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Garou RenderZar
The popular will win, the hated will lose. It's such a tragedy. Then I won't lose to anyone. I will become the strongest monster ever and change this scenario.
~ Garou

Half-Monster Garou Render
The hunt is on.
~ Garou to Gyoro Gyoro

What's the matter, Darkshine. Aren't you a hero? Aren't you here to stop my "monster play"? I'm still kicking.
~ Garou to Darkshine

Garou Render (AI)
I'll take on anyone who wants a fight. Absolute Evil is unbiased, you know. Heroes, monsters, I will slaughter every last one of them, and rise up to become the ultimate symbol of fear... Disaster level "God". Come get some.
~ Garou to Flashy Flash and Platinum Sperm

As of now... I've reached the epitome... of martial arts! This guy said he was divine retribution? Wrong... This was a blessing. "My fist" is now perfected.
~ Garou

Complete Monster Garou
Watch closely, you shitty brat. I’m about to destroy your outlook on life. I’ll show you just how powerless heroes are. There won’t be anyone left alive to kill you or save you. There will only be me, absolute evil, to dominate… and put a permanent end to the unreasonable world that made both of us cry.
~ Garou to Tareo

Monster Garou 2 (Redo)

Saitama: Hey, you got a little better again!
Garou: You call this a little?!

~ Saitama and Garou

Garou Form 4
What the hell is he? He's like the embodiment of unfairness. There... There's no way... There's no way I'll let myself lose to him!!!!
~ Garou

Have I finally become it? The symbol of fear that brings all heroes to despair... Absolute Evil.


Garou (ガロウ, Garō) is a former disciple of Bang and was considered a prodigy. But one day, he was kicked out from his dojo for going on a rampage once he got bored with everyone. He's one of the strongest characters in the series and plays a major role as the main villain in the Hero Hunt arc. His dream is to be the strongest monster ever and become the world's first God-Level Threat, or so he says.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 7-C, possibly High 7-C, higher with Reactive Evolution | At least 7-C, possibly High 7-C up to at least 7-A with Reactive Evolution | At least 7-A, up to 6-A, likely at least High 6-A with Reactive Evolution, higher with Resonance | 6-A, likely at least High 6-A, up to High 6-A, likely higher with Reactive Evolution | 4-A, Varies with Power Mimicry, higher with Reactive Evolution | 4-A, possibly 3-C, Varies with Power Mimicry, higher with Reactive Evolution

Key: Hero Hunter | Half-Monster | Post-Darkshine | Post-Sage Centipede | Awakened Garou | Parallel Timeline Awakened Garou

Name: Garou, Hero Hunter, Human Monster, Awakened Garou, "The Fist of God", "Symbol of Fear"

Origin: One-Punch Man

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Classification: Human, "Hero Hunter" | Half-Monster | Monster | Avatar of God, "Absolute Evil," "Disaster Level: God"

Powers and Abilities:

All previous abilities to a greater extent, plus:

All previous abilities to a greater extent, plus:

All previous abilities to a far greater extent, plus:

Attack Potency: At least Town level, possibly Large Town level (Severely injured Tanktop Master. Despite being weakened by fatigue, blood loss and poison,[7] he held his own against Post-Superfight Genos and implied that he would perform better if he was in better condition[8]. Gave Metal Bat enough injuries throughout their fight to make his fighting spirit grow to extreme levels[Note 3]), up to Town level+, possibly Large Town level+ with Reactive Evolution (Gave both Royal Ripper and Bug God noticeable injuries after nearly beating them in a 2v1[Note 4]) | At least Town level+, possibly Large Town level+ (Stronger than before. Easily killed Royal Ripper[9] before evolving), up to at least Mountain level with Reactive Evolution (Evolved during his fight with Overgrown Rover, becoming a threat big enough to where Gyoro Gyoro believed that taking him down would take a considerable amount of effort. At his peak, Garou's limiter started to break[10] and he could overpower and harm Darkshine[Note 5][11]) | At least Mountain level (Stronger than before. Fought on par with a somewhat weakened Bomb before evolving), up to Continent level, likely at least Multi-Continent level+ with Reactive Evolution (Fought and harmed Sage Centipede. Could damage Sage Centipede when Metal Bat couldn't, and was stated to be vastly stronger than him), higher with Resonance (Repelled the 6666 Leg Grand Drill and severely damaged Sage Centipede's exoskeleton in conjunction with Metal Bat’s Savage Hurricane. Punched through Sage Centipede and ripped out his regeneration core) | Continent level, likely at least Multi-Continent level+ (Sliced Sage Centipede in half. Grew even stronger after his monsterization increased and he transformed twice), up to Multi-Continent level, likely higher with Reactive Evolution (After transforming once again, he slammed into the Earth, pushing the Earth's inner layers), Can ignore durability with Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist (A technique that produces devastating shockwaves capable of enveloping opponents and breaking their bones, even if they are as strong as Garou) and Fa Jin (Stated that these powerful attacks target the internal organs of his opponents, regardless of how tough their bones and flesh are) | Multi-Solar System level (Capable of overloading Blast's smaller portals. His attack was compared to a real Gamma Ray Burst[1] which produces at least 1 foe or 10^44 joules of energy and the strongest GRB being 8.8 kiloFoe. Copied Saitama's Consecutive Normal Punches and matched it blow for blow, an action that scratched him), Varies with Power Mimicry, higher with Reactive Evolution | Multi-Solar System level, possibly Galaxy level (Copied and evenly matched Saitama's Serious Punch in a collision that caused countless stars to disappear, leaving behind a massive void in space, with the damage potentially extending out for intergalactic distances, given that galaxies are clearly depicted on other panels[4]), Varies with Power Mimicry (Became many times stronger than before after growing exponentially in power while copying Saitama's strength[Note 6][2]), higher with Reactive Evolution[Note 7]

Speed: High Hypersonic (Once he got serious, he pummelled Tanktop Master before he could even react, striking his joints and vital spots in the process.[12] Kept up with Post-Superfight Genos while weakened[8]), higher with Reactive Evolution (Grew faster throughout the course of his fight with Royal Ripper and Bug God to the point to were he believed that they would be unable to land a single hit on him) | High Hypersonic (Faster than before), higher with Reactive Evolution (Increased his speed during his battle against Orochi to the point that he could dodge and outrun Orochi’s restrained horns, which previously tagged him.[13] Grew even faster in his fight with Superalloy Darkshine,[10] eventually becoming fast enough to overwhelm him[11]) | At least High Hypersonic (Can keep up with Bomb and Awakening Breath Bang while asleep), up to at least FTL with Reactive Evolution (Grew much faster after defeating Bang and waking up, ultimately being able to surpass Flashy Flash's speed. Created a massive constellation with his sheer speed in 1.3 milliseconds alongside Platinum Sperm. Became even faster, to the point of outspeeding Platinum Sperm) | At least FTL, higher with Reactive Evolution (Significantly faster than before, and continues to grow faster by adapting and transforming) | At least FTL, likely far higher (Much faster than his peak monster form), Relativistic+ attack speed with Gamma Ray Burst (Gamma Ray Bursts move at nearly the speed of light), Varies with Power Mimicry, higher with Reactive Evolution | FTL+ (Exchanged strikes[2] with Saitama, who had previously created a constellation around Io with his speed[4]), Relativistic+ attack speed with Gamma Ray Burst (Gamma Ray Bursts move at nearly the speed of light), Varies with Power Mimicry, higher with Reactive Evolution

Lifting Strength: Class G (Somewhat contended with Post-Superfight Genos, and broke out of his grip while a weakened state), higher with Reactive Evolution (Gained a large boost in strength after getting beatdown by Bang and Bomb | At least Class G (Stronger than before), higher with Reactive Evolution (Able to match Darkshine in brute force) | At least Class G (Considerably stronger than before), up to At least Class P with Reactive Evolution (Overpowered Sage Centipede's restraint, who can lift his whole body off the ground) | At least Class P, likely higher (Significantly stronger than before), up to Class E with Reactive Evolution (Able to displace hundreds of kilometers of the Earth's surface) | At least Class E, likely far higher (Considerably stronger than his peak monster form), Varies with Power Mimicry, higher with Reactive Evolution | Class Y (Copied Saitama's strength after he flipped Io with a single hand), up to Pre-Stellar (Grew many times stronger than before), Varies with Power Mimicry, higher with Reactive Evolution

Striking Strength: At least Town level, possibly Large Town level (Comparable to his attack potency), up tp Town level+, possibly Large Town level+ with Reactive Evolution | At least Town level+, possibly Large Town level+ (Broke Royal Ripper's blade and decapitated him with a single punch[9]), up to at least Mountain level with Reactive Evolution (At his peak, he surpassed Superalloy Darkshine and harmed him[11]) | At least Mountain level, up to Continent level, likely at least Multi-Continent level+ with Reactive Evolution, higher with Resonance | Continent level, likely at least Multi-Continent level+, up to Multi-Continent level, likely higher with Reactive Evolution | Multi-Solar System level, Varies with Power Mimicry, higher with Reactive Evolution | Multi-Solar System level, possibly Galaxy level, Varies with Power Mimicry, higher with Reactive Evolution

Durability: At least Town level, possibly Large Town level (Comparable to his striking strength), up to Town level+, possibly Large Town level+ with Reactive Evolution | At lest Town level+, possibly Large Town level+ (Comparable to his striking strength. Survived one of Overgrown Rover's blasts, albeit with heavy damage[14]), at least Mountain level with Reactive Evolution (After evolving, he could withstand several attacks from Rover and survive a point-blank blast from it.[14] At his peak, he tanked a Superalloy Double Bazooka from Superalloy Darkshine[11]). Regeneration makes him difficult to kill | At least Mountain level (Much more durable than before. Could take numerous hits from Bomb and Awakening Breath Bang), up to Continent level, likely at least Multi-Continent level+ (Survived Sage Centipede's Centipede Grand March and his 6666 Leg Grand Drill) | Continent level, likely at least Multi-Continent level+, up to Multi-Continent level, likely higher with Reactive Evolution (Withstood Saitama's Consecutive Normal Punches, which were stronger than his own Extreme Fa Jin) | Multi-Solar System level (Withstood being on the epicenter of his own Black Hole.[1] Should be comparable to his attack potency), Varies with Power Mimicry, higher with Reactive Evolution | Multi-Solar System level, possibly Galaxy level (Tanked the collision of Serious Punch2. Endured hundreds of Saitama's Serious Punches[4]), Varies with Power Mimicry (Became many times more durable than before, being able to endure punches from an exponentially growing Saitama while copying his strength), higher with Reactive Evolution

Stamina: Superhuman (After being worn down from fighting multiple strong Heroes, curb-stomped by Watchdog Man, and knocked unconscious by Saitama, he was forced without sufficient rest into a battle against numerous A-Class heroes, where he suffered a gunshot wound to his leg and was hit with poisonous arrows to drain his stamina but still managed to defeat all of his opponents. Immediately afterward, he found himself up against Genos and then both Bang and Bomb, who subjected him to continued pummeling to the point that he was on the verge of death. Even after all the punishment mentioned above, he still willed himself to resume fighting, ignoring the huge amounts of damage that his body had taken. Later on, after he healed from his wounds, he was one-shot by Saitama and left unconscious for a while, only to fight both Bug God and Royal Ripper not long afterwards, although Garou was defeated. After recovering a few hours later, Garou made his way to the Monster association base to fight against multiple monsters such Overgrown Rover, Gyoro Gyoro, Orochi, and eventually Darkshine, all with little time for rest in between. Continued fighting even after gaining injuries like his ribs getting broken or getting impaled. Even after being buried under Z-City, fighting with his master Bang, engaging in a triple match against Flashy Flash and Platinum Sperm, and defeating the colossal monster Sage Centipede, he still has enough energy to keep moving in peak condition. Could survive a pummeling from Saitama, only to come back stronger than before)

Range: Standard Melee Range | Standard Melee Range, Several Meters with Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist (Can cut monsters from a distance using air pressure) | Standard Melee Range, Several Meters with Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, Unknown with Shockwaves (Was able to create a huge shockwave and split Sage Centipede's entire body in half) | Standard Melee Range, Several Meters with Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, Planetary with Shockwaves (His shockwaves are able to reach the other side of the planet and affect the Earth's magnetic and gravitational fields) | Same as before, Thousands of Kilometers with Fission Explosions (Covered the surface of Io) | Same as before, Interdimensional with Hyperspace Gates (Can reach anything in his line of sight, including other planets in the solar system. Could escape being sent to an alternate dimension by Blast[15]), Interstellar, possibly Intergalactic with Shockwaves (Destroyed countless stars in one direction, with the damage potentially extending out for intergalactic distances, given that galaxies are clearly depicted on other panels)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Genius combatant (Garou has great knowledge in hand-to-hand combat and can analyze and memorize an opponent's fighting style and movements in only a few moments. He was also able to accurately predict the plans of both the Monster and Hero Associations by himself. Through observation, he learns of countermeasures for other people's fighting styles. Sometimes switches between fighting styles to keep his movement unpredictable or for his amusement. His martial arts mastery enables him to attack his opponents as if they were being cornered by dozens of martial artists at once as described by Darkshine, despite both being roughly on the same level at the time of their fight and Darkshine being a highly experienced hand-to-hand fighter. Stated to have reached the epitome of martial arts after mastering a plethora of fighting styles and perfecting his fist) | Extraordinary Genius (Gained knowledge on the behavior of all forces and flow of all energy in the universe, and applied this knowledge through replicating complex natural phenomena such as nuclear fission and gamma ray bursts. His aptitude for martial arts and fighting has increased to the point that he can perfectly mimic both the power and technique of others, including those that can manipulate the reality of the cosmos, in a single glance, and further improve them to perfection past their original states. Garou has stated that his fist is beyond timing, and that all of his strikes are completely unavoidable)

Weaknesses: Garou is very protective of Tareo, and he always put his life on the line to ensure his safety. He often withholds from using the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist martial art until he needs to, as it reminds him of Bang, who he holds a grudge against, though this weakness may not apply after his fight with Tanktop Master, as he has shown to constantly use his true fighting style from then onwards. Prone to intentionally prolonging fights to become stronger, typically letting enemies get serious. Tends to underestimate opponents once they are "defeated". Due to his fighting style being designed for humans as well as the fact that Bang did not teach him how to fight non-humanoid opponents, he may have difficulty with such foes. | None notable. | While able to cross interdimensional range, Garou's usual hyperspaces gate can only reach as far as he can see.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Master Martial Artist: Garou is an extremely skilled fighter, who adapts to combat and uses the advantage of the opponent's weak spots to give himself the upper advantage in fights. His learning ability allows him to learn countermeasures for other people's fighting styles while making their fighting styles his own. He shows this ability against Tanktop Master, where he attacks his weak spots and quickly turns the tables. He also shows this unique ability in his fight with Metal Bat, where he comments that Metal Bat's attacks are getting predictable and weird. While fighting his opponents, Garou gains access to their fighting styles and techniques, simply by witnessing them once. Moreover, when fighting, Garou aims for the vital points and joints to make his opponents lose the ability to fight back very quickly. Furthermore, through analyzing his opponent's line of vision, posture, muscle tension, breathing, energy, movement patterns, and center of gravity he can nearly perfectly predict his opponent's next movement. His prediction accuracy only improves as he becomes stronger.

  • Various Martial Arts Mastery:
    • Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist: A distinctive martial art Garou learned from his former master, Bang. It's a combat style that relies on countering attacks despite being stronger than his own. This is also useful for the offensive stream of attacks that can take enemies by surprise. The martial art can repel the attacks of his opponents, nullify them, or redirect them with twice the power. Using this technique, Garou can beat some of the lower S-Class heroes, though he tends to avoid using this attack early on. His technique also wasn't perfected to the point that he couldn't repel Darkshine's attack before he started adapting.
Garou Flowingwaterrocksmashingfist

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist

  • Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist: Bomb's martial technique. This martial art style involves a powerful hand rotation technique to create a razor-sharp whirlwind pressure that chops the opponent into tiny pieces. The martial art then pushes the opponent back with tremendous force, depending on the proximity towards the eye of the whirlwind. The cutting pressure is also used in martial art's kicks.
Garou Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist

  • Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist: A more advanced technique than both Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist and Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. A move that splits the skies and blasts airstreams into the opponent’s body. It's one level weaker than the Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist. The move is strong enough to break Elder Centipede's carapace, forcing it to molten. When the technique connects, the shockwave created will spread through the opponent's body, which ultimately reduces them to dust.
Garou Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist

Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist

  • Cross Dragon Fang Slayer Fist: A technique developed by using Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist and Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist. It's much stronger compared to those two techniques and usually requires two people to perform it. The only other two who could perform this were Bang and Bomb, who were each master in their respective martial arts styles. The technique is even stronger than the Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist.
Garou Cross Dragon Fang Slayer Fist

Cross Dragon Fang Slayer Fist

  • Exploding Heart Release Fist: This fighting style involves Garou making his heart beat explosively in time with the impact of his attacks, allowing him to surpass his body limits. It has been stated that this technique is wicked, made with the intention of bringing total devastation.
Garou Exploding Heart Release Fist

Exploding Heart Release Fist

  • Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist: An exceptional technique developed by Garou from various combat methods he mastered. With this move, Garou could overwhelm Platinum Sperm's defense and finish him off. Has recently perfected this technique, being able to cut in half the body of a continental-long centipede with a single strike of his fist.
Garou Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist

Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist

  • Self-Styled Martial Arts: Based on Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, this fighting style evolves freely during combat. This was first seen used against Heavy Tank Fundoshi.
  • Tanktop Tackle: Copied from Tanktop Master. He charges at his opponent, bulling them over with folded forearms. He uses this against Flashy Flash.
  • Tanktop Blow: Copied from Tanktop Master. Garou unbalances and distracts his opponent by striking the ground with tremendous force after spinning to build up momentum. He first uses this against Bang and Bomb, then later against Flashy Flash.
  • Watchdog Man's Dog Movements: During his fight with Genos, Garou is shown to have been able to mimic the movements of Watchdog Man which he uses to catch Genos off guard to grab his right arm.
  • Awakening Breath: A breathing technique that draws from the very limits of one's body. When used, Garou's stats are heightened.
  • Adaptability: While his "limiter" was breaking, Garou seems to have developed a form of adaptability. This allows him to become stronger and faster over time as well as make him seemingly immune to any attack that fails to kill him, such as developing stronger resistance to psychic attacks on top of his already immense will. This also allows him to transform into various forms making him a real Monster. He likens this to the Fighting Spirit ability Metal Bat has.
  • Mimicry: Similar to adaptability, Garou can mimic the techniques and abilities that he has witnessed before. Tanktop Tackle is one of the moves he was able to copy and the even Cross Dragon Fang Slayer Fist.
  • Regeneration: Garou can heal very quickly, as he fully recovered his life-threatening injuries from Royal Ripper in only a few hours. He also regenerated getting pierced through his stomach after Orochi’s horn struck and left a big hole, which he restored in a matter of minutes while dodging the Monster King's attacks. His body absorbs black matter from the air to close any wound.
  • Platinum Rings: Copied from Platinum Sperm. Garou rotates his arms to deflect attacks, allowing him to ward off punches from a casual Saitama.
  • Great Fa Jin: A powerful strike that allows Garou to damage an opponent's internal organs, thus incapacitating them. Upon using this technique, Garou, with both of his hands seeming to glow, hits the opponent's abdomen with his open palms, creating strong shockwaves that pulverize whatever behind the victim. According to Garou himself, this attack should work regardless of how tough one's bones and flesh are.
  • Extreme Fa Jin: Garou places both of his hands on the opponent and pushes them through the Earth. This attack is capable of generating intense shockwaves potent enough to pass through Earth's core, displacing tectonic plates and subsequently, messing up with the magnetic and gravitational fields.

Awakened Garou: Cosmic Fear Mode: This is the form Garou assumes after escaping the body takeover by "God" during his fight against Saitama. All Life Eradication Fist, an all new, all powerful martial art which Garou developed after receiving powers from "God". Having reached an epiphany on how the flow of energy works via his teachings received through study under his former master Bang, combined with the bestowed knowledge from "God" of the flow of the energy and the behaviour of all forces in the universe, this new martial art allows the Hero Hunter to focus and utilize the natural energy flow of the universe itself in conjunction with his internal force channeling, enabling the simulation of natural universal phenomena.

  • All Life Eradication Fist: Nuclear Fission: Garou is capable of using his energy manipulation in conjunction with his incredibly fast and strong punches to generate nuclear explosions, producing large mushroom clouds in the process and being powerful enough to be detected by Nuclear Detection tools. Upon witnessing this technique in action, Psykos referred to these explosions as "divine power", likening them to Homeless Emperor's energy spheres.
    • Nuclear Fission: Gravity Knuckle: A powerful attack that utilizes two powers at once within each of Garou's fists. After copying Blast's Gravity Knuckle and combining it with his own Nuclear Fission, Garou throws a flurry of punches, with his right hand having the power of gravity whilst his left contains the power of nuclear fission.
    • All Life Eradication Fist: Gamma Ray Burst: Garou is able to use his energy manipulation to summon the same phenomenon as the Gamma Ray Burst. When used, the area directly around Garou becomes a miniature singularity and he releases two parallel beams of energy in the direction he desires. This attack is powerful enough to make Saitama think it would be bad should it only even graze the Earth, prompting him to prevent that from happening.

Shakkei: Some secret martial arts techniques that borrow the power of nature by imitating the movements of living things. Garou refers to them as "Modes", which he thinks sounds cooler. Using this ability, any techniques that Garou copies also get honed to perfection very quickly, rendering the original user soon unable to keep up with the duplicated techniques.

  • Mode: Saitama: Garou copies the fighting style, speed and strength of Saitama, giving him the face of the hero.
    • Consecutive Normal Punches: An attack that belongs to Saitama. Garou throws a volley of fast punches.
    • Serious Punch: An attack that belongs to Saitama. Garou throws an extremely powerful punch. When used to collide with Saitama's, the two clashing fists created a Serious Punch², which outputted so much destructive energy that it would have destroyed the Earth and had to be redirected by Blast and his associates to spare the planet. Despite being diverted, the impact from their punches could still travel thousands of light-years into space and wipe out a large number of star systems in its path within mere seconds, with the recoil launching both Garou and Saitama to Jupiter's moon Io.


Notable Matchups





  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 One-Punch Man Manga: Chapter 165
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 One-Punch Man Manga: Chapter 168
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 One-Punch Man Manga: Chapter 166
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 One-Punch Man Manga: Chapter 167
  5. 5.0 5.1 One-Punch Man Manga: Chapter 169
  6. One-Punch Man - Chapter 197
  7. One-Punch Man: Chapter 81 - Willpower
  8. 8.0 8.1 One-Punch Man: Chapter 83 - The Cruel Staircase
  9. 9.0 9.1 One-Punch Man: Chapter 90 - Because I'm a Monster
  10. 10.0 10.1 One-Punch Man: Chapter 126 - Psykos
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 One-Punch Man: Chapter 129 - Turn Over!
  12. One-Punch Man: Chapter 47 - Technique
  13. One-Punch Man: Chapter 92 - Manhole
  14. 14.0 14.1 Chapter 91
  15. Chapter 166 - Squared


  1. Garou only acquired this ability as he was dying and only after copying Saitama. When making a match with Parallel Timeline Garou, the ability should be specified as being useable or not for the thread. If it is included, the agreed characterization would that he would only use the move if he was Bloodlusted or as a last resort action in a hopeless combat situation
  2. Garou/Saitama's Matter Manipulation is considered Macro-Quantum since it involved them not only adjusting their atomic nuclei but their electrons and positrons as well.
  3. 32.12 Kilotons of TNT, possibly 303.71 Kilotons of TNT
  4. 64.24 Kilotons of TNT, possibly 607.42 Kilotons of TNT
  5. 315.12 Megatons of TNT
  6. Can copy any finite power with Power Mimicry as a result of breaking his limiter.
  7. Can grow up to any finite power over time with Reactive Evolution as a result of breaking his limiter.


Discussion threads involving Garou