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VS Battles Wiki
I am Hawks. The man who's a bit too fast. A society where heroes can enjoy a little boredom... I'll make it happen, I promise, at my trademark top speed.
~ Hawks


Keigo Takami (鷹見啓悟 Takami Keigo), known as Wing Hero: Hawks (ウィングヒーロー ホークス Uingu Hīrō Hōkusu), is the former No. 3 Pro Hero and the current No. 2 Pro Hero in Japan.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 6-C with Fierce Wings

Name: Keigo Takami, "Hawks" (Hero Name)

Origin: My Hero Academia

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Classification: Human, Pro Hero

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Swordsman (He have excellent skills handling swords), Body Control (Can generate and manipulate feathers from his back), Limited Telekinesis (Can control his feathers through his mind), Flight, Danmaku (With feathers), Enhanced Senses (Sight and hearing. Able to detect vibrations through his feathers)

Attack Potency: Large Island level+ with Fierce Wings (His feathers can stab into Hood's arm. Can crack All For One's armor mask after enough hits, and was confident in killing him when his mask was destroyed. Capable of slashing All For One after he reverted to his prime and was able to stab him through the chest)

Speed: Sub-Relativistic (Equal in speed to Hood, who is faster than Endeavor and the USJ Nomu. While in a slower state, he was capable of landing hits on All For One and even moved Earphone Jack out of the way of his attack)

Lifting Strength: Unknown (Can lift and evacuate 76 civilians from a destroyed building with his feathers)

Striking Strength: Large Island level+ with Fierce Wings

Durability: Town level (Shielded Tsukuyomi from a massive attack from All For One, and took hits from doubles of Toga. Withstood multiple fire attacks from Dabi, though he was holding back and Hawks nearly died), higher with Fierce Wings (Was able to block All For One's charge, but his weapon broke, and he was left with severe injuries)

Stamina: Superhuman (Saved 76 people from a collapsing building, defeated two Nomus, and aided Endeavor in his battle against Hood without breaking a sweat. He was more than ready to fight Dabi head-on with practically no feathers. Withstood the pain inflicted by the scorching heat of Dabi's flames)

Range: Standard Melee Range, up to Hundreds of Meters with Fierce Wings (Able to rescue dozens of people from a collapsing skyscraper using his feathers)

Standard Equipment: His Hero Costume, and feather blades he can use as swords.

Intelligence: Gifted (As the current No. 2 hero, Hawks is a highly skilled fighter, effortlessly taking down two Nomus, that usually take several Pro Heroes just to fight one. An expert in the use of his Quirk, capable of saving 76 people falling from a destroyed building using the vibrations in the air and rustle movements of the civilians, and is able to accurately control countless feathers. Is very skilled in deduction, when four heroes lost their Quirks, he figured out that their Quirks weren't destroyed but stolen by someone with the same ability as All For One. Hawks is a very skilled in the art of surveillance, as he was able to gather sensitive information about the Hero Public Safety Commission without them knowing, and was also capable of infiltrating and working as a double-agent in the Paranormal Liberation Front without arousing suspicion)

Weaknesses: Hawks possesses a limited amount of feathers, and it takes two days for them to regrow if he uses them all. The more feathers he uses, the smaller his wings gets, diminishing his flight capability. He stated that even his Fierce Wings can burn, but it's unknown if this is really a weakness or if he's just saying that they're harder to destroy otherwise. The injuries he sustained from Dabi's flames have weakened him, and he now requires prosthetics to reach his previous speeds.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Fierce Wings: Hawks' Quirk grants him massive, bright red wings. Hawks can telekinetically control the movement of each individual feather with ease, enabling him to fly and to shoot them as projectiles. He can also feel the vibrations in the air through them, allowing him to sense people's locations. The feathers are immensely strong, capable of carrying medium-sized objects such as rocks or human beings with just a single feather for each one or multiple for large objects. As he sheds more feathers, his wings gradually shrink, impairing his flight ability. Hawks mentions he doesn't have enough feathers at the time to hold up a collapsing building, implying that if he did have more he would be able to hold it up.

  • Feather Blades: Hawks plucks out two long feathers from each of his wings, and uses them as swords to cut through his target. They are strong enough to slice through two white Nomus summoned by Hood.
  • Vocal Espionage: Hawks can use his feathers to distinguish sounds from small changes in the air, being able to decode conversations and vocal information by feeling the vibrations. This technique makes him a dangerous spy.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Nejire Hado (My Hero Academia) Nejire's Profile (Nejire Final War Version is used)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Hawks