For detailed information about this series, visit Golden Sun Universe or the Golden Sun Wiki.
Golden Sun is a Japanese role-playing game series spanning across 3 games created by Camelot Software Planning. The games take place in a world called Weyard. Weyard is governed by the mythological concept of the classical elements. All matter on Weyard consists of any combination of the four base elements: Venus, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, or earth, fire, water, and wind, respectively. These four elements can be manipulated by the power of Alchemy, which reigned supreme in the world's ancient past. Alchemy was sealed away in the past; however, the world in the present age has become seemingly devoid of this power. On the contrary, in various places throughout the world, people demonstrate an aptitude to manipulate one of the elements through a form of magic called Psynergy.
Power of the Verse
The verse is consistently Tier 4 due to powerful summons like Charon and Isis. Isis explodes into a supernova, which is easily High 4-C. She is also Massively FTL+. Enhancements from the Golden Sun makes the protagonists well above those feats. It also features characters with hax such as Death Manipulation, Power Nullification, Soul Manipulation etc.
Knowledgeable Members
Golden Sun
The Lost Age
Dark Dawn
Golden Sun
The Lost Age
Dark Dawn
- The Wise One
Weapons & Power Sources
Discussion threads involving Golden Sun (Verse) |