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Some weird flaming girl
The guts of this trial are the smoke of Mount Fuji. The eternal volcanic ash, reaching to the moon. An ever-resurrecting immortal bird, born from unextinguishable flames. A legendary phoenix, growing in strength with each rebirth. The bullets of this evening will be the young lady's eternal trauma.
~ Mokou, right before she fights Sakuya and Remilia in Imperishable Night


Fujiwara no Mokou (藤原 妹紅) was formerly an ordinary human, but she became an immortal being after drinking the Hourai Elixir about 1300 years ago. Now she is never able to die, though she still feels the pain of injuries as normal. She's considered to be very powerful, given her long life, the power she earned through her life, and her immortal status since she can keep fighting until she can no longer stand the pain.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 2-C

Name: Fujiwara no Mokou

Origin: Touhou Project

Gender: Female

Age: At least 1,300 years

Classification: Human (Immortal)

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 3, and 5; Hourai immortals no longer possess a concept of life and death), Regeneration (Mid-Godly, possibly High-Godly; The core of a Hourai immortal's existence is their soul, and can regenerate from their soul indefinitely[1]. However, Mokou may regenerate even if her Spirit has been completely absorbed or destroyed. When Kaguya drank the Hourai elixir, she was able to regenerate from repeated execution from the Lunar Capital[2]. This would likely include the abilities of Sagume Kishin, who can manipulate truth[3][4][5], a kind of information that controls reality[6], and in doing so can control the existence and non-existence of things[7]), Power Bestowal (Eating the liver of a Hourai immortal makes the consumer immortal as well[8]), Flight, Danmaku, Spirit Manipulation, Limited Creation & Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; The process of creating a spell card requires giving it a 'name' to define its form and power, not unlike how the gods gave 'names' to everything at the beginning of reality to give them form from nothingness, albeit on a much smaller scale[9][10][11]), Power Modification (Spell card users are capable of changing the traits of any attack or ability by naming it, being able to turn ordinarily lethal attacks into nonlethal ones, or severely restricting the potency of an ability by 'gameifying' it[12][13]), Aura, Space-Time Manipulation (All spell card users are shown to possess magic circles, which have the properties of slowing anything within their radius down to a near stop. Via the ability to name their spell cards, spell card users are able to distinguish things within space and time[14]), Acausality (Type 4; Exists within the Hakurei Barrier[15], which created a world with a different flow of time[16] and different physical laws[17]. Can act normally within Eientei, which exists outside of time and causality[18][19]), Acrobatics, Magic, Extrasensory Perception (Magic users are sensitive to changes in temperament[20]), Forcefield Creation (Can create a forcefield to block incoming attacks. Passively creates a barrier around her when she is stunned), Fire Manipulation, Self-Destruction, Possession, Magma Manipulation (Can generate volcanic eruptions just by kicking the ground), Teleportation (When she regenerates, she does not have to do so in the same place that she died), Explosion Manipulation (Can make her danmaku explode, as well as throw out a ring of exploding ofuda), Heat Manipulation (Via spell cards like Flame Sign 'Phoenix's Super-High-Temperature Feathers" and Undying "Fire Bird -Feng Wing Ascension-"), Stealth Mastery (Snuck into Eientei undetected while it was heavily guarded[21][22][23]), Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm Phantoms and Evil Spirits with her regular attacks), Probability Manipulation and Fate Manipulation (Unconsciously controls the memory layer of the world, which affects probability and fate), Statistics Amplification (Can use Spell Power to increase the power of her spell cards)

Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Has fought Kaguya to the death every day for hundreds of years. During Antinomy of Common Flowers, her training with perfect possession made her "many times stronger"[30], allowing her to evenly match Byakuren Hijiri[31] without holding back[32]. Superior to her durability, as she regularly deals recoil damage to herself with basic attacks and can easily destroy her own body with her fire)

Speed: Infinite (On par with high tiers such as Reimu)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level (Her physical attacks are strong enough to deal significant recoil damage to herself)

Durability: Low Multiverse level (Should be capable of taking hits from Kaguya in their fights to the death. Survived repeated attacks likely meant to be lethal from characters like Youmu Konpaku and Sakuya Izayoi)

Stamina: Superhuman. Capable of fighting for hours against Kaguya with very high willpower (She and Kaguya murdered each other on a nearly daily basis, with neither of them giving up)

Range: At least Tens of Meters with Danmaku (Her firing range should be comparable to Sakuya's, who can throw knives at least 36 meters)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Manipulation of fire: Mokou's main combat ability seems to be the power to create and manipulate flames, typically doing so with phoenix-like imagery, presumably to reflect her immortal nature.
  • Sorcery: According to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Mokou, over the course of her long life, has mastered all sorts of magic.

Spell Cards

  • Let This Whole World Burn Away to Nothing!: Mokou uses the power of the Occult Balls to create a sphere of energy powerful enough to vaporizes her surrounding, including herself.
  • Undying "South Wind, Clear Sky Soaring Kick": Mokou kicks the opponent twice, kicking them down into the earth so hard, it makes a tiny volcano eruption.
  • Immortal "Fire Bird Flying Phoenix": Mokou creates a danmaku pattern in the shape of a phoenix which move forward, as well as a circle of bullets and smaller phoenix shapes which home in on the player.
  • Forgiveness "Honest Man's Death": Mokou creates wave-like blue danmaku and sends out a barrage of red bullets shaped like a cone. She also uses a laser beam directly in front of her.



Touhou 8 - Imperishable Night Extra Boss - Fujiwara no Mokou's Theme

Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke, Mokou's boss theme

Notable Matchups





  1. Imperishable Night, Magic Team's Extra Scenario
  2. Imperishable Night, Kaguya Houraisan's Profile
  3. Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia, Article and Interview, Clownpiece and Hecatia Lapislazuli
  4. Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, Sagume Kishin's Profile
  5. Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia, Report of Release Cancel
  6. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 17
  7. Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia, Report of Release Cancel
  8. Imperishable Night, Netherworld Team's Extra Scenario
  9. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Draft of Spell Card Rules
  10. Imperishable Night, Afterword
  11. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 15
  12. Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia, Essay: Marisa Kirisame
  13. The Grimoire of Marisa, Reimu Hakurei's spell cards
  14. Shoot the Bullet, Afterword
  15. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 25
  16. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 19
  17. Dr. Latency's Freak Report
  18. Cage in Lunatic Runagate, Chapter 2
  19. Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, Eientei
  20. Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Patchouli's Scenario
  21. Cheating Detective Satori Chapter 13
  22. Cheating Detective Satori, Chapter 14
  23. Cheating Detective Satori Chapter 15
  24. Urban Legend in Limbo, Mokou's Scenario
  25. Imperishable Night, Magic Team's Extra Scenario
  26. Cage in Lunatic Runagate, Chapter 3
  27. Imperishable Night, Kaguya Houraisan's Profile
  28. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Phantom
  29. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 29
  30. Antinomy of Common Flowers, Reisen's Scenario
  31. Antinomy of Common Flowers, Mamizou's Scenario
  32. Urban Legend in Limbo, Mokou's Scenario


Discussion threads involving Fujiwara no Mokou