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Image credit: Fractalsponge


The Imperial-class Star Destroyer (ISD) was a line of capital ships manufactured by the famous Kuat Drive Yards. These massive dagger-shaped warships were the mainstay capital ships of the Imperial navy and one of the most recognizable symbols of the Galactic Empire’s military might. There were two sub-classes within this line: The Imperial I-class and Imperial II-class of star destroyers.

The Imperial I-class star destroyer, also known as Impstar, had replaced the Venator-class as the mainstay capital ship of the Galactic Empire within 18 BBY, just a year after the empire’s birth. They represented a fundamental shift in naval strategy away from versatile carrier-cruiser hybrids, and towards battleships designed specifically for orbital bombardments and instilling terror in the populations of rebellious worlds. Distinguished individuals within the empire - such as the likes of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, imperial enforcer Darth Vader, and those who held the rank of Grand Admiral - were often awarded by Emperor Palpatine himself with an Impstar, which they could use as their personal flagships and even freely customize.

The last Imperial I-class warships were rolled out of Kuat Drive yards in the few years just before the Battle of Yavin. The new Imperial II-class star destroyer, also known as Impstar-Deuce, began its role as the new mainstay capital ship of the empire, and any Imperial I-class warships still in active service received major upgrades to keep them up-to-date. In line with the infamous Tarkin Doctrine, the Imperial II-class warships shifted even further away from versatility and towards fear plus overwhelming force. They received greater numbers of heavy weapons designed for anti-capital use and orbital bombardments while seeing a reduction in point-defence capability. Despite numerous design flaws, they were nonetheless devastatingly powerful warships which inspired fear enough to make entire planets surrender, and continued to serve as a symbol of the Galactic Empire’s might and ruthlessness.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 7-B with laser cannons. High 7-A with turbolasers. 6-C with heavy turbolasers

Name: Imperial-class Star Destroyer (Imperial I-class Star Destroyer and Imperial II-class Star Destroyer)

Origin: Star Wars

Classification: Starship, Cruiser, Carrier

Users: Imperial Navy, Imperial Remnants and warlords, New Republic (limited numbers in Canon, but in greater numbers in Legends), First Order (Canon)

Length: 1,600 meters

Mass: 40 million tons

Material: Mostly neutronium impregnated durasteel and duralloy plating on the hull, weapon emplacements constructed with materials such as durasteel and quadanium steel.

Needed prerequisite for use: Ideally a trained crew of 27,850 (Imperial I-class) to 36,750 (Imperial II-class) in addition to 5,000 - 9,000 naval personnel and Imperial Navy Troopers. Can also carry additional complement of 9,700+ Stormtrooper Corps soldiers.

Terrain: Space, Atmosphere

Attack Potency: City level+ with point-defence laser cannons (Should be the same make as the Starhawk-class battleship's heavy point-defence laser cannons; the Sunspire's laser cannons and concussion missiles tore through the armour of a Star Destroyer). Large Mountain level+ with turbolasers (Should be no less powerful than the model used on the now outdated Arquitens-class Light Cruiser. More than capable of vaporizing large asteroids, burning off half a mountain with a single shot and producing large blast craters), Island level with heavy turbolasers (Superior to the outdated Venator-class Star Destroyer. During the Battle of Batonn shots from the ISD Chimaera unleashed tsunamis dozens-of-meters-high. During the liberation of Kashyyyk heavy turbolaser fire from the ISDs Dominion, Vitiator, Neutralizer devastated large swathes of the planet, causing the entire planet of Kashyyyk to “shake and rumble” and undergo violent “tectonic spasms”)

Speed: Subsonic+ atmospheric speeds (975+ km/hr). Can accelerate continuously to Sub-Relativistic speeds in space. Massively FTL+ travel via hyperspace (Equipped with a Class 2 hyperdrive. Capable of covering a few thousand light-years in an hour)

Durability: City level+ (Should be in the same league as the smaller Interdictor-class Star Destroyer). Island level with deflector shields (Can survive shots from the turbolaser batteries of ships with similar firepower before depleting)

Range: Varies from Hundreds of Kilometres to Thousands of Kilometres with various armaments


  • Not as fast and manoeuvrable as the old Acclamator-class and Venator-class.
  • Weapon emplacements across the hull do not take full advantage of the overall shape and leave several firing blind spots, especially at the rear of the vessel.
  • The tall command tower and the two deflector shield generators which it sports are relatively open to attack even with deflector shields engaged. And once the deflector shields are down, the command tower is extremely vulnerable (especially to dive bombing or suicide attacks by small fighters/bombers).
  • Once the command tower is taken out, the entire ship loses control and is lost. This is due to the complete centralization of control in the main tower, with no backup bridge within the main superstructure.
  • Numerous other design flaws in the overall design which make them maintenance hungry and with many weak points that could be exploited by boarding parties.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Imperial-class Star Destroyer