VS Battles Wiki

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This page is intended to be a list of various categories of expertise important to this wiki that frequently require experienced evaluations, as well as a list of members who think that they are highly knowledgeable regarding them.

Staff and experienced members who consider themselves to have a large degree of knowledge in these areas, and the willingness to be asked about them, are kindly requested to add their names under those headings. Inexperienced non-staff members who consider themselves knowledgeable should consult administrators and/or bureaucrats to request their addition to this list.

Members who consider themselves as "experts" should have a significant amount of knowledge regarding a listed topic, and are required to do their best to remain as unbiased during evaluations as they possibly can.

It is against the rules of this wiki to add yourself to this page without significant knowledge of a topic, and the ability to evaluate it in a mostly unbiased manner. You also need to have an active account in our forum.

With everything organized in a single page, it is easier for people who are looking for answers to important questions or crucial evaluations in content revision discussions, as they can contact the members listed here.

Note: Some areas of knowledge, in particular calculations and image rendering, already have dedicated staff positions, so they'll be listed on the VS Battles Staff page. This page is dedicated to providing information on more specialized and self-designated areas of expertise.


Members who are knowledgeable about Acausality and our standards for it.

Beyond-Dimensional Existence

Members who are knowledgeable about Beyond-Dimensional Existence.

Black Hole Feats

Members who are knowledgeable about Black Hole Creation, Black Hole Feats in Fiction, and how we treat them.

Laser/Light Beam Standards

Members who are knowledgeable about our Laser/Light Beam Dodging Feats standards.

Canon and Crossovers

Members who are knowledgeable about Canon, Crossovers, and our standards for them.

Celestial Body Feats

Members who are knowledgeable about Celestial Body Feats and our standards for them.


Members who are knowledgeable about Conceptual Manipulation, Abstract Existence, and our standards for those pages.

Environmental Destruction

Members who are knowledgeable about Environmental Destruction and our standards for it.

Explanation Pages

Members who are knowledgeable about Explanation Pages and our standards for them.

Game Mechanics

Members who are knowledgeable about Game Mechanics and our standards for them.


Members who are knowledgeable about Immortality and our standards for it.


Members who are knowledgeable about our standards for Intelligence, including Genius Intelligence and Omniscience.

Marvel/DC Power-scaling Rules

Members who are knowledgeable about our Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.


Members who are knowledgeable about Multipliers and our standards for them.

Nonexistent Physiology

Members who are knowledgeable about Nonexistent Physiology and our standards for it.

Reality Equalization

Members who are knowledgeable about Reality Equalization and our standards for it.


Members who are knowledgeable about Regeneration and our standards for it.


Members who are knowledgeable on our Speed standards, particularly infinite, immeasurable, and omnipresent speeds that can't be reached through calculations.

Standard Battle Assumptions

Members who are knowledgeable on our Standard Battle Assumptions.

The Tiering System

These members have a high degree of knowledge regarding the Tiering System. This is further split into tier ranges of particular interest.

Tier 11

Tier 2

Tiers Low 1-C to High 1-B

Tiers Low 1-A to 0

Nonduality/ Transduality

Members who are knowledgeable about Nonduality/Transduality and our standards for it.

Universes and Pocket Realities

Members who are knowledgeable about Pocket Reality Manipulation, Universes, and our standards for them.

Verse-Specific Powers and Abilities

Members who are knowledgeable about Verse-Specific Powers and Abilities and our standards for them.
