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Articles about The Undertaker
Shows WWE
Games WWE Immortals


Hulk Hogan is one of the playable superstars in the fighting game, WWE Immortals.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 7-C

Name: Hulk Hogan

Origin: WWE Immortals

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, adult

Classification: Wrestler, human

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Earth Manipulation (Beach Basher only), Summoning (Of a motorcycle; Renegade only), Skilled Cyclist (Renegade only), Explosion Manipulation (Via the Atomic Leg Drop)

Attack Potency: Large Town level+

Speed: Sub-Relativistic (Moved from space to the earth in a matter of seconds)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Comparable to Big E who casually lifts a ton)

Striking Strength: Large Town level+

Durability: Large Town level+ (Unharmed by his attack, can take hits from comparable wrestlers)

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range, varies with abilities

Standard Equipment: None notable, motorcycle (Renegade only)

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Standard Abilities:
    • Flex and Clobber: Hulk Hogan grabs his opponent, hitting them hard enough to go spinning. Hogan then flexes before uppercutting the opponent into the air, flexing again before ending with the target falling and having a knee smashed into them.
    • Atomic Leg Drop: Starting with a kick, Hogan knocks his opponent flat on their back. Hogan then jumps into space, before rocketing back to earth and delivering a leg drop that causes a large mushroom cloud explosion.
  • Beach Basher Abilities:
    • Hulking Up: Hogan causes the ground to shake before pointing at his opponent, causing the ground to shoot up knocking the enemy into the air. Hulk finishes by smashing through the wall created by the stone earth, throwing the opponent back.
    • Main Event: Hogan SNARES for 10 seconds when tagged in. When blocking a signature attack, he gains adrenaline.
  • Renegade Abilities:
    • Moto-Mayham: Hulk Hogan summons a motorcycle from the sky, falling down on the head of the opponent. Hogan then jumps on it, driving around with the opponent's head still under the back wheel being dragged behind him.
    • Infamous: Hogan starts every match with adrenaline and stamina.

Beach Basher Notes:

Renegade Notes:

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Hulk Hogan (WWE Immortals)