“ | The decision is yours to make and yours alone. But do remember we will stand with you always and help you bear your burdens. Don't be afraid to let us share the load. | „ |
~ Ignis to Noctis in his own DLC Episode |
Ignis Scientia is a main character from Final Fantasy XV. As Ignis was born into the House of Scientia, a family of retainers to the Lucian Royals, and having been under Noctis' service since the age of 6, he's a close childhood friend and personal caretaker of him, which carried over to Gladiolus Amicitia and Prompto Argentum whilst embarking on a trip to Altissia.
An intensive education instilled in him the resourcefulness and composure required for the role as Noctis's advisor; but as that wasn't enough to truly aid Noct, he took up a few skills like cooking and cleaning in order to compensate for the death of Noct's mother, and started training in the Crownsguard as well as working on his physique in order to aid in combat, knowing that Noct would eventually have to take up his responsibility of purging the world of the Starscourge.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 2-A | 2-A | 2-A | 2-A
Key: Pre-Timeskip | Post-Timeskip | With the Ring of the Lucii | Dissidia
Name: Ignis Scientia, "Iggy", "Igster", "Specs"
Origin: Final Fantasy XV
Gender: Male
Age: 22 (Pre-Timeskip), 32 (Post-Timeskip)
Classification: Human, Royal Advisor to Noctis, Cook
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Summoning (Can summon and skillfully wield daggers and polearms), Magic, Fire Manipulation (With Flamebind, Fire, Fira, Firaga and Sagefire), Ice Manipulation (With Frostbind, Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga and the Ice Spear), Electricity Manipulation (With Stormbind, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga and the Storm Lance), limited Air Manipulation (With Frostbind), Absorption (With the Plunderers, Drain Lance and Lancet Technique), Statistics Amplification (With the Spelldaggers, Avengers, Organyx, Mage Mashers, Mythril Knives, Javelin, Mythril Lance, Dragoon Lance, and the Flamebind, Stormbind, Frostbind and Overclock Techniques), Statistics Reduction (With the Delta Daggers, Cutlasses and Cursecast), Holy Manipulation (With the Orichalcum Daggers and Radiant Lance), Poison Manipulation (With Venom Fang, Venomcast and the Assassin's Daggers), Death Manipulation (With Killcast), Curse Manipulation (With Cursecast), Time Stop (With the Vigilantes and Stopcast), Healing (With Healcast and Regenerate), Information Analysis (With Analyze), Regeneration (Mid-Low), Skilled Cook (Can boost the stats of those that eat his meals), Resistance towards Elemental Magic (Of the Fire, Ice, Lightning and Darkness varieties), Pain Manipulation (Is able to resist the Lightning spells, which are capable of attacking the nerves[1]), Poison Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Petrification, Transmutation, Absolute Zero (Can survive Shiva's ice attacks, including Diamond Dust), Madness Manipulation (Type 2; Can resist the Confuse status ailment, which can drive the target insane to attack anyone, even their allies), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2), and Space-Time Manipulation (Characters are capable of surviving and resisting magical abilities, Which is[2] shown to[3] project one's inner[4] mind onto reality,[5] and as shown with the creation of the Devil's road,[6] remove entire concepts[7] and warp space and time[8] to where the past, present, and future[9] exists as one[10]), Law Manipulation (Resists magic, which can rewrite[2] the natural order of things[6]), and Power Nullification (Can resist the Silence status, which would render the target's ability to use magic null) | Same as before, along with Enhanced Senses (After the timeskip, his other senses became sharp enough for him to cook and even wield his weapons in battle despite being blind)
Same as before, along with Extrasensory Perception (Mages have shown to naturally possess this[5]), Magic, Subjective Reality (Magic,[2] in its basest form,[3] is projecting one's inner[4] mind onto reality,[5] and is powered by intelligence and mental strength[2]), Non-Physical Interaction (Magic as a whole is shown to affect a wide variety of different beings, from intangible/immaterial beings to non corporeal beings, to abstract concepts like Chronodia, who's the flow of time itself,[11] to Nonexistent beings like Exdeath and Cloud of Darkness), Law Manipulation (Magic is stated to rewrite[2] the natural order of things[6]), Limited Durability Negation, Forcefield Negation, and Intangibility (Magic negates conventional physical durability, barriers, and armor, requiring specific defense against magic which is powered by the Mind and Spirit), Power Modification (Including Duplication, Fusionism, Statistics Amplification, Size Manipulation, Homing Attack, Danmaku, Aura, Breath Attack, and Energy Manipulation; Magic users across the games have consistently shown the ability to manipulate the shape and properties of their own magical abilities, with even higher tiers of spells simply being considered stronger versions of the same basic ability[12]), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2) and Space-Time Manipulation (Magic is shown in the novels to remove concepts and warp space and time itself,[6] like the Devil's road, which the concept of time was lost,[7] and time and space were twisted to the point[8] the past, present and future[9] existed as one[10]), Teleportation, possibly Forcefield Creation, Life-Force Absorption, Spatial Manipulation and BFR
All previous abilities enhanced, possibly Immortality (Type 8,reliant on her Crystal which let Cosmos Group return from fading from existence after Cosmos' death) & Regeneration (Low-Godly), Summoning (Can summon various Eidolons from Summonstones and the World of Illusions), Willpower Manipulation (a person's will is power there and enables them to do a multitude of things the stronger their will[13]), Reactive Power Level (the greater someone's will, the greater their power[13]), Law Manipulation (Beings with strong wills can overwrite the laws of the world and bend them to their will[13]), Creation (With a powerful enough will, once can create various things such as phone lines, airships and even entire countries and worlds[13]), Sealing (Can seal off large areas and people with her will, such as Cecil sealing himself in Castle Baron or the cast sealing Kefka inside a Torsion[13]), Dimensional Travel (Characters can open Torsions, rifts in space-time to travel various dimensions[13]), and Immortality (Type 2) (Due to the crystal core of darkness's influence in the hands of Ardyn, warriors will not die no matter how injured they are)
Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (Via Zalera, the Death Serpah, who was going to absorb the souls of every living being on the planet), Corruption & Body Puppetry (Due to their light, Warriors of Materia can dispel attempts to control them), Empathic Manipulation, and Madness Manipulation (Type 3; Resistant to the effects of the True Moon, which is capable of affecting the hearts and minds of all living beings on the planet[5]), Gravity Manipulation (Unaffected by the gravitational pull of the True Moon, which even the Lunar Whale couldn't escape from[5]), Spatial Manipulation, Deconstruction, and BFR (Can withstand the attacks of Atomos, who manipulates space,[5] crush enemies down to a molecular level,[14] and can warp them into another dimension[14]), Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations (Can fight and survive on the moon), Absolute Zero (Can survive Shiva's ice attacks,[15] including Diamond Dust),
Hellfire Manipulation (Via Ifrit, Phoenix, Rubicante, and Marilith), Ice Manipulation and Absolute Zero and Duplication (Via Shiva who's Ice and aura are stated to reach Absolute Zero including her Diamond Dust, Shiva can duplicate herself[15]), Water Manipulation (via Kraken, Cagnazzo, and Leviathan), Necromancy (Via Lich), Spatial Manipulation, Deconstruction, and BFR (via Atomos, who manipulates space,[5] crush enemies down to a molecular level,[14] and can warp them into another dimension[14]), Death Manipulation and Space-Time Manipulation (Via Odin, who's Zantetsuken instantly kills an enemy and opens a rift in space time to take their remains[16]), Matter Manipulation and Radiation Manipulation (via Megaflare, which is stated[17] numerous times to be a nuclear power[18]), Attack Reflection (via Carbuncle), Poison Manipulation and Corrosion Inducement (The Poison status effect, which is also stated to corrode the target[19]), Darkness Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (The darkness status ailment via various equipment, which would render the target blind[20]), Power Nullification (The Silence status, which would render the target's ability to use magic null), and Petrification (Via Malboro's Bad Breath), Resurrection (Phoenix can revive fallen party members), Light Manipulation and Holy Manipulation (Via Alexander), Explosion Manipulation and Self-Destruction (Via Bomb), Healing (Via Sylph and Asura), Earth Manipulation (Via Titan), BFR (via Typhon), Soul Manipulation (Via Zalera, the Death Seraph, who was going to abosrb all souls on the planet[21])
Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Fought with Ravus Nox Fleuret, who previously overpowered Gladiolus Amicitia with ease). | Multiverse level+ (Harmed Ifrit along with the rest of the party). | Multiverse level+ (After gaining the full power of the Ring of the Lucii, he was powerful enough to defeat Ardyn Izunia) | Multiverse level+ (Is comparable to the other Warriors of Materia and draws power from the gods of the cycle. Participated in the defeat of Shinryu.)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with Noctis in training), Higher with Stormbind | Massively FTL+ (Is able to keep up with the other Warriors of Materia)
Lifting Strength: Class T (Stronger than Gladio) | Immeasurable (Is superior to Neo Exdeath and Enuo)
Striking Strength: Multiverse level+ | Multiverse level+ | Multiverse level+ | Multiverse level+
Durability: Multiverse level+ | Multiverse level+ | Multiverse level+ | Multiverse level+
Stamina: Superhuman (Capable of fighting for several days straight without rest or sustenance)
Range: Extended Melee Range with daggers and polearms, Several Meters with enchanted Spelldaggers and Elemancy.
Daggers are Ignis' primary weapons of choice, which he has trained to wield since he was 16 years old. Due to the daggers' great versatility, Ignis is able to fight at both close and long ranges, being able to wield them in both normal and reverse-grip, as well as throwing or even kicking them at the opponent. In addition, most of them (with the Spelldaggers being the only exception) enhance Ignis' magic reserves and the strength of his magical attacks when summoned. Ignis can wield the following daggers:
- Avengers: Daggers designed to unleash the fullest extent of their power in times of peril, they increasingly deal more damage the more damage Ignis takes.
- Cutlasses: Daggers designed for agile and cunning combatants, they sap away at the foes' strength with each strike.
- Mythril Knives: Daggers that, as the name implies, have blades forged with Mythril, and enhance Ignis' magical power as a result.
- Plunderers: Daggers crafted with Insomnian technology, they are capable of absorbing the elemental powers of defeated foes.
- Assassin's Daggers: Daggers that were favored by assassins (as the name implies), they are infused with venom, giving them a small chance to poison the target with each strike.
- Delta Daggers: Short but deadly daggers that were designed to inflict gaping wounds. As such, they reduce the defence of the opponent with each strike.
- Main Gauches: Well-balanced and lively daggers that were designed to inflict extra harm on foes in vulnerable positions.
- Orichalcum: Daggers whose blades are infused with holy light, they inflict greater damage against Daemons and all beings vulnerable to sacred energies.
- Ulric's Kukris: Blades formerly used by Nyx Ulric, a hero who sought to protect his homeland by joining the Crownsguard. As such, they are also one of Ignis' strongest daggers, given that they amplify most of his attributes. These attributes include, but aren't limited to; his health, magic reserves, physical and magical strength, vitality, and resistance towards ballistic damage as well as fire, ice, lightning, and darkness-based magic.
- Organyx: Daggers that were designed as the ultimate pair of blades, they provide enhancements to most of Ignis' attributes. Unlike the Ulric's Kukris, however, they do not amplify the same amount of attributes (such as his health and strength) and provide lesser boosts to his stats. However, they also provide greater resistance towards elemental magic and deal more damage as compensation.
- Vigilantes: Daggers who's cores are forged with a special alloy, they possess a small chance to freeze the target in time with each strike.
- Zwill Crossblades: Blades forged for agile combatants that know how to avoid blows, they inflict greater damage when Ignis is at full health.
- Mage Mashers: The signature daggers of a previous Final Fantasy protagonist, they are outfitted with protective gems that increase Ignis' resistance towards fire, ice and lightning-based magic.
- Spelldaggers: Ignis' signature daggers and the ones he exclusively wield while controlled by the player. These daggers are imbued with elemental properties, giving him the ability to Flamebind, Stormbind or Frostbind them for a variety of purposes, ranging from dealing greater damage against specific targets, to exploiting any elemental weaknesses the enemy may possess.
Polearms are Ignis' secondary weapons of choice. Complementing his daggers, which specialize in fast and constant damage, Ignis can inflict precise and focused damage from both mid- and long-range with polearms, granting him even more versatility than he already has. Unlike his daggers, who each provide a boost to Ignis' magic resistance and strength of his magical attacks, each polearm provides a boost for different stats, be it magic resistance, elemental damage, or the odds of dealing critical blows.
- Javelin: A polearm designed to unleash the fullest extent of it's power in times of peril, they can deliver critical strikes against the foe when Ignis' health is low.
- Drain Lance: Ignis' signature polearm. Due to being crafted with Insomnian technology, it absorbs the elemental powers of defeated foes when in hand.
- Mythril Lance: A polearm which, as the name implies, is forged with mythril. As such, they enhance the power of Ignis' magical attacks.
- Rapier Lance: A polearm that pierces with the precision of a needle. Because of this, Ignis can break off appendages with greater ease than usual.
- Storm Lance: A polearm with electricity crackling in it's blade; it deals greater damage against foes vulnerable to lightning because of this feature.
- Ice Spear: A polearm with ice embedded in it's blade; due to this, it deals more damage against foes vulnerable to ice.
- Wyvern Lance: A polearm said to have been favored by Dragoons, it inflicts far greater damage in midair.
- Radiant Lance: A polearm infused with holy light. Due to this trait, it inflicts far greater damage against Daemons and the like, who are vulnerable to everything sacred.
- Dragoon Lance: A polearm made from the elementally resistant scales of dragons, it greatly increases Ignis' resistance towards fire, ice and lightning-based magic.
- Precision Lance: A polearm designed to help it's wielder target an enemy's weak spot, it provides a moderate chance to deal critical strikes.
- Flayer: A mysterious polearm of unknown origins, it finishes off a flurry of attacks with a devastating strike that deals 80% more damage than usual.
- Gae Bolg: A famed polearm whose full potential went long untapped; it inflicts heavy damage when used to Warp-Strike. However, because Ignis lacks this ability, it's essentially useless.
The Wanderer's Talisman: An amulet that formerly belonged to a past King of Lucis known as The Wanderer, who wandered the world, going where no man had ever gone before, and wielded twin swords that could combine into an enormous besieging weapon. Due to being infused with the power of the Lucii, it accelerates the rate at which Ignis gains Total Clarity when equipped.
Intelligence: Thanks to being raised as the Royal Advisor to Noctis; Ignis is an exceptionally intelligent individual and Noctis' right-hand-man during their travels. Complemented by his ability to cast Libra on the enemy, thus allowing him to see the enemy's stats and elemental weaknesses, he prefers to take an analyctical aproach to combat, preferring to exploit enemy weaknesses with a corresponding elemental attack. To this end, Ignis is an extremely skilled wielder of daggers and, to a lesser extent, polearms, and possesses over 17 years of combat experience by the end of the game.
Weaknesses: Despite his usually calm and collected demeanor, Ignis can be rather hot-blooded when Noctis' life is in danger, to the point he'd gladly sacrifice anything to ensure the latter's safety. Some of his weapons' passive abilities require him to defeat his foe, be at full or low health. In addition, some of his Techniques are support-based, and essentially useless without his teammates. | As of the events that happened in Altissia, Ignis has lost his eyesight, though this doesn't seem to be much of an issue since the 10-year timeskip; having spent his time honing his other senses, and even hunting Daemons by himself on the regular. | Doesn't normally have the Ring in his possession, and even if he does, using it's full power forces him to sacrifice his life afterwards as a prerequisite.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Techniques: Ignis, being the most support-based party member, has several Techniques that can vary from strategic offensives to issuing support, including healing and granting status buffs.
- Mark is Ignis' default Technique, where he tosses daggers at all enemies on the field. Upon finishing, Noctis will automatically rush in and warp-strike to all daggers that were thrown and had landed.
- Enchantment calls for Ignis to pull out a Magic Flask and imbue Noctis's weapons with Flameboost, Frostboost, or Stormboost, depending on the target. However, Ignis can't imbue Noctis's weapon with Darkness or Light.
- Regroup has Ignis signal an urgent command to fall back and band together, summoning the party to his call. Along with healing their HP based on a percentage, Regroup heals an ally in Danger state, boosts HP recovery and critical hits, and allows for the party to regain composure, from keeping allies close again for link-strikes and Techniques, to allowing the party to recalculate their tactics on the field.
- Overwhelm has Ignis commence a full on assault with the party. It is one of Ignis's more powerful but studious Techniques to master; it focuses the party on one enemy at a time, where Noctis retains normal attacks while allies attack with Deathblows, with the party invincible for the duration of the onslaught. Depending on Ignis's position as well with the enemy's, the Technique can end up overwhelming a target with a constant stream of blows, or end up a sloppy with inconsistent and missed attacks, demanding a great degree of patience and setting up to ensure its full potential.
- Sagefire allows Ignis to enchant his daggers with Fire-Elemental Magic before attacking the enemy. Depending on the distance and whether he makes it to the target, Sagefire will have the attack consume the opponent in an explosion should it land, or will have Ignis cast off the flame into a giant stationary pyre should he miss.
- Teamwork skills: Due to having perfect synergy with his teammates, Ignis can use special techniques known as Teamwork skills. He has the following skills:
- Analyze allows Ignis to inflict Libra on an enemy, thus allowing him and his teammates to see the enemy's stats and weaknesses.
- Lancet allows Ignis to dodge enemy's attacks and counterattack, draining foes of their HP in the process.
- Venom Fang allows Ignis to poison the target with dagger strikes, and Virulent Venom allows Ignis to boost the damage done with Venom Fang.
- Spellbind: Ignis can use Flamebind, Stormbind and Frostbind to enhance the attributes of his signature Spelldaggers:
- Flamebind enchants the Spelldaggers with Fire-Elemental Magic, thus allowing him to deal greater damage against a singular enemy.
- Stormbind enchants Ignis' Spelldaggers with Lightning-Elemental Magic, thus allowing him to attack multiple enemies across large distances by enhancing his speed.
- Frostbind enchants Ignis' Spelldaggers with Ice-Elemental Magic, thus allowing him to attack groups of enemies due to coating the daggers with ice and releasing winds of cold air, granting him Area of Effect attacks.
- Overclock: Ignis can further enhance his Spelldaggers with Magic Flasks, thus allowing him to stack damage by, for example, enhancing Flamebound Spelldaggers with Thunder-Elemental energy.
- Total Clarity: By collecting his thoughts and focusing, or dodging enemy attacks, Ignis can fill the "Yellow Meter". After it's completely filled, Ignis enters a state of total clarity, allowing him to either attack multiple enemies at once (if his daggers are Frostbound), heavily damage a single enemy (if his daggers are Stormbound), or damage a single enemy multiple times (if his daggers are Flamebound).
- Elemancy: Thanks to Noctis, Ignis can use elemental energies condensed into Magic Flasks in order to attack. Ignis can use the following Elemental Attacks:
- Fire: A grenade infused with the fire element, which creates an explosion of flames. Fira and Firaga are stronger versions of this.
- Blizzard: A grenade infused with the ice element, which causes a frost-filled explosion that freezes oponents. Blizzara and Blizzaga are stronger versions of this.
- Thunder: A grenade infused with the lightning element, which unleashes a burst of electricity. Thundara and Thundaga are stronger versions of this.
- Healcast: A special grenade that both casts either Fire, Blizzard, or Thunder, and fully heals Ignis when it detonates.
- Dualcast: By inserting a grenade with twice the required element, the grenade will cast the same spell twice in a row.
- Tricast: By inserting a grenade with three times the required element, the grenade will cast the same spell three times in a row.
- Quadcast: By inserting a grenade with four times the required element, the grenade will cast the same spell four times in a row.
- Quintcast: By inserting a grenade with five times the required element, the grenade will cast the same spell five times in a row.
- Venomcast: A grenade infused with an element and poison, both casting a certain elemental spell and inflicting any enemy hit by the spell with poison.
- Cursecast: A grenade that both casts an elemental spell and lowers the enemy's strength.
- Freecast: A grenade that casts an elemental spell, and has a chance of not draining Ignis' supply of elemental energy.
- Failcast: A grenade that casts an elemental spell which either does much more damage than it usually would, or fails to cast at all.
- Stopcast: A grenade that casts an elemental spell, and has a chance to freeze the target in time.
- Blastcast: A grenade that casts an elemental spell that deals significant damage to both the target, and Ignis himself.
- Killcast: A grenade that casts an elemental spell with a chance of instantly killing the target.
- Expericast: A grenade that casts an elemental spell and may give Ignis an experience boost.
- Maxicast: A grenade that casts the ultimate elemental spell, dealing much more damage than an ordinary spell would.
- Ring of the Lucii: A special ring that symbolize the power of the Lucian kings. It contains the collective power and wisdom of each Lucian king, and can only be used by someone it deems worthy. When worn, it grants the user powerful magic, at the cost of draining their life force as they use it.
- Death: One of the three Ring Magic spells. It drains the life force of the enemy until they disintegrate, healing Ignis by the amount of health he drained.
- Holy: One of the three Ring Magic spells. It smites the opponent with a powerful blast of holy energy.
- Alterna: One of the three Ring Magic spells. It forms a crystal sphere around the opponent that collapses in on itself, summoning a black hole that sucks in every enemy on the battlefield before vanishing.
Note: While it's likely that he can use Death, Holy and Alterna and create the Wall with the Ring of the Lucii, he's never explicitly shown the ability to do so.
Notable Matchups
- ↑ Final Fantasy IV Volume 2 Novel, chapter 7, page 54
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 1, page 29
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 3, page 107
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 2, page 109
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 5, page 198
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 5, page 199
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 1, page 67
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 1, page 73
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 3, page 147
- ↑ Final Fantasy I
- ↑ Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 2 page 114
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Dissidia Final Fantasy
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
- ↑ War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
- ↑ Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 270
- ↑ Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 271
- ↑ Final Fantasy IV Series Guidebook
- ↑ Final Fantasy V GBA Manual
- ↑ Final Fantasy XII
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