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Issei Kurosaki is Kamen Rider Caucasus, a Kamen Rider that appears in the series' original timeline as depicted in Kamen Rider Kabuto: God Speed Love. Believing that one should defend only those who deserve to be the superior life form, Issei aided in Zect's plan to wipe out the human race for the Worms to completely take over. But his encounter with Kamen Rider Kabuto would avert this timeline from occurring.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 10-A | Low 5-B

Keys: Issei Kurosaki | Kamen Rider Caucasus

Name: Issei Kurosaki, Kamen Rider Caucasus

Origin: Kamen Rider Kabuto

Gender: Male

Classification: Human, Kamen Rider

Powers and Abilities: Martial Arts (Can match against Kabuto and Gatack in hand-to-hand combat), Weapon Mastery (Both a skilled marksman and swordsman), Transformation | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (With O Signal and Compound Eye), Explosion Manipulation (Vastly scales above other riders who's attacks can create explosions), Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Can survive in the vacuum of space), Statistics Amplification, Durability Negation via Deconstruction (Finishers can cause atomic collapse), Cosmic Awareness (A Rider’s O Signal can sense disturbances in the time-axis), Vibration Manipulation (All Kabuto Riders are equipped with the Rider Palm which emit high frequencies and can hit enemies moving freely in space-time), Limited Teleportation via Spatial Manipulation (All Zectors can move in similar manner to teleportation by cuts through the space), Plasma Manipulation (Can shoot plasma fireballs), Electricity Manipulation (The Gatack Double Caliber is charged with electricity), Resistance to Extreme Temperatures and Absolute Zero (Their suit can withstand temperatures of 5000 C and Absolute Zero), Deconstruction (Riders can survive each others finishers, which causes atomic collapse), and Cosmic Radiation (Survived in space)

Attack Potency: At least Athlete level | Small Planet level (Fought against both Kabuto and Gatack, having the upper hand until Hyper Form was used. One-shot Hercus)

Speed: Supersonic combat and reaction speed (Comparable to Shouji Tendo) | Superhuman movement speed, with FTL reaction speed (Riders have consistently shown to be able to activate Clock Up before another Clock Up user can blitz them. Kamen Rider Drake has also shown to be able to see that Kamen Rider TheBee had activated Clock Up and proceeded to use his own Clock Up to counter this. Kamen Rider Gatack’s Compound Eyes are capable of tracking the movements of Clock Up users even when he himself isn’t using Clock Up), FTL with Clock Up (By using Clock Up, the user’s respective Zector distributes tachyon particles throughout the body, drastically increasing the user’s speed. Tachyons being particles which can travel faster than the speed of light)

Lifting Strength: Average Human | Class 100

Striking Strength: At least Athlete level | Small Planet level

Durability: At least Athlete level | Small Planet level

Stamina: High

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended melee range to hundreds of meters with the ZECT Kunai Gun

Standard Equipment:

  • Kabutick Zecters: Caucasus' transformation device
  • Rider Brace: Caucasus' transformation brace
  • Hyper Zecter: A device that allows to use Hyper Clock Up, though he could not use its full power
  • ZECT Buckle: A Clock Up belt, which has side pads as Rider Belt's side pads

Intelligence: Average, but he is a skilled fighter

Weaknesses: None notable | Hyper Clock Up has a time limit

Powers and Abilities:

  • Rider Kick - Caucasus jumps into the sky and attacks his enemy with a powerful kick (only used when Kamen Rider Diend summons him for help)
  • Hyper Clock Up - Increases his speed massively, able to easily out speed based form Kabuto and Gatack Clock-Up

Note 1: All Caucasus Henshin and Finisher

Note 2: Please do not try to scale Caucasus' Hyper Clock Up to Kabuto or Gatack's Hyper Clock Up. During the God Speed Love movie, Caucasus has not shown on the level of speed as either Hyper riders. Furthermore, Caucasus is not given a Hyper Form like the other riders.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
