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RikuoPortrait Know that each of my strikes represents the anger of the water folk!
~ Rikuo in Darkstalkers 3


Rikuo known as Aulbath in Japan, is a playable character in the Darkstalkers franchise. He was the emperor of a kindgom of 30.000 mermen, located in a lake deep beneath the Amazon. When Pyron arrived on Earth, his landing caused an earthquake and a volcanic eruption to occur right where the kingdom was. When Rikuo, who was exploring a far territory, realized what happened, it was already too late, a huge fissure had swallowed all the water of the lake and its inhabitants. Filled with rage, and sensing the evil aura coming off the ground, Rikuo sworn vengeance against the alien.

Sometime after his journey on the land had begun, he found Aqueria, the only other survivor of his species, together they had children and moved to the ocean. Years later his son Ricky went missing and Rikuo's search led him to Majigen, where Jedah Dohma was gathering many strong souls for his purposes. Eventually, Rikuo found his son and a girl member of another species of mermen. She was part of a family that have been sealed for years in Makai, until Jedah's power faded, allowing them to arrive on Earth. The two families then joined forces to create a new, prosperous kingdom for their kind.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Low 7-B

Name: Rikuo, Aulbath (Japanese name)

Origin: Darkstalkers

Gender: Male

Age: 38 in Night Warriors, 54 in Vampire Savior (Born in 1953)

Classification: B+ Class Darkstalker, Merman, Emperor of the water folk

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Underwater Breathing (Type 2), Water Manipulation (Can produce, summon and control water), Acrobatics (Can easily somersault during jumps, fight and defend in mid-air, kick while standing on his hands and perform acrobatic attacks, which include Killer Vortex, Trick Fish and Screw Shot), Skilled hand-to-hand fighter, Enhanced Senses (Able to scan the environment and sense life forms), Extrasensory Perception (Able to sense relevant sources of energy, such as Pyron's waves. He can also perceive evil auras), Natural Weaponry (Sharp claws and fins), minor Elasticity (Has an elastic and strong tongue), Body Control (Can enlarge his fins and has retractable antennae. Can melt and inflate his body), Shapeshifting (Can partially or totally mimic the appearance and abilities of aquatic animals), Poison Manipulation (Via Poison Breath), Sound Manipulation (Via Sonic Wave), minor Air Manipulation (Via Water Jail), Organic Manipulation (Via Gem's Anger), limited Animal Manipulation (Can call and surf on stingrays, normally and via Ocean Rage), Status Effect Inducement (Some of his moves have a "stun" effect), limited Telekinesis (Can gather pearls around him), minor Plant Manipulation (Can make lily pads grow and bloom), Soul Manipulation (Every Darkstalker is able to collect the souls of defeated enemies and use them for a variety of purposes, such as absorbing them to become stronger), Passive Aura, Corruption (Type 2) and Madness Manipulation (Type 2) (All the Darkstalkers give off an aura that corrupts the heart of the opponents and drives them insane), Non-Physical Interaction (Able to interact with Pyron, who doesn't have a physical form, and with Bishamon in Vampire Savior, whose body is made of souls), Resistance to Soul Manipulation (Possesses a very strong soul, due to it being directly connected to his power. Souls such as his own, if splitted in multiple parts, are able to draw each piece to the other and return one), Corruption and Madness Manipulation (Totally unaffected by the aura of other Darkstalkers)

Attack Potency: Small City level (Comparable to other B+ Class Darkstalkers such as Felicia and Anakaris. The latter was able to move the kingdom of Egypt to another dimension by pulling it down through the desert)

Speed: At least Supersonic+, likely higher (Able to keep up in close combat with characters such as B.B. Hood and Huitzil, both of which make large use of guns and various types of firearms)

Lifting Strength: Class T (Comparable to Anakaris)

Striking Strength: Small City level (The physical strength of the Darkstalkers is equivalent to the power of their soul, which is the same they draw for their special abilities)

Durability: Small City level (Capable of taking blows from other Darkstalkers in his class)

Stamina: Superhuman (Extremely superior to beings able to take on an entire army on their own. Has fought multiple enemies when he chased Pyron and during the time spent in Majigen, which was full of aggressive Darkstalkers)

Range: Standard to extended melee range, Tens of meters with projectiles

Standard Equipment: Claws and other natural weapons obtained through shapeshifting

Intelligence: Gifted (Was the capable and beloved emperor of the water folk, a society which chooses as its king only one who obtains people's consent. Is an expert in reading the currents. Is an excellent fighter and gained the fame of being a great warrior after prevailing over many other Darkstalkers. Rikuo also mastered his ability of mimicking water creatures beyond that of any other merman and is considered the greatest teacher possible for his son)

Weaknesses: Needs moisture to stay alive but can resist without it for at least half a day and use liquids (including others' blood) to sustain himself. A strong mind/spirit can resist the madness-inducing effect of his aura and a dark heart can resist the corruption.

Note: All the references not included in this profile are provided on the verse page.

  • Killer Vortex: Rikuo jumps in the air, turns his feet into a spinning blade, and descends in a drill-like motion.
  • Spinning Current: Rikuo quickly dashes forward and turns his upper body into a sharp seashell, piercing the opponent.
  • Tongue Lash: Rikuo catches the opponent with his tongue and slams them back and forth.
  • Trick Fish: Rikuo leaps backward and generates a water blast to propel himself, hitting the opponent with a flying dropkick. Rikuo can use this attack even when blocking, in order to knock away the opponent.
  • Screw Shot: Rikuo turns his legs into a spring and shoots himself towards the opponent while spinning.
  • Poison Breath: Rikuo bends backwards and fires a cloud of poisonous smoke from his gills, stunning the opponent.
  • Sonic Wave: Rikuo enlarges his back fins and emits a powerful sonic wave, which stuns the opponent.
  • Sky Neptune: Rikuo catches the opponent with his tongue, stabs them with his hand turned into blades and jumps. He then places his feet on the opponent and slams them on the ground.
  • Crystal Lancer: Rikuo grabs the opponent with his tongue and tosses them in the air, following with a jump and a series of swipes, before smashing them down.
  • Gem's Anger: Rikuo grabs the opponent and sends them flying. He then transforms into a clam and shoots several huge pearls at the opponent's back.
  • Direct Scissors: Rikuo crouches, turns his arms into large pincers and delives a powerful slash.
  • Aqua Spread: Rikuo turns his arms into tentacles and fires a blast of water at the opponent's feet, which results in a vertical explosion.
  • Sea Rage: Rikuo brings his arms forward, summoning large waves of water that overwhelm the opponent.
  • Water Jail: Rikuo creates a huge bubble, which can imprison an opponent and leave them vulnerable.
  • Ocean Rage: Rikuo focuses his energies and summons even more waves, flooding the battlefield. A stingray comes along, which can be used by Rikuo to surf on water and enhance his mobility.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Rikuo