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Articles about Hulk
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Hulk by Dale Keown
Stupid, stupid humans! You call Hulk “monster”! You call Hulk “brainless!” But you would hurt Hulk when he just wants to be left alone. You more monster than Hulk! And when Hulk smashes you, you come back for more! That makes you more brainless than Hulk. Nothing can hurt Hulk! They know that! They’re jealous of Hulk! They won’t rest until Hulk is as puny and powerless as them! Which means they won’t rest for a long time.
~ The Hulk

Characters The Hulk (Bruce Banner)
Tony Stark and Reed Richards use their genius to save the world every other week. That's how they'll be remembered in history. Meanwhile, I – I who, forgive me, have just as much to contribute – will be lucky if my tombstone doesn't simply say "Hulk Smash."
~ Robert Bruce Banner

You've got no idea what you're facing. No idea what you're messing with. You still think I'm that cuddly monster who loved baked beans and puppy dogs.

Professor Hulk (Render)
We interrupt this program to bring you a special bulletin. Farnoq Dahn, two-bit petty tyrant of Trans-Sabal, brought before his people and made to answer for his crimes. Film at eleven.

WorldWarHulkByAndreaDiVito by Caleb2
I'd never stop making them pay.

Hulk Immortal MC TR
You wonder why I'm angry? You want to know why I want to end the human world, Samson? Because if I do it, maybe some of 'em will live..
~ Devil Hulk

Cosmic Energy Joe Fixit
You know who you're messin' with? I'm The Hulk! You hear me? The Hulk! The worst Hulk of 'em all! I'm Sunshine Joe Fixit-- THE INCREDIBLE HULK!


The Hulk is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and first appeared in The Incredible Hulk #1 (May 1962).

Throughout his comic book appearances, the Hulk is portrayed as a large green humanoid that possesses immense superhuman strength and great invulnerability, attributes that grow more potent the angrier he becomes. Hulk is the alter ego of Bruce Banner, a socially withdrawn and emotionally reserved physicist who physically transforms into the Hulk under emotional stress and other specific circumstances at will or against it; these involuntary transformations lead to many complications in Banner's life. When transformed, the Hulk often acts as a disassociated personality separate from Banner.

Over the decades of Hulk stories, the Hulk has been represented with several personalities based on Hulk and Banner's fractured psyche, ranging from mindless savage to brilliant warrior, and Banner has taken control of the Hulk's form on occasion. Banner first transforms into the Hulk after being caught in the blast of the gamma bomb he invented while saving Rick Jones, a youth who had wandered onto the testing range.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: 9-B, up to 5-B with certain weapons | Varies, usually 5-B, higher with Rage Power | Varies from 5-B to 3-C, Low 1-C to 1-A with Rage Power | Varies from Low 1-C to 1-A with Rage Power | Varies from 3-C to Low 1-C up to 1-A with Rage Power

Key: Bruce Banner | Grey Hulk | Childlike Hulk | World War Hulk | Devil Hulk

Name: Robert Bruce Banner; The Incredible Hulk; Joe Fixit; The Green Scar; The Sakaarson; The Worldbreaker

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human Mutate, Scientist, Fugitive on the run, Avenger, Defender

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

Optional Equipment grants him:

High Resistance to:

Advanced Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Varies (Although done at a slower rate, Joe Fixit is still able become stronger the angrier he gets[61]), usually Planet level (Destroyed an asteroid twice the size of Earth[Statistics Values 1]), higher with Rage Power

Speed: At least Subsonic+ jumping speed (His leaps have been measured to be 473 mph when calm) with Relativistic+ combat speed (Can keep up with The Thing)

Lifting Strength: Class M (Can lift pyramids)

Striking Strength: Varies, usually Planet level, higher with Rage Power

Durability: Varies, usually Planet level ([Statistics Values 1]), higher with Rage Power

Attack Potency: Varies (His strength is heavily dependent on his anger and Bruce Banner's willingness to cause harm) from Planet level (Comparable to The Thing and Blob[Statistics Values 1]) to Galaxy level (Matched blows with Hyperion.[62] Defeated Gladiator[63][Statistics Values 2]), Low Complex Multiverse level (Consistently portrayed as comparable to Thor and Hercules. His power was measured as infinite by the Beyonder[64]) to Outerverse level (He fought on par with a full-powered Odinforce Thor,[65][66] and empowered a force field that temporarily halted the Celestial known as Exitar, who was much larger than the Earth.[67] Matched blows with Onslaught[68] and destroyed his physical form, who had absorbed and drew upon the powers of Franklin Richards.[69] Broke the unbreakable chain of eternity[54] used on him by the Eldest[53] that was made from The First Firmament[54]) with Rage Power

Speed: High Hypersonic jumping speed (Nearly reached escape velocity), with at most Massively FTL+ combat speed (He has consistently kept up with Thor, Gladiator, Hyperion, and the Silver Surfer), up to Infinite (Kept up with Odinforce Thor and Onslaught)

Lifting Strength: Varies from Stellar (Capable of supporting the weight of a star,[70] holding tectonic plates together, lifting and throwing mountains, separated spheres of matter and anti-matter, etc.), up to Immeasurable with Rage Power (Broke the unbreakable chain of eternity[54] used on him by the Eldest[53] that was made from The First Firmament[54]. His strength increases exponentially with rage. Overpowered Onslaught who had the power of Franklin Richards. Comparable to the likes of Base Thor[71][Note 2])

Striking Strength: Varies from Planet level to Galaxy level, Low Complex Multiverse level to Outerverse level with Rage Power

Durability: Varies from Planet level ([Statistics Values 1]) to Galaxy level([Statistics Values 2]), Low Complex Multiverse level (Among other things, he has withstood magical energy measured as being 133.45 times stronger than Hercules' most powerful blows.[72][73] Regeneration makes him extremely difficult to kill, as his healing factor was once depicted as powerful enough to bring his future "Maestro" self back to life from being reduced to powder[3]) to Outerverse level with Rage Power (Endured attacks from Odinforce Thor and Onslaught)

Attack Potency: Varies (Just like his Childlike persona, his power is heavily dependent on his rage) from Low Complex Multiverse level (While holding back his rage, he was more powerful than he has ever been as the Childlike Hulk. Stalemated The Sentry[74]) to Outerverse level with Rage Power (When he stops holding back,[75][76] he should be far more powerful than otherwise. He should be capable of achieving greater levels of power than his Childlike incarnation who broke the unbreakable chain of eternity[54] used on him by the Eldest[53] that was made from The First Firmament[54] and fought evenly against a full-powered Odinforce Thor )

Speed: Massively FTL+ combat speed (Matched The Sentry), Infinite with Rage Power (He should be a lot faster than otherwise)

Lifting Strength: Varies, up to Immeasurable with Rage Power ((While holding back, matched The Sentry. He should be stronger than his previous strongest selves when not holding back.[Note 2])

Striking Strength: Varies from Low Complex Multiverse level to Outerverse level with Rage Power

Durability: Varies from Low Complex Multiverse level (Endured numerous blows from The Sentry) to Outerverse level with Rage Power (Comparable to his Attack Potency, and his durability increases exponentially with his rage. Should be superior to his Childlike self who endured attacks from full-power Odinforce Thor)

Attack Potency: Varies (Although the Devil Hulk has more control over Banner and thus is more brutal and stronger than the Childlike Hulk, he is still restricted by Bruce Banner's and his own moral code) from Galaxy level (Fought Jane Foster Thor and Hercules[77][Statistics Values 2]) to Low Complex Multiverse level (Fought and overpowered an enraged Celestial-amplified She-Hulk[78]), up to Outerverse level with Rage Power (He should be capable of achieving greater levels of power than his Childlike incarnation who broke the unbreakable chain of eternity[54] used on him by the Eldest[53] that was made from The First Firmament[54] and fought evenly against a full-powered Odinforce Thor)

Speed: At most Massively FTL+ combat speed, up to Infinite

Lifting Strength: Varies from Stellar, up to Immeasurable (He should be stronger than his previous strongest selves who can break the unbreakable chain of eternity[54] used on him by the Eldest[53] that was made from The First Firmament[54]. Fought evenly against a full-powered Odinforce Thor[Note 2])

Striking Strength: Varies from Galaxy level to Low Complex Multiverse level up to Outerverse level with Rage Power

Durability: Varies from Galaxy level (Took strikes from Hercules and Jane Foster Thor[Statistics Values 2]) to Low Complex Multiverse level (Tanked hits from She-Hulk), up to Outerverse level with Rage Power (Comparable to his Attack Potency. Should be superior to his Childlike self who endured attacks from full-power Odinforce Thor)

Stamina: Superhuman (As long as he remains angry)

Range: Extended Melee Range due to his size, Varies from Kilometers to Planetary with thunderclaps (Thunderclaps can reach up to Kilometers in every direction, by attacking the ground he can impact an entire planet), At least Interdimensional with Multilocation (Gamma Powered individual exist in the below place and the real world at same time[79])

Standard Equipment: None notable

  • Optional Equipment: Various BannerTech devices, self-constructed Gamma Island weaponry and other devices

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (He is one of the most brilliant scientists on the Marvel Earth, rivalling the likes of Tony Stark. Banner is also recognized as the premier expert on radiation. Claimed to be one of the eight smartest people on Earth. Doctor Doom has stated that Banner is superior to him in some fields. When in an intelligent state of mind, the Hulk is proficient in martial arts, due to training from Iron Fist) | Below Average (Not very bright but capable of pulling off surprisingly clever battle tactics) | Average (He was a capable mob enforcer) | At least Average (He learned how to control his rage with the help of Hiroim, and had some experience as a leader) | At least Above Average (He holds the ability to analyze situations and reach conclusions and solutions successfully using "unreason and magical thinking")

Standard Tactics: Despite his primal exterior, Dr. Banner is still able to control Hulk's actions to some extent, as such Hulk will not kill his opponents or use excessive force if he doesn't require it.

Weaknesses: If he is not sufficiently enraged, he transforms back to Bruce Banner, with only base human stats (although he has shown the ability to maintain the transformation in varying emotional states), and can be knocked out depending on the circumstances. In his Grey and Immortal Hulk incarnations, he reverts to human form when exposed to bright day sunlight. His powers are heavily tied to his psyche, and as such are subject to change. For example, a fear of harming others as the Merged Hulk made it so that he decreased in power with anger for some time. His powers also at one point became only usable at night due to his subconscious fear of exposure and the judgment of others. As Devil Hulk, he prevents himself from getting too enraged to not lose control, becoming the Childlike Hulk if he gets too angry as a safety mechanism, which decreases his strength. He is repelled by holy objects related to the The One Above All.


Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Thunderclap: A term used to refer to a large shock wave created by a character with sufficient, superhuman strength violently clapping their hands together. These attacks can be incredibly destructive and lethal, sometimes equaling nuclear bombs or hurricanes.
  • Reactive Powers: The Hulk’s Powers, while often thought of as physical, are actually primarily psychological in nature. Those mutated by the Gamma Radiation used in the Gamma Bomb have their innermost desires and psychological status manifested as mutations. As such, the Hulk’s powers are in actuality malleable. For example, as his rage increases, not only does the Hulk increase in power, but becomes more resilient, shaking off attacks and powers that previously overwhelmed him and surviving things he could not before. However, due to Banner’s shattered psyche and psychological trauma, this can also manifest as weaknesses and split forms, giving each mental aspect, subconscious fear, and psychological compulsion some level of tangible repercussions on the Hulk.

Notable Matchups





  1. The Nature of Astral Forms, the Astral Plane, and Telepathy (Marvel Comics)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Note that those with both Low 1-C and 1-A, along with Immeasurable Lifting as ratings also have both 5-D and Outerverse as Lifting Strength
  1. Before making any changes to this page, please read the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.
    1. Additionally, there are special standards to be followed when scaling such a character, as listed on verse page.
    2. Hulk does not scale from Multi-Eternity because, although the chain used on both entities was from same being, the difference is that Multi-Eternity was chained by The First Firmament himself[80] while Hulk's own was "MADE FROM" The The First Firmament[54]


  1. The Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #82
  2. Doctor Strange: The Best Defense
  3. 3.0 3.1 Hulk: Future Imperfect Volume 1, #2 (January 1993); Incredible Hulk Volume 1, #460 (November 1997)
  4. Immortal Hulk #20
  5. Immortal Hulk #11
  6. Immortal Hulk #25
  7. Immortal She-Hulk
  8. Immortal Hulk #3
  9. Immortal Hulk #13
  10. Immortal Hulk #20
  11. Hulk Volume 2, #8
  12. Thanos vs. Hulk Volume 1, #3
  13. Ghost Rider Volume 6, #13
  14. Hulk Volume 5, #5
  15. Hulk Volume 5, #6
  16. Hulk Volume 5, #7
  17. Indestructible Hulk Volume 1, #15
  18. The Incredible Hulk Volume 1, #135
  19. Immortal Hulk #16
  20. Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk
  21. Immortal Hulk #24
  22. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #370
  23. World War Hulk Issue 3
  24. 24.0 24.1 Avengers: No Road Home # 6
  25. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #126
  26. Incredible Hulks 613
  27. Incredible Hulk Vol #4
  28. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 607
  29. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 135
  30. Skaar king of the savage land
  31. Hulk Vol 2 012
  32. Incredible Hulk v1 610
  33. 33.0 33.1 The Incredible Hulk Volume 1, #138
  34. The Incredible Hulk Volume 1, #5
  35. 35.0 35.1 Deadpool Volume 4, #38
  36. The Incredible Hulk Volume 1, #273
  37. Immortal Hulk #18
  38. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #194
  39. Hulk Volume 3, #1
  40. New Avengers: Illuminati Vol 2 #3
  41. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #266
  42. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #381
  43. Incredible Hulk Volume 1, #388
  44. Tales to Astonish #78
  45. 45.0 45.1 World War Hulk #2
  46. Spider-Man Volume 1, #18
  47. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #268
  48. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #242
  49. Agents of Atlas #8
  50. Incredible Hulk Annual #05
  51. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #262
  52. The Incredible Hulk Vol 1 Issue 363
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 53.4 53.5 Incredible Hulk Vol 4 #17
  54. 54.00 54.01 54.02 54.03 54.04 54.05 54.06 54.07 54.08 54.09 54.10 54.11 Incredible Hulk Vol 4 #18
  55. Incredible Hulk Vol 4 #19
  56. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #371
  57. Incredible Hulk Volume 1, #398
  58. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 298
  59. Incredible Hulk Vol 1 304
  60. Incredible Hulk Vo1 305
  61. Incredible Hulk Volume 1, #349 (November 1988)
  62. Avengers Volume 5, #3
  63. Incredible Hulk '97 #1
  64. Secret Wars II Volume 1, #8
  65. Hulk vs. Thor: Banner Of War Alpha #1 (2022)
  66. Hulk #7 (2021)
  67. Uncanny Avengers Volume 1, #17
  68. Onslaught: Marvel Universe (1996) #1
  69. Cable Vol 1 #35
  70. Infinity Volume 1, #6 (November 2013)
  71. Defenders Vol 1 10
  72. Incredible Hulks Volume 1, #627 (April 2011)
  73. Incredible Hulks Volume 1, #629 (May 2011)
  74. World War Hulk #5
  75. The Incredible Hulks #634
  76. The Incredible Hulks #635
  77. Avengers Volume 1, #686 (March 2018)
  78. Immortal Hulk Volume 1, #7 (October 2018)
  79. Immortal Hulk #20
  80. Ultimates Vol 2 #6


Discussion threads involving Hulk (Marvel Comics)