares and other Olympian Gods. Should scale to his Demigod and Norse selves)
- Enhanced Supernatural Willpower (Even stronger than before. Developed a will of his own that allowed him resist the Sisters' control over his fate, even to the point where the Sisters attempting to cut off his Thread of Fate, which should have crippled and killed him on the spot, was completely useless against him now as his willpower had rendered his Thread completely uninteractible to the Sisters[57])
- Rage Power & Statistics Amplification (After witnessing Deimos's death, Kratos went completely berserk, granted himself infinitely-lasting magic and killed Thanatos.[20] His Rage was further enhanced by Prometheus' ashes and Gaia's powers, earning him the Rage of the Titans)
- Aura (Rage of the Titans envelops him in an orange-red fiery aura.[8] Rage of Sparta envelops him in a bluish fiery aura[32])
- Space-Time Manipulation & Enhanced Non-Physical Interaction (Scales to his Norse self, who can easily interact with and seal Realm Tears with just his raw strength alone[58])
- Summoning, Weapon Creation & Danmaku (Can materialize various weapons out of thin air, can also summon a massive number of spears as an aerial attack with the Arms of Sparta with Ares Barrage. With the Blades of Exile, he can summon the Army of Sparta, which summons the spirits of his exiled Spartan Brothers to form a protective phalanx for him)
- Power and Technique Mimicry (Was capable of replicating a technique Zeus used after seeing it once, as seen when Kratos immediately mastered the Blade of Olympus's Divine Retribution ability. As he became the God of War, much like Ares, he can also send foes into a pocket dimension where they fight clones of themselves that can replicate their powers)
- Energy Manipulation & Projection (After Zeus stole Kratos's powers[56] and life-force and imbued it to the Colossus of Rhodes,[29] it was able to manipulate energy traps and shoot powerful blasts of blue energy[8])
- Enhanced Weapon Control & Chain Manipulation (Has greater degree of control with his weapons, and can even manipulate and actively control them and their trajectories and movements, like with the Claws of Hades and the Nemesis Whip)
- Greek Godhood (Succeeded Ares as the New God of War, thus becoming the new embodiment of War itself. All Gods of War have complete control over all forms of war, battle and conflict across all of time.[53] After killing Thanatos, the primordial concept of death, he's been labeled as Death, the Destroyer of Worlds, by Zeus himself.[20] Also contained Hope within him, using a sliver of its powers to kill Ares, but it lay dormant and locked within him by his guilt and failures up until the very end of his vengeance, when he finally unlocked it to kill Zeus[32])
- Precognition, Clairvoyance & Cosmic Awareness (As the God of War, upon sitting on his throne, he saw many visions of future battles and wars, across all of space and time from Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon to the storming of Normandy Beach and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II,[53] even going as far as Operation Desert Storm.[15] Saw many visions of his mother calling and crying out to him for help[20])
- Pocket Reality Manipulation, Duplication, Absorption, Power Nullification & Power Mimicry (As the God of War, much like Ares, he too can create a pocket dimension to banish his foes there to torment them by making them fight their own clones, or nullify and strip them of their powers and magic to use for himself)
- Enhanced Absorption & Explosion Manipulation (As the God of War, his absorption powers have further increased, as well as his capability to filter his own godly power through his weapons to further enhance their strength and effects, which he used to further enhance his Blades' explosive fiery powers by absorbing Thera's power to obtain Thera's Bane.[20] His Golden Fleece can also drain magical energy[59])
- BFR, Pseudo Black Hole Creation (Can create Pseudo Black Holes/Voids much like Ares[60])
- Flight (Via scaling to Ares, and then eventually with Icarus Wings)
- Healing, Void Manipulation, Life-Force Absorption & Homing Attack (With Scourge of Erinys, which can create Voids[20])
- Statistics Reduction (His Golden Fleece can also weaken items and rob them of their strength[59])
- Soul Manipulation, Soul Summoning & Absorption, Portal Creation, Necromancy, Statistics Amplification, Empowerment, Energy Manipulation, Projection and Shockwave Creation (With Alrik's Barbarian Hammer, he can summon[61] a legion of souls to attack his foes,[62] create portals[61] and create energy-based shockwaves.[61] The Barbarian Hammer can also absorb souls to increase its wielder's powers and overall size,[61] and he can also wield Alrik's Barbarian Hammer to further amplify his physical strength and durability in normal combat[38])
- Statistics Amplification (Can also further amplify his physical strength and durability with the Rage of the Titans,[61] Cronos' Rage[63] and Atlas Quake[64])
- Energy Absorption, Statistics Reduction & Magic Nullification (Cronos' Rage can easily drain magic and reduce the strength of objects[59])
- All the powers of the Spear of Destiny
- Soul Manipulation & Soul Absorption, Deconstruction, Non-Physical Interaction, Mind Manipulation & Memory Manipulation, Probability Manipulation & Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Souls are constructs of magic, composed of their form, the metaphysical nature of a being, their luck, their mind and their direction. With the Eye of Atlantis[20] and Poseidon's Rage, both of which conform Poseidon's power, which destroys[39] both the soul and the body of whoever stands in the path of its electric beam, with Poseidon's Rage being able to even destroy[21] incorporeal Wraiths.[40] With the Claws of Hades, he easily tore out Hades's soul and absorbed it for himself, and can also summon souls to attack his enemies.[32][65][66][32] Damaging souls can shatter and fragment their memories as a consequence[14])
- Explosion Manipulation & Self-Destruction (Can use the Olympus Fiends Soul Summon, which are capable of self-destructing[32] and emitting explosive energy[67])
- Madness Manipulation (Types 1 & 2), Sound Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Explosion Manipulation & Empathic Manipulation (Can summon the soul of a Siren, which can drive one mad with its voice,[16] instantly kill people by causing their heads to explode[68]) and can also emotionally manipulate their victims, their sound pitches are so precise that they can easily light people on fire or even cause their heads to explode[68])
- Breath Attack & Poison Manipulation (With the Chimera Soul Summon, of which the snake tail can spit out pools of poison.[24] The Chimera Soul Summon also has a Fire Breath Attack[69])
- Forcefield Creation, Portal Creation & Energy Projection (With the Cerberus Soul Summon, where one of the Cerberus creatures with Hades' power can create barriers, use portals and cast attacks by spitting purple Hadean energy[24])
- Shockwave Generation & Status Effect Inducement (With the Nemean Cestus, which can generate powerful shockwaves and can easily stun enemies[32])
- Energy Projection, BFR & Weather Manipulation, Absorption, Power Absorption, Life-Force Absorption, Power Nullification which also includes Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2 & 3) & Regeneration Negation (Low-Mid; Wields the Blade of Olympus, which is able to shoot powerful blasts of energy,[8] absorb godly powers and life-force, warp the weather around the user, and was used to banish all the Titans to the darkest pits of Tartarus[8] with Divine Reckoning,[32][70] as well as nullify the powers of a god and even render them mortal[55])
- Energy Projection & Attack Reflection (The Golden Fleece can reflect back attacks back at their user, and can also reflect Gorgon's gaze back at them and petrify Gorgons. The Golden Fleece can also reflect back Euryale's gaze right back at her[8])
- Ice Manipulation & Air Manipulation (With Horn of Boreas)
- Wind Manipulation, Homing Attack & Danmaku (With Typhon's Bane, whose arrows can shatter into millions of lethal projectiles aimed at weakspots,[3] and can even home onto enemy targets[8])
- Time Manipulation, Time Slow, Time Stop, Time Travel & Teleportation (Traveled thousands of years back to the Great War and subsequently teleported himself and all Titans to the future. Can also slow down and even stop time with the Amulet of the Fates,[61] which he can also use with Cronos' Rage[10])
- Light Projection, Holy Manipulation Extrasensory Perception, Invisibility Negation, Illusion Negation, Intangibility Negation & Status Effect Inducement (With the Head of Helios, whose light keeps out the darkness of Morpheus and Nyx, and can easily stun other enemies,[71] nullify the intangibility of Sirens, nullify illusions, uncover secret pathways, hidden treasures and translate garbled-up murals in Pandora's Chamber[32])
All previous resistances of his Demigod self at far greater levels, plus those of his Norse Era and Ragnarok selves, plus:
- Divine Magic (Gods resist the innate properties of their own magics)
- Ice Manipulation (Can break out of the frozen breath by the Harpies)
- Void Manipulation (Resists Erinys' powers.[20] His Norse self is able to easily interact with and resist the effects of Realm Tears, which[72] are holes in the fabric[73] of reality[58] that threaten the existence of individual realms,[74] and can easily seal them off with just his raw strength alone,[58] said holes also being noted by Mimir to be voids.[25] His Norse self is also able to resist bites and claw swipes from Garm, who can make Realm Tears with his raw strength and can chew through the fabric of the realms, even surviving being chewed on by the latter[75])
- Soul Manipulation & Absorption, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Statistics Reduction, Probability Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1) & Deconstruction (Souls are constructs of magic, composed of their form, the metaphysical nature of a being, their luck, their mind and their direction. Unaffected by Poseidon's powers, which can destroy both the body and soul,[76] with Poseidon's Rage being able to completely destroy incorporeal Wraiths.[21] Is also able to withstand energy blasts from the Blade of Olympus. His Norse self was able to easily withstand a long period inside the Light of Alfheim[77] and came out without being driven insane or being completely incinerated and becoming one with the Light,[78] with the Light of Alfheim being also a Primordial Force that has existed before Odin and the Realms,[78] keeping the Realms separate with its light[79] and also transcending them altogether,[80] with the Light of Alfheim also being able to weaken foes[81] and deal significant stun damage.[82] Kratos is strong enough to pull his soul back into his own body if one attempts to steal it, doing so multiple times in his battle with Hades[32]. Damaging souls can shatter and fragment their memories as a consequence[14])
- Electricity Manipulation & Paralysis Inducement (Able to resist electrical attacks from Poseidon and direct lightning bolts from Zeus with little issue. His Norse self can also easily overpower Thor's lightning attacks with strength alone)
- Power Nullification & Resistance Negation (Resisted and parried Zeus' blows and lightning bolts many times, even when the latter wielded the Blade of Olympus against him)
- Precognition & Clairvoyance (Even stronger than before, having finally overpowered the Sisters of Fate's precognitive abilities and killed them.[8] Kratos was unpredictable to beings like Zeus,[8] who was capable of predicting his death prior to gaining The Power of Hope. The Judges of Hades were also unable to judge Kratos through his heart,[32] and they're stated to be able to do just that[32])
- Corruption (Type 1; Is unfazed by the Trial Gates, which can corrupt anyone who touches it into being a monster,[32] Type 2; Is also able to resist Hades' dark mist, which corrupts everything in its path,[83] with his Norse self also being able to resist Seidr Energy)
- Cosmic Radiations (Unaffected by being in Ares' dimension, which had a massive swirling galaxy in it and countless stars littering the background. Also viewed the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and their resulting mushroom clouds, instinctively realizing that it would be unable to harm him in any way[53])
- Curse Manipulation & Life Manipulation (Wields Hades' Helmet, which is able to grant his champion resistance to these abilities)
All previous powers and abilities massively enhanced (Is immeasurably stronger in all facets. The Great Evils and Hope imbue themselves within a being down to their very soul,[84] affecting[85] all of their mind, soul[86] and very powers as gods[87]) plus:
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Is capable of using Hope as a weapon against Fear Zeus[32] and banished Fear itself,[32] Hope is considered the most powerful weapon in the God of War verse, surpassing the Great Evils, which in turn surpass even the Primordials)
- Abstract Existence (Type 2; Gained Hope itself,[32] and is unable to die as long as Hope exists)
- Advanced Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm Fear Zeus with Hope. Terrified Athena and was capable of striking her down, the latter of whom had ascended to a higher plane of existence[32][88] that granted her power and a level of existence beyond everyone else)
- Conceptual Invulnerability (Type 1; After Kratos unlocked Hope, he became unaffected by the energies and the effects of Fear Zeus, who is the very concept of Fear itself.[32] Athena confirms verbally that what Kratos wields could never be destroyed by Fear Zeus[32])
- Immortality (Types 4 & 8; Can no longer die so long as Hope exists. After Fear Zeus killed him, it was the unlocking of Hope within him that brought Kratos back to life[32])
- Resurrection (As long as Hope exists, Kratos will continue to keep coming back to life, as after Fear Zeus killed him by snapping his neck, Kratos was forced back into his mind, where he then finally unlocked the Power of Hope and came back to life)
- Immortality Negation (Types 4 & 8; Massively upscales from his Demigod self, and is capable of bypassing Fear Zeus' immortality. Kratos was also able to remove Hope out of himself, by stabbing himself with the Blade of Olympus channeling the power through it, to give Hope to mankind)
All previous resistances to a far higher level, including;
- Possibly Sealing (Completely rendered Ascended Athena helpless and unable to take Hope from him by force, despite the latter being capable of forcibly summoning and sealing Hope beforehand[89])
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Fear Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Possession & Statistics Reduction (Type 1; After Kratos unlocked Hope, he became unaffected by the energies and the effects of Fear Zeus, who is the very concept of Fear itself[32])
- Power Nullification & Absorption (Even after Kratos killed himself with the Blade of Olympus and released Hope to the world, he was still brought back to life by Hope. Also able to resist Fear Zeus's abilities)
All of his Innate God abilities and powers, including:
- Extrasensory Perception (Is also able to sense lingering magic in the bones of the dead[90])
- Information Analysis (Discerned Freya's capacity with Old Magic and her ability to resurrect specifically[91], despite having no knowledge of it beyond the broadest strokes, with Freya herself due to years of inactivity, being unsure if she could do it again,[92] as well as when he discerned Revenants could slip between sheets of reality after mere observation[93])
- Self-Sustenance (Types 2 & 3; Unsuccessfully tried to kill himself through starvation sometime after the destruction of Olympus, while also walking without rest or sleep for months at an end, at one point eating only to satiate his appetite.[52] Stated to Mimir that Gods do not nap[25])
- Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant (In the art of Pankration and Jiu-Jitsu, plus having retained the knowledge and experience of every war in history during his tenure as the God of War)
- Shockwave Generation (Showcased by him at various points[58])
- Weapon Mastery, Weapon Control & Chain Manipulation (Scaling to his Demigod and God of War selves. Can telekinetically control the Leviathan Axe, as well as the chains of his Blades of Chaos, being able to use the Blades without having the chains attached to them, or being able to extend his chains to whatever length he desires)
- Enhanced Non-Physical Interaction (Space-Time & Void; Able to interact with Realm Tears, which[72] are holes in the fabric[73] of reality[58] that threaten the existence of individual realms,[74] and can easily seal them off with just raw strength alone[58], said holes also being noted by Mimir to be voids[25])
- Accelerated Development (Battle; Physical Statistics. Went from losing in his first fight against Baldur[94] due to having lost most of his strength from his God of War days and having become less muscular than before to the point where he was a shell of his former self,[95] to eventually ending up regaining his old strength within mere seconds and completely turning the tide in the fight, effortlessly ragdolling and defeating Baldur.[94] The entire journey revolves around Kratos slowly regaining his old strength from his old days as the God of War in order to protect and better prepare his son Atreus to face the harsh Norse Worlds,[96] as confirmed by[97] numerous[98] other[99] statements.[100] In his final battle with Thor, each clash of their last weapons pushes Thor further and further, despite them being even initially. [25] When battling Tyr, the both of them were growing stronger with every encounter[101])
- Intangibility (Phased through a mountain wall to train his Rage. His son Atreus most likely inherited this, since he stated to Skjoldr that he couldn't walk through walls just yet,[102] implying he could with enough training)
- Dimensional Storage (Can magically store and equip his armour, items and weapons at any time[25])
- Resurrection (With Resurrection Stones)
- Dimensional Travel (With the Unity Stone, which allowed travel to other realms and pantheons outside of the Norse Pantheon[58])
- Ice Manipulation (With the Leviathan Axe, Ymir's Breath, which has a low chance of generating a frost explosion on each axe hit, the Charm of Infinite Storms, which summons a storm of ice around him that freezes his foes, and various enchantments[103])
- Fire Manipulation & Aura (With the Blades of Chaos, Sinmara's Cinder, which creates an inferno around him that burns all nearby enemies, Grips of the Forgotten Flames, which has a moderate chance of granting an aura of fire that strengthens and heals Kratos on each hit, Spartan Rage, and various enchantments[25])
- Electricity Manipulation (Via Grip of Tanngiost, which has a low chance of generating an explosion of electricity that shocks nearby opponents on every axe hit[103])
- Explosion Manipulation (Via Retribution, which has a low chance of generating a very powerful explosion on any axe hit, Explosive Grips of Fire, which have a low chance of generating a fiery explosion that burns nearby enemies on each hit, Grips of the Cursed Flame, which has a low chance of allowing one to plant a delayed fire bomb on every hit, and the Valkyrie's Might[103] and Blightguard, which has a low chance of causing an explosive curse of weakness to nearby enemies on successful hits[103])
- Energy Projection (Via Forbidden Grip of the Ages, which adds a concussive wave of magical energy at the end of every third axe swing, and Sutr's Grip of Flame, which allows for one to fire waves of energy on every attack[103])
- Statistics Amplification (Via Versatile Warrior's Handle, which increases strength, defense, and luck, Light War Handle, which has a high chance of granting strength on every enemy launched into the air, Tyr's Lost Unity Armour, which has a low chance of increasing Kratos's strength and defenses every time he takes damage, Zeus' Armour, which massively increases damage at the cost of defenses, and Wing of the Fallen, Grips of the Valkyrie, which has a low chance of granting the Power of the Valkyrie on every kill, and various enchantments[103])
- Passive Healing (Via Ivaldi's Amour of Cursed Mist, which constantly regenerates life-force for the wearer, Hraezla Farmadr's Grip, which has a low chance of granting a health burst to return to Kratos each hit, Talisman of Concentrated Vitality, Hvergelmir's Stone, Deadly Grips of Vitality, Mistbourne, which has a low chance of generating Healing Mist on each hit, and various enchantments[103])
- Passive Curse Manipulation & Statistics Reduction (Via Ivaldi's Corrupted Mind enchantment, which creates an aura that passively weakens enemies around him via cursed mist. Actively via Blightbringer and Blightguard, which give the Axe and Blades a low chance of causing an explosive curse that weakens enemies, and Talisman of Cursed Power, which unleashes a wave of cursed mist that weakens all opponents[103])
- Passive Empathic Manipulation (Via Deadly Grip of Fury and Brok's Royal Dwarven Armour, which grants Kratos more rage on every kill and Talisman of Eternal Fury, which passively increases the amount of rage he builds up as well as its duration[103])
- Damage Transferal (Via Fallen Ash Armour, which has a moderate chance of inflicting burn damage on nearby opponents every time damage is taken by the wearer[103])
- Forcefield Creation (Via Light Grip of Protection, which has a high chance of generating a protective barrier when an opponent is launched into the air, Sindri's Royal Dwarven Armour, which has a moderate chance of generating a barrier upon use of runic attacks, and Blazing Magma Armour, which has a moderate chance of creating a fiery shield that inflicts burns on nearby opponents when damage is taken[103])
- Space-Time Manipulation (Via Glowing Gem of the Nine, which has a very low chance of causing a Realm Shifts on each hit, Njord's Temporal Stone, which has a very low chance of causing a Realm Shift every time he takes damage, Amulet of Kvasir, which activates Realm Shifts during last-second evasions, and Talisman of the Realms, which activates a Realm Shift at will[103])
- Time Slow (Via Talisman of Betrayal, which slows down time while aiming[103])
- Status Effect Inducement (Via Horn of Heimdall, which creates a powerful attack that stuns nearby enemies[103])
- Damage Reduction (Via Aegir's Protection, which creates a small defensive zone around him in which damage taken is reduced, and various enchantments[103])
All previous resistances (Scales from his younger self, who is capable of resisting these abilities innately with no equipment or outside help, excluding resistances gained by using the Power of Hope) plus those of his Ragnarok self, including:
- Telepathy (Atreus stated that trying to read Kratos's mind was like "banging on a Traveller Champion's shield"[104])
- Madness Manipulation (All Types; Scaling to his younger self. Unaffected by Göndul, who regularly drove people insane[58] with her mere beauty.[105] Easily survived being inside the Light of Alfheim[58] and came out without being driven insane or being completely incinerated and being made one with the Light[78])
- Possession (With the Dream Charm, which allows him to fend off possession from Nightmares)
- Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation & Poison Manipulation (Via Ancients Armor, which grants resistance to fire, ice, and poison damage, and various enchantments[103])
- Curse Manipulation & Statistics Reduction (Via Ivaldi's Armour of Deadly Mist and the Grip of the Maze, which passively grants resistance to the Cursed Mist of Niflheim.[103] Is also able to resist the Light of Alfheim, which can also weaken foes[81] and deal significant stun damage[82])
- Existence Erasure (With the Unity Stone, which grants protection against the Void in the Realm Between the Realms if one were to stray from the Path, due to it being forged of some Primordial Jotnar Creative Essence, the building material of the Nine Realms[58])
- Space-Time Manipulation (Able to withstand attacks from Níðhögg, who can create Realm Tears with just her claws with brute strength,[106] as well as attacks from Garm,[75] who can not only tear holes between the Realms, but also chew through their fabric.[107] Also easily resisted and broke free from the effects of Realm Shift, and also viewed Heimdall in slow-motion within said Realm Shift while being slowed down himself.[108] Realm Shift can manipulate both space and time, as well as shift entire individual realms[25])
All of his Innate Norse Era abilities and powers, including:
- Immortality Negation (Type 7. Can permanently kill[25] Valkyries in combat)
- Attack Nullification, Purification (All Types), Healing & Damage Boost (Scaling from his Demigod self. Has mastered his Rage to a further degree after 3 years of training and manifested Valor, which cures of all elements, curses, and status effects while amplifying his base statistics and healing him as well as nullifying and absorbing attacks to heal himself with their energy[25])
- Reactive Evolution (Had gone from being entirely unable to land a hit on Heimdall[25], to being able to overcome his precognitive abilities[25], such that even before Kratos landing a solid hit, Heimdall could not sense when Kratos would detonate the Draupnir Spear.[25] Could siphon Thor's powers with Draupnir[25] in the latter section of their battle when just earlier on, Thor could entirely resist the Siphon and its abilities[25])
- Transmutation (Can turn the evil souls of Berserkers into Blades for his Hilts[25])
- The Amulet of Yggdrasil, which can grant the following;
- Damage Reduction (Via Kinetic Resilience, which reduces the elemental charge lost on being damaged and improves its rate of accumulation, Seal of the Falling Star, which improves the damage of aerial attacks, and the Emblem of the Nine Realms, which improves damage during a Realm Shift[109])
- Statistics Amplification (Via Emblem of Elusion, which allows for a burst of speed when evading attacks, Momentous Stride, which charges the weapons upon evasion, Attuned Runic Gem, which channels the power of a charged weapon into runic might, Memento of the Ailing, which charges weapons when attacking a status-afflicted enemy, Stunning Fang, which increases power with every hit to a stunned foe, and Reckless Fury, which increases the power and duration of Spartan Fury[109])
- Status Effect Inducement & Forcefield Creation (Via Fossilized Keepsake, which generates a barrier that will absorb a single attack and generate a concussive shockwave that stuns enemies, Fossil of Doom, and Wrath of Affliction, which consumes all nearby status effects in an explosion when Wrath is activated[109])
- Damage Boost, Life-Force, Soul Absorption, Mind Manipulation & Memory Manipulation, Probability Manipulation & Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Via Valorous Bloodthirst, which gives him a damage boost and steals the life force and soul of its victim for a short duration[25])
- Purification (Type 3; Via Token of Elemental Evasion, which increases the rate of Status Effect removal with every dodge[109])
- Healing (Via Eir's Armament, which allows Kratos to harness the life force of those killed by Runic magic to heal himself, Regenerating Essence and Greater Regenerating Essence, which allows for constant regeneration of Kratos' life-force), and Stone Idol of Souls, which restores health when striking enemies after consuming a Healthstone[109])
- Limited Invulnerability (Via the Crest of Desperate Heroics, which generates a temporary invincible barrier and improves Kratos' life-force and power when he's close to death[109])
- Bifrost Magic (Via the Seal of Runic Storm, which generates a storm of Bifrost energy around Kratos after the use of multiple different runic attacks[109])
- Statistics Amplification (Via the Dragon Scaled Breastplate, which increases strength and defense with each block or parry, the Fate Breaker Shoulder Guard, which boosts all of Kratos' attributes after shifting out of Rage, the Grip of Weighted Recovery, which energizes the user for coming battles, the Grip of Radiant Reflection, which builds up energy the more the Leviathan Axe is thrown, the Pommels of Agile Deceit, the Hardened War Handles, the Hind of Volatile Might, which improves the power of element infused Spears at the cost of duration, the Hind of Attuned Elements, the Spritual Shoulder Straps, the Pommels of Brutal Might, the Spaulders of Enlightenment, the Cursed Empress Handles, which grant a low of chance of strength and runic magic increase on any Blade hit, and the Mighty Olympic Sauroter, which has a moderate chance of increasing strength with every detonated Draupnir spear[110])
- Damage Reduction (Via the Plackart of Fallen Stars, which vastly reduces damage taken while using runic attacks or relics, and Sol's Spaulders of Courage, which use rage to absorb incoming lethal damage, and Sutr's Scorched Arm[110])
- Damage Boost (Via Mani's Pauldron of Wisdom, which increases elemental damage, the Berserker Cuirass, which massively increases melee damage after Relic use, the Banahogg Knob, which increases bare-handed damage with each precise throw of the Leviathan Axe, the Hunter's Pauldron, which boosts ranged damage, Sutr's Scorched Cuirass, which grants bonus damage when hitting enemies during their attacks, Lunda's Lost Bracers, which do more damage against poisoned enemies, and the Pommels of True Flame, which increase the magical attack damage of the Blades of Chaos when Immolation is fully built up[110])
- Attack Negation & Redirection (With the Shatter Star Shield, which can nullify area-of-effect attacks[25])
- Shockwave Inducement & Status Effect Inducement (With Motsognir's Call)
- Electricity Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement & Status Effect Inducement (With Pommels and the Hilt of Ridill[25])
- Bifrost Magic (With Mimir's Crystal Eyes and Glaive of Dodher's Bifrost Chakrams[25])
- Seidr Magic & Regeneration Negation (With the Hilt of Dainsleif, which wields Seidr magic and is stated to inflict wounds that never heal)
- Sound Manipulation & Light Manipulation (Via Hilt of Angrvadall)
- Poison Manipulation & Statistics Reduction (Via Lunda's Lost Cuirass, which deals poison to enemies and lowers their power levels[110])
- Sealing (Used a device to seal the Lindwyrms as per Ratatoskr's instructions[111])
- Forcefield Creation (Via the Shoulder Guard of Undying Pyres, which creates a shield that can absorb exactly one hit while the elemental charges have built up[110])
- Social Influencing & Supernatural Luck (Via Giptumadr's Breastplaye, which makes whoever wears it instantly more likable and lucky, the Gauntlets of Guiding Light, which can create a critical hit that does a damaging explosion, and the Breastplate of Guiding Light[110])
- Petrification Negation (With the Mystical Heirloom, which nullifies the petrification effect on creatures and people)
- Absorption, Elemental Manipulation, & Resistance Negation (With Draupnir's Siphon, which can absorb an opponent’s innate energy or element, and grant its wielder enhanced resistance to said power.[25] When said energy or element is absorbed from an enemy, it also removes their resistance to it, as shown by how Helwakers can become frozen by their frost after being Siphoned when they are initially immune to frost from even[58] the Leviathan Axe)
- Air Manipulation (The Draupnir is primarily a Wind-based spear, being able to shoot powerful blasts of air and being able to generate powerful whirlwinds even)
- Shockwave Generation, Explosion Manipulation & Status Effect Inducement (The Spear was formed primarily to counter Heimdall by overloading his senses. The Spear can also detonate and explode remotely at Kratos's wish[108])
- Duplication & Danmaku (Draupnir can replicate infinitely, and Kratos uses it to great effect hurling one spear to summon several of them onto his enemies[25])
- Space-Time Manipulation (Via the Grip of the Nine Realms, Hind of the Nine Realms, Pommels of the Nine Realms, and Rond of the Nine Realms, which activates a Realm Shift upon the use of Permafrost by the Leviathan Axe, Maelstrom by the Draupnir Spear, Furious Immolation by the Blades of Chaos, and parrying of an opponent respectively. Also via the Gauntlets of Radiance[110])
- Absorption (Via the Runic Hailstone Knob, which draws power from the frost of nearby foes, the Rond of Absorption, which increases elemental build up while blocking and absorbing attacks, and the Shatter Star Shield, which allows one to absorb an attack right as it lands on the shield by hitting it[110])
- Ice Manipulation (Via the Grip of Darkdale, which creates a frost shockwave upon killing enemies with a Frost Awaken attack[110])
- Fire Manipulation (Via the Darkdale Handles, which create a flaming shockwave that burns opponents in the vicinity with every enemy killed by a Flame Whiplash[110])
- Healing (Via the Grip of the Fallen Alchemist, which has a high chance of giving a burst of health for every successful hit of the Serpent's Snare by the Leviathan Axe, the Rond of Restoration, which has a chance of healing Kratos on every shield strike, the Steinbjorn Plackart, which restores health on every hit after damage is taken, the Cuirass of Raven Tears, Nidavellir's Finest Plackart, and the Grip of Healing Harmony, which heals on each hit at the cost of lowered defenses[110])
- Energy Projection (Via the Stonecutter's Knob and Hind of the Four Winds, which adds a concussive wave of energy to the end of every third light Axe and Spear Swing respectively[110])
- Status Effect Inducement (Via Haur's Lucky Knob, which has a moderate chance of inflicting a stun blast on any precise throw, the Warrior's Echo Sauroter, which does more damage against sonic-afflicted enemies, the Rond of Fortification, which can be charged to trigger a stun explosion on every block or parry, the Charging Assault Sauroter, the Lion's Roar Sauroter, and the Pommels of Burning Unity, which increase the burn effect of the Blades of Chaos and improve damage against burning enemies[110])
- Minor Accelerated Development (Via the Bracers of Undying Pyres, which increases the gain rate of elemental charge, and Bracers of Raven Tears, which increase the rate of healing from various means[110])
- Minor Probability Manipulation (Via the Luminous Recovery Handles, which are known for allowing a legendary gambler to snatch victory in the face of certain defeat[110])
- Attack Reflection (Via the Radiant Warden Handles, which allow incoming projectiles to be deflected while charging a Flaming Whiplash[110])
- Minor Temperature Manipulation (Via the Pommels of the Undying Spark, which radiate heat even through the frigid temperatures of Fimbulwinter[110])
- Empathic Manipulation (Via the Deadly Obsidian Handles, which feed the rage within Kratos with every enemy killed, the Darkdale Plackart, which generates rage on every kill, the Rond of Aggravation, the Fate Breaker Wraps, and the Battle-Scarred Sauroter, which fuels Kratos' rage with every enemy grabbed[110])
- Chaos Manipulation (Via the Hind of Weightless Recovery, which draws power from the chaos of the storm, and the Deadly Obsidian Handles, which feed the chaos within the Blades[110])
- Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Probability Manipulation & Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Via the Hind of Deadly Vitality, which takes a piece of the souls of every enemy it slays and adds them to Kratos' life-force[110])
- Purification (Type 1) & Damage Transferal (Via the Rond of Purification, which cleanses all status effects on Kratos and applies them to nearby foes with a shield wave[110])
- Explosion Manipulation (Via the Rond of Affliction, which consumes a status effect on an enemy in an explosion after shield bashing them[110])
- Weapon Creation (With Berserker Hilts and Skofnung)
- Blood Manipulation (With the Hilt of Tyrfing, which can generate shockwaves made out of blood[25])
All previous resistances of his Norse Era self, including:
- Status Effect Inducement, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation & Bifrost Magic (Via Celestial Protection, which grants partial resistance to all Status Effects, Poison Protection, which specifically improves resistance to poison, Bright Eyed Emblem, which provides resistance to being stunned or dazed, and Remedy of the Bifrost, which cleanses Bifrost from Kratos' body with every hit[109])
All of his Innate Ragnarok Era abilities and powers, sans the Amulet of Yggdrasil.
- Immortality (Type 4. Any death within Valhalla, merely sends him back to the shore to try again[40] as the place restores those within it so long as they die from honourable combat[40])
- Various Glyphs and Perks, which grant the following;
- Healing (Via Restoring Shield, which allows for a moderate chance of gaining defense and restoring health[40] with his next shield strike, after taking damage and Slayer's Health Burst[40], which has a moderate chance of granting health with any spear kill)
- Bifrost Magic (Via Runic Storm, which creates a storm of Bifrost[40] after using three runic attacks in succession, and Shadow Step, which fires a volley of Bifrost shards[40] upon a last second evasion)
- Statistics Amplification (Via Brimming Vigor, which increases Kratos's offensive power[40] when he is minimally harmed, Alfheim's Strike, which empowers attacks[40] following last-second dodges, Detonator's Might, which has a chance of increasing his strength[40] with every detonated spear, Extinguish and Vaporise, which grants extra damage[40] against burning or frozen opponents, and Plume of Chaos, Axe Whirlwind, Gale Force, Blazing Blades, Frost Awaken, Draupnir's Wail, Rising Wind and various other skills[40] which amplify their eponymous attacks)
- Space-Time Manipulation (Via Momentous Shift, which activates a Realm Shift[40] with the charging of the Draupnir Spear, the Blades of Chaos[40] or the Leviathan Axe, Realm Shift, which triggers a Realm Shift with a last-second evasion[40], that lasts 1.75 seconds from his perspective, and Raging Realm Shift, which triggers a Realm Shift upon him activating his Rage[40])
- Status Effect Inducement (Via Stunning Blast, which vastly increases the stun damage[40] of the Spear's Gale Force, and Stunning Shield, which emits a concussive shockwave that stuns enemies[40] when the barrier it generates is breached)
- Minor Empathic Manipulation (Via [Seized Rage Burst, which grants a burst of rage with every stun-grabbed enemy][40])
- Ice Manipulation (Via Deep Freeze, which creates a burst of frost that freezes[40] nearby enemies upon the Leviathan Axe returning to the hand, and Incoming Blizzard, which creates a storm of frost[40] after striking an enemy with certain skills)
- Air Manipulation (Via Howling Maelstrom, which creates whirlwinds with every combo attack and evasion[40] with the Draupnir Skill)
- Attack Reflection (Via Whiplash Deflection, which deflects incoming projectiles[40]) while charging a Flame Whiplash from the Blades)
- Bifrost, Seidr, Light Elf Magic, Fire Manipulation, and Ice Manipulation (Via Elemental Hunter, which causes the next thrown spear[40] to manifest with a random elemental siphon, and Siphoned Storms, which creates an elemental storm[40] when a siphoned spear performs Draupnir's Wail)
- Damage Transferal and Purification (All Types. Via Contagion Discharge, which allows him to cleanse himself of any status effect[40] and apply to a target with a shield strike)
- Explosion Manipulation (Via Defender's Riposte, which grants a small chance of empowering his next attack with an explosion[40] after a block or parry and Fortification, which triggers a stune explosion[40] after holding up the shield for a period of time and slamming it into an enemy)
- Damage Boost, Life-Force, Soul Absorption, Mind Manipulation & Memory Manipulation, Probability Manipulation & Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1. Via Valorous Bloodthirst, which gives him a boost in strength and steals the life force[40] of its victim for a short duration, and Soulless Rebuke, which has a chance to cause a Soul Explosion[40] with every block, parry or taking of an attack)
- Limited Invulnerability (Via Last Grasp, which grants an temporary invincible barrier[40] when Kratos is on the brink of death)
- Shockwave Generation (Via Stunning Might, which generates shockwaves[40] upon hitting stunned enemies, and Scorching Slams, which add extra shockwaves when the Blades hit the ground)
- Damage Reduction (Via Arcanist's Defense, which reduces damage taken[40] after using a relic or a runic attack)
- Absorption (Via Redemptive Rage, which absorbs incoming lethal damage with his Rage[40], and increases his power overall, and Enraged Slayer, which restores life force and rage with every kill while in Spartan Rage[40])
- Poison Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (Via Vanir Poison, which allows Kratos to poison his enemies and lower their power level[40] with bare handed attacks, blocking and parrying)
- The Blade of Olympus (Can invoke the Blade of Olympus, a powerful weapon of lineage and legacy, at will[40] from his memories)
- The Blades of Chaos, Leviathan Axe, and Draupnir Spear (Retains his weapons, albeit at a baseline level within Valhalla)
All previous resistances of his Norse Era self.
Attack Potency: Multi-Solar System level (Defeated the three Furies, who by their magic could create physical illusions and dimensions that contained a starry sky in the background,[24] which would require this much energy, and later a dimension that contained the Sun, propagated from themselves[24][Statistics Values 1]), Low Complex Multiverse level with Divine Weapons (Possesses the Gauntlet of Zeus, the Blade of Artemis and the Spear of Destiny) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Killed his way through the entire host of Olympians and Titans. Fought on par with Zeus and kept up with his latent power growth) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Inconceivably more powerful than before. Is imbued with Hope, the greatest power in the Greek World, far above even the Great Evils, including Fear Zeus, as per Athena's words.[32] Terrified Athena and was capable of striking her down, the latter of whom had ascended to a higher plane of existence[32][88] that granted her power and a level of existence beyond everyone else) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Is[98] repeatedly[112] stated[100] to have lost most of his strength from his days as a God and even some of his musculature to the point where he was a shell of his former self.[95] Despite this, he rag-dolled and defeated Baldur in battle.[94] Defeated Sigrun in combat and managed to best all her Valkyries, whose magics are powerful enough to ripple across an entire Realm, start tearing it apart at the very fabric and make the Yggdrasil bleed[113]) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Upon training during Fimbulwinter, Kratos reawakened the dormant powers he once wielded at his peak when he goes all out.[96] Fought on par with Thor and ultimately defeated him during their rematch.[114] Fought against Níðhögg, who can chew through the under-roots of Yggdrasil. Defeated Garm, who threatened to eat through the fabric of the Nine Realms. Held his own against Odin, who killed the first Giant Ymir and created the Realms from his body) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Despite Tyr going all out against him[40] and the both of them growing stronger with every encounter[101], he consistently defeats Tyr in single combat.[40] Tyr admits that Kratos is the better fighter[40] of the two, with Mimir confirming that he's better but in his own head[40] whenever he loses)
Speed: FTL (Could view lightning as though it was "moving through the slowest treacle" and run across a temple before it hit Ares. Stated to be of near-Olympian strength[37] and "second to none" by Athena,[115] with even the Sisters of Fate also re-affirming this notion as well, making him superior to the Redeemed Warriors, who can use Essence of Hyperion, which lets the user move at the speed of light[24][Statistics Values 2]), Infinite attack speed with the Light of Dawn (The Light of Dawn is powered by the Primordial Flame, which also serves as the same power source as Helios. Its beams work in a near-identical fashion to those of Helios' beams), Infinite with the Gauntlet of Zeus (Easily kept pace with Persephone, who can react to and block beams from the Light of Dawn, whose beams work in a near-identical fashion to those of Helios' beams. Easily kept up with Atlas, who could easily overwhelm Helios) | Infinite (Managed to defeat the Sisters of Fate, tagging them[8] as well as evading their attacks[8] before they can react, even while fighting both at once. Initially fought on par against Zeus, who is massively swifter than Hermes,[116] who was able to easily outrun Helios' light attacks at close ranges while wounded and battered.[32] Also easily kept up with Hercules, who could also react to and effortlessly block Helios' attacks with ease.[32] Later evenly matched Zeus in combat blow-for-blow in their final battle[32]) | Infinite (Far faster than before and defeated Fear Zeus in battle[32]) | Infinite (Slower than before but is still comparable to Baldur and Sigrun, whom are on par with Ares) | Infinite (Has managed to return to the level he was at when he destroyed Olympus. Kept up with the likes of Thor, Heimdall and the various Valkyries in battle. Able to react to, block[117] and dodge shockwaves[114] from Thor, said shockwaves being able to encompass the entirety of Yggdrasil, an infinite higher-dimensional structure) | Infinite (Can keep up with Tyr in combat, who had to be imprisoned by the efforts of Thor and Odin at the same time)
Lifting Strength: At least Class Z (Stated by Athena to possess near-Olympian strength[37] and "second to none"[115] which would make him vastly superior to the Redeemed Warriors, who as mortals were capable of swinging a hammer with the weight of the mortal plane. Broke the strap that held down the Python carcass, a giant metallic serpent that spans across multiple mountain ranges[24][Statistics Values 3]), Immeasurable with Gauntlet of Zeus (Used by Zeus himself to chain all the Titans to the walls of Tartarus. Later used by Kratos himself to overpower and re-chain Atlas[13]) | Immeasurable (Is comparable to Ares, who is superior to the Titans like Atlas, who easily held up the entirety of the Greek World on his shoulders for nearly 20 years. Can hold back Atlas' strength[8] and can also overpower Hades, who has Atlas' soul,[8] which grants him strength as a result, with Kratos himself eventually ripping out Hades' soul for himself.[32] Later overpowered and killed Cronos[32]) | Immeasurable (Inconceivably stronger than before) | Immeasurable (Physically on par with Baldur and overpowered him in battle, and should thus wield a level of strength that's more or less on par with Ares) | Immeasurable (Has re-awakened the power he wielded as a God. Can seal Realm Tears, which[72] are holes in the fabric[73] of reality[58] that threaten the existence of individual realms,[74] with just his raw strength alone,[58] and can contend with the likes of Níðhögg[106] and Garm[75]) | Immeasurable (Has been growing stronger with every encounter[101] he has with Tyr in Valhalla)
Striking Strength: Multi-Solar System level (Can hurt Megaera with his blows[Statistics Values 1]), Low Complex Multiverse level with Gauntlet of Zeus | Low Complex Multiverse level (Equal to[15] Ares. On par with and can trade blows with Zeus, with both of them being able to inflict brutal beatdowns on each other and live to tell the tale) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Terrified Athena, who had ascended to a higher plane of existence and gained power beyond everybody else, and threatened to strike her down[32]) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Consistently clashes with Baldur and wins. Can close Realm Tears with his raw strength) | Low Complex Multiverse level (When fully enraged and going all out, he easily knocked Thor's teeth out and later matches Thor on equal grounds[114]) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Despite Tyr going all out against him[40] and the both of them growing stronger with every encounter[101], he consistently defeats Tyr in single combat[40])
Durability: Multi-Solar System level (Withstood attacks from the three Furies[Statistics Values 1]), Low Complex Multiverse level with Sun Shield (Is the shield used by Helios himself. Contains the Primordial Fire, which is stated to be the source of Helios' energy within it. Kratos easily shielded himself from Persephone's death explosion, which destroyed the World Pillar[13]) and Gauntlet of Zeus (The Gauntlet of Zeus amplifies all of Kratos's physical attributes, and it allowed him to kill Charon, and fight on par with Atlas and Persephone) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Tanked many attacks from Ares, as well as his Death Explosion. Battled with and killed Thanatos, who is a Primordial Deity. Tanked a hit from Poseidon's Trident. Also withstood Helios' charged Power of the Sun with minimal problems. He was able to withstand strikes from Hades and Hercules. Equal to Zeus and withstood many hits from him) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Was only able to kill himself by channeling Hope through the Blade of Olympus and then stabbing himself with it, to sacrifice himself and give Hope to mankind instead) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Took many brutal beatdowns from Baldur on multiple occasions and managed to turn the tide every step of the way. Could survive attacks from Sigrun and her Valkyries, whose magics are powerful enough to ripple across an entire Realm, start tearing it apart at the very fabric and make the Yggdrasil bleed[118]) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Shouldn't be any weaker than his old God of War self. Traded blows with Thor multiple times, only getting overwhelmed and temporarily killed when considerably holding back. However, in their rematch, Kratos was now able to take a full-powered, enraged blow to the head from him with Mjölnir, and shrug it off with ease[114]) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Despite Tyr going all out against him[40] and the both of them growing stronger with every encounter[101], Kratos can weather the former's attacks and blows)
Stamina: Superhuman (As a Demigod has the energy to climb for three days without any food, water or rest,[23] as seen when he climbs up to Pandora's Temple. Ran several dozen kilometers in search of a city and kept fighting for an entire day inside Pandora's Temple before tiring out. Survived being brutally tortured physically and mentally by the Furies for 3 weeks at an end in order to break him and make him return back to the servitude of Ares, eventually persevering, overpowering and killing them. Consistently withstands brutal beatdowns from people and gods of his own caliber, like from his brother Deimos and his father Zeus, and easily recovers from them within seconds, including his own stamina. Is also able to easily shrug off wounds that would normally kill lesser mortals.[30] Possesses infinite magic, which he gained after being driven berserk by Deimos's death at the hands of Thanatos. Even after massively slacking out on his training for years, he endured brutal beatdowns from Baldur and journeyed with his son through the cruel and deadly realms of the Norse Gods)
Range: Standard Melee Range to at least Tens of Meters, likely Hundreds of Meters with Magic. Low Multiversal with Soul of Hades[24] and Army of Hades[62] (Both the Soul of Hades[24] and Army of Hades[15] allow Kratos to summon souls from the Underworld, as well as banish his foes to the Underworld, with the Underworld and Mortal World having been stated to be separate space-time continuums) | Universal+ (Has all of Ares' powers. Gods are present across their domains, which at the minimum span all of space and time[53]); Interdimensional with BFR (Much like Ares,[15] he should also be able to[60] banish his foes[8] to a galaxy-sized pocket dimension and make them fight their own clones or torture them[15]); Low Multiversal with Alrik's Barbarian Hammer[62] (Can summon souls from the Underworld with Alrik's hammer, as well as create portals[61]) and Claws of Hades (Absorbed Hades' soul and can use all his soul-summoning powers to their fullest extent[32]) | Low Complex Multiversal (Embodies Hope itself, an abstraction greater than even the Primordials, who in turn permeate the entire reality of the Greek World) | Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters to Hundreds of Meters with Magic; Universal+ with Realm Shift (Realm Shift distorts both space and time of an entire realm, each realm being universal in size); at least Low Complex Multiversal with the Unity Stone (The Unity Stone allows travel to other realms and pantheons outside of the Norse Pantheon[58]) | Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters to Hundreds of Meters with Magic; Universal+ with Realm Shift (Realm Shift distorts both space and time of an entire realm, each realm being universal in size); Low Multiversal with Gjallarhorn (With the breath of a sufficiently strong God, the Gjallarhorn will serve as the catalyst to start Ragnarök and open the Gateways of all the 9 Realms simultaneously for their armies to invade Asgard, which he does so in a bid to stop Odin[25]) | Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters to Hundreds of Meters with Magic; Universal+ with Realm Shift (Realm Shift distorts both space and time of an entire realm, each realm being universal in size)
Standard Equipment: | |
Intelligence: Genius (Was the greatest general of the Spartan Empire, having never lost a battle until his fateful meeting with Alrik. While he prefers his Blades, Kratos is a master of all weapons, capable of accurately and expertly using them without conscious thought.[119] Throughout his adventures, he has solved many puzzles, mostly created by Daedalus, who built the Labyrinth of Minos, and Pathos Verdes the 3rd, who built the Temple of Pandora, being the first to ever conquer the latter after a millennium of attempts. Despite using brutal and bloody methods, Kratos is of a keen tactical mind and could accurately assess the state of Athens during its siege with a mere glance.[119] Possesses wrestling skills that he can use to take down trained soldiers even while weakened and exhausted.[120] Would eventually come to have complete knowledge and awareness of all forms of war and combat across all of time.[53] due to their rank as the God of War. Had fought against multiple younger clones of himself who were stated to be much stronger, faster, more agile and considerably more bloodlusted, and killed all of them, threatening Ares to send more and saying that none would ever reach his family.[121] Stated by Athena to be a warrior who is second to none. [115] Was able to figure out that Freya had bewitched Mimir so that the latter was unable to reveal Baldur's weakness to mistletoe or his identity as Freya's son)
Standard Tactics: Despite his infamous anger and ferocity, Kratos is a very adaptable combatant, with who sees his weapons as tools for specific task[25], finding preference to be meaningless. His tactics mirror this, as he uses whatever is appropriate to the situation.[40] This is not exclusive to his weapons and physical combat approach, as Kratos will regularly use all of his available magical abilities in battle one after the other.[122]
Weaknesses: Kratos' anger management issues make him prone to impulsive and violent behavior as well as severe judgment impairment. However, this weakness was alleviated later on in his life. Kratos utterly abhors harm to children[123] to the point of disengaging from a combat scenario to try and save one in danger.[124]
Feats: | |
Notable Matchups
- 666:Satan (The God of High School) 666:Satan's Profile (Demigod Kratos and Post-Divine Realm Satan were used. Speed was equalized)
- Níðhögg (God of War) Níðhögg's Profile (Norse Mythology Kratos and Post-Godhood Realization Atreus fought together against Níðhögg)
- Mori Dan (The God of High School) Mori Dan's Profile (Demigod Kratos and God of High School Mori Dan were used. Speed was equalized)
- Arale (Dragon Ball (Games)) Arale's Profile (Fusion Arale and Power of Hope Kratos were used and both were bloodlusted. Speed was equalized)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 God of War II Novelization, Ch.35
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 16
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 18
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 21
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 40
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 42
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 44
- ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 God of War II (2007)
- ↑ God of War II Novelization, Ch.16
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 23
- ↑ God of War (Novel)- Chapter 8
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 God of War: Chains of Olympus Official Strategy Guide by BradyGames- Innocent Souls
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 God of War: Chains of Olympus (2009)
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 God of War: Ragnarök (2022)- Casualty of War
- ↑ 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 15.12 God of War (2005)
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 God of War II: Official Strategy Guide- Page 233
- ↑ God of War Prima Official Guide Page 8
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 God of War (Novel)- Chapter 22
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 48
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 God of War: Ghost of Sparta (2010)
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 God of War (Novel)- Chapter 6
- ↑ God of War (Novel)- Chapter 1
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 God of War (Novel)- Chapter 16
- ↑ 24.00 24.01 24.02 24.03 24.04 24.05 24.06 24.07 24.08 24.09 24.10 24.11 24.12 24.13 24.14 24.15 24.16 24.17 24.18 24.19 24.20 24.21 24.22 24.23 24.24 24.25 24.26 24.27 24.28 24.29 24.30 24.31 24.32 24.33 24.34 24.35 24.36 24.37 24.38 24.39 24.40 God of War: Ascension (2013)
- ↑ 25.00 25.01 25.02 25.03 25.04 25.05 25.06 25.07 25.08 25.09 25.10 25.11 25.12 25.13 25.14 25.15 25.16 25.17 25.18 25.19 25.20 25.21 25.22 25.23 25.24 25.25 God of War: Ragnarok
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 28
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 36
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 God of War: Ascension (2013)- Digital Manual
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 6
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 29
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 God of War II (Novel)
- ↑ 32.00 32.01 32.02 32.03 32.04 32.05 32.06 32.07 32.08 32.09 32.10 32.11 32.12 32.13 32.14 32.15 32.16 32.17 32.18 32.19 32.20 32.21 32.22 32.23 32.24 32.25 32.26 32.27 32.28 32.29 32.30 32.31 32.32 32.33 32.34 God of War III (2010)
- ↑ God of War (2005)- PS2 Manual- Page 22
- ↑ God of War (2005)- PS2 Manual- Page 25
- ↑ God of War III Ultimate Strategy Guide by Brady- Page 68
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 27
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 37.2 God of War (Novel)- Chapter 18
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 38.2 God of War: Ascension (2013)- Multiplayer
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 God of War Ghost of Sparta Brady Guide
- ↑ 40.00 40.01 40.02 40.03 40.04 40.05 40.06 40.07 40.08 40.09 40.10 40.11 40.12 40.13 40.14 40.15 40.16 40.17 40.18 40.19 40.20 40.21 40.22 40.23 40.24 40.25 40.26 40.27 40.28 40.29 40.30 40.31 40.32 40.33 40.34 40.35 40.36 40.37 40.38 40.39 40.40 40.41 40.42 40.43 40.44 40.45 40.46 40.47 God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla
- ↑ God of War II Brady Guide Page 226
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 9
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 God of War (2010 comic)- Issue #5
- ↑ God of War (2010 comic)- Issue #6
- ↑ 45.0 45.1 God of War: Ascension- Rise of the Warrior (2013)- Chapter 8
- ↑ God of War (2010 comic)- Issue 1
- ↑ Bruno Velazquez confirming that Kratos is completely petrified and not just covered by a layer of stone outside. Original tweet here. Archive link here
- ↑ God of War (Novel)- Chapter 5
- ↑ God of War III Ultimate Edition Strategy Guide Book By Brady Games- Page 69
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 2
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 8
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 God of War: Fallen God (2018)- Issue #1
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 53.4 53.5 God of War 1 (Novel)- Epilogue
- ↑ Bruno Velazquez explaining that Kratos has to overlap in time with his past self after completing the events of God of War II for God of War III to exist. Original tweets here (Archive), here (Archive) and here (Archive). Backup images here, here and here
- ↑ 55.0 55.1 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 49
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 3
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 46
- ↑ 58.00 58.01 58.02 58.03 58.04 58.05 58.06 58.07 58.08 58.09 58.10 58.11 58.12 58.13 God of War (2018)
- ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 35
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 47
- ↑ 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 61.4 61.5 61.6 God of War II: The Official Strategy Guide Book By BradyGames
- ↑ 62.0 62.1 62.2 God of War Collection Official Strategy Guide By Brady
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 31
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 38
- ↑ Bruno Velazquez clarifying on the degree of control on souls that Kratos possesses, original tweets here (Archived here) and here (Archived here)
- ↑ God of War III Ultimate Edition Strategy Guide Book By Brady Games- Page 28
- ↑ GGod of War III Ultimate Edition Strategy Guide Book By BradyGames - Page 88
- ↑ 68.0 68.1 God of War I (Novel) Chapter 15
- ↑ GGod of War III Ultimate Edition Strategy Guide Book By BradyGames - Page 31
- ↑ God of War: Ascension (2013)- Multiplayer: Blade of Olympus
- ↑ God of War III Ultimate Strategy Guide Page 39
- ↑ 72.0 72.1 72.2 God of War (2018) Prima Official Game Guide- Page 21
- ↑ 73.0 73.1 73.2 God of War (2018) Prima Official Game Guide- Page 157
- ↑ 74.0 74.1 74.2 God of War (2018) Prima Official Game Guide- Page 283
- ↑ 75.0 75.1 75.2 God of War: Ragnarök (2022)- Reunion
- ↑ God of War: Ghost of Sparta Brady Guide
- ↑ God of War (2018)- The Light of Alfheim
- ↑ 78.0 78.1 78.2 God of War: Ragnarök (2022)- Groa's Secret
- ↑ God of War (2018)- A Realm Beyond
- ↑ God of War (2018 Novel)- Chapter 18
- ↑ 81.0 81.1 God of War (2018) Prima Guide- Page 15
- ↑ 82.0 82.1 God of War (2018) Prima Guide- Page 9
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Ch. 39
- ↑ God of War I Novelization, Chapter 31
- ↑ God of War II Novelization, Chapter 1
- ↑ God of War II Novelization, Chapter 4
- ↑ God of War II Novelization, Chapter 39
- ↑ 88.0 88.1 BGS 2018: Cory Barlog fala de God of War e seus planos para o futuro da franquia
- ↑ God of War 3 (2010)
- ↑ God of War (2018)- The Anatomy of Hope
- ↑ God of War (2018 Novel)- Chapter 23
- ↑ God of War (2018 Novel)- Chapter 30
- ↑ God of War Lore and Legends- Page 97
- ↑ 94.0 94.1 94.2 God of War (2018)- The Marked Trees
- ↑ 95.0 95.1 God of War (2018 Novel)- Chapter 48
- ↑ 96.0 96.1 The Official PlayStation Guide to God of War
- ↑ God of War – Comic-Con 2018 Full Panel. Backup of Scan Image Here
- ↑ 98.0 98.1 Fighting a God: Behind the Scenes of God of War’s First Boss Battle
- ↑ God of War Director’s Commentary: Part 2 – The Stranger Fight | PS4
- ↑ 100.0 100.1 God of War Ragnarok | The first 5 hours with director Eric Williams. Backup video here
- ↑ 101.0 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.4 Sparring With Tyr
- ↑ God of War: Ragnarök (2022)- The Runaway
- ↑ 103.00 103.01 103.02 103.03 103.04 103.05 103.06 103.07 103.08 103.09 103.10 103.11 103.12 103.13 103.14 103.15 103.16 God of War (2018) - Equipment
- ↑ God of War: Lore and Legends- Page 7
- ↑ God of War: Lore And Legends - Page 18
- ↑ 106.0 106.1 God of War: Ragnarök (2022)- The Reckoning
- ↑ God of War: Ragnarök (2022)- Unleashing Hel
- ↑ 108.0 108.1 God of War Ragnarok: Creatures of Prophecy
- ↑ 109.0 109.1 109.2 109.3 109.4 109.5 109.6 109.7 God of War: Ragnarok - Amulet of Yggdrasil
- ↑ 110.00 110.01 110.02 110.03 110.04 110.05 110.06 110.07 110.08 110.09 110.10 110.11 110.12 110.13 110.14 110.15 110.16 110.17 110.18 110.19 110.20 110.21 God of War: Ragnarok - Equipment
- ↑ God of War Ragnarok (2022)- The Lost Lindwyrms
- ↑ God of War Director’s Commentary: Part 2 – The Stranger Fight | PS4
- ↑ God of War (2018) - Codex
- ↑ 114.0 114.1 114.2 114.3 God of War: Ragnarök (2022)- The Realms At War
- ↑ 115.0 115.1 115.2 115.3 God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 19
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 17
- ↑ God of War: Ragnarök (2022)- Surviving Fimbulwinter
- ↑ God of War (2018) - Codex
- ↑ 119.0 119.1 God of War I Novelization, Ch.6
- ↑ God of War II Novelization, Ch.6
- ↑ God of War (Novel)- Chapter 31
- ↑ God of War I Novelization, Ch.12
- ↑ God of War I Novelization, Ch.8
- ↑ God of War I Novelization, Ch.9
- ↑ God of War Comic (2010) - Issue #1
- ↑ The Art of God of War III
- ↑ God of War (2018)
- ↑ God of War: Ascension (2013)
- ↑ God of War (2018)
- ↑ God of War II (2007)
- ↑ God of War: Ascension (2013)
- ↑ God of War: Ascension (2013)
- ↑ God of War (2005)
- ↑ God of War III (2010)
- ↑ God of War Novelization - Epilogue
- ↑ God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 36
- ↑ God of War (2018)
- ↑ God of War Ragnarok (2022)
- ↑ God of War Ragnarok (2022)- Groa's Secret
- ↑ God of War Ragnarok (2022)- Surviving Fimbulwinter
- ↑ God of War Ragnarok (2022)- The Realms At War
- ↑ God of War Ascension (2013)
- ↑ God of War Ascension (2013)
Discussion threads involving Kratos |