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Fujitora (Original)
Being blind has its advantages. Because there are many filthy things in this world that I would rather not look at.
~ Fujitora


Real name Issho, Fujitora is one of the new admirals who replaced Kuzan and Akainu after the timeskip, and is the first new admiral to be introduced after the timeskip. He follows "Humane Justice". He has eaten the Stomp-Stomp Fruit (Zushi Zushi no Mi), which is a Devil Fruit that allows him to manipulate gravitational forces at will, granting him truly destructive combat abilities.

Fujitora was enlisted into the Marines through a World Government draft alongside fellow newcomer Ryokugyu, and was promoted to the rank of admiral within two years. He has shown to follow his own sense of morality and justice when carrying out his duties, which oftentimes causes conflict with his superiors.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 6-A, possibly 5-C

Name: Issho, moniker “Fujitora” (meaning “Wisteria Tiger”)

Origin: One Piece

Gender: Male

Age: 54

Classification: Human, Marine Admiral, Paramecia Devil Fruit User

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Haki (Intermediate Kenbunshoku, Intermediate Busoshoku), Skilled Swordsman, Gravity Manipulation (Can levitate, can generate incredibly strong pressure and attract meteors), Forcefield Creation (Can create defensive gravity barriers), Enhanced Hearing (Unlike Doffy and Law, heard Nami's thunder despite her conjuring it in the Sunny on the sea while he was on Greenbit)

Attack Potency: Continent level, possibly Moon level (Easily fought and matched Sabo while being casual the entire fight. Fought and defeated Jack alongside Tsuru. Should be comparable to Ryokugyu and alongside him fought Sabo and other high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army)

Speed: FTL+ (Kept up with Sabo and Jack)

Lifting Strength: At least Class E (Clashed with and pushed back against Gear 2nd and 3rd Luffy plenty of times. Should be relative to Aramaki, as they have a scuffle on Marijoa), Class T with Zushi Zushi no Mi (Along with the Stone Pica statue, Fujitora lifted the entire rubble of the country of Dressrosa)

Striking Strength: Continent level, possibly Moon level

Durability: Continent level, possibly Moon level (Emerged unharmed from his fights with Jack and Sabo. His gravity barriers with the Zushi Zushi no Mi should be comparable to his attacks)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Extended Melee Range, Several Meters with his sword, Stellar with his Devil Fruit, can attract meteors from distances beyond the moon and lift all of the rubble surrounding Dressrosa, Tens of kilometers with Kenbunshoku Haki

Standard Equipment: Shikomizue (A sword blade placed in a cane-like mounting)

Intelligence: Gifted (He is a highly Experienced marine and swordsman, and as an admiral he should have considerable strategic intelligence and tactical skills)

Weaknesses: Standard Devil Fruit users weaknesses. Fujitora is blind, although this is circumvented with the use of Kenbunshoku Haki.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Haki: There are normally two types of Haki regular people can tap into: the Kenbunshoku Haki which allows individuals to sense the presence of others, and Busōshoku Haki which allows individuals to create an invisible armor around them. There is however, a third type of Haki, Haōshoku Haki, that only a few individuals can use. Fujitora is not one of these people.

  • Busōshoku Haki (Color of Armaments): Fujitora has displayed at least an adept level of application of this type of Haki, capable of applying Busoshoku: Koka to his sword.
  • Kenbunshoku Haki (Color of Observation or Mantra): Fujitora is highly advanced with this type of Haki. He is capable of sensing the presense of meteors, clouds, and others over tens to possibly hundreds of kilometers away. He can read people's intentions and is capable of seeing the future to some degree.

Gravito (Gravity Sword): Fujitora's signature technique. Fujitora can manipulate the gravitational forces by channeling his Devil Fruit's ability through his sword. He can send the gravitational forces by swinging or just simply moving his sword. The direction of the gravitational forces can be upwards, downwards, or sideways. He has been shown to only use one at a time so far. It was first used against the thugs of the Donquixote Pirates by manipulating gravitational forces downwards. However, this technique wasn't named until his fight against Sabo.

  • Meteor: Fujitora can attract meteors and cause them to fall down around his area. He can pull down single meteors or several at once and can direct them to a point hundreds of meters from himself.
  • Moko (Ferocious Tiger): Fujitora generates immense levels of gravitational forces around him that push out horizontally, which knock away anything including his enemies, buildings, trees, and whatever else that is unfortunate enough to be in the attack radius. The force is so strong that it easily destroys the ground and buildings, reducing them to rubble.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Sanji (One Piece) Sanji's Profile (Post Vinsmoke Awakening Sanji was used)

Inconclusive Matches


Discussion threads involving Issho (Fujitora)