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Raider-class 01


The Raider-class corvette was a medium sized warship manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. Swift and well armed relative to size, they were designed to fulfil an anti-starfighter role and also to fill a gap in the Imperial Navy’s offensive starfleet between the light freighter sized VT-49 Decimator and the light frigate sized Arquitens-class light cruiser. They were commonly seen escorting Imperial-class star destroyers and could even be docked inside an ISD’s primary launch bay, they served as troop transports when transporting of manpower and equipment into hostile territories necessitated something larger and better protected than shuttle sized craft but smaller and swifter than the likes of the Arquitens-class, they were deployed in the Outer Rim territories in anti-piracy and anti-smuggling patrols, they were also used by ISB squads on anti-insurgency as well as hit-and-run missions.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-A with laser cannons. 7-B with concussion missiles. High 7-A with turbolasers

Name: Raider-class corvette

Origin: Star Wars

Classification: Starship, Anti-starfighter corvette & escort ship, Military transport

Users: Imperial Navy

Length: 150 metres

Material: Mostly durasteel and doonium plating on the hull, likely Quadanium steel plating on the wing-like protrusions

Needed prerequisite for use: Ideally at least two trained pilots plus dozens of crew and several weapons officers.

Terrain: Space, Atmosphere

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level with heavy laser cannons (Should be equal, if not superior, to ventral turrets of the Gozanti-class Cruiser). City level+ with concussion missiles (Should be more than capable of crippling capital ships). Large Mountain level+ with turbolasers (Should not be any less powerful than the turbolasers of the outdated Arquitens-class Light Cruiser. Could directly engage two standard CR90 Corvettes)

Speed: At least Subsonic+ to Transonic atmospheric speed (Never specified but likely at least 900 to 1,200 km/hr). Can accelerate continuously to Sub-Relativistic+ speeds in space (One of the swiftest warships of the era. Easily as fast as the likes of the Carrion Spike). Massively FTL+ travel via hyperspace (Equipped with most likely a Class 2 hyperdrive. Should thus be this fast)

Durability: Multi-City Block level (At least as tough as, if not tougher, than the likes of the CR90 Corvette. During the evacuation of Vardos, the Corvus withstood multiple shots from the laser cannons of an AT-AT Walker). Large Mountain level+ with deflector shields (At least as powerful as the deflectors of the likes of the CR90. Can survive numerous hits from the turbolasers of a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer before being destroyed)

Range: Tens of Metres to Hundreds of Kilometres with various armaments


  • Much thinner armor plating than on the likes of the Arquitens-class, which can also be used in an anti-starfighter role. Plating can be blasted off layer by layer with sustained bursts from starfighter laser cannons as witnessed during the skirmish over Umbara.
  • Although designed for an anti-starfighter role, Thrawn has identified certain blind spots in their weapons coverage which can be exploited by light interceptor sized craft.
  • Small enough and nimble enough starfighters can potentially slip under gaps in their deflector screens and attack the hull directly.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Raider-class Corvette