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4-48717 gorilla
Gorillas are magnificent creatures, representing the strength and beauty of the wild. They evoke a sense of awe and respect.
~ Sigourney Weaver


The Gorilla is the largest genus of primate that currently roams the Earth, and is one of the closest living relatives to humans apart from chimps. Gorillas are found in Sub-Saharan Africa, and they can cover a wide range of elevations.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 10-A to 9-C, higher via kinetic energy and piercing damage

Name: Gorilla, Gorilla gorilla, Gorilla beringei

Origin: The Real World

Gender: Varies (Can be either male or female)

Age: Gorillas can live up to 40 years in the wild, Colo (Which was in a zoo) managed to live up to 60

Classification: Primate, ape, omnivore animal

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Bodily Weaponry (Teeth), Enhanced Senses (Only their smell and hearing are slightly more evolved, the rest are around the same as a human's)

Attack Potency: Athlete level+ to Street level (Silverbacks are around ten times stronger than an average human,[1] Some have escaped from cages by bending iron bars, can break down and tear banana trees with their bare hands, Just by swinging their arms, they can knock a woman over. An adolescent blackback around 11 to 12 years of age was able to perform a running overhand smash with enough force to fracture the protective glass of his enclosure, with reinforced glass being durable enough to withstand full-powered charges from lions without issues though this was due to environmental issues and the fact that more than one silverback had charged at the glass before, never mind that gorilla protective glass is thinner. Males are much larger than females. Adult males weigh an average of 300 pounds, while females weigh from 150 to 200 pounds.[2] Males trade blows with & hurt each other, silverback gorillas fight for females or to protect against lone silverbacks.[3][4][Note 1]. Adult males can fight off and potentially kill leopards and can tear off human limbs and heads off with raw strength alone. Through females being weaker, they are still half the strength of a male gorilla,[5] which would make them comparable to male orangutan. Largest gorilla ever recorded in the wild was 589 pounds[6][7]), Street level+ kinetic energy, higher via piercing damage (Males have massive canines. Up to 1609.762 Newtons in molars)

Speed: Peak Human (Western gorillas can run at 25 miles per hour and so can Mountain Gorillas)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (A 418 lb/190 kg male could do extreme pull-ups rather easily) to Class 1 (They were shown to be able to uproot banana trees. It is estimated that a gorilla could deadlift 818 kilograms. However, their strength is mostly used for pulling)

Striking Strength: Athlete level+ to Street level

Durability: Athlete level+ to Street level (Silverbacks commonly fight for dominance,[3] though these fights are almost always resolved with intimidation. Can be visibly unaffected by each other's blows.[4] While they can harm each other,[3] they've shown a musculoskelatal system that's able to absorb and withstand forces higher than humans, orangutans, and chimpanzees. Gorillas like other non-human great apes, have bones proportionally stronger than a modern human's bones.[8] Females are as durable as a male orangutan, who can be unaffected by each other's attacks from them not tolerating each other.[9][10] They are completely fine after flinging themselves at full speed into hard objects)

Stamina: Athletic (As one of the largest and strongest primates, they have well-developed muscles and cardiovascular systems that enable them to engage in physically demanding activities for extended periods, like climbing trees and territorial disputes with rival males)

Range: Extended Melee Range

Standard Equipment: None notable, but they are capable of using tools.

Intelligence: High Animalistic, likely Below Average (They can't communicate verbally, but they can be trained to learn non-verbal language. Some throw rocks to make fruits drop, and some can even use tree trunks to solve problems like making a bridge. They live in complex social groups that require advanced cognitive abilities to navigate. They exhibit a wide range of social behaviours, including cooperation, reconciliation, and empathy)

Weaknesses: They are somewhat pacifistic (They mostly flee during confrontations and only fight when they are cornered) and they’re incapable of swimming. Like humans, Gorillas have relatively thin skin that bleeds easily and is vulnerable to piercing damage


Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Chimpanzee (The Real World) Chimpanzee's Profile (It was 1 gorilla vs 4 chimpanzees)

Mike Tyson (Punch-Out!!) Mike Tyson's Profile (Fight took place in the Central Park zoo, it was an adult male silverback gorilla and speed was unequal )

Inconclusive Matches:



Discussion threads involving Gorilla