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This is a difficult issue, but it is the job of a wife and a god to meet the expectations of her husband and believer. I have no choice but to do something rather reckless. I will talk this over with Odin after beating him to a pulp.
~ Waltraute


Waltraute is the fourth sister of the nine Valkyries and the co-protagonist of The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage. Of all the Valkyrie sisters, Waltraute is specialized in maneuverability, and none of the others can match her in that field. During a routine mission to Midgard to eliminate the enemies of Asgard, Waltraute meets a young human boy called Jack Elvan. The boy falls in love with Waltraute and asks her to marry him. Desiring to get rid of him, Waltraute issues what she considers an impossible challenge to deter him: if he manages to climb Yggdrasil and reach Asgard, she'll accept his proposal and marry him. Due to various circumstances, Jack wins the challenge, so Waltraute has to get used to her new life as a newlywed.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 7-C | At least 7-B

Key: Original Novel | Crossover

Name: Waltraute

Origin: The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, likely older than a human lifespan

Classification: God, Valkyrie

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Electricity Manipulation, Can destroy souls, Summoning (Can summon, command and control Einherjar), Resistance to Curses, Breaking the Fourth Wall, expert spear user, expert horse rider, doesn't need air

Attack Potency: At least Town level (Can create craters measuring kilometers in diameter, knocked a transformed Jörmungandr off Yggdrassil) | At least City level (Easily stabbed through Níðhöggr and launched him beyond the horizon when the Baby Magnum's main cannons had difficulties damaging it and pushing it back)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Dodged several lightning attacks created by her sisters) | Massively Hypersonic+ with Relativistic+ reactions (Intercepted other Valkyries when they were using Bifröst, which accelerates them to 0.87c)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman

Striking Strength: Town level | City level

Durability: At most Town level (Would die by a single Spear of Destroying Lightning) | City level (Can trade blows with Hel)

Stamina: High

Range: Likely Planetary with Spears of Destroying Lightning (Waltraute can easily throw a spear from the heavenly world of Asgard to the other worlds like Midgard on the ground; she has thrown spears into the sky in anger in two different occasions, in the first one she startled the charioteer of the sun and in the second she very nearly hit Hati, the wolf son of Fenrir who's constantly chasing after the moon)

Standard Equipment: Aurora armor, Valkyrie horse, multi-tool knife

Intelligence: As a Valkyrie, Waltraute is a visitor of many battlefields and an extremely skilled combatant, being able to lead entire armies into battle and managing to terrify major gods like Odin and Thor with her wrath despite the difference in power between them. She is also known to be the most acrobatic and maneuverable of the Valkyries, effortlessly dodging the many Spears of Destroying Lightning thrown by her sisters before restraining them with her Multi-Tool Knife.

Weaknesses: Her own multi-tool knife can be used to remove her armor and restrain her. She's excessively proud and extremely competitive in addition to being honor-bound to keep her word. Her Einherjar cannot act on their own if she's rendered unable to fight


The armor she wore was green. However, that was just one aspect of the armor. It was magic armor that could freely change its properties to suit the situation. The aurora seen in the northern sky was actually the constantly changing light produced by a Valkyrie's armor.


Frigg explained, “The armor worn by Valkyries is special, so it cannot be destroyed by normal blades. Naturally, it would be difficult to remove by hand. …Talking about ‘removing an aurora’ makes no sense, right?”

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Valkyrie armor

She held what looked like a bluish-white spear in her right hand, but it was made up of the very lightning that fell from the sky. A swing of her weapon was enough to slaughter all who had made themselves enemies of the heavenly world of Asgard. They would be destroyed down to their souls and unable to even join the realm of the dead. That divine punishment was known as the Spear of Destroying Lightning and it held enough destructive power to warrant such a name.


…Actually, Odin had only ordered Waltraute to sort out the souls of the youths who were likely to die in the disturbance and lead only those necessary to Valhalla, the great hall of the heavenly world. However, she had used a bit too much strength as she had a tendency to do.

Thanks to that, it had all ended before a large-scale tragedy could occur, and all of the owners of the souls she was supposed to guide had not survived.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Spear of Destroying Lighting, the main weapon of Valkyries. It can even destroy souls

On one end of the heavenly world of Asgard were the seven runways of Bifröst.

They may have been known as “runways”, but the process by which they were used was quite complex. The user’s “existence” was split into pieces, and they could then be freely sent to any of the 9 worlds while ignoring all aerodynamic restrictions. It was not a complete “teleportation”. Technically, the user was accelerated to 87% of the speed of light, but the size of the nine worlds meant it was more or less instantaneous.

The Valkyrie armor that was broken to pieces along with Waltraute would react and spread out. That process caused a giant aurora to fill the night sky when a Valkyrie was sent flying through the sky.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Valkyries and Bifrost

It was largely due to Bifröst and the Valkyries that the Æsir were able to display such tremendous power in the nine worlds. It took a slight amount of time to begin the process, but in exchange, a military force made up of the Valkyries and the spirits of the dead known as Einherjar that were under their control could be sent wherever they were needed. The earlier annihilation of the heretics should be enough to demonstrate how much of a threat that was.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Valkyries can control Einherjar

Even under Waltraute’s icy gaze that could cause heretics and even giants and dragons to tremble in fear, the human boy gave a defiant response.


“Wait, don’t tell me you’re letting this go because he said you were beautiful and said he would marry you after he managed to climb u-…Eeee! Eeee!!””

“Could you explain to me what part of what I said led you to believe that? And could you give an explanation for why you are grinning like that?”

“I-is this invisible wall that is hard and as thick as concrete nothing but your aura of intimidation!? No, wait! I get it! I get it! Don’t bring out the Spear of Destroying Lightning! Wait, wait!!”

Heimdallr trembled in fear when faced with that grand destructive power that was being used to hide Waltraute’s embarrassment.


Almost everyone was too frightened of her to try, but Waltraute was surprisingly weak to those who maintained a strong will while interacting with her.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Waltraute can intimidate most beings with her glares and aura

“The heavenly world of Asgard is literally above the clouds. If you run out of strength partway up and fall off, only death awaits you. Are you still willing?”


Waltraute used magic to enhance her already superhuman senses (not that she was human in the first place), so she just had to stare down with her eyes wide open to see every step the boy took.

At the base of the world tree, the boy said, “I have my handkerchief, some snacks for if I get hungry, and a water bottle. Okay, time to go.”


Waltraute shoved Freyja out of the way and looked down at the human world of Midgard.

When she did, her magically heightened sense of hearing picked up the boy’s words.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Valkyries have superhuman senses, and can use magic to further enhance them to the point she can see and hear events in the surface of Midgard from Asgard, which is far above the clouds

That was when Waltraute threw the Spear of Destroying Lightning.

With a tremendous noise, a bluish-white spear stabbed down in a straight line from heaven to earth. It passed directly in front of the boy and mercilessly struck the talking white cat down to the very depths of the surface.


“Th-the kitty… The pretty kitty…!?” said Heimdallr.

“That was actually the Midgard Serpent!! When Útgarða-Loki tricked Thor, that giant snake aided in Útgarða-Loki’s illusions by transforming into a cat to leave Thor unprepared!! Look, the transformation is starting to come off. Creepy scales are starting to cover its body!! No competition can be fair with a monster like that involved!!”

“Oh, you’re right. It really is Jörmungandr,” said Heimdallr.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Waktraute blasts Jormungandr from Asgard when it tries to interfere with Jack's challenge

“Um, do you know the relationship between altitude and atmospheric pressure? The higher you go, the less oxygen there is. Divine beings like us are fine, but I think a human child is in trouble if he does not have oxygen.”


He entered an altitude sickness-like state, but it would not end there. As he continued on, there would be even less oxygen and the atmospheric pressure would fall. As the air grew thinner, the temperature dropped due to the loss of the atmosphere’s insulation. A cold wind reminiscent of midwinter blew through the area around the boy.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Divine beings like valkyries can survive in environments with low oxygen, low temperature and low pressure like high altitudes

In the next instant, a great trembling shook Valhalla.

At first, Odin thought a large explosion had occurred within. It sounded like the gods had started fighting to the death.

But he was wrong.

The tremendous vibrations continued and grew closer as they did. This was not the sound of a fight. Finally, Odin realized what it was.

“Footsteps…?” Sweat dripped down the ridges of the head god’s nose. “Mere footsteps are giving off this much resolve? Wait, I never gave Waltraute this much output!!”

“Anger over your interference with the competition is just a front. A maiden’s rage can grow without limit when something gets in the way of her love. But I suppose a god of war would not know anything about that.”

“Kh. In other words, that boy carelessly crossing between the nine worlds has caused a distortion in the very concept of battles!? How much did the three Norn goddesses of destiny know about this? Is this going to hasten the final war of Ragnarök!?”

“Sigh. You war-obsessed idiot…”

The doors of the entrance burst open. The thunder god Thor, who held the #2 spot when it came to power, came tumbling into the great hall.

“E-eee!! Father!! Father!!”

“What is it, Thor? Your face looks beat up and your hair is all frizzy!”

“I-I lost in a battle of thunder… My entire identity as the thunder god has been denied, so what am I to do now!?”

The area on the other side of the open doors was pitch black.

The killer intent emitted by sapient beings was supposed to be invisible, yet Odin clearly saw an illusion before his eyes.

It was obvious who was emitting it.

The darkness and thickness of the shadow showed the approach of the danger.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Angry Waltraute storms into Valhalla and defeats Thor

Meanwhile, Waltraute tore at her golden hair with both hands as she shot Spears of Destroying Lightning every which way into the sky. This surprised the female driver of the chariot of the sun so much that a solar eclipse very nearly occurred.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Waltraute almost hits the sun chariot

The two gods may have simultaneously grumbled in complaint, but they were not ready to give up yet. That human boy was in real danger (and if he died, Waltraute would likely physically destroy the heavenly world).

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Waltraute would be capable of destroying Asgard

In that moment when the boy should have fallen upside down towards the surface, he suddenly felt support return to his body in midair. The next thing he knew, the suffocating lack of oxygen and slicing cold wind were gone. A beam of light had shone down from beyond the dark clouds. And two arms were now supporting the boy.

It was Waltraute.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Waltraute saves Jack from dying from altitude sickness

Waltraute’s iron fist flew and sent Heimdallr writhing in pain from enough damage to immediately kill someone who was not a god.


Waltraute immediately regretted having said that, so she began violently smashing her forehead against the 3rd runway and very nearly destroyed a portion of Bifröst. But it was too late.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Physical strength

“They put a curse on the gold they use,” continued Freyja with a serious expression. “Especially when it comes to those that shirk the bill like Loki suggested he do. Even the tools we use have a dwarf curse on them. The reason we remain unharmed is because our properties as gods repels the curse. But if a human who cannot repel it was to hold them…”


“Loki stole some gold from the dwarf named Andvari and gave it to the human Siegfried. It became one of the reasons behind the death of that hero who even sliced the dragon Fafnir in two. The magic sword Dáinsleif is usable by human hands, but it is also said to be one of the triggers for Ragnarök. Surely you have heard the stories. It is often said that humans cannot fully use the weapons of the gods, but that is a lie. In truth, the humans cannot withstand the curse put on the weapons by the dwarves.”

“Th-th-then…” Waltraute asked a question in a trembling voice. “What will happen once that boy accepts the golden tool the dwarf makes?”

“Hmm.” Freyja looked straight upwards. “He’ll probably die.”


“It doesn’t matter what you say now! It’s too late!! That boy has already ordered that dwarf to create a golden tool. Once he received the tool from the dwarf, the curse will activate. A soul born in the human world has no way of defending against it. Even if a Valkyrie and a goddess are protecting him from afar, he cannot escape his fate. That level of protection isn’t enough. You need the protection we gods are born with to repel a dwarf’s curse!!”

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Gods repel curses, which is why they can use dwarven tools, which are usually cursed to the level humans might die just by holding them

The trauma from the other day came back to Odin.

With a great roar and a bluish-white flash of light, the wall of the great hall was smashed from the outside. A single Valkyrie stomped in through the rubble.

“E-eee!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”

Odin was completely shaken by this development. He frantically tried to grab the holy spear Gungnir, but a Spear of Destroying Lightning mercilessly stabbed into the weapon. Sparks flew and Gungnir rolled into a corner of the great hall.

While standing in a foolish pose because his grasp had reached only air, tears filled Odin’s eyes.

“I-I’m the head god!! The head god!!”

“Rank and strength are unrelated, you fool. Do you need to be ripped apart before the giant wolf Fenrir devours you?”

“Shit!! War has been distorted again because that boy carelessly traveled between the nine worlds!!”

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Angry Waktraute, round 2

“It’s a multi-tool knife! It opens up!!” exclaimed the boy.

“Ha ha ha. Each tool inside automatically removes a portion of the Valkyrie’s armor. Just press the button and hold the tool out. It will do the rest on its own.”


“I do not like it… I do not like it, but since he has the golden tool, am I even able to resist? After all, the weapons and tools created by the dwarves are directly linked to the attributes of the gods. Just like the lightning god Thor must wield the lightning hammer Mjölnir and the head god Odin must wield the holy spear Gungnir, a tool to remove a Valkyrie’s armor must have the ability to remove my armor.”


“It needs 8 devices to fully remove your armor, but that leaves one device it doesn’t use.”

“Come to think of it,” muttered the goddess of marriage Frigg. “The dwarves make their devices out of gold, but they will add on an extra tool if they have excess materials. Even the gods’ primary weapons often have ‘extras’ added on.”


The golden multi-tool knife in the boy’s hand had some tentacle-like objects slithering out of it. They were much too flexible to think they were made of metal. Their numbers, length, and size were so great, they seemed to completely ignore the law of conservation of mass.


The boy was not listening at all, so he pressed the button. The familiar voice of a certain dwarf came from the handle of the multi-tool knife.

“Well, you see… It’s our style to add on a little something extra if we have some excess materials, but I was having trouble figuring out what to do for this one. I can’t exactly give someone like you a hammer that can smash anyone’s head.”

“H-how does that lead to making these tentacles?” protested Waltraute.

“But then I had an idea. You wanted a tool to remove a Valkyrie’s armor. But the fun doesn’t end with just stripping the girl. You didn’t look like you were used to handling a woman, so I thought it would be best to add on something to help you out with that.”


“This is a magic device that will automatically take a Valkyrie to heaven once it has been activated!! It doesn’t matter how stubborn or frigid she is. By combining this with the tool to remove the armor, you are almost guaranteed to defeat any Valkyrie!! Gah hah hah! When I told the other dwarves about this, they all gathered together to give this their all! It might be too effective, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the Valkyrie ended up passing out while foaming at the mouth!!”

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Multi-tool dwarven knife designed to remove a Valkyrie's armor

And on top of that, Waltraute’s horse was no normal horse. It was also a device meant to ensure the special transportation method using Bifröst went smoothly. Bifröst would break her “existence” down, but intentionally adding in an impurity allowed her to move more quickly and more accurately. Other gods used Bifröst as well, but they were not able to travel at 87% the speed of light or land with a margin of error of only a few centimeters like a Valkyrie could.

That special white horse was not as simple to handle as a normal one. There was no way she could hand that boy of the human world the reins of a rough horse that was known to easily throw off your average god.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Valkyries horses

Waltraute fired Spears of Destroying Lightning indiscriminately into the night sky and very nearly hit the wolf that was constantly chasing after the moon.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Waltraute nearly hits the wolf chasing the moon

“(But if need be, I will bring that boy back even if it starts a war. Yes. I cannot use Bifröst near Muspelheim, but I can always split the sea with a Spear of Destroying Lightning. I have to take responsibility for leaving that boy alone.)”

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Waltraute can use her Spears of Destroying Lightning to split the sea and create a path

This was because multiple Spears of Destroying Lightning flew towards Waltraute from many directions at once.

It was a total of seventeen.

That downpour of powerful light stabbed down from heaven to earth.

The air in the surrounding area shook. A brilliant flash of light filled one corner of the night and lit it up like midday.

A single Spear of Destroying Lightning created enough destructive power to destroy the average evil spirit if it so much as grazed them.

That violent dance of light filled a set area.


“None of you can outmatch me in maneuverability, you fools,” muttered Waltraute calmly.

Giant craters measuring kilometers in diameter were created everywhere, but the explosions were uneven. She moved at high speed to accurately evade through the small gaps between destruction.

An unnatural aurora covered the night sky.

The Valkyries who had fired the multiple Spears of Destroying Lightning from Asgard had descended at 87% the speed of light. The eight sisters on horseback had split into three groups to block Waltraute’s escape. Despite their attacks missing, their expression remained unchanged. The attacks had only been intended to hold Waltraute in place as they landed. They never expected to defeat her with their initial attacks.

They had Waltraute surrounded in a 20 kilometer ring around her.

But for them, that might as well have been right next to each other.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Waltraute dodges several Spears of Destroying Lightning thrown by her sisters; the Spears can make giant craters wit a diameter of kilometers

The Valkyries could move throughout the nine worlds at 87% the speed of light, but they did not like to appear right in front of their enemy to perform an immediate surprise attack.

The Bifröst method broke their existences down to transport them and then returned their existences to normal. In other words, one’s senses could not grasp the situation for an instant after landing. If the target was already on guard, it was possible the target could get in a counter attack.


The fourth sister Waltraute was the Valkyrie of the nine with the greatest maneuverability. She had the greatest odds of succeeding in such a counter attack.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Bifrost weakness

“You are the ones with no chance of victory.”


“You likely did so to quickly begin your bombardment from above and to stress adaptability and individual strength, but it was a mistake to create a force made up entirely of Valkyries. The outcome might have been different had you added in a pure god.”


“Unfortunately for you, this is a love comedy. As reluctant as I am to admit it.”

“What are you talking about!?”

Waltraute smiled quietly while paying no heed to the other eight charging towards her with their legs practically causing explosions along the ground and the tips of their Spears of Destroying Lightning flying towards her.

“I am saying that this competition will not be decided solely by such serious matters!!” shouted Waltraute as she released the Spear of Destroying Lightning she had been holding in her hand and reached a hand into her armor’s pocket.

Inside that pocket was the tool she had confiscated from that boy in the previous chapter.

It was the multi-tool knife created by the dwarves.

It was a golden tool that would automatically remove a Valkyrie’s armor.


(Are you trying to remove our weapons and armor to prevent us from fighting?)

Brynhildr guessed at Waltraute’s intentions.

“Fool!! Did you really think a tool developed to remove our armor while we lie motionless on a bed can do anything while we are moving at full speed!?”

“That is not the function I am using, you fool.”

Waltraute grinned and unfolded one of the blades from the multi-tool knife.

Specifically, she unfolded the unwanted new function the dwarves had added with the extra gold.

As soon as she did, a large number of tentacles squirmed out while completely ignoring the law of conservation of mass.


Brynhildr was left dumbfounded and Waltraute said, “It seems the dwarves put in a little too much effort on this one. A Valkyrie caught by these things will supposedly pass out and foam at the mouth.”


Waltraute pressed the button on the tool’s handle to stop the housewife-pleasing function at the last second. The widowed eldest sister and the other single women were left bound by those slimy objects wrapped all around their bodies.


After Waltraute threatened to send out those tentacles the instant they tried anything, the other seven Valkyries grew obedient. (Although the fact they had lost the competition may have played a larger role.) Just as the holy spear Gungnir symbolized the head god and the lightning hammer Mjölnir symbolized the lightning god, the golden tool Waltraute held symbolized the weakness of a Valkyrie.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Waltraute uses the multi-tool dwarven knife to defeat her 8 sisters

Unable to bear it, Waltraute curled up, let out a cry like a bearded military commander, and started beating on the rocky coast so hard that cracks ran through it.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Wltraute throws a tantrum in her 10-year old form and cracks some rocks

The trump card Waltraute used to defeat the other eight Valkyries may have looked like a one-shot gag in the previous chapter, but it is an item on the same level as Gungnir and Mjölnir. I felt it would only be proper for it to have that much destructive power.

~ The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute's Marriage - Kamachi comments in the Afterword the multi-tool knife is a tool on the same level as Gungnir and Mjolnir

NON-CANON (From crossovers written by Kamachi between some of his series)

A tremendous cracking sound exploded out.

Even after receiving several cannon blasts from the Object and having its life activity weakened on a cellular level by temperatures as low as negative fifty degrees, the black dragon tried to continue its rampage while crouched on the ground.


A single line of light seemed to pierce through the world itself as it stabbed into the black dragon.

It had been fired from the peak of one of the oddly perfect triangular mountains that resembled pyramids. It tore open the heavens, passed over everyone’s heads, and easily stabbed through the black dragon that had withstood such fierce attacks before.

It had not even given time to cry out.

It had been produced by what could be called a divine spear and it sent the two hundred meter monster rolling along the ground. It rolled in the wind like an empty can or a tumbleweed in a Western duel. Kamijou was just about caught in its path, but he leaped to the side with all his might to avoid it. The black dragon continued without end, rolled over the horizon several kilometers away, and vanished. A low rumble reached them and a pillar of water rose into the air (which given the distance had to be as tall as a mountain), so it seemed there was a body of water at the end of this world.

A crackling electric charge lingered in the air.


They all turned to face the distant mountain, but at two or three kilometers away, none of them could tell who or what was standing at its peak.

~ The Circumstances Leading to a Certain Magical Heavy Zashiki Warashi’s Simple Killer Queen's Marriage - Waltraute fires a Spear of Destroying Lightning into Nidhoggr, blasting it beyond the horizon

A metallic clanking sound came from the green armor “she” wore, but it was technically not made of metal. That armor could stop the fangs and claws of the gods’ enemies and an old inscription said it was made from a solidified version of the aurora that colored the night sky.

~ The Circumstances Leading to a Certain Magical Heavy Zashiki Warashi’s Simple Killer Queen's Marriage - Valkyrie armor

“They never begin a fight except for in self-defense and they did not attempt to plunder or destroy the inside of the ship. They don’t let their anger at this unreasonable situation justify any violence either. Some of them appear to be trained in combat, but they are guided by standard ROE and the level of their technology is too low to pose a threat even if they go on a rampage. All they do is fire bullets using gunpowder. Do you really think they pose a threat to us?”

“Not really, no. There are probably quite a few surprises in store for them still.”

“If they show no hostility, we can treat them as guests. And when they’re this weak, protecting them will not be easy. In that way, this is no laughing matter.”

~ The Circumstances Leading to a Certain Magical Heavy Zashiki Warashi’s Simple Killer Queen's Marriage - Waltraute mentions how the various heroes and heroines gathered by the crossover do not pose a threat to Asgard, even though they have Baby Magnum, an Object

Their bodies were broken down into colorful particles and a tremendous surge of particles shot along the runways with an aurora trailing behind them. It looked less like an aircraft taking off then it did some strange kind of thick beam weapon.

Their extreme acceleration took them to 87% of the speed of light, but this extraordinary method accomplished that on the scale of Newtonian physics instead of Schrödinger quantum theory.

This wartime infrastructure allowed them to instantly send a great military force anywhere in the nine worlds to slay the enemies of the gods.

However, something strange happened this time.

There was trouble during takeoff.

Waltraute interfered and hit her sisters with an incredible attack as they prepared for takeoff.

She used a Spear of Destroying Lightning, a beam weapon created by compressing massive amounts of energy. This projectile weapon could melt any kind of metal and could burn away everything all the way to and beyond the horizon if its energy was released.

This time, it dropped down from above to tear into the rainbow runway.

The Valkyries who had been broken down to particles lost their balance when this sudden interference hit them. They rotated wildly around like defective fireworks and dropped randomly to the surface before they could recover.

~ The Circumstances Leading to a Certain Magical Heavy Zashiki Warashi’s Simple Killer Queen's Marriage - Waltraute intercepts her sister as they take off from Bifrost

Or rather, a bigger problem fell on top of them.

Waltraute, the fourth Valkyrie sister, and Hel, queen of the underworld and second head god, crashed down like a shooting star while tearing at each other’s hair and clothes.


The others had no idea what these two were talking about, but fortunately, their collision with the deck did not create a giant crater in it.

Instead, they tore up the ground like a plane making an emergency landing and they slid toward the others.

~ The Circumstances Leading to a Certain Magical Heavy Zashiki Warashi’s Simple Killer Queen's Marriage - Waltraute and Hel crashed down into the ground mid-fight

In this battle of gods, they teleported from point to point and the shockwaves of their clashes arrived after a short delay, but then Index muttered something.

~ The Circumstances Leading to a Certain Magical Heavy Zashiki Warashi’s Simple Killer Queen's Marriage - Waltraute and Hel fight at high speed

Those arms of water could grab and capsize any ship, so they grabbed Skíðblaðnir and mercilessly hit a homerun with Waltraute as the ball.

A ridiculous explosive sound filled the area as the several dozen kilometer structure sent Waltraute crashing through stone building after stone building.


Hel collided with Waltraute who had finally recovered and was attempting a surprise attack with her white horse.

~ The Circumstances Leading to a Certain Magical Heavy Zashiki Warashi’s Simple Killer Queen's Marriage - Waltraute survives Ran hitting her with Skíðblaðnir, and after a moment to recover from the blow rejoins the fight

Kamijou grabbed the toy-like item from below the table and fired it from less than a meter away.

With a short spraying sound, it fired a nonmetal transparent tranquilizer case with a needle on the end.


“Y-you didn’t even dodge!? You just held out your chest!?”

She had forgotten to mention it, but Waltraute’s lightweight miniskirt armor was made from concentrated aurora and could withstand attacks from any monster. It may have created some kind of repulsion field with electric energy, but she did not even need its full power here.

A normal breastplate was enough to deflect this.

~ We Tried Having a Group Blind Date, but It was an All Stars Affair and a World Crisis - Valkyrie armor can create a forcefield if necessary

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Spear of Destroying Lightning: Valkyries can create multiple bluish-white spears made of the lightning that falls from the sky. The spears can be used to produce powerful lightning strikes or as a melee weapon. The spears destroys both body and soul. A single swing can annihilate multiple enemies, as it will destroy the average evil spirit if it so much as grazes them.
  • Einherjar: Like other Valkyries, Waltraute has the ability to command and control the Einherjar, Asgard's army made of the souls of heroes and legendary warriors. Valkyries are apparently able to summon Einherjar wherever they go, which combined with their fast deployment using Bifrost gives Asgard a powerful military that can act in any of the nine worlds.
  • Aurora Armor: The special armor worn by all Valkyries in battle, it can't be destroyed by normal blades and can freely change its properties to suit the situation. The armor's name comes from the giant aurora filling up the sky created by the armor when a Valkyrie uses Bifrost and is deconstructed for transportation.
  • Valkyrie Horse: Waltraute's white horse. Valkyries' horses are special horses that also serve as a device to improve a Valkyrie's performance when using Bifrost, allowing them to travel more quickly and accurately than other gods. The horse is smart enough to be able to understand human language and to write the Asgardian runes with his hoofs, and he's able to easily throw off an average god.
  • Multi-Tool Knife: A dwarven forged golden knife that possesses nine different tools, specifically made to be used against Valkyries. Eight of them are used to completely remove the armor of any Valkyrie, while the ninth is used to automatically chain the Valkyrie and make her unable to battle. Its initial purpose wasn't as a weapon and its original owner was Jack Elvan, but upon seeing it in use Waltraute confiscated it. Despite its unassuming appearance, the knife is a magic tool on the same level as Gungnir and Mjölnir, and just like those two weapons symbolize the power of Odin and Thor, the knife is a symbol of the weakness of a Valkyrie.
  • Resistance to Curses: Normally most dwarven items and weapons have powerful curses on them that can bring ruin to mortals like humans or giants, but the properties of the gods repel these dwarf curses, allowing them to freely wield or use them.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Waltraute