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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
When I was a kid, I thought Zootopia was this perfect place where everyone got along and anyone could be anything. Turns out, real life's a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Real life is messy. We all have limitations. We all make mistakes. Which means―hey, glass half full!―we all have a lot in common. And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. But we have to try. So no matter what type of animal you are, from the biggest elephant to our first fox, I implore you: try. Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with all of us.
~ Judy


With the idea to make the world a better place, Judy Hopps becomes the first bunny ever to join Zootopia's police department. Determined to prove herself, Judy jumps at the chance to solve the case of the missing Mr. Otterton, which leads to her teaming up with Nick Wilde, a con artist fox.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: Judith “Judy” Laverne Hopps

Origin: Zootopia

Gender: Female

Age: 24 years

Classification: Rabbit, Prey, Police Officer

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Acrobatics, Enhanced Hearing, Stealth Mastery (Sneaked into the Cliffside Asylum and Doug’s secret laboratory alongside Nick), Vehicular Mastery, Small Body (Type 0), Resistance to extreme temperatures (Trained to deal with twelve different ecosystems)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Knocked out a rhino by pushing his punch against his face with a kick. Sent a ram flying out of a speeding train. Can casually inflict damage on Nick Wilde with her punches)

Speed: Subsonic (Booted Nick’s stroller without him noticing it at first. Crossed a street in 1/5 of a second. Caught a donut before it could crush Fru Fru. Was able to outspeed a train. Handcuffed a Panther in a pole before he could end his charge against Nick)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 1 (Physically stronger than Nick Wilde. Pushed a series of small buildings back into place)

Striking Strength: Wall level

Durability: Wall level (Shrugged off a charge from a Ram, which were capable of leaving huge dents on steel doors. Took large falls with no damage)

Stamina: Superhuman (Casually processed two hundred tickets on her parking duty by noon. Spent roughly forty-eight consecutive hours working to solve the Night howlers case without sights of exhaustion)

Range: Standard Melee Range.

Standard Equipment: A couple of Handcuffs

Intelligence: Gifted (Graduated from the Zootopia Police Academy as the top student of her class despite the sheer size differences, making her the first rabbit to become a police officer. Trained to be able to deal with twelve unique ecosystems. Was able to outsmart Nick Wilde and discover the truth behind both Lionheart’s and Bellwether’s conspiracies with his help. She has also a fair knowledge of different types of plants)

Weaknesses: Can be somewhat naïve and lack of self-awareness under certain circumstances

Notable Matchups


Ladybug (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat NoirLadybug's profile (Marinette was used. Speed was equalized)




Discussion threads involving Judy Hopps