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VS Battles Wiki


Dirk Strider is the post-scratch incarnation of Dave's Bro. Prior to his proper introduction to the reader, he is referred to by Jane as D. Strider, and later by Roxy as di stri.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 9-A | 2-A | 1-A

Key: Base | God Tier | Ultimate Self

Name: Dirk Strider, timaeusTestified (Screen Name), DIRK HUMAN, Brain Ghost Dirk, Bro (Alternate Self)

Origin: Homestuck

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Sburb Player, Prince of Heart, God Tier, Puppet Master

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, (He's an expert in swordship and can use FNCYSNTAKIND, which is canonically the deadliest strife specibus), Acrobatics (Should be comparable to his pre-scratch version), Non-Physical Interaction (Sburb players can touch ghosts), Limited Cosmic and Fourth Wall Awareness Flight with Rocket Board, Summoning, Acausality (Type 1), Dimensional Storage, Accelerated Development (Can ascend in his Echeladder just by doing random actions or slaying ennemies, making him stronger and more durable with each rungs), Master Puppeteer, Afterimage Creation, Resistance to Mind Manipulation (completely unaffected by the Trickster high) and Heat Manipulation

All previous powers to a greater extent, Accelerated Development (God Tiers still level up through the echeladder, but also gain small powers known as "badges" over time, usually allowing to bypass one of Homestuck's rules), Flight, Immortality (Types 1, 4, and 8; can't truly die if his death isn't "Just" or "Heroic"), Resurrection , Soul Manipulation (can tear the souls out of others and destroy them), is connected to his alternate selves, Sealing

All previous powers to an immensely greater extent, Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2), Large Size (Type 11), Immortality (Types 1, 4 and 8), Acausality (Type 4; Isn't bound by the infinite hierarchy of meta-rivers, which are literal fates, causality and plots), Incorporeality (Ultimate Selves are bodyless persona in the form of Platonic Ideal), Avatar Creation, Reactive Evolution (Adapted his body to the ascencion of his Ultimate Self, something that no other God Tier could do), BFR, Plot Manipulation, Text Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Nigh-Omniscience, Information Manipulation (Type 2. Slashed the UI) Every abilities of his splinters), Resistance to Plot Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation and Mind Manipulation

Attack Potency: At least Small Building level (Able to cut down Imperial Drones. Should be comparable to Dave and his own Brobot) | Multiverse level+ (He should be comparable to other God Tiers. Comparable to Dave. Fought against possessed Alpha-Session Jack Noir) | Outerverse level (Can match Alt Calliope and The Director, but is a bit weaker. Considered as a bigger threat than Lord English. See the concepts of the Furthest Ring as nothing but an illusion)

Speed: Supersonic+ (He is fast enough to make afterimages and should be comparable to Brobot, who casually sliced a wave of bullets in half) | Immeasurable (Can fly from the Furthest Ring, where space and time are non-linear and normally requires mastering both in order to navigate, to the Incipisphere) | Immeasurable

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Small Building level | Multiverse level+ | Outerverse level

Durability: At least Small Building level (Took blows from Imperial Drones) | Multiverse level+ (Comparable to Dave. Took numerous hits from possessed Alpha-Session Jack) | Outerverse level

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Extended Melee Range to Tens of Meters, Multiversal+ through control of alternate selves | Outerversal

Standard Equipment: Unbreakable Katana, Squarewave, and Sawtooth, Lil' Cal, Fancy Santas, Rocket Board, Irony | The Theseus

Intelligence: Genius (Created robots with advanced artificial intelligence and arranged and executed an incredibly convoluted plan while under pressure) | Nigh-Omniscient

Weaknesses: Prone to overconfidence and obnoxiousness. Controlling his alternate selves takes concentration, and if an alternate self is killed or knocked out, he's dazed. Very attached to and unwilling to let go of Lil' Cal. | Has a God Complex, which make him even more overconfident.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Dirk Strider