“ | Power is a record of your experiences, your gifts, your practice, and your past battles. It's fighting without any of those, just an ideal, that makes you a machine. | „ |
~ Inglis to Sistia |
“ | Whether for good or ill, power used for a cause becomes the means to an end. Even if you realize those ideals, your power becomes meaningless to you in the end. That sort of mindset doesn't respect power itself. If you desire true mastery, you need to be more sincere. Let go of ideas, let go of reasoning, and reach for power without needing a cause to guide you. | „ |
~ Inglis |
Inglis Eucus is the main protagonist of Reborn to Master the Blade. She is a hero-king reborn to master the blade while looking out for Rafinha and her friends. While she certainly could be an exceptional leader, she has had enough of that in her previous life. As a true warrior she is only interested in fighting, food and Rafinha who she will protect at all costs.
Powers and Stats
Tier: At least High 8-C, 8-B with Aether Shell, 8-A with Aether Strike, Low 7-C with Aether Breaker | At least 8-A, Low 7-C with Aether Shell, higher with Aether Strike, 7-C with Aether Breaker, far higher with Dragon's Lore | At least 7-C, higher with Aether Shell, far higher with Aether Strike, High 7-C with Aether Breaker, higher with Dragon's Lore, far higher with Aether Cross Lore, even higher with Aether Cross Lore and Dragon's Lore combination, far higher with Dragon Magic
Key: Volume 1-5 | Volume 6 | Volume 7-9
Name: Inglis Eucus, Chris
Origin: Reborn to Master the Blade
Gender: Female
Age: 0[1] | 5[2] | 6[3] | 12[4][5] | 15[6] | 16[7]
Classification: Demigod, Squire, Student
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Aether Manipulation (Can manipulate and use Aether which is the source of all things[1])
- Magic
- Master Swordswoman
- Martial Arts (Fought Leon in Hand-to-Hand combat and completely destroyed him[5])
- Extrasensory Perception (Can sense Aether,[1] which is the source of everything in the world, including Mana)
- Energy Projection (Can create powerful Aether attacks, such as Aether Strike[1])
- Limited Flight (She could levitate[1] a couple of months after being born)
- Power Nullification (The Aether around her body scatters magic[2])
- Enhanced Senses (Mind's Eye allows her to fight without her vision.[2] Teams up with Rafinha so regularly, she can dodge her light arrows with her eyes close and without hearing.[8] Dodged a surprise attack[9] from a Rune eater while other's around her didn't supsect a thing)
- Acrobatics (Perfectly leaped on a Dragonfly's scythe before leaping nimbly to another,[8] and kept doing this from scythe to scythe while evading slashes)
- Forcefield Creation (Created a powerful barrier known as Aether Shell[5])
- Statistics Amplification (With Aether Shell[5] all her physical abilities get increased significantly, to the point she can blitz those she previously fought evenly with)
- Limited Instinctive Action (Reflexively dodged[8] an attack from Sistia's spear)
- Ice Manipulation (Created an incredibly big ice block[10] which encased Cyrene)
- Water Walking (After practicing more Aether control, she was able to run on water[11])
- Gravity Manipulation (Learned how to increase her own gravity[9] for the sake of training)
- Limited Power Mimicry (Replicated the mana flow[12] when the principal created gravity magic and uses it on herself for training. Stated to be able to recreate the effects[13] of Artifacts after studying them)
- Weapon Creation (Creates Ice Swords[12])
- Analytical Prediction (Analyzed the trajectory[14] of Ripple’s bullets and deflected them. Completely analyzed the Black Mask’s fighting style and predicted his moves,[15] having the fight go her way even when he held the advantage of being able to use two Aether Techniques at once)
- Attack Reflection (Reflected[14] Ripple's bullets back at her)
- Information Analysis (Constantly analyzes her opponent in fights. Studies the mana waves[16] so she can learn what magic moves do and how to counter them accordingly)
Resistance to:
- Extrasensory Perception (Can hide[5] her Mana and Aether so others can't tell how powerful she is)
- Existence Erasure (While clad in Aether Shell, Inglis can punch through Evel's Annihilation Magic[16] which destroys 'all things' and removes them in such a thorough manner they seem to be 'severed', and was later stated things touched by it are simply 'gone'[16])
- Life Manipulation (Blocked Tiffanyer's life force absorption[17] ability with her Aether, which would leave other's dead)
- Body Puppetry (Broke free[17] from Tiffanyer's control and redirected her attack)
All previous to a greater extent including:
- Fire Manipulation (Has been learning fire magic and can use it to cook.[18] Melted a giant snowball. Can envelop existing weapons with fire to heavily damage her opponents)
- Accelerated Development (Inglis constantly grows stronger through training and fighting to the point she surpasses Fufailbane's growth,[19] an ancient dragon, which left him to wait for her to die instead of allowing her to get any stronger by fighting him)
- Bodily Weaponry (Gained all of Fufailbane's power and can create dragon limbs to attack with[20])
- Weather Manipulation (Gained all of Fufailbane's powers, so she should be able to create snowstorms covering entire countries[21])
- Breath Attack (Gained all of Fufailbane's powers, so she should be able to use his breath attack[22] that's powerful enough to instantly freeze an average human)
Resistance to:
- Fear Manipulation (Can fight phantasms[21] which radiate malevolence that can make well-trained soldiers lose their will to fight[21])
- Law Manipulation (With Dragon's Lore, which is a force completely different from mana or magic, even Aether, which makes it fundamentally different from the laws of nature[23])
All previous to a greater extent including:
- Fusionism (Combined Aether and Dragons Lore to form Aether Cross Lore)
- Afterimage Creation (Created a high-speed invisible wall[24] with her sheer speed that blocked thousands of attacks coming at her from all direction)
Resistance to:
- Corruption (Fought the strongest Prismer - who can turn humans, animals and inscencts into magicite beasts by his mere presence[25] - without being affected by Prism Flow)
Attack Potency: At least Large Building level+[Statistics Values 1] (Could deflect[26] Prismer's beams which should be superior to the explosion created by his summon which is this powerful. Fought and defeated[5] powerful Lightning Beasts.[5] Could heavily damage Eris who is an incredibly powerful hierarchal menace), City Block level[Statistics Values 2] with Aether Shell (It makes are many times stronger[21] than before), Multi-City Block level+[Statistics Values 3] with Aether Strike (Stated to vaporize[16] lesser Magicite beasts, such as Rahl, which would require this much energy), Small Town level[Statistics Values 4] with Aether Breaker (Several times more powerful[26] than Aether Strike)
Speed: Subsonic[Statistics Values 5] (Can easily dodge[8] Rafinha’s light arrows even without her eyesight or hearing. Defeated multiple powerful lightning beasts created by Leon. Can keep up with Eris who is a hierarchal menace. Caught[9] arrows fired at her), higher[Statistics Values 6] with Aether Shell (The same multiplier (4x) applies to speed as it does to AP)
Lifting Strength: Class K[Statistics Values 7] (Strong enough to lift and throw[11] giant rock golems under intense gravity which weigh this much)
Striking Strength: At least Large Building level (Can easily pierce her opponents and even magicite beasts.[27] Punched Prismer's light beams which would devestate the city), higher with Aether Shell, Multi-City Block level+ with Aether Strike, Small Town level with Aether Breaker
Durability: At least Large Building level+ (Should be able to survive her attacks. Clashed blades with Eris who is a hierarchal menace and was fine. Survived explosions[5] created by Lightning Beasts after they were slain), City Block level with Aether Shell (It amplifies her physical capability 4x)
Attack Potency: At least Multi-City Block level+[Statistics Values 8] (Tanked Fufailbanes attack[23] without using any enhancements and traded blows with it. Grows at an incredible rate that even an ancient dragon cannot match), Small Town level[Statistics Values 9] with Aether Shell (It's stated Aether Shell makes her many times stronger,[21] which means at least 4x), higher with Aether Strike, At least Town level[Statistics Values 10] with Aether Breaker (It's stated Aether Breaker is at least several times more powerful[26] than Aether Atrike, which means at least 3x), far higher with Dragon's Lore (Completely knocked out[23] Fufailbane and was stated to completely surpass her old (Hero-King) self)
Speed: At least Subsonic[Statistics Values 11] (Far faster than before. Moved faster then Fufailbane could follow),[23] higher[Statistics Values 12] with Aether Shell (The same multiplier (4x) applies to speed as it does to AP)
Lifting Strength: Class K[Statistics Values 13] (Strong enough to lift and throw[11] giant rock golems under intense gravity which weigh this much)
Striking Strength: At least Multi-City Block level+, Small Town level with Aether Shell, higher with Aether Strike, Town level with Aether Breaker, far higher with Dragon's Lore (Comparable to attack potency. Fought and traded blows with Fufailbane)
Durability: At least Multi-City Block level+ (Tanked an attack from Fufailbane),[23] Small Town level with Aether Shell (It amplifies her physical capabilities 4x), Town level with Dragon's Lore
Attack Potency: At least Town level[Statistics Values 14] (Can use her full power by channeling aether through Dragonscale Sword, putting her on previous Aether Breaker level.[20] Created a massive explosion and left a crater the size of the royal castle,[20] vaporizing her surroundings. Grows at an incredible rate that even an ancient dragon cannot match), higher[Statistics Values 15] with Aether Shell (It's stated Aether Shell makes her many times stronger,[21] which means at least 4x), far higher with Aether Strike, Large Town level[Statistics Values 16] with Aether Breaker (It's stated Aether Breaker is at least several times more powerful than Aether Strike,[26] which means at least 3x), higher with Dragon’s Lore (Completely knocked out[23] Fufailbane and was stated to completely surpass her old (Hero-King) self, meaning it gives a strength boost in the one-shot range), far higher with Aether Cross Lore (Rochefort stated that if he took the full force of this attack, not even bones would be left behind), even higher[Statistics Values 17] with Aether Cross Lore and Dragon's Lore combination (By combining those two as she attack, her output increases many times higher[24] meaning 4x), far higher with Dragon Magic (Can compete with transformed Dux Jil and created a dragon magic ice sword that didn't break after he used Crimson Palm, even though anything previously would completely shatter as opposed to leaving not even a scratch on her current weaponry[28])
Speed: At least Supersonic[Statistics Values 18] (Far faster than before. Moved faster then Fufailbane could follow.[23] Stated to move like a bullet[25] and broke the speed of sound), Supersonic+[Statistics Values 19] with Aether Shell (The same multiplier (4x) applies to speed as it does to AP), Hypersonic[Statistics Values 20] with Dragon Magic (Blocked and evaded Dux Jil's Crimson Paw which is so fast it sets the vary air on fire and attack in shockwaves[28])
Lifting Strength: Class K[Statistics Values 21] (Strong enough to lift and throw[11] giant rock golems under intense gravity which weigh this much)
Striking Strength: At least Town level, higher with Aether Shell, far higher with Aether Strike, Large Town level with Aether Breaker, far higher with Dragon's Lore, immensely higher with Aether Cross Lore (Comparable to attack potency)
Durability: At least Town level, higher with Aether Shell, Large Town level with Dragon's Lore, far higher with Dragon Magic (Tanked an attack from Fufailbane,[23] who was previously comparable to her meaning her Durability scales to her Attack Potency)
Stamina: Superhuman (Trains every single day to master the blade and is constantly eager to fight and improve. Could easily defeat the golems created by the principal. Constantly puts gravity magic[29] on herself to make things harder and to faster improve)
Range: Standard Melee Range by herself, Extended Melee Range with swords, 10s of Meters with Aether and Magic
- Steel Rapier: Inglis carries around a steel rapier, however, she has started using it less and less due to how easily they break and how expensive they can be.
- Ice Sword: Instead of constantly relying on steel rapiers, she creates ice swords for combat which are more durable and can be effective against certain magic types or magicite beasts.
- Dragonscale Sword: A sword made out of Fufailbane's dragon scales. It is an incredibly powerful and durable weapon which is comparable to the scales still on Fufailbane. They can survive any attacks Inglis throws at it, with the potential exception being Aether Breaker. It is as tall as herself giving her incredible range close-combat.
- Dragon Claw armor: An incredibly durable armor created using Dragon Magic[30] that grants her extra defense.
Intelligence: At least Genius (Has the memories from her past life. Inglis was known as a Hero-King and built an empire stretching the continent. She was a great ruler and was beloved by those close to her and the people. She is incredibly talented and skilled when it comes to swordsmanship, constantly training and improving, living to master the blade. At an early age, she could parry attacks perfectly.[2] It is also implied her father Luke couldn't match her skill even after years of training.[2] Defeated several Lightning Beasts without any difficulty, and constantly goes on missions to fight Magical Beasts simply to further her skill. Fought[31]and defeated[31] Sistia, who was an extremely skilled spear user and could bend space to attack her opponent unpredictably from incredible distances. She could dodge her attacks with the minimum required movement.[31] Regularly teams up with Rafinha, which includes dodging her light arrows while luring the opponent. She has become so swift at dodging multiple arrow attacks that she can do it without her vision and hearing.[31] Learned how to analyze mana patterns and learn the magic that other people use, such as Ice Magic, and Gravity Magic. After fighting shortly with Ripple, Inglis managed to predict the trajectory of the volley of bullets[14] flying her way and how to deflect them, and shortly after how to reflect them back at her.[14] When fighting the Black Mask, her incredible experience and prediction capabilities allowed her to push him back,[15] even when he could use more Aether techniques. Constantly Analyzes her opponents moves and magic to improve herself and counter them. Inglis has fought great martial artists with years of experience, such as the Black Mask. She also traded blows and was able to fight[32] Yua, while constantly improving herself. She studied Yua’s ability to blend in and essentially become “invisible” with the flow of mana and one with the world.[33] Because of this her practice and understanding[34] of mana has greatly improved and can fight users like Yua far easier. Her skill in combination with her speed allows her to block thousands[24] of attacks coming at her from all directions.[24] After witnessing Ross activating his azure armor, she replicated it and created Dragon Claw armor[30])
Standard Tactics: Inglis fights using her rapier and constantly furthers her skill. She quickly analyzes situations, and depending on the circumstances will draw out the fight as much as possible to simply learn and advance. While she can use Aether and Magic, she only does that when necessary.
Weaknesses: Inglis is obsessed with fighting to an unhealthy degree. She will draw out fights and let her opponent uses different attacks to see how she can deal with them. (Unless she knows it will threaten her life or that of someone close to her)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Mind’s Eye: Inglis is skilled enough that she can fight with her eyes closed, and later without her hearing. She uses the flow of air, the creaking of bones, and the beating of the heart to read her opponent and defend, as well as counter them, perfectly. While using Mind’s Eye, her senses are sharpened, and thus perceives her opponent. With this, she can learn about her opponents' movements beyond what the eyes can see.
Aether Strike: A relatively simple technique. Inglis compresses Aether and fires it at the enemy with incredible power. It can take down opponents far bigger than herself without any difficulty. Although, it drains her quicker than simply fighting with a sword or using Magic. Currently, she can use 3 Aether strikes.
- Aether Reflector: A new application of Aether Strike she developed which mechanisms resemble that of Aether Breaker. Previously she used an Aether Strike to take out individual opponents, but since that’s extremely tiring, she learned how to guide the projectile and chase the enemy. Inglis couldn’t guide the trajectory of her Aether Strike, but she could do something that resembled it—get ahead of the projectile, then forcibly alter its path with a blow under the effect of Aether Shell, allowing her to simulate the effect of a guided projectile. It may seem like brute force, but it requires delicate control. If Inglis had simply smashed Aether Shell into Aether Strike, their interaction would have caused an explosion at that point of several times their individual destructive power. (Aether Breaker)
Aether Shell: It’s an ability that creates a defensive barrier and can protect her from powerful attacks, such as the Lightning Beasts explosions, which activated after they died. This move isn’t purely defensive, it also enhances her body and makes her physically stronger. She can easily defeat opponents who previously were comparable to her.
Aether Pierce: A concentrated beam of Aether. By limiting both the power and area affected, she could reduce the effort necessary to control the attack. Inglis can fire countless Aether Pierce from her fingertips and take out several magicite beasts. However, she felt drained even when using this technique, but it takes less effort and was proof that her control of Aether was improving.
Aether Breaker: The technique requires her to activate Aether Shell and deliver a blow just as an Aether Strike hit, causing a synergistic effect that raises her destructive power to an explosive level. It’s at least several times more powerful than a regular Aether Strike and is the most powerful technique she has ever used, even compared to her previous life as the Hero-King Inglis.
Dragon's Lore: By eating Fufailbane's tail she gained its Dragon Lore. It is a force separate from mere mana or magic. It is also separate from Aether, the elemental root of all physical matter. In other words, it is fundamentally independent of the laws of nature. It's considered something entirely different, unknown. Because of this, she gained all of Fufailbane's powers. When controlling Dragon's Lore, the ancient dragon's limbs and tail appears on her. While currently it's borrowed power, she aims to make it her own.
- Snowstorm: Since Dragon's Lore allows Inglis to use all of Fufailbane's powers, she should be able to create entire storms that cover countries and nearly the entire continent.
- Phantasms: Gained all of Fufailbane's powers, so she should be able to use his Phantasms, which are semi-material projection serving as a dragon’s guardians.
- Breath Attack: Gained all of Fufailbane's powers, so she should be able to use his breath attack[22] that's powerful enough to instantly freeze an average human.
- Dragon Limbs: The Dragon's Lore creates a dragon's claws and tails on her that can also be used to attack.
- Extra Limbs: Created four arms with swords[24] and can continuously attack and defend with them.
Aether Cross Lore: A new technique with Fufailbane's Dragonscale Sword as the key. Inglis combines Aether and Dragon Lore to grow far, far stronger than before and becomes capable of 1 shotting her opponent who was previously comparable to her. This is powerful enough to leave a giant crater far bigger than the royal palace, and was used to defeat Rochefort.
Dragon Magic: By overlaying the dragon lore on the movement of her fist—that is, the flow of mana as she cast the magic—she’d made the two combine and transform. This was no mere magic—rather she would call it “dragon magic.” It was the result of her practice over the past month since the defeat of the Prismer in Volume 8.[35]
- Since Dragon's Lore is a power completely separate from mere mana and magic, even Aether, and the fundamental laws of the world, Power Nullification (and different ways they might be used) aimed at magic or sources similar to it won't work on Dragon's Lore.
- There are many ratings for Inglis due to her large number of individual attacks and temporary transformations, so here is the rundown of what she can continuously use without tiring or being merely a temporary boost in power/special attack:
- 1st Key High 8-C base and 8-B Aether Shell
- 2nd Key 8-A base, Low 7-C Aether Shell and 7-C Dragon Lore
- 3rd Key 7-C base and Aether Shell, High 7-C Dragon Lore and Dragon Magic
Notable Matchups
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 1 Chapter 1: Inglis, Age 0
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 1 Chapter 2: Inglis, Age 5
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 1 Chapter 3: Inglis, Age 6
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 1 Chapter 4: Inglis, Age 12 (Part 1)
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 1 Chapter 5: Inglis, Age 12 (Part 2)
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 1 Chapter 6: Inglis, Age 15
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 9 Chapter I: Inglis, Age 16—The Meaning of a Meeting (1)
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Reborn to master the Blade Volume 1 Chapter 7; Inglis, Age 15—The City Ruled by Highlanders (Part 1)
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 2 Chapter II: Inglis, Age 15—The Chiral Knights’ Academy (2)
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 1 Chapter 8: Inglis, Age 15—The City Ruled by Highlanders (Part 2)
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 2 Chapter I: Inglis, Age 15—The Chiral Knights’ Academy (1)
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 2 Chapter III: Inglis, Age 15—The Chiral Knights’ Academy (3)
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 3 Chapter I: Inglis, Age 15—Orders to Defend the Hieral Menace (1)
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 3 Chapter II: Inglis, Age 15—Orders to Defend the Hieral Menace (2)
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 3 Chapter VII: Inglis, Age 15—Orders to Defend the Hieral Menace (7)
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 3 Chapter VI: Inglis, Age 15—Orders to Defend the Hieral Menace (6)
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 5 Chapter V: Inglis, Age 15—The Evil Hieral Menace (5)
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 6 Chapter III: Inglis, Age 15—The Ancient Dragon and the (Former) Old King (3)
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 6 Chapter V: Inglis, Age 15—The Ancient Dragon and the (Former) Old King (5)
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 7 Chapter IV: Inglis, Age 15—Squire and Captain (1)
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 6 Chapter I: Inglis, Age 15—The Ancient Dragon and the (Former) Old King (1)
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 8 Chapter I: Inglis, Age 15—The Two Princes (1)
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 6 Chapter IV: Inglis, Age 15—The Ancient Dragon and the (Former) Old King (4)
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 Reborn to Master the Blade Chapter V: Inglis, Age 15—Battle with the Prismer (3)
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 8 Chapter IV: Inglis, Age 15—Battle with the Prismer (2)
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 3 Chapter IX: Inglis, Age 15—Orders to Defend the Hieral Menace (9)
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 2 Chapter VIII: Inglis, Age 15—The Hieral Menace’s Sickness (1)
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 9 Chapter II: Inglis, Age 16—The Meaning of a Meeting (2)
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Chapter IV: Inglis, Age 15—The Chiral Knights’ Academy (4)
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 9 Extra: After-School Combat Training
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Reborn to master the Blade Volume 1 Chapter 7; Inglis, Age 15—The City Ruled by Highlanders (Part 1)
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 4 Chapter II: Inglis, Age 15—Dual Starlets (2)
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 4 Chapter IV: Inglis, Age 15—Dual Starlets (4)
- ↑ Reborn to Master the Blade Volume 4 Chapter VI: Inglis, Age 15—Dual Starlets (6)
- ↑ Chapter I: Inglis, Age 16—The Meaning of a Meeting (1)
- ↑ 8.74995144406 Tons of TNT
- ↑ 34.999805776 Tons of TNT
- ↑ 735.44287844407 Tons of TNT
- ↑ 2.20 Kilotons of TNT
- ↑ Baseline
- ↑ 137.2 m/s
- ↑ 330.343453 tons
- ↑ 735.44287844407 Tons of TNT
- ↑ 2941.7715138 Tons of TNT
- ↑ 8825.3145413 Tons of TNT
- ↑ Vastly upscales from baseline
- ↑ Vastly upscales from 137.2 m/s
- ↑ Upscales from 330.343453 tons
- ↑ 8.82 Kilotons of TNT
- ↑ 35.30 Kilotons of TNT
- ↑ 105.90 Kilotons of TNT
- ↑ Upscales immensely higher than 423.6 Kilotons of TNT
- ↑ Baseline
- ↑ Mach 4.4
- ↑ Mach 5
- ↑ Vastly upscales from 330.343453 tons
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