Articles about King Dedede |
Canon; Main universe • Kirby: Right Back at Ya! • Canon; Mirror World • Canon; Clone • Canon; Black Mirror |
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“ | When you lose I get to laugh at you... Big time! Ha-ha-ha!! | „ |
~ King Dedede • Kirby's Star Stacker |
“ | Hm! Look at that sweet mask and the giant hammer... That's right, it's 'Masked Dedede'!
No one knows the identity of this warrior, who first showed up in 'Super Star Ultra'! He's appeared before Kirby many times, always challenging him to battle and showing off his unyielding spirit - a pretty manly fella, that guy... I bet he's a real looker under that mask of his! |
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~ A non-canon, in-character King Dedede describing Masked Dedede as an entry in The Great Dedede-Directory (Translated) • Official Kirby JP twitter, post of Dec 22, 2021 |
King Dedede is the self-made king of Dream Land. Greedy, brash and downright selfish, Dedede is not afraid to take risks for the sake of his own ego, going so far as to steal all of the food in Dreamland. Despite these habits, the king is considered a champion among his loyal Waddle Dee servants, having helped to save Planet Popstar many times from the grasp of evil forces throughout the galaxy. When not assisting in the safety of his kingdom, King Dedede is usually under the influence of a malevolent force only to be saved by his friend/rival Kirby.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 2-C | 2-C
Key: Pre-Star Allies | Post-Star Allies
Name: King Dedede
Origin: Kirby's Dream Land
Gender: Male
Age: Around or over 1000 years old
Classification: Bird, Penguin-like creature, "King" (Self-proclaimed or self-made King of Dream Land), Kirby's Royal Nemesis, Star Ally
Power and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Small Size (Type 1. A little more than twice as big as Kirby, whose 20 cm/"8 inches" tall[note 1]), Toon Force,[1] Longevity, Extrasensory Perception & Automatic Translation (Senses what Waddle Dees say, who talk as per onomatopoeia[2][3][4][5]), Self-Sustenance (Type 1[6]), Non-Physical Interaction (Can affect Wapod Pots[6] and Void Soul[7]), 4th Wall Awareness,[1] Elasticity (Can survive being flattened and immediately restore his shape[7]), Accelerated Development (Went from fighting evenly against Magolor EX to fighting evenly against his next form, Magolor Soul, when the former battle "went beyond limits".[4] Shown a more elaborated form of this ability Post-Star Allies, which could simply be the same), Acrobatics (Can leap several meters high into the air and easily do flips[6][8]), Vehicular Mastery (Giant robots, a Wheelie and a Warp Star[6]), Weapon Mastery (Skilled with his hammers, bombs, a cannon, missiles, a flame thrower,[2] "ninja stars", an energy gun, a katana[6] and an axe), Enhanced Senses (Cartoonistly noticed Kirby in Popstar watching him stealing a fake star while himself on space[9]), Flight (Can hover freely in the air or space), Fire Manipulation (Can catch his hammer on fire. His Masked Dedede Hammer can turn into a flame thrower[2]), Explosion Manipulation (Can throw large amounts of bombs. His Amiibo allows Kirby to use an unlimited amount of them.[10] Can create bombs and shoot missiles. His Masked Dedede Hammer can shoot missiles.[2] Can throw explosive hammers[5]), Limited Telekinesis (Can control his hammer when thrown), Air Manipulation (Can inhale foes & things and create cyclones that lead into his mouth while doing so; his inhale works against the likes of Kirby.[8] Can shoot out small air puffs), Transmutation (Can spit inhaled foes as stars via Star Spit. Any carried item is transformed too when using Space Jump.[1] Can turn a katana into a hammer or a toy hammer, and back into a katana[11]), Energy Manipulation & Projection (Can project energy via Team Attack after charging power with allies, and assist them to use their own different Team Attacks.[6] Has energy attacks[8]), Absorption & Magic (Can borrow energy/energize himself from outside sources, such as the magical Fountain of Dreams, from which he momentarily gained new powers), Shockwave Creation (Can create energy shockwaves as attacks[8]), Limited Deconstruction (Can send bolts to drop entire rows of blocks in whatever direction he's facing), Creation (Seemingly created Pinball Land.[12] By slamming down his fist he can create a new stack of blocks or several of them), Summoning (Can summon and throw Waddle Dees, Gordos, Hammers,[6] and equip himself his Masked Dedede Hammer & Mask[8]), Statistics Amplification (Said mask was "said to contain mighty power"[5] and stated to be "a power-amplifying mask". His Revenge form is a more powerful version of his normal self[8]), Transformation (Via Space Jump. Has turned into his Revenge form off-screen[13][8]), Electricity Manipulation & Status Effect Inducement (Fired electricity from his bare hands, paralyzing the flippers with it.[14] His Masked Dedede Hammer can generate electrokinetic waves[2]), Intangibility (Space Jump; Briefly turns into a small ball of intangible energy[6]), Limited Spatial Manipulation (Can push away Dimensional Walls[6]), Teleportation (Can teleport in a mask to wear.[4] Can teleport himself[1]), Limited Self-Restoration (Of his hammer if he overcharges it & it blows up[4]), Aura (Can briefly gain some fiery aura while charging[15]), Can deflect projectiles away (Via Hammer Swing and with his axe), Homing Attack,[1] good at making targets drop what they carry with his regular attacks[5] (Has an item to improve his ability to do so, implying the skill to be natural)
Resistances to: cosmic radiations (Can survive in space[6]), Biological Manipulation (Minor. Could still use his hammer while turned into a limbless ball, which made Kirby unable to move without help), Mind, Morality & Madness Manipulation (Became unaffected in places where Dark Matter has their mind-controlling dark clouds, having entered inside large accumulations dark clouds many times. However, he's still vulnerable to their possession), Gravity Manipulation (Can outrun and survive getting sucked into Black Hole attacks from Sphere Doomers, Magolor EX & Magolor Soul.[6] Notably able to briefly outrun and survive the latter's Black Hole, which warps & sucks all the space of the shown battlefield, including stars in the background of it), Spatial Manipulation (Physically unaffected by said interstellar distortion and the sudden return to normal space has when the attack ends, otherwise only harmed if sucked by that black hole or reached by any space-based attack from Magolor Soul[6]), Fire Manipulation and Ice Manipulation (Can survive harmed being hit by Magolor Soul's Super Abilities, when Kirby's could quickly burn a car-sized creature into black goo that was reduced to nothing and freeze & shatter a miniature active volcano; Can endure being sticked to Snow Bowl Kirby's Snow Bowl with no ill effects, which claims using "absolute zero" cold to do so.[6] Can survive harmed fire and ice attacks from Kirby, elements with which he can harm Pyribbit, who baths in molten lava, moistens his throat drinking lava, and fills his stomach eating lava rocks)
As before, Regeneration (Low-Mid naturally, Low-Godly in Ghost form after absorbing life energy from a target. Instantly recovers from being impaled by allies, enemy Beetle Kirbys or by Flamberge's Barbecue Party,[5][7] if mildly harmed by the latter two), Immortality (Type 3), Resurrection (Can revive others via Revival Spell.[7] When dead, he can transform into a ghost to absorb some life-energy from a target and resurrect[16]), Dimensional Storage (Star Allies collected the Hear Spears into themselves.[7] Can keep with him a Maxim Tomato or the Dark Bonds Masks unnoticeably[16]), further Accelerated Development (Through battle and while assisted with at least 1 partner, their power can permanently increase if their bond of friendship/companionship gets deeper[16]), Empathic Manipulation & Morality Manipulation (Can turn enemies into allies with Friend Hearts, being able to affect two foes at once with one Friend Heart, and a charged one changing three foes who resisted this effects[7]), Healing & Purification (Friend Hearts can be used to heal and purify others. Can "Revive" defeated allies, who are merely unconscious[7]), Cloth Manipulation, Power Bestowal (Turning targets into allies via Friend Hearts gives them that same power. Can bestow individual elemental powers when using them himself[7]), Able to combine powers with allies to enhance elemental attacks (Also gaining access to Ice Manipulation and Water Manipulation[7]), further Creation (Can help other Star Allies create Friend Stars[7]), further Attack Reflection and further Energy Manipulation (After a brief charge, he could hit 1 of Meta Knight's Moon Shots and change it into smaller versions of it that advanced in the opposite direction from where they came, and they could now bounce off surfaces[16])
Resistances to: Transmutation (Any Star Ally can be cooked inside Chef Kawasaki or Cook Kirby's pot together with enemies as they're turned into food,[17] safely coming out briefly dizzy[7]), Morality Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Mind Manipulation & Corruption (Became unaffected by the presence of the individual Jamba Heart pieces after having similar powers bestowed to him. Players can break free of Void Termina's Circle of Friends and Morpho Knight's Paradise Scale Wave by mashing the directional pad for a brief time, reversing to normal as if hit by a Friend Heart.[7][note 2] Fecto Forgo succeeded in using their mental powers to have Dedede in the side of the Beast Pack at first, but later needed to "award" him a "thought-dulling", "mind-corrupting mask", which Dedede was trying to remove from himself before falling for its effects[18]), heat and cold (Unaffected by the temperatures of Blizzno Moon and Star Lavadom[7]), Limited Life energy Absorption (By Guarding, can prevent characters in their Ghost forms from removing some of his health to revive themselves[16]), Telekinesis (Should genuinely be able to break free from Magolor's Grab by struggling, as fellow fighters do so against all of each others' grabs[16])
Loses an interpretable amount of powers from base, and has Incorporeality, Non-Physical Interaction, Immortality (Type 7. Has no health and can't be destroyed or defeated by others[16] who can affect ghosts, unlike them), Self-Sustenance (Types 2 & 3), Flight, Limited Life-energy Absorption (Triggers the aforementioned regeneration of his physical body[16]), Invisibility and Intangibility (Can actively become invisible and intangible,[16] even to other ghosts and the likes of Kirby), Resistance to Death Manipulation and Life Manipulation (Is a ghost. Given his lack of health, he can't be hit by other characters in Ghost form for them to revive, unlike living fighters and bosses, nor can he recover health via healing items[16])
Healing (Sparkling Stars, Maxim Tomato, various food items[6]), Statistics Amplification (Invincible Candy,[6] Boost Orbs. Enhanced thievery with Cashgrabber Boost Orb; Increases the number of things he can steal from enemies[5]), Invulnerability (Invincible Candy[6]), Explosion Manipulation (Balloon Bomb & Cracker[6]), Forcefield Creation (Prism Shield[6]), Invisibility (Invisibility Stone,[6] Invisibility Boost Orb[5]), Intangibility (Invisibility Stone[5]), further Teleportation (Ninja Dojo equipment), Dimensional Travel and Time Travel (Warp Star), Self-Resurrection (Reviving Tomato), Self-Size Manipulation (Sparkling Star,[8] which can make him around 20 times larger than Kirby[19]), Enhanced Air Manipulation (Big Air Bullet Boost Orb[5]), Limited Instinctive Action (Deflector Boost Orb[5]), Berserk Mode (Berserk Boost Orb[5]), Resistance to Life Manipulation (Invincible Candy; Other users of it show being invulnerable to being one-shotted by Dethskullks, who "suck the life force out of anyone they touch" & are careful to not use that power on each other. Characters in Ghost form[20] can't absorb a little bit of life from targets using an Invincible Candy), Sound Manipulation (Invincible Candy; Users are invulnerable to attacks from Kirbys using the Bell Copy Ability and characters using the Mike item[16])
As before, Summoning (Can summon Helpers by directly throwing Friend Hearts to Copy Essences. Can summon a Dream Friend using the Dream Rod[7]), Statistics Amplification (Power-Up Hearts,[7] Cheer Pom-Poms[16]), further Healing (Power-Up Hearts[7]), Homing Attack (With Star Allies Sparkler[7])
Same as by himself, but he's now driving a robot with the following powers[5]: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Homing Attack, Energy Projection, Can shoot missiles, Creation, Life Manipulation & Spatial Manipulation (Can create Kirbys to attack opponents, they have the following powers; Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Vehicular Mastery, Elemental Manipulation [Fire, Ninja, Ice, Tornado], Weapon Mastery [Sword, Hammer, Spear, Cutter, Parasol, Whip], Martial Arts [Fighter, Ninja], Forcefield Creation [Ice, Parasol], Afterimage Creation [Ninja], Sleep Manipulation [Doctor], Explosion Manipulation [Bomb, Ninja])
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Helped by Kirby, Meta Knight, and Bandana Waddle Dee, their battle against Magolor EX "went beyond limits" [ie made them stronger], allowing them to defeat Magolor Soul, destroying the Master Crown. Kirby's Hammer Copy Ability has as its gimmick its higher power next to other regular abilities, and likewise Dedede is this strong in gameplay next to those, sharing his moves with that ability.[6][21] Often seen[22] as powerful in[23] context that imply[24] he's being compared to the likes of Kirby, Meta Knight and Bandana Dee. Knocked out a slightly tired Kirby.[25][note 3] In side content, which shows what Kirby and other characters can do, he can defeat the following; Phase 2 Magolor [a weaker form of Magolor with the same multiversal feat], Crowned Doomer [who obtained the power of the fragments of the crown], the Master Crown possessing the Red Fruit, the stronger Magolor Soul of the updated The True Arena,[26] and Dark Meta Knight[21]), able to negate durability via Star Spit | Low Multiverse level (Can assist Kirby & 2 fellow Star Allies in the canonical defeats of Void Termina, Corrupt Hyness, the retaliators Three Mage-Sisters [at once].[27] On non-canon side content, and while assisted with 3 Star Allies, they can defeat Morpho Knight EX and the stronger incarnations of Void Termina.[28] In canon & with the ability to grow more powerful by deepening bonds with a friend, he and Meta Knight teamed up to battle 2v2 against Kirby and "his buddy" [Bandana Waddle Dee, Gooey or Magolor] a few times. The former team ultimately used an item to gain different power in their last, toughest battle, but even without it their own power being genuine and still being able to "undoubtedly" give Kirby & co. a "nice fight". Can defeat Shadow Kirby on side content[16]), able to negate durability via Star Spit and Friend Hearts
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Although slightly slower[22] than them, Dedede's consistently depicted as being able to keep up with Kirby and Meta Knight, when the latter is able to keep up with the Warp Star and the former kept up with those who could match said vehicle's speed. Reacted & used his cannon to tag Mr. Star flying at incredible speeds, who can easily fly pass stars.[29] Repeatedly outran "Dimensional Walls", space waves which were consuming interstellar parts of Another Dimension,[note 4] which were moving fast enough to get past stars & nebulae in the background,[30] as well as keeping up with a flying Lor Starcutter and Landia in the time a fainted Kirby woke up & they all escaped.[31] Kept up in combat against the latter two and Magolor EX;[6] Drew his hammer against Phase 1 Magolor while riding a Landia flying across Another Dimension's Road,[32] meaning that he was really to face Magolor like that and was reacting to the obstructed flight Landia just took while passing by stars & nebulae.[33] In side content, which shows what Kirby and other characters can do, he can keep up with & dodge projectiles from several types of Doomers empowered by the Master Crown previously shown in their regular state to keep up with & obstruct Landia as he flew across Another Dimension's Road, and he can defeat Crowned Doomer, the tyrant boss of the Doomers who should be comparable to those types of Doomers.[34] Can defeat Dark Meta Knight in side content, reacting & dodging attacks as he was flying.[21] Reacted and briefly outran a Jamba Heart piece flying towards him, which were suddenly scattered across the galaxy from its edge; Dedede is comparable to, and can join the Star Allies, who chased & kept up with Jamba Heart pieces multiple times. Can react riding a Friend Star for travel & in combat, when that vehicle is made by the energies & "the collective power of Kirby and Friends",[35] whereas a regular Warp Star can be made by a lone Kirby. Kirby & 3 Star Allies kept up in combat & defeated the Three Mage-Sisters, Hyness, and Void Termina, who in turn was able to keep up with an improved version of the Warp Star or the Friend Star, which Dedede can maneuver in combat.[36] In side content, 4 Star Allies can defeat Morpho Knight EX, the stronger incarnations of Void Termina,[28] and alone can defeat Shadow Kirby.[16] Able to move faster with Invincible Candy, Boost Orbs & Power-Up Hearts for a limited amount of time)
Lifting Strength: Multi-Stellar (Can withstand outrunning & outflying near Magolor Soul's Black Hole, which quickly rolls the space in the setting shown, including the stars in the background of it, and can survive getting sucked in it. His Inhale either makes Kirby focus to resist not getting attracted by running away, or simply sucks in one of them right away if he's close[8]) | Multi-Stellar, possibly Universal (As before. Can withstand harmed Black Hole attacks from Post-Magolor Epilogue Magolor[37])
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level (Mostly strikes with his hammer, "an impressive weapon". Can harm Kirby via Head Slide & Super Dedede Jump[8]) | Low Multiverse level (As before. Can harm foes via Head Slide & Super Dedede Jump. Can slap or tackle foes as a ghost[16])
Durability: Low Multiverse level (Can take hits from anyone he can defeat) | Low Multiverse level (As before. Can take blows from Void Termina in all his forms; The Star Allies Sparkler doesn't cover the bodies of its drivers. Can take attacks from Post-Magolor Epilogue Magolor[37])
Stamina: Superhuman. On par with Kirby and Meta Knight. Seemingly unaltered without being able to dream, which made everyone in Dream Land feel restless and irritable, even by the time Kirby completed most of his adventure and fought Dedede.[38] Fought Kirby from the night until the sunset in the story of the first game,[39] then the same happened some time later, if Kirby had to first spend some time in Dedede's castle as a level, with the windows showing it was still night when he reached Dedede.[2] Capable of defeating Queen Sectonia, Shadow Dedede and Dark Meta Knight in a gauntlet style fight[21]
Range: Below Standard Melee Range physically (A little more than twice as big as Kirby, who is 20cm tall), Standard Melee Range to Extended Melee Range with limited forms of Energy Projection and throwable weapons that doesn't extend much from his body, Kilometers or Tens of Kilometers via spitting (8 to 14.5 kilometers; Spat Kirby into Planet Popstar's atmosphere), up to Planetary length in destructive capacity (A fully changed & prepared strike can create a thin crack going from one side of Planet Popstar to the opposite side of the planet, explicitly incomparable to his AP by the end of it.[40][note 5] Higher physical range with some Boost Orbs (If they increase the range of his attacks), Interdimensional via Dimensional Travel (Via Warp Stars [See their feats]), Tens of Meters with Scope Shot gun
Standard Equipment: His hammer and bombs. A floaty
- Optional Equipment: Items such as Balloon Bomb, Cracker, Prism Shield, Invisibility Stone, Invincibility Candy, Maxim Tomato, Scope Shot gun, Ninja Dojo equipment, Souvenir items, Booming Blasters equipment, Smash Star, Warp Star, Boost Orbs, The Blaze Wheelie, a miniature Heavy Lobster (Kirby Battle Royale). His HR-D3 and Dededestroyer Z robots. In side content; Reviving Tomato | As before. Items such as the Dream Rod, Friend Star, Star Allies Sparkler, Bomber, Buddy Star Blaster, Cheer Pom-Poms, Gordo Ball, Ice Container, Zap Weapon. In side content; Power-Up Hearts
- Can Create/Summon: More hammers, his Mechanical Hammer, a Mask, Gordos, Waddle Dees and Waddle Doos | As before, a Friend Star
Intelligence: Average. (Implied to be casual during many confrontations with Kirby and with challenges he gives to him, those being akin to pranks and games for his part that his opposition overcomes rather easily. When serious, his challenges are portrayed as difficult to Kirby, the latter needing to be careful with them. Dedede has been stated and portrayed as the one laying traps along the way of levels Kirby goes through, on occasion. Rules over all of Dream Land in his castle,[41] it being filled with silly creatures, although they're unintelligent in an uneven way, forming a relatively normal society and Dedede being able to use his riches to command others to create coliseums, rockets that can fly into space, and get access to technology that can make clones of Kirby. After the first game he trained remarkably to copy Kirby's way to flight, becoming able to fly by the second game. Taught Kirby his Hammer Copy Ability. He can defeat or has assisted in the defeat of opponents such as Landia, a Magolor using & then being controlled by the Master Crown, Galacta Knight, Queen Sectonia, Dark Meta Knight, all with either some notable edge in power, competent combat skills, experience or a combination of those factors | As before, added to the previous list Meta Knight, the Three Mage-Sisters, Hyness, Void Termina, Morpho Knight, Post-Star Allies Magolor, Gooey, Bandana Waddle Dee, Kirbys with all kinds of Copy Abilities, and Shadow Kirby. Gave Kirby a blueprint for a mechanic to further evolve Kirby's Hammer ability into a version using Dedede's hammers, a mask he used to have and with new superpowers)
Weaknesses: Clumsy & goofy, even when serious (though to a lesser extent, and it doesn't stop him from fighting evenly & defeating foes Kirby may struggle with). Considers his own power, abilities & intelligence on a greater regard than those of many others, including people that may match or exceed him in those categories.
Note: Dedede is sometimes shown using mechs, weapons and technology; As far as we know, and contrary to popular belief, he's not the one creating any of them, and WoG has talked about his power-amplifying mask only to immediately remark that "nobody knows where he got it..."
Notable Attacks/Techniques
Note that there is no distinction between his keys in this section.
Without Items
Powers & abilities few characters have in the verse, or that Dedede has in better ways.
- Toon Force:
- Elasticity: Can survive being flattened and immediately restore his shape.
- Enhanced Senses: Cartoonishly noticed Kirby in Popstar watching him stealing a fake star while himself on space.
- Limited Self-Restoration: Dedede can blow up his own hammer by overcharging it and have it fixed afterwards,[42] instead of summoning another hammer. It even remains elemental abilities it had.[7]
- Transmutation: Can turn a katana into a hammer or a toy hammer, and back into a katana, as it's common for characters to do in Samurai Kirby. It's possible this isn't even a Toon Force-based power.
- Acrobatics: Dedede can jump notable heights, mobilize by spinning around & back his body mid-air to dodge attacks, and easily & quickly do flips and wacky moves by himself or among allies during diverse victory dances.
- Weapon Mastery:
- Hammers: Dedede's main weapon is his hammer, having several moves with it listed below in which he slams it against the ground, spins with it, charges blows with it, or throws it. He can throw several hammers repeatedly to overwhelm a foe. He can somehow keep his hammer in his back to grab something else. Dedede taught Kirby his Hammer Copy Ability.
- Bombs: In variants; 1º Dedede can throw several bombs repeatedly at different speeds & angles to reach the same place. He could do this back when he was evil to throw along them egg with chickens yet to hatch so that Kirby may save the eggs while having little time to avoid the bombs. 2º He's shown to create his own bombs to throw at Kirby. 3º He's shown to use timed bombs inside bubbles. 4º He can use Balloon Bombs and Crackers items. 5º Thrown hammers can blow up.
- Missiles: Dedede can shoot missiles from his regular hammer and Masked Dedede Hammer.
- A cannon: Shot down Mr. Star flying in space at incredible speeds using a cannon from Planet Popstar.
- Flame thrower: His Masked Dedede Hammer can turn into one.
- "Ninja stars" (shurikens): In Ninja Dojo in the Lor Starcutter or Merry Magoland Dedede has canonically practiced his aim with them with moving, confusing targets while competing against his friends, if for fun.
- Energy gun: In variants; 1º In Scope Shot Dedede in the Lor Starcutter or Merry Magoland Dedede has practiced his aim with a gun of sorts that shoots energy and can charge its shoots for more power. He has defeated 3 enemy giant robots while competing against his friends for fun. 2º In Booming Blasters, a game he has played in Merry Magoland, Dedede & friends use a different energy gun to fight against each other in a hindered terrain, being mindful of their ammo, terrain and how they could dodge each other's shots.
- Toy gun: In Kirby on the Draw Dedede has practiced his aim with a toy gun, testing his reactions against friends for fun on appearing and disappearing targets of variable value while being mindful to reload when needed.
- Sword: In Samurai Kirby, a game he has played in Merry Magoland, Dedede & friends use a katana to slash each other on reaction, be it 1v1 or the 4 against each other at once. He can transmute the katana or use it as it is.
- An axe: Shown in Triple Deluxe while mind-controlled/puppetized by Taranza, and while to a major degree his actions are controlled by Taranza, the latter likely didn't read his mind to use mostly moves he was already capable of on top of Taranza's own skills with an axe, as Dedede seemed to be acting enraged out of his own capabilities.
- Vehicular Mastery:
- Giant robots: Dedede has sometimes used giant robots to fight Kirby. A Waddle Dee in Battle Royale suggests that he must like them.
- Wheelie: A Wheelie model fit for Dedede used in races against types of Warp Stars, as well as Meta Knight flying and other Wheelies.
- Hot air balloon: Used one in battle in Mass Attack.
- Warp Star: Used with allies in canon or alone in extra content. His uses of it aren't complex as Kirby's.
- Smash Star: See his Optional Equipment.
“ | Dedede is already perfect, so his Inhale won't copy abilities. Instead, it has a longer range than Kirby's. | „ |
~ Tips • Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U |
- Inhale: King Dedede inhales air, aiming to inhale a target. He can cover one direction of a room with a whirlwind that sucks air into himself. Dedede can spin around his body somewhat slowly while inhaling, aiming for a target if they dodged the initial whirlwind. In-game, Dedede's inhale gets pass Guard, that being characters defending themselves on their own or with forcefields. This move can work against Kirby, Meta Knight and Bandana Waddle Dee, despite how they can outrun being near a black hole that quickly rolled the space in the setting shown, including the stars in the background of it, and survive getting sucked into it. Likewise, it works against foes who can survive harmed Post-Magolor epilogue Magolor's Black Hole attacks. Kirby could only inhale those characters via Super Inhale, implying Dedede's Inhale to be better. He can inhale 30 eggs one after another, have them hatch into chicks and safely come off his mouth, although they all die if he eats a bomb along them.[43]
- Star Spit: After inhaling one or more foes, Dedede spits them, causing them to collide with other foes or a wall. Like Kirby, Dedede can spit foes as stars. His split showed the range to launch Kirby into space, which at the time was done to carry him into his final battle.
- Note: The targets being turned (Transmutation) into mini stars is evidenced by a number of factors: Kirby's "Bubble" Copy Ability turns foes into items trapped inside mysterious bubbles, when used on foes that don't give Kirby a Copy Ability, it turns them into mini stars inside bubbles; Kirby can collecte a few of them in his stomach and fuse them to create a bigger mini star, and then use that to spit a more powerful Star Bullet than what he would normally spit with one foe spat;[44] This is the same that can be achieved by just inhaling more than 1 foe and spitting them, but canonically worked out with other powers Kirby has. Star Bullets are physical objects with weight, rather than being things that are not actually present where they're seen. Kirby's own ability to do this with swallowed foes is similar to the supernatural/"mysterious" ability Bubble has. It's also supported by all the statements about this technique turning targets into stars, the technique's name, and other repeated uses of mini stars like this in the Kirby/Kirby of the Stars series.
- Spit: Splits targets without turning them into mini stars.
- Star Spit: After inhaling one or more foes, Dedede spits them, causing them to collide with other foes or a wall. Like Kirby, Dedede can spit foes as stars. His split showed the range to launch Kirby into space, which at the time was done to carry him into his final battle.
- Super Dedede Jump: Dedede jumps in the air and lands in the ground a few seconds later as an attack on contact.
- Vibration Manipulation & Energy Manipulation: A version of Super Dedede Jump sends growing ring-like waves from the impact in the ground.
- Hover: Inhales air into himself to fly and maneuver in the air or space in an slightly imprecise matter that is slower than his own Travel Speed, if still practical for combat against comparable foes who can fly with ease. He managed to achieve this ability by training after his first defeat against Kirby. As of Fighters 2, he has shown to not need any maneuver of his body to stay still in mid-air or to move, levitating on his own and being able to perform other actions while doing so [Post-Star Allies].
- Energy Manipulation:
- Limited Deconstruction: Can send bolts to drop entire rows of blocks in whatever direction he's facing, when they otherwise stay stable midair.[45][46][47]
- Vibration Manipulation: A charged hammer strike can send 3 small waves onwards which move on their own into directions.
- Summoning: Dedede can suddenly make use of things he doesn't seem to be carrying (He could be creating them, summoning them or actually be carrying them), this includes the following list:
- Waddle Dees so that they may attack others.
- Gordos used as projectiles that bounce with the floor.
- Junk used as projectiles.
- Hammers. Can reappear a new hammer when throwing the one he's using. Can attack throwing multiple hammers.
- Masked Dedede Hammer & Mask; Dedede can acquire them from out of nowhere when things get serious, even when increased in size. The "power-amplifying mask" it's said to "contain mighty power", and the mechanized hammer can shoot missiles, energy beams, turn into a flame thrower and generate electrokinetic waves. It was also shown that projectiles bounce off the mask when he was increased in size, but this may not be applicable normally.
- Teleportation (2º variant): In Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe Dedede is shown to teleport back when he falls out of the drums, which is stated to be "with a little help from his new mysterious powers".
Powers & abilities many characters share in the verse.
- Space Jump: A technique most Kirby characters have, King Dedede transforms into a small ball of energy which turns out to be intangible, he uses this power to mobilize himself or regroup with mates faster. Any carried item is transformed too.[48] Kirby & co. can use this ability on a Warp Star too to carry themselves & the vehicle.
- Team Attack: A technique Dedede can access to with at least another known ally with similar control over energy, such as every Star Ally.
- In Return to Dream Land & its remaster when piggybacking an ally or more, they can briefly charge energy to use a special attack, the more allies charging energy the more powerful the attack will be. The form of the attack depends on the ally below, which is shooting it. Dedede slams his hammer to launch several energy stars around him in close range. Dedede & all other allies in-game (Kirby, Meta Knight and Bandana Dee) can use their Team Attack to push back and warp the waves of space that were consuming interstellar parts of Another Dimension.
- In Star Allies when piggybacking an ally or more, they can briefly charge energy to shoot an energy beam . The more allies charging energy the more powerful the attack will be. Dedede doesn't use his hammer to do this and his partner can be another King Dedede, meaning that this is a power he can do on his own.
- Teleportation (1º variant): Can teleport in & out a Dress-Up Mask to wear it or take it out, after having previously set 1 of many to use. This could for example include a mask of the one uses as Masked Dedede, but it wouldn't be the real thing.
- Carry: A move from Battle Royale where he carries something on top of his head, be it a thing or a knocked out foe. It can quickly be used many times to accumulate a large pile of things balanced through unreal precision. This doesn't hinder his moments and jumps while going around with it, but he can't fly.
- Throw: Quickly throws forward the first thing in said pile, which can be used consecutively to take all of it off into a wanted location, throw a foe away, throw it against another foe to harm them both, or overwhelm foes by quickly throwing things from the pile into them.
- Revival Spell: A technique that, depending on the game, either resurrects dead allies or merely heals them from being defeated & unconscious. Both uses are applied to their users as they are doing the same process over what seems to be the same spell given the same name. Initially appearing in the Team Kirby Clash mini-game, the Kirbys there could approach others Kirbys and revive them when being defeated, which meant falling into the floor with their souls leaving their bodies. On the Team Kirby Clash Deluxe & Super Kirby Clash games the Kirbys there could even obtain items to improve their ability to resurrect others. Before the latter game, in Kirby Star Allies, every playable character became able to "Revive" defeated allies, but these defeated allies don't lose their souls and it's notable how some are still breathing.
- Friend Heart: Obtained in Kirby Star Allies, Dedede generates a Friend Heart which is then quickly thrown to his objective(s). This can be done an unlimited amount of times as well as repeatedly. Upon contact or near it, the Friend Heart will generate a major change in the empathy of the being(s) affected to the point of making them change their morality towards being friends & allies with Dedede. The Friend Hearts have also shown to make feel objectives extremely happy, make them have a deep appreciation for the one who used a Friend Heart on them, generate clothes in others, work on robots, heal & purify others, operate without making direct contact to others' bodies as well as affect more than one being at a time. Friend Hearts were also shown either creating or turning small areas they reached into Friend Platforms (Creation or Transmutation), an ability any Star Ally may possess, but no character in Star Allies uses Friend Hearts in this manner or were aware that this happened. The last function the Friend Hearts have is that their sentient targets will immediately be bestowed with the ability the generate and use Friend Hearts with all previously mentioned characteristics.
- Friend Ability: Powers the Star Allies could use in Star Allies, they were bestowed to them due to being reached by a Friend Heart (be it by another ally or off-screen from one of the many that scattered in space, much like it happened to Kirby) since this are new powers they had[49] already when playable..
- Friend Action: They all supposedly need 4 allies in total to be done and, gameplay wise, a special platform to be used; This are only Game Mechanics, the narrative seems to indicate the Star Allies Sparkler to have been made by the Star Allies without mentioning said platform, Hyness can use his own version of the Friend Circle without it, even when using 3 woods as his partners, and the Three Mage-Sisters themselves can use a Friend Circle on their own too.
- Friend Circle: The friends form a donut circle by holding each other, then they constantly roll forward while being coordinated enough to make jumps while they advance. They use this to travel faster on stages and power through minor enemies instead of bothering to deal with them with their moves.
- Friend Star: Through their collective power, the friends[35] use energies from their bodies that combine to create a Friend Star, much like how Kirby alone can create a Warp Star, the Friend Star is basically a better version of it. One drives while the others are behind sustained by nothing but the energies generated by the Friend Star, they can change driver mid-use. They can fly around with the vehicle, do spin attacks, and shoot projectiles which can be charged and have different attributes depending on the leading friend's ability (ice, wind, fire, water, electricity, cutting properties or explosives).
- Friend Bridge: The friends hold each other in a line to form a bridge, which they can move up or down. They likely use some form of telekinesis to hold themselves too as energies go around them and they don't reach each other perfectly. They only use this for puzzle solving.
- Friend Train: Using their powers the leading friend gets a train chimney created in their head, while the other friends line up behind. The train continuously runs forward powering through minor enemies, they can jump, travel up walls, across ceilings, and over the surface of the water (it can't jump while on a wall or ceiling).
- Star Allies Sparkler: A Friend Star combined with the 4 Heart Spears, see the section of Optional Equipment for more info.
- Friend Action: They all supposedly need 4 allies in total to be done and, gameplay wise, a special platform to be used; This are only Game Mechanics, the narrative seems to indicate the Star Allies Sparkler to have been made by the Star Allies without mentioning said platform, Hyness can use his own version of the Friend Circle without it, even when using 3 woods as his partners, and the Three Mage-Sisters themselves can use a Friend Circle on their own too.
- Positive Energy Manipulation: Called "positive energy" in America and left nameless & vague in the original version, it refers to the energies Star Allies manipulate while doing Friend Actions and Team Attacks; The white energy with colorful stars around, which may trigger with a heart-shaped wave. What exactly positive energy is is a bit vague, but it's related to friendship and companionship, and should be the opposite of "negative energy" (American name)/ "dark matter/substance" (Original name. Not to be confused with Dark Matter), which is conformed by, or related to, hatred, obsession, jealousy, desire, and can be invisible. In short, they are opposite types of concepts that respectively relate to morally good, healthy attitudes and evil, unhealthy attitudes, and is something that forms energy-based moves, powers up attacks, and allows Star Allies to use certain abilities in the first place.
- Ghost form: Once dead, he can transform into a ghost, his only objective in this state is to bring himself back to life. In-game, he can't be destroyed or defeated by others who can harm ghosts as Dedede's health is already gone. Dedede doesn't have access to the moves he had with his body but presumably maintains his resistances, his mobility is also slightly slower than when alive. There is no limit to the amount of times Dedede can access this form when dying. This form was originally only used by Kirby as 1 of his Copy Abilities, but since Fighters 2 it was no longer said to be a Copy Ability and became a transformation several characters could use (meaning that they have no reason to share other powers the Ghost ability has), the reason why they can be defeated during canon plots without using this is due to the cartoonish nature of the verse and this power.
- Flight: As a ghost, Dedede naturally floats and can fly around at will.
- Attack, Double Attack & Tackle: A slap (or slaps), charged slaps and a tackle forward respectively. Managing to land any attack against living opponents will result in Dedede's body being quickly recreated, though he would be with low "health". Although this presumably works by way of absorbing some of the health/life of a target (hence it needs to be hit) the process can technically be done through having an item hitting the target or firing energy at them, meaning that physical contact isn't necessary.
- Vanish: Disappears, becoming invisible and intangible even to other characters in Ghost form. Dedede can move but not attack like this, and re-appear at will.
With Items
Heal varying amounts of his health.
Heals all of his health when eaten.
When collected, King Dededede becomes invincible for a short time, and almost any enemy he touches will be instantly defeated, or at least damaged.
It starts growing in size after being picked up, and explodes by itself if held for too long.
When held, it fires arcing shots automatically to a fixed distance ahead of the carrier for as long as it lasts.
The character holding it cannot fly or float with it. As long as it is being held, its carrier is both invisible and intangible. The Invisibility Stone will respawn in its original place if destroyed. It only lasts for a limited time, and flashes red when it is close to expiring.
In the Ninja Dojo minigame Dedede either trains as a ninja or plays as one. He's shown to teleport, appearing with some smoke. Although this could simply be tactics of confusion & quick movements, common to ninjutsu. He has a number of "ninja stars" (shurikens).
Certain items given in Merry Magoland, a theme park Magolor] made, many of them and many of each can be carried at a time. King Dedede can choose and use whatever items he has at any time. This include:
- Energy Drink: Restores health by 50% when used.
- Random Copy Essence: Only useful for Kirby. Randomly cycles itself to become all Copy Essences in Return to Dream Land Deluxe, slowing down after a few seconds of being summoned and somewhat removing the random factor. Touching the Copy Essence makes Kirby use the Copy Ability it represents.
- Crackler: Same as listed elsewhere as an item.
- Maxim Tomato: Same as listed elsewhere as an item.
- Balloon Bomb: Same as listed elsewhere as an item.
In the canon Booming Blasters minigame Kirby, Meta Knight, Dedede & Bandana Dee fight each other with an energy gun each. Hitting rivals twice would level up the gun. While some things in Merry Magoland are pretty harmless, this guns' ability to harm this characters is most likely genuine, as the deceptive Magolor noted to place real dangers in his park.
- Overhead Shot: A technique; Ashort charge and aiming upwards would make the shot over walls and stay for a time where it lands as a continuous blast.
- Energy Capsule: An item that recharges ammon for the gun.
- Super Blaster & Super Shot: An item & a technique; "When a Super Blaster appears, use it to take out multiple rivals at once with a piercing Super Shot. It can even blast through walls!"
A Warp Star-like vehicle that hovers around and are used as bumper cars in the canon Smash Ride minigame, with better mobility and speed. The goal is to kick rivals out of a stage rather than to simply hit them and a charged tackle can be used too.
If King Dedede has one of these items when he is KO'd, it will automatically revive him to full health in a flash. It can also be used in the middle of combat as a normal Maxim Tomato.
When picked up and used Dedede summons one of the following Dream Friends to assist him
The Final Weapon in Star Allies, used to take out Void Termina. The Star Allies Sparkler fires projectiles from the tip, fly around quickly and efficiently, and spin counterclockwise to avoid all damage on a relative scale (Sparkler Turn). Kirby canonically took the lead in the center of the Sparkler while his friends rode in the tail. Still, the leader can be rotated to imbue the shots with a different element depending on the leader (the technique is called Rider Switch). The Sparkler can fire different homing projectiles with varying power depending on charge time. An uncharged shot is called the Sparkler Comet, and it fires a star shaped projectile. A charged shot is called the Sparkler Starshot, and it fires a projectile shaped like two intertwining stars. The strongest attack is called Team Star Allies!, which, if everyone who's riding charges together and releases at the same time, fires a giant laser at the opponent. King Dedede uses this item on his own when used in The Ultimate Choice of Star Allies.
Used to increase his statistics. The effects are shared with allies.
A vehicle that King Dedede can use, its charge attack is a powerful dash attack.
Another vehicle that he can use, its charge attack is a powerful electroshock that comes from its mouth area.
Gives King Dedede extra powers constantly or when activated:
When this item is attacked, one of the following effects occurs at random:
- Everyone's speed increases.
- Causes everyone to explode, dropping Health to one point.
- Decreases the speed and jump of all the other opponents, that will also have a maroon aura around them.
- Puts all opponents to sleep.
- Drops a bomb on all the opponents.
- Drops a random Food item. One may occasionally be a Maxim Tomato.
- Drops three Timed Dynamites
A common enemy that can appear and be used as a throwable item, exploding when landing.
“ | This time, I, the commentor, have personally experienced the star of friendship that shines upon the battlefield - the 'Buddy Star Blaster'!
When two stars appear from the heavens during a tag battle and are brought together, a beam of light appears, piercing the galaxy! It's so powerful, I actually thought we might've shot a hole right through Pop Star!! |
„ |
~ Official Kirby JP twitter (Translated post of Oct 13, 2020), having an in-character Dedede boosting out the item |
The Dash Shoe drastically increases the speed and jumping capability of anyone who touches it, it also surrounds them with a blue glow. The item's effects are temporary.
A Gordo with its spines retracted, it can be thrown somewhere so that it may grow its spines.
It has visible items inside, it can be broken to get them.
Greatly damages all nearby enemies with a sound-based attack.
Will improve Dedede's aerial mobility and allow him to spit an unlimited number of air bullets much faster and farther for a limited time.
Once Kirby picks up a Timed Dynamite, the clock shown on it will slowly begin to tick down. Once the clock makes one cycle, the dynamite will explode.
A small capsule with a smaller Plugg inside. Attacking it charges electricity which will then be used to shoot a projectile into a target.
- Kirby's Hammer Copy Ability is the same hammer used by Dedede, its gimmick next to other Copy Abilities being its higher power in exchange for shorter range.
- Able to defeat Drawcia with the player's assistance.
- Portrayed in that game with further attack power & health than Kirby, but lower speed.
- Through Return to Dream Land, he assisted Kirby, Meta Knight and Bandana Waddle Dee in the defeat of: Many Sphere Doomers, the Grand Doomer, Metal General, Landia and Magolor in his latter forms.
- In The Arena & The True Arena sub-games Dedede can defeat said characters alone, as well as Galacta Knight in the former sub-game. (It should be noticed that an interview establishes extra content as part of what Kirby and other characters can do, despite no being actions within the canon timeline of the verse.)
- In the extra-mode Dededetour from Triple Deluxe Dedede is able to defeat Queen Sectonia, Shadow Dedede and Dark Meta Knight, the former and latter of whom being comparable to Meta Knight.
- Able to assist Kirby and the rest of the Star Allies in the defeat of Hyness and Void Termina during the main story of Star Allies.
- During the canon mini-game Heroes in Another Dimension he is capable of once again assisting Kirby and the rest of the Star Allies defeating Parallel Kracko, Parallel Meta Knight, Parallel Dedede, Corrupt Hyness, and the Three, Mage-Sisters, the latter fighting as a team.
- In sub-games such as Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! and The Ultimate Choice Dedede can defeat alone these characters as well as facing new ones such as Morpho Knight and Void; For narrative context, he would require assistance from other Star Allies to defeat at least the former boss.
Notable Matchups
Meta Knight (Kirby) Meta Knight's Profile (Speed was equalized, both had standard equipment)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 See the Notable Attacks/Techniques section below for evidence and/or clarifications.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Revenge of the King · Kirby Super Star Ultra
- ↑ Kirby's Epic Yarn & Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 Kirby Battle Royale
- ↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 Kirby's Return Dream Land & Kirby's Return Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 Kirby Star Allies
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Kirby’s Blowout Blast
- ↑ Japanese intro, which was removed in America · Kirby's Dream Course
- ↑ Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn
- ↑ Samurai Kirby · Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ Opening · Kirby's Pinball Land
- ↑ Kirby Mass Attack
- ↑ Kirby's Pinball Land
- ↑ Crackity Hack • Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 Kirby Fighters 2
- ↑ "Kirby Characters Encyclopedia" (星のカービィ キャラクター大図鑑), page 9
- ↑ Kirby and the Forgotten Land
- ↑ Kirby JP twitter, post of Jul 12, 2017
- ↑ For example Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee or Meta Knight
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Dededetour · Kirby: Triple Deluxe
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Nintendo Power issue 271 (September 2011), page 44
- ↑ Dedede Clone's Jap. pause screen description · Kirby: Planet Robobot
- ↑ Kirby's Dream Land Wii Deluxe interview · Nintendo Dream issue of May, 2023
- ↑ Main Mode's true final boss · Kirby: Triple Deluxe
- ↑ The True Arena · Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ Story Mode & Heroes in Another Dimension · Kirby Star Allies
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! (If playing the Three Mage-Sisters' story) and The Ultimate Choice (Soul Melter & Soul Melter EX difficulties) · Kirby Star Allies
- ↑ Kirby's Super Star Stacker
- ↑ Inter-dimensional rift areas · Kirby's Return to Dream Land & Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ "Each to His Own World" cutscene · Kirby's Return to Dream Land & Kirby's Return to Dream Land
- ↑ "Final Battle EX" cutscene · Kirby's Return to Dream Land & Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ Level 8: Another Dimension · Kirby's Return to Dream Land & Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ The True Arena · Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ Story Mode & Heroes in Another Dimension · Kirby Star Allies
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 Kirby Star Allies (If Magolor is mind-controlled by Void Termina or Morpho Knight's powers, or if Dedede is controlled by them), Kirby Fighters 2
- ↑ Kirby's Adventure
- ↑ Spring Breeze · Kirby Super Star Ultra
- ↑ Crackity Hack · Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ Kirby Squeak Squad Instruction Booklet, page 4
- ↑ Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ Egg Catcher · Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ Kirby: Squeak Squad
- ↑ Checkerboard Chase · Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
- ↑ Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Strategy Guide
- ↑ Checkerboard Chase · Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ Carried items · Kirby's Return to Dream Land & Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
- ↑ King Dedede & Meta Knight's Jap. flavor text • Kirby Star Allies
- ↑ Kirby's Dream Land Wii Deluxe interview · Nintendo Dream magazine issue of May, 2023
- ↑ It's recognized that his size varies from game to game (KIRBY'S 20th ANNIVERSARY Celebration Book, page 5), however, this is to a small degree & most likely non-canon in-universe, given that that's portrayed as choice in game design & esthetics. Still, it makes it hard to determine the exact amount of centimeters he's taller than Kirby.
- ↑ Available to the 2º to 4º players with all Star Allies. If NPCs control them, they will never break free of their mind powers on their own. The 1º player (which will always be Kirby in the Story Mode and can be anyone in other modes) can't be affected by those mind powers in the first place, however this is most likely for game-balancing purposes rather than an outright better resistance.
- ↑ While he showed no signs of fatigue, Kirby was performing one of his most notable feats of stamina in that game, and could be argued to be slightly weaker when Dedede hit him.
- ↑ See the AP of Magolor (Phase 2)/Magolor Soul or the Master Crown. This space waves were only consuming interstellar parts in the context of what was outrun, regardless of the scale of the whole feat.
- ↑ Note that the destruction seen inside Popstar continues offscreen before reaching the other side of the planet, only visually reaching earth with some magma in it. The measure that goes up to "999.99" both doesn't stand for anything and is just a point of reference for the game rather than distance, as its highest value unevenly reaches a much higher distance than anything lower.
Discussion threads involving King Dedede |