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Articles about
LoreDigimon AdventureCyber SleuthDigimon Adventure 2020Next OrderOmegamon Alter-B (Next Order)Adventure V-Tamer 01


Omegamon is the fusion of Taichi's Wargreymon and Yamato's Metalgarurumon from Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02 and Digimon Adventure Tri.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 1-C | 1-C | 1-C

Key: Adventure and Adventure 02 | TRI and Last Evolution Kizuna | Merciful Mode

Name: Omegamon\Omnimon | Omegamon/Omnimon Merciful Mode

Origin: Digimon

Gender: Genderless but treated as Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Mega level Vaccine Attribute Holy Knight Digimon

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Complex Multiverse level (Was the most powerful Digimon during Our War Game, slaughtered countless of Diablomon clones in a single swipe, with each clone being as powerful as the original. Diablomon was the worst Digimon during that time, to the point even Apocalymon was said to be almost as strong as it) | Complex Multiverse level (Can fight the likes of Alphamon and Jesmon) | Complex Multiverse level (Astronomically stronger than before. Defeated Ordinemon)

Speed: Immeasurable (Kept up with Diablomon) | Immeasurable (Comparable to Alphamon) | Immeasurable

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable | Immeasurable | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Complex Multiverse level | Complex Multiverse level | Complex Multiverse level

Durability: Complex Multiverse level (Could swat away countless attacks from Diablomon) | Complex Multiverse level | Complex Multiverse level

Stamina: High

Range: Extended Melee Range, A few hundred kilometers with projectiles | Low Complex Multiversal with Testament

Standard Equipment: Grey Sword, Garuru Cannon

Intelligence: Omegamon has shown itself to be a highly skilled and talented combatant. He is notably skilled enough to compete with Alphamon and Jesmon, two of the Royal Knights.

Weaknesses: None notable | None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Grey Sword: Attacks with an enchanted blade hidden in his hand.
  • Garuru Cannon: Attacks with a cannon hidden in his hand which fires explosive, absolute-zero energy.
  • Terra Force: Gathers all of the energy within the atmosphere and concentrates it into one spot, then fires it as a super-dense, high-temperature fireball energy shot.
  • Cocytus Breath: Spews cold air at absolute zero that completely freezes everything, and instantly brings the victim's vital functions to a halt.
  • Brave Shield: Deploys the Brave Shield from its WarGreymon arm.
  • Grace Cross Freezer: Launches freezing missiles from its MetalGarurumon arm.

  • Gu-Rei Tou: With the Grey Sword transformed into the katana on the left arm, perform a multi-hit and long-range attack.
  • Garuru Hou: With the Garuru Cannon on the right arm, fires cold air at absolute zero in the form of a laser.
  • Holy Flame: Strikes the opponent with the light energy of all justice, instantaneously erasing their form.
  • Apocalypse: Calls down energy bolts from the heavens to strike opponents.
  • Hermit Fog: Sprays forth a cold mist that corrodes anything it touches.
  • Starlight Explosion: Causes it to rain golden grains that are said to purify all of the wickedness of those who suffer this technique or causes an explosion of light.
  • Life Force: Generates a wonderful energy that absorbs the enemy's life force.
  • Shadow Wing: Unleashes a vacuum blade at super-speed, chopping up the opponent. Because of the speed of the Wing Blade's residue, its true shape cannot be confirmed, and it can only be seen as a silhouette shaped like a black bird. Or launches a large mass of fire shaped like a bird.
  • Arctic Blizzard: Momentarily brings the surrounding atmosphere to absolute zero, then smashes the frozen enemy.
  • Forbidden Temptation: Beautifully destroys the opponent's data in a shower of innumerable rose petals.
  • Thorn Whipping (Thorn Whip): Tames a Digimon, no matter how frenzied, with a thorned whip charged with electricity. Those who suffer this technique become Omegamon's slave in body and soul.
  • Final Aura: Greatly heals all allies.
  • Rosy Cradle: Summons a storm of sleep-inducing rose petals.
  • Fascination: Enthralls an opponent and steals its life-force.
  • Giga Blaster: A lightwave explosion that is an enhanced version of "Electro Shocker" which will annihilate anyone it hits.
  • Heaven's Gate: Opens a gate to a sealed dimension from which there is no escape, consigning his foe to oblivion.
  • Strike of the Seven Stars: Creates seven superheated balls of light at the opponent to annihilate them.
  • Testament: Uses the deepest mystery to convert its mortal life into a new Big Bang.

Note: This profile covers Omegamon appears in Digimon Adventure: Our War Game, Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back and Digimon Adventure TRI.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Omegamon (Digimon Adventure)