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VS Battles Wiki


The Infestor is the swarm's infestation specialist and fills the roles the Queen and Defiler had during the Brood Wars.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown

Name: Infestor

Origin: StarCraft

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Awareness, Regeneration (Low-Mid), Fungus Manipulation, Mind Control, Energy Manipulation

Attack Potency: Unknown (Can immobilize Thors and Colossi with Fungal Growth)

Speed: Unknown travel speed with Superhuman reactions

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: Unknown

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Several meters with Fungal Growth and Infested Marines

Standard Equipment: Infested Terran Marines

Intelligence: Unknown

Weaknesses: Infestors cannot attack on their own, and cannot take action while using Neural Parasite

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Fungal Growth: The Infestor is protected by hardened layers of mold and fungus that can be launched as a viscous fluid that quickly breaks down matter and prevents enemies from moving.
  • Infested Terrans: The Infestor can store infested Marines inside storage sacs, and can launch them great distances in order to wreak havoc on the Swarm's enemies.
  • Neural Parasite: By launching a tentacle tipped with a multi-mouthed parasite at enemies, the Infestor can take control of the minds of its enemies for a short duration, even able to take control of the most mentally hardened Protoss warriors and even autonomous machines.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Infestor