“ | I'd like to leave the Emperor's Coven and never step foot that throne room again. I'd like to study wild magic and learn how to carve palismen. I'd like to attend Hexside as a regular student and play flyer derby with my friends. But most of all, I'd like to make sure you never hurt anyone again | „ |
~ Hunter to Belos |
Hunter was a former member of the Emperor's Coven and was Emperor Belos's right hand man. He worked as a soldier who carried out missions for the emperor, under the impression that the emperor had his best interest in mind, and the titan had "big plans" for him. He later learn that Belos had been lying to him the whole time and had been manipulating him. He then aids Luz and her friends in the battle against Emperor Belos.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-A physically, 8-B, up to 7-C with Magic
Name: Hunter
Origin: The Owl House
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Classification: Grimwalker, Golden Guard (formerly)
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Skilled Staff User, Vehicular Mastery (Has shown to be a proficient staff rider and ship pilot), Summoning (Could summon Flapjack), Pseudo Teleportation (He can envelop his body in a gold light to gain a short burst of speed) Electricity Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Forcefield Negation (Should have all of Flapjack's abilities), Resistance to the following: Memory Manipulation (Withstood the effects of Gus's memory powers without being incapacitated), Possession (Broke free of Emperor Belos' possession), Possible Resistance to Extreme Heat (Was seemingly unaffected by the heat of the Boiling Sea, which is hot enough to induce third degree burns with just it's steam. Though the method of withstanding the heat is unknown)
All Innate Abilities, Magic, Flight, Energy Projection, Telekinesis, Pseudo Teleportation (He can envelop his body in a red light to dash short distances), Sand Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Weapon Creation (Created a sword using magic), Thread Manipulation (Created a thread to bind Luz), Attack Reflection (Deflected a fire blast from Kikimora with his staff)
Attack Potency: Small Building level physically (Harmed Amity with a leg sweep. Should be comparable to Luz and Eda), City Block level, up to Small Town level with Magic (Tore through Willow's vines. Should be comparable, if not superior to Luz and Amity)
Speed: Athletic Human combat, reaction & travel speed by himself (Easily dodged multiple attacks from Luz and Eda), higher combat speed via Pseudo Teleportation (This ability has shown to allow Hunter to catch characters normally comparable to him off guard) and flight speed with Palisman (Can ride it for transportation). Up to Subsonic flight speed with staff (Can accelerate this fast, without facing obstacles)
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Carried Willow)
Striking Strength: Small Building level
Durability: Small Building level (Took a direct strike from Amity)
Stamina: Athletic
Range: Tens of Meters with magic
Standard Equipment: None notable
- Optional Equipment: Technological Staff (A staff that he uses to fly, and cast spells)
Intelligence: Above Average (Has been described as a child prodigy among the members of the Emperor's Coven. The Emperor's Coven is a coven that only excepts the most skilled and prestigious witches. Once they enter the Emperor's coven, witches are they subjected to intense training for their magic skills. Matched Amity in combat, despite using a new staff and being very tired. Despite his young age, is easily able to contend with adult witches)
Standard Tactics: Hunter typically battles by repeatedly using his Pseudo Teleportation to avoid attacks and get close to targets. Once he gets close, he then attempts to strike the target with his staff. He also occasionally uses ranged magic attacks.
Weaknesses: Fear of Emperor Belos. Sometimes act irrationally whenever he’s in panic mood.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Hunter (The Owl House) |