A stone golem.
The ability to be made of inorganic matter. Users of this ability are unaffected by many things which would be lethal to organic beings or even the undead.
Possible Uses
- Resistance to Poison: As users of this ability have no organic functions, common poison would be ineffective against them.
- Resistance to Biological Manipulation: As users of this ability aren't organic beings, they lack all biological functions, and can therefore also not be manipulated in this manner.
- Resistance to Diseases: As they lack the body functions of living beings, common illnesses would not harm them.
- Self-Sustenance: Users of the ability usually don't rely on oxygen or nutrients to function.
- Further Resistances: Depending on the composition of the user they can gain unique resistances such as a rock person resisting Electricity Manipulation or a being made solely from a noble gas being unaffected by natural acids.
- Living Beings: Inorganic beings that have a non-physical consciousness. For example, objects that were granted life via supernatural means.
- Non-Living Beings: Robots, AI or other inorganic beings, that have no consciousness beyond what the physical functions of their bodies grants them. This type of character is typically immune to Soul Manipulation due to lacking a soul and is also unaffected by many common forms of Mind Manipulation, since they neither have an organic brain to be manipulated nor have a non-physical consciousness. Since these characters usually also don't have something like life force and aren't alive in the usual sense in the first place, they are furthermore unaffected by common forms of Life Manipulation and Death Manipulation.
- Type 1: Plasma Wisp (Kirby), Regirock, Regice and Registeel (Pokémon), Kool-Aid Man
- Type 2: Robots and androids such as Bender, Mega Man, The Terminator, Android 16, Ryuzu Yourslave and other beings fully composed of various types of non-organic matter or files, such as Shadow or Monomi
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