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Articles about
Kenshiro (Hokuto no Ken)
You are already dead.
~ Kenshiro's iconic catchphrase.


Kenshiro (けんろう Kenshirō?) is the protagonist of the Hokuto no Ken franchise, the 64th successor of the Hokuto Shinken style of martial arts, and the greatest of all of them in its 1,800 years. Originally an orphan from Taiseiden, Asura, and a descendant of the Hokuto Sōke bloodline, he was sent to the mainland as a baby with his adoptive siblings Raoh and Toki. He was adopted by Ryuken and named after his uncle. Although younger and more passive than his brothers, he was still named Ryuken's successor after Toki became gravely ill. Soon after, he was attacked by his rival Shin, separated from his fiancé Yuria, and left to die in the desert, with the Big Dipper stabbed into his chest. However, he survived. From that day, he was no longer the gentle, passive man of the past, and went on to become the savior of the wasteland.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 6-C, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | High 6-A, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | High 6-A, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | High 6-A, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | High 6-A, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | High 6-A, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō

Key: Start of Series | Pre-Musō Tensei | Post-Musō Tensei | Post-Timeskip | Seals Lifted | End of Series

Name: Kenshiro, Ken

Origin: Fist of the North Star

Gender: Male

Age: Late 20's

Classification: Human, Martial Artist, 64th grandmaster, and successor of Hokuto Shinken, "God of Death" (All successors of Hokuto Shinken are considered Gods of Death)

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: At least Island level (Stronger than Jagi, could casually injure him without powering up and he couldn't do any significant damage to Kenshiro once he went all out), higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō (Can become 3.33x stronger by using his strength at 100%, while normally he can use only 30%. Easily defeated Shin at his 100%) | Multi-Continent level, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō (Much stronger than before. Fought and defeated Souther in their second fight. Fought against a 30% Raoh and tied with him) | Multi-Continent level, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō (Contended and defeated Raoh at 100%) | Multi-Continent level (Fought and matched Falco while using only 30% his power, Falco was comparable to Raoh. Fought against Han and barely won), higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | Multi-Continent level (While at 30%, Ken fought and matched a Hyoh who had received the same power boost after also awakening the power of the original Hokuto), higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | Multi-Continent level+ (His initiation ritual should have given him a power boost similar to the one Kasumi received. After lifting the seals of the original Hokuto, he became strong enough to match an amped Kaioh), higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō (Matched and eventually defeat Kaioh, who was much stronger than before). He can ignore conventional durability with most of his attacks

Speed: FTL (Faster than Jagi, who should be comparable to Garuda, who can fight at the speed of light. Comparable to Kasumi Kenshiro who can outspeed Zhang Taiyan who is able to attack without leaving a shadow), higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō (Can become 3.33x faster than before) | At least FTL (Much faster than before. Was able to react and dodge Falco's light attack), higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō (Keep up against a 30% Raoh) | At least FTL, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō (Fought against a 100% Raoh) | At least FTL, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō (Fought and defeated Han, whose fists are too fast to even cast a shadow. Should be comparable to his uncle) | At least FTL, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | At least FTL, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō

Lifting Strength: Class K (Pushed a boulder that should weigh over 300 metric tonnes and did this in base and without powering up. Casually lifted a specially shaped rock to fix a water dam), higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | At least Class K, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | At least Class K, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | At least Class K, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | At least Class K, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | At least Class K, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō

Striking Strength: At least Island level, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | Multi-Continent level, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | Multi-Continent level, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | Multi-Continent level, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | Multi-Continent level, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | Multi-Continent level+, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō

Durability: At least Island level (Much tougher than Jagi, who took a massive nuclear blast from a few meters away), higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | Multi-Continent level, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō | Multi-Continent level, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō, , Unknown with Musō Tensei (Musō Tensei allows the users body to become completely intangible and allows them to glide through air or phase, and only other practitioners of Musō Tensei or Hokuto Ryūken can hurt them) | Multi-Continent level (While having his energy drained, tanked a blast from a base Kaioh, while suffering only moderate damage), higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō, Unknown with Musō Tensei | Multi-Continent level, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō, Unknown with Musō Tensei | Multi-Continent level+, higher with Tenryū Kokyū Hō, Unknown with Musō Tensei

Stamina: Superhuman (Kenshiro can go without food and water much longer than an average human. The Databook, "All about the man" states he can remain strong even if he goes three months without eating. He can recover very quickly, even during a battle after being severely wounded from having his muscles and bones sliced or crushed, and can cross distances across the desert on foot, which would require normal people to use cars or other vehicles to cross. He can also recover instantly from any major wounds given, and regain his stamina [even when his body was exposed to deadly sulfuric gas]. Has much better stamina than the likes of Rei and Souther)

Range: Standard Melee Range; Tens of Meters to Hundreds of Meters with certain ranged ki techniques and aura.

Standard Equipment: A pair of nunchucks.

Intelligence: Genius in daily aspects; Extraordinary Genius in regards to combat (Kenshiro stands as the single most skilled fighter in his setting, surpassing all his predecessors and having absolute mastery over every single martial art displayed throughout the series. He has uncanny precision, to the point of being able to strike a pressure point as small as the tip of a pin with a strand of hair. His memory is refined to the point that he's able to memorize up to 50,000 words after reading them once. His technique and grace are unrivaled. He's capable of mastering an opponent's martial art after seeing it once, to the point where he can simply nullify its effects and see right through it. He can copy and adapt to incredibly complex techniques on the fly, such as when he adapted to Anryū Tenha's space-warping ability, when he surpassed Solia's prowess in Gento Kō Ken [a martial art once deemed to be more deadly than Hokuto Shinken and with 2000 years of history], after only seeing a single move of said style or when he managed to fight Raoh to a standstill and would have killed him had he not been stopped, despite Toki stating only minutes prior that Ken didn't even have a 1% chance of defeating Raoh. He's stated to have "infinite potential" in terms of technique and combat prowess multiple times throughout the series. Scales significantly above Toki, who, with his sheer skill and talent, bent Raoh's fate and manifested his harbinger of death. Shown multiple times throughout the series to be capable of demolishing entire armies all by himself, stated by enemy soldiers to "march calmly, unstoppable, through thousands of soldiers like he was in the middle of an empty field", casually crushed both Falco's and Jakoh's armies at the same time. Even before his final fight against Raoh and achieving Muso Tensei, he was unfathomably above combatants such as the Red Berrets, who are each capable of defeating 500 soldiers at the same time, and defeated their general with his eyes closed. In that same fight, Ken states that due to the nature of Hokuto Shinken's transmission, it's like he has 1800 years worth of combat experience and training, he was an assassin from the very moment he was born. Hokuto Shinken's very nature is of one adaptability and it has infinite fighting variations in order to overcome every obstacle and opponent, no matter the difference in strength)

Weaknesses: Given the heavy reliance on pressure points, the Hokuto Shinken is significantly less effective against opponents with altered physiology. He rarely goes all out, often using "less than 30% of his power". An opponent capable of "destroying nothingness" could bypass the intangibility given by Muso Tensei.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Hokuto Shinken (北斗ほくと神拳しんけん?): Hokuto Shinken is a 1,800-year-old Chinese martial art based around assassination and passed on only from teacher to student. Its power is based around targeting and hitting the 708 Keiraku Hikō (or pressure points) in an opponent's body, channeling energy into them, and through that, manipulating their movements. These pressure points can be used to control an enemy's body, in ways such as forcing them to move or destroying them from the inside with an explosion, or they can be used for healing, such as in the restoration of someone's memories, eyesight, or voice.

Kenshiro is the 64th successor of Hokuto Shinken, a master of the art who has knowledge of every signal technique. Through Musō Tensei and Suieishin, Kenshiro should have access to the martial arts and techniques of all his rivals, from Rei to Kaioh, and as the 64th and greatest successor to Hokuto Shinken, he should know all of its techniques. He can even use the unique forms of Hokuto Shinken used by his older siblings. His mastery of it spreads even to its original form, Hokuto Sōke no Ken.

  • Rocky Mountain Splitting Wave (岩山がんざん兩斬りょうざん Ganzan Ryōzan Ha?) A straightforward but lethal technique that takes the form of a simple, lethal chop to an opponent's head, splitting it in half. Unlike other Hokuto techniques, it does not hit any pressure points.
  • Gedokujutsu (どくじゅつ?): Kenshiro uses Hokuto Shinken to expel poisons from his body.
  • Five Finger Fury Bullets (伍指ごし烈彈れつだん Goshi Retsu Dan?): Kenshiro strikes his opponent's hands; afterward, their fingers explode.
  • Pressure Point Sealing (孔封こうふう Hikō Fūji?): Kenshiro uses this technique to break out of any effects other pressure points may have on him.
  • Steel Muscle Cutting Kick (鋼筋分斷ごうきんぶんだんきゃく Gōkin Bundan Kyaku?): A technique that weakens an opponent's muscles to the point that even lifting one's arms becomes extremely difficult.
  • Hokuto: Bone Demolisher (ほく斷骨筋だんこつきん Hokuto Dankotsukin?): A technique that causes the opponent's muscles to self-destruct.
  • Hokuto: Iron Palm Wave (ほくごうしょう Hokuto: Gōshō Ha?): A technique copied from Raoh. Kenshiro expels a high amount of powerful Tōki from his hands, forming a powerful destructive wave of power.
  • Hokuto: Eight Agonies Nine Breaks (ほく捌悶はちもんだん Hokuto: Hachimon Kudan?): After causing the opponent intense pain, this technique then causes them to be violently dismembered into nine separate parts.
  • Hokuto: Hundred Rending Fists (ほくひゃく裂拳れつけん Hokuto: Hyakuretsu Ken?): Kenshiro's signature technique. Kenshiro unleashes a rapid flurry of over a hundred strikes to his opponent, who explodes shortly afterward.
  • Hokuto: Softness Ripping Slash (ほくじゅうざん Hokuto: Jūha Zan?): A technique that uses a rapid flurry of blows to soften an enemy's defenses.
  • Hokuto: Cross Slash (ほくじゅうざん Hokuto: Jūji Zan?): Kenshiro strikes his opponent's pressure points in the shape of a cross, leaving them with only minutes to live.
  • Hokuto: Bone Crushing Fists (ほく壞骨拳かいこつけん Hokuto: Kaikotsu Ken?): After Kenshiro strikes his opponent in the forehead with two fingers, their skeleton explodes from their body.
  • Hokuto: Vacuum Finger Bullet (ほくきょ無指むしだん Hokuto: Kyomu Shidan?): Kenshiro strikes the pressure points in his opponent's heads, erasing their memory.
  • Hokuto: Dragon Strikes Tiger (ほくりゅうげき Hokuto: Ryūgeki Ko?): Kenshiro strikes the pressure points in his opponent and induces false death.
  • Hokuto: Thousand Destruction Fists (ほく千手壞拳せんじゅかいけん Hokuto: Senjukai Ken?): A stronger variant on the Hokuto: Hundred Rending Fists where Kenshiro hits his opponent a thousand times, increasing the severity of pain with every blow.
  • Hokuto: Tendon-Pulling Will Kick (ほく繰筋そうきんざいきゃく Hokuto: Sōkin Jizai-kyaku?): Kenshiro hits pressure points in his opponent's neck, making their bodies do whatever he says.
  • Hokuto: Sattva Fierce Flying Rip (ほくじょうもうしょう Hokuto: Ujō Mōshō Ha?): A technique derived from Toki's form of Hokuto Shinken, Kenshiro unleashes a swift series of blows before piercing his opponent's heart, causing his opponent to die a painless, blissful death.
  • Hokuto: Zankai Ken (ほく殘悔拳ざんかいけん?): Kenshiro jabs his thumbs into an opponent's temples. When he removes them, they have but three seconds left before they explode.
  • Nil-Thought Rebirth (想轉生そうてんせい Musō Tensei?): The ultimate technique of Hokuto Shinken. Only through embracing the true nature of sorrow can one use it; Kenshiro was the first in the 1,800 years of Hokuto Shinken to master it. When used, Musō Tensei allows Kenshiro to achieve "nothingness", becoming intangible and communicate with the souls of dead rivals and use their techniques. With Musō Tensei, even when in a coma, Kenshiro can fight as just his soul.
  • Raging Flame, Reverse Flowing Fists (れっ逆流ぎゃくりゅうけん Rekka Gyakuryū Ken?): This technique is delivered with a flurry of blows and closes off an opponent's throat, preventing them from breathing.
  • Awakening of the Senses (醒銳孔せいえいこう Seiei Kō?): Kenshiro strikes his opponent in the chest, hitting a pressure point that heightens the pain sensitivity of all their nerves, making touching anything extremely painful.
  • Seven Star Point Spirit (漆星點心しちせいてんしん Shichisei Tenshin?): A secret technique of Hokuto Shinken that allows the user to move in the pattern of the Big Dipper, striking their opponent in the seven blind spots inherent in a human's field of vision, quickly overwhelming them.
  • Blue Dragon of Heaven (そうりゅうてん Sōryū Tenra?) Along with Musō Tensei, one of the ultimate, secret techniques of Hokuto Shinken. It transports the user and their opponent to a world of absolute nothingness. In this world, all defenses, auras, and barriers are rendered null and void, forcing both fighters to use only their bare hands. When someone dies within Sōryū Tenra, they are erased, leaving nothing of their existence.
  • Water Reflecting Spirit (水映心すいえいしん Suieishin?): Through this technique, Kenshiro can replicate an opponent's martial arts style after seeing it once.
  • Heaven-Splitting Life or Death (てん活殺かっさつ Tenha Kassatsu?): Kenshiro expels tōki from his fingertips, which pierce his opponent's pressure points in the shape of the Big Dipper, punching through their body and causing serious harm.
  • Tenryū Kokyū Hō (てんりゅうきゅうほう Tenryū Kokyū Hō?): A technique that allows the user to access the full extent of their body's strength; humans only normally use 30%. Through this technique, a practitioner of Hokuto Shinken can unlock the other 70%.
  • Celestial King's Assault (てんしょう奔烈ほんれつ Tenshō Honretsu?): A technique which was Raoh's ultimate attack. Kenshiro rotates his hands in the air before firing a powerful wave of tōki straight forwards.
  • Burden of Regret Walk Fist (殘悔積ざんかいせきけん Zankai Sekihoken?): After striking his opponent with a flurry of punches, Kenshiro hits a pressure point that forces them to uncontrollably walk backward.

Keiraku Hikō (経絡けいらくこう?): The pressure points Kenshiro can hit and their effects include;

  • Anbakukō (安驀孔あんばくこう?): Expels poisons from one's body.
  • Daikyōkin (だいきょうきん?): Makes the opponent's body soft and vulnerable.
  • Dōmei (瞳明どうめい?) Disables the opponent's eyesight.
  • Gekishinkō (激振孔げきしんこう?): Rapidly speeds up the opponent's heartbeat until their blood vessels and heart burst.
  • Jikyūkyō (鳩胸きゅうきょう?): Takes the opponent's depth perception away.
  • Jinchūkyoku (じん中極ちゅうきょく?): Destroys the opponent's body in three seconds.
  • Jōketsukai (じょう血海けつかい?): Disables one's right leg.
  • Kaiamon Tenchō (かい門天もんてんちょう?): Causes great pain to an enemy who refuses to talk.
  • Kenmei (建明けんめい?): Restores the target's eyesight.
  • Kisha (しゃ?): Immobilizes the opponent.
  • Kyōmei (きょうめい?): Causes the target's hands to explode.
  • Kyōnai (きょうない?): Permanently locks the opponent's jaws open.
  • Kyosetsu (拒節きょせつ?): Forces the opponent to turn any weapon they're holding on themself.
  • Meimon (命門めいもん?): Causes muscle contractions so intense that they crush the opponent's spine.
  • Ryūgan (りゅうがん?): Causes all the target's nerves to become hypersensitive, so the slightest touches are extremely painful.
  • Sekkatsukō (刹活孔せっかつこう?): Increases Kenshiro's strength at the expense of a shorter lifespan.
  • Sen-yō (戰癰せんよう?): Freezes the opponent with their arms outstretched.
  • Shihōrin (寶林ほうりん?): Allowed Kenshiro to read Sanskrit.
  • Shinfukumen (新伏免しんふくめん?): Causes the body to explode from within if the target moves at all.
  • Shinkesshū (新血しんけっしゅう?): The opponent slowly, painfully dies over the course of the next three days.
  • Shin-ichi (新一しんいち?): Forces the opponent to speak.
  • Shitsugen (膝限しつげん?): The opponent walks backward uncontrollably.
  • Zenha (ぜん?): Stops the opponent's breathing.
  • Zusetsu (せつ?): Can be used to erase an opponent's memory or interrogate them.

Nanto Seiken (なん聖拳せいけん?): The opposite martial art to Hokuto Shinken. While Hokuto Shinken revolves around destroying an opponent from the inside, Nanto Seiken revolves around destroying them from the outside, slashing and stabbing to create waves of air pressure that slice opponents apart. Having fought several of the Nanto Rokusei Ken, Kenshiro has assimilated their fighting styles into his own through Suieishin and Musō Tensei.

  • Nanto Koshū Ken (なんしゅうけん?): Shin's form of Nanto Seiken. It focuses on rapid hand strikes that stab an enemy to death, as well as powerful flying kick techniques.
    • Nanto: Prison Slaughtering Fist (なんごくけん Nanto: Gokuto Ken?): A flying kick technique that slashes the tendons in the opponent's legs, disabling them.
    • Nanto: Flying Dragon Fist (なんりゅうけん Nanto: Hiryū Ken?): A series of rapid punches that causes the opponent's body to crack apart like stone.
    • Nanto: Thousand-Headed Dragon Attack (なん千首せんしゅりゅうげき Nanto: Senshuryū Geki?): A rapid stabbing attack with his hands.
  • Nanto: Suichō Ken (なんすいちょうけん?): Rei's form of Nanto Seiken. It is like a graceful waterbird in its movements, swift and elegant, yet extremely powerful and destructive.
    • Soaring White Loveliness (しょう白麗はくれい Hishō Hakurei?): A secret Nanto Seiken technique in which the user jumps into the air and lands on their opponent, piercing their shoulders with their hands.
    • Nanto: Flying Bird Wild Halberd Wave (なんちょう亂戟らんげき Nanto: Hichō Rangeki Ha?): The user slashes with their hands many times over, sending out a barrage of razor-sharp vacuum waves.
    • Nanto: Tiger Destroys Dragon (なん虎破こはりゅう Nanto Koha Ryū?): The Nanto Seiken equivalent to Hokuto's Ryū Geki Ko. After striking a pressure point in their opponent's chest, they fall into a state of false death.
    • Remnant Bird Slash (ざんちょうざん Zanchō Zan?): An attack that slashes apart the opponent's tendons and tears them apart if they move within three seconds.
  • Nanto: Kōkaku Ken (なん紅鶴拳こうかくけん?): Yuda's form of Nanto Seiken. It focuses on destroying enemies with long-range attacks.
    • Tradition-Defying Rending Wave (でんしょうれっ Denshō Reppa?): With a sweep of the user's hand, they rip through the air and send a wave of air pressure forwards that cuts into their enemy.
    • Blood-Adorned Beak (けっしょう Kesshō Shi?): A strong, rapid-fire slash attack.
    • Nanto: Talon Destructive Slash (なん鷹爪ようそうざん Nanto: Yōsō Hazan?): With a single finger, the user cuts through the air and creates a wave of air pressure that cuts their opponent in half.
  • Nanto: Hakuro Ken (なんはくけん?): Shu's form of Nanto Seiken. The style focuses on strong, fast kicking techniques and strikes with open palms.
    • Nanto: Beheading Formation of the Fierce Feet (なんれっきゃく斬陣ざんじん Nanto: Rekkyaku Zanjin?) A spinning kick that decapitates those around the user.
    • Alluring Illusion Palm (誘幻ゆうげんしょう Yūgen Shō?): An illusory series of powerful palm strikes used to disorient the enemy.
  • Nanto: Hōō Ken (なん鳳凰拳ほうおうけん?): The ultimate form of Nanto Seiken, practiced by Souther. This formless style relies on pure power and speed to destroy enemies.
    • Poled Star Cross Fist (きょくせいじゅうけん Kyokusei Jūji Ken?): The user slashes their hands in a cross, creating a cross-shaped burst of razor-sharp air pressure that cuts into their opponent.
    • Heaven-Soaring Cross Phoenix (てん翔拾しょうじゅうほう Tenshō Jūji Hō?) The sole stance of Nanto Hōō Ken, used only against a worthy opponent. Through this technique, the user can levitate, launching into dashing glide attacks that pass through their opponent's defenses and rip them apart.

Gento Kō Ken (げん皇拳こうけん?): A style created to protect the Heavenly Emperor. It focuses on the use of ki in combat, using it in blasts and to cut through opponents on a cellular level. Due to his fight with Falco, Kenshiro should have assimilated this into his fighting style.

  • Rings of Opposition (しょうりん Shō no Rin?): The user fires several ring-shaped blasts of energy.
  • Opposition Dance of the Sky (てんしょう Tenshō Bu?): The user balances on an opponent's fist as they throw a punch, then counters with a blow to their chest.


Notable Matchups






Discussion threads involving Kenshiro (Hokuto no Ken)