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It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World.
~ Pokédex, Pokémon Platinum


Giratina is a Ghost/Dragon-type and a member of Sinnoh's Creation Trio. The embodiment of antimatter, it was banished to the Distortion World for its rash violence against its brethren. Even now it is said to look upon the old world from every mirror.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 2-B, likely 2-A, higher in Origin Form | At least 2-B, likely 2-A

Key: Avatars | True Form

Name: Giratina

Origin: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Gender: Genderless

Age: Predates reality

Classification: Legendary Pokémon, Renegade Pokémon, Antimatter, Lord of the Reverse World, Ruler of the Distortion World

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 7, and 9), Dimensional Travel, Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 and 3), Acausality (type 4; The Distortion world exists beyond the concepts of time and space. It runs on different logic or laws with distorted causality and physics than the Pokémon world. Giratina is competely unaffected by these changes and has control over them), Non-Physical Interaction, Breath Attack, Chaos Manipulation (The Distortion world is a realm of chaos. Of which Giratina has authority over, as the ruler of that place) Flight, Possible Statistics Amplification (Via Ancient Power and Ominous Wind), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1: Should be the same as Dialga and Palkia, who were about to entirely reshape the world in a new one from destroying the concept of spirit), Teleportation, Intangibility, Status Effect Inducement, Energy Projection, Void Manipulation (Giratina can materialize and de-materialize the structures in the distortion world), Elemental Manipulation (Of the Fire, Wind, Lightning and Earth), Transmutation (Creates boulders out of its energy via Ancient Power to attack, not unlike Dialga), Portal Creation, Dimensional BFR, Sealing (Can throw others into the Distortion World; Inescapable even for those who can create portals. Defeating an opponent, even if it's just by knockout, sends them to the inescapable Lost Zone with Broken Space Blow and Darkness Lost), Aura, Darkness Manipulation (Can create weapon-like constructs, such as spears and crescent blades. Otherwise in the form of energy blasts from multiple directions simultaneously), Resurrection, Telepathy (This hidden ability allows it to avoid attacks), Illusion Creation (May appear as a shadow when visiting the Pokémon World), Sensing (Reacted to Arceus from several floors away, sensed Shaymin and Dialga on separate instances in and outside its own dimension), Incorporeality, Cosmic Awareness (In Pokémon Platinum it was noted that Cyrus attempting to rewrite the Pokémon World disturbed Giratina despite its residence in another Universe. Reacted to Arceus from another dimension in the anime), Shapeshifting (Can alter the shape of its wings, whether into claws or spikes, its very form changes depending on its environment, changing in the Origin Form when entering in the Distortion World), Resistance to Poison Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Reality Warping, Water Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation and Mind Manipulation (Was completely unaffected by the Red Chain that bound and controlled both Dialga and Palkia. Cannot be affected by the Pokémon Rangers' Capture Stylus. Cynthia states that the Lake Trio would fail at trying to sate Giratina)

Every ability it can use in its Altered Form, including Matter and Void Manipulation (Used to seal Dialga and Palkia in the Distortion World), Reality Warping (Repaired a pillar and possibly the entire Distortion World; actively repairs both worlds. Can destroy things in the Distortion World to affect their counterparts in the outside), Clairvoyance (Said to look upon the Pokémon World from the Distortion World in Pokédex entries and see into the Pokémon World this way in the anime), space isn't stable and the laws of reality are distorted. Giratina can freerly move there unlike those who venture into it), Space-Time Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Resistance to Ice Manipulation

Same as its avatars, including Higher-Dimensional Existence, Avatar Creation, Large Size (Type 9), Immortality type 5 (It's nonexisent in nature but still exists), Nigh-Omnipresence (4-Dimensional as it is the Distortion World itself, which is the opposite side of the multiverse, and if it dies, the Distortion World is wiped from existence), Abstract Existence (Type 1: It's the concept of Matter and Antimatter), Nonexistent Physiology (Nature Type 1, Aspect Type 1; Giratina embodies the concept of Nothingness/Nonexistence. Lacks a spirit) Creation (Helped in the creation of the multiverse. Created the Distortion World), Limited Power Nullification and Immortality (Type 8; Is the Distortion World itself, which has the role of maintaining the balance between time and space and corrects all imbalances in the cosmology that could threaten it, which also applies to attacks), Immunity to Soul Manipulation

Attack Potency: Multiverse level, likely Multiverse level+ (Roughly on par with Palkia and Dialga. In fact, has been portrayed on occasion to be superior to one of them, sometimes even together, and sometimes even by a sizable amount), higher in Origin Form | At least Multiverse level, likely Multiverse level+ (Superior to its avatars. Aided in some unknown way to the creation of the Pokémon multiverse, which contains at least an untold number to likely an infinite number of universes along with the other members of the Creation Trio)

Speed: At least Massively FTL+, likely Infinite (Should at least be faster than Pokémon like Necrozma), higher in Origin Form | Nigh-Omnipresent (Is the entire Distortion World, which is the opposite side of the multiverse)

Lifting Strength: At least Class Z, likely far higher (Immensely superior than the likes of Necrozma) | Immeasurable (Is the Distortion World Itself)

Striking Strength: Multiverse level, likely Multiverse level+ (Equal to and Palkia and Dialga), higher in Origin Form | At least Multiverse level, likely Multiverse level+

Durability: Multiverse level, likely Multiverse level+ (Can fight against Palkia and Dialga), higher in Origin Form | At least Multiverse level, likely Multiverse level+ (Due to it embodying both Matter and Antimatter, Giratina is extremely difficult to kill)

Stamina: Infinite as it directly fought against Dialga, Palkia | Limitless (Tirelessly balances the Distortion and Pokémon worlds)

Range: Extended Melee Range in combat. At least Multiversal, likely Multiversal+ with attacks and abilities (In a future event it destroyed two regions from Arceus's pocket dimension with its fight with Dialga and Palkia. Can travel between Worlds freely, whatever it does in the Distortion World is reflected in the Pokémon World, can see across Universes via reflections, etc.) | At least Multiversal, likely Multiversal+

Standard Equipment: Griseous Orb (used to enter Origin Form outside of the Distortion World)

Intelligence: Very high, likely Nigh-Omniscient (It's aware of the Real World and the existence of Dialga and Palkia and their powers, as well as various Pokémon and humans, and is capable of strategically using the effects it causes to the Real World through the Distortion World to its advantage. Also, Cynthia theorized it arranged the Distortion World as a puzzle to test the player, a test that required help from the Lake Trio)

Weaknesses: Giratina is weak against Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Dark, and Ice-Type moves

Feats: (Part 1), (Part 2), (Final Part)

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Shadow Force: Giratina can vanish and ambush its foes almost immediately.
  • Will-O-Wisp: Giratina can shoot a blue fireball from its mouth.
  • Aura Sphere: Giratina can draw from its Aura and fire a powerful energy sphere.
  • Dragon Claw: (In Origin Form) One of the foremost spikes on the side of its own body becomes infused with Dragon-type energy and Giratina charges at its opponent to violently strike with said spike.
  • Anti-Matter Manipulation: In the Distortion World, Giratina can manipulate anti-matter. Affecting the Distortion World will also affect the Real World.
  • Altered Form: When leaving the Reverse World, Giratina adapts to gravity and goes into an altered form. However, this limits what it can do.


Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Giratina