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VS Battles Wiki
Forcefield - Sue Storm


The ability to make forcefields (also known as barriers) to protect the user and/or their allies from physical, energy, and incorporeal attacks. Some characters can use barriers for other purposes, such as opening them up within their opponents to kill them, or trapping their opponents inside the barrier and then crushing them, or even trapping incorporeal entities within it. Forcefields can also be used to contain explosions, move objects/people around, and can be used to attack people in various ways, such as forcefield blasts. Certain characters can use this ability to create a soundproof wall around them so they cannot be heard by others.

In addition, Forcefields can be used deflect/reflect certain forms of attacks, and create constructs, such as platforms to move upon mid-air.

Forcefield Creation can be attained through various means, such as advanced technology, telekinesis, magic, energy manipulation/projection, and matter manipulation.


  • As potent as forcefields are, they are likely to be ignored by certain durability-negating attacks.
  • Certain energy manipulating attacks can render a forcefield useless. However, that depends on the user's power mechanism and/or verse mechanism.
  • If a character has a higher tier than the forcefield user, the latter's forcefield can usually be easily broken.
  • Forcefields, depending on the verse, require a huge amount of concentration, time, and power to create and use.
    • In addition, some characters would be able to create and use one shield at a time, where other characters would have no problem creating/using multiple at once. This can also depend on how powerful the forcefield is.
  • Certain barriers will only be able to block certain forms of attacks. For example;
    • Most forcefields can stop physical projectiles, but those barriers might be ineffective against energy attacks.
    • Certain forcefields will only block magical attacks, whereas other forms of attacks will go through it.



Discussion threads involving Forcefield Creation