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Articles about
DOOM Protagonists
Main SeriesQuake III ArenaDoom 3Doom (2005 Movie)

~ His infamous line from the original comic

Doom 2 Armor

@jonlane art

The loathsome spiderdemon that masterminded the invasion of the moon bases and caused so much death has had its ass kicked for all time.

A hidden doorway opens and you enter. You've proven too tough for Hell to contain, and now Hell at last plays fair -- For you emerge from the door to see the green fields of Earth!
Home at last.

You wonder what's been happening on Earth while you were battling evil unleashed. It's good that no Hell-spawn could have come through that door with you...

~ The ending message of DOOM

Doomguy 64 (Remastered)

@jonlane art

Finally... the mother of all demons is dead! The blood pours from your eyes as you stand in defiance. As the only marine to endure the slaughter- you decide to remain in Hell and ensure no demon ever rises again.
~ DOOM 64's ending

Doom Slayer Sentinel by Yare-Yare-Dong


What rose from the holy coffin on that fateful day was not the impure abomination the covenant warned us of; the hero within would come to be known only as the Great Slayer, the time walker, the warrior Khan whose fire-sword would blaze forth a path for the just and cut through the demonic horde with a vengeance that only a God King could summon. He rose unbroken by the Ritual, his eyes burning with Maykr magic. He took the Crucible in his hand, and Wraith-fire leapt forth from the blade, as only it will when held by a true Sentinel warrior king.
~ The Story of the Sentinels Part IX

DOOM Slayer
In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred, he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doom Slayer.
~ The Doom Slayer's testament


The only thing they fear - is him. We watched as the horde overwhelmed the very best and the most advanced machinery and weapons technology that we could muster against opposition. It was useless, they moved too quickly, they cared not for themselves, only sought out the blood of humanity. They were willing to sacrifice their own to get to the heart of our world. We slaughtered thousands and millions more followed. But then - he came he cut through them like a sickle through a field - his fury surpassing their own. He is faster - more relentless. I believe him now to be more than just a man - he is... DOOM.
~ Dr. Elena Richaroson's Log File 006

Davoth: Tell me... have you nothing to say to your creator... before you strike him down?

Doom Slayer: No

~ Doom Guy AFTER killing Davoth


The Doomguy, also known as the Doom Marine or Doom Slayer since the 2016 reboot, is the main character of the Sci-fi, Horror, First-Person-Shooter Doom series. He is one of the Earth's toughest and mightiest warriors who single-handedly fights against the armies of Hell. In the ending of Doom 64, he entered Hell and closed the gateway to the living world in hopes the Earth will be saved, at the cost of Doomguy having to fight demons for eternity.

Quake Arena, Quake Champions, and Doom Eternal confirm that the Doom Slayer is the original Doom Guy. The former state that he still carries around hind rabbit's foot made from his rabbit Daisy and includes his bio taken directly from Doom (2016) including the Slayer's Testaments. Doom Eternal tells of Doomguy's arrival on Sentinel Prime from Hell.

Countless centuries later, and through enormous levels of training and battle, he has grown much stronger to the point where even the strongest demons in existence fear him as "The Doom Slayer", where he yet again fights to save the Post-Apocalyptic world in Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 9-A, higher with Power-ups | Low 2-C, higher with Power-ups | Low 2-C, higher with Power-ups | 1-C, higher with Power-ups and Sentinel Hammer

Key: Classic DOOM | Post Night Sentinel Training | DOOM (2016) | DOOM: Eternal

Name: Doomguy, Doom/DOOM, Doom Marine/DOOM Marine, Doom Slayer, Great Slayer, Hell Walker/Hellwalker, Unchained Predator, Scourge of Hell, The Slayer, The Beast, DM1-5, Flynn Taggart/Taggart93, The Outlander, The Destroyer, William Joseph "B.J" Blazkowicz III

Origin: DOOM

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown. Appears to be in his late twenties to early thirties | Billions of years old (Is stated to have been alive for "eons")

Classification: Human, Earth's Greatest Warrior of All Time, UAC Space Marine Captain, Immortal Heavy Hitter, Doom Itself | Arena Eternal Gladiator, Greatest Warrior Throughout Space and Time, Lord of Battle | Night Sentinel (Former), Primeval Essence Infused Demi-God | Same as before, plus the Greatest Warrior in the Dreamlands | Humanity's Savior, God, Unstoppable Force of Rage Against All Evil

Powers and Abilities:



All previous abilities, including the following:



All previous resistances, including the following:

All previous, including the following:



All previous, including the following:

Attack Potency: At least Small Building level (Capable of killing demons on this level with his bare fists), higher with Power-ups (Is able to kill Icon of Sin and Mother Demon) | Universe level+, higher with Power-ups (Comparable to his Durability. Wields the Demonic Crucible[1], a weapon said to have the power to corrupt all realms.[1]) | Universe level+, higher with Power-ups | Complex Multiverse level (Fought and easily defeated Davoth[1], is able to make the entire multiverse implode inward upon itself[Statistics Values 1]) higher with Power-ups and Sentinel Hammer

Speed: At least Supersonic (Can dodge machine-generated electricity and plasma weapons) | Infinite (Slayer was able to travel across the nine circles of Hell[1], which has depths that are bottomless, referred as "Dominion of Endless Shadow". Contains an endless void and endless number of demons[1]) | Infinite | Immeasurable (Kept up with the flying Khan Maykr[1] and Samur Maykr[1])

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Should scale above Lost Souls, which can tear out human spinal cords), higher with Power-ups | Class 5, higher with Power-ups, higher with Power-ups | Class G (Overpowered and killed the Titan with his bare hands. Capable of casually mutilating Super Heavy Tier demons with his bare hands such as Cyberdemons, Barons of Hell, and Hell Guards), higher with Power-ups | Class G, higher with Power-ups

Striking Strength: At least Small Building level, higher with Power-ups and Weaponry | Universe level+, higher with Power-ups and Weaponry | Universe level+, higher with Power-ups and Weaponry | Complex Multiverse level, higher with Power-ups and Weaponry

Durability: At least Small Building level (Comparable to his Attack Potency) | Universe level+ (Should be as durable as his next key) | Universe level+ (Withstood an Argent Energy explosion[3] which was described as a category four dimensional event[3], Argent Energy is a boundless power source made from extra-dimensional resources that can give infinite power) | Complex Multiverse level (After Samur Maykr betrayed Doom Guy[1] and stole the Crucible[1] he still admitted that he would not be able to kill him[1]. Fought and easily defeated Davoth)

Stamina: Superhuman (Doomguy was able to clear out the Phobos and Deimos moon bases of the demonic intruders, and then immediately after went to battle the demons on Earth, clearing entire armies despite the immense fatigue and pain he is in. He managed to pull through this pain to defeat the Icon of Sin. After this point, he waged through several demonic wars in order to prevent them from destroying humanity, and at the end of DOOM 64, knowing that he can no longer live a normal life, decided to stay in Hell, to make sure no demon ever rises again. Before ever becoming the Slayer, Doomguy was still extremely resilient, being able to push beyond injuries, death, exhaustion and sickness through sheer will) | Infinite (Rampaged across Hell for "eons" without eating, drinking, sleeping or tiring, and was heavily implied to have been fighting demons the entire time he was there) | Infinite (He's more vicious than demons, which have endless aggression and never get tired) | Infinite

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Chainsaw, Sentinel Hammer, and Doomblade, Hundreds of Meters to Kilometers with Firearms. Low Complex Multiversal with Abilities, Crucible (Davoth blessed Doomguy making it so his existence and him causing the destruction to the Maykrs was considered the only constant within infinite possibilities, unchanged by the flowing data of endless variability, despite the ability of Maykrs to travel through dimensions and time. Causing Doomguy's victory in the end no matter what happens) and with VEGA

Standard Equipment: Chainsaw, Super Shotgun, Chaingun, Plasma Gun, BFG9000, Unmaker, Gauss Cannon, Crucible, Siphon Grenades, A holographic projection device, The Haste Sphere, The Quad Damage Sphere, The Invulnerability Sphere, Sentinel Hammer and many more


Genius (He could operate various UAC machines as soon as he got in them, and he could use a Revenant skillfully after possessing it[1]. Can learn and master any weapon after picking it up, including weapons like the Unmaykr, pure Maykr technology[1] with Maykr technology being described as transcendent[1]. Doom Eternal lore suggests he's adept with computer sciences and literary paraphernalia within the Fortress, as his original Praetor Suit can be found disassembled in his quarters with numerous parts of it repurposed for his new suit[1]. His skills are even further enhanced with VEGA to where he created his own ballista and training room to keep his skills sharp[1])

Weaknesses: None notable


  • Prior to obtaining his Praetor Armor, he fought and killed The Titan with his fists and his weapons.
  • In-game lore and the writers state that none of the forces of Hell were strong enough to defeat him.
  • The Praetor armor stated to be almost impervious to damage from everything in the UAC's possession; this includes a "2 Megakelvin cutting laser."
  • Withstood the power surge of a minimum 30,000 Megawatt Hour battery.

Respect Threads


Notable Matchups


  • Yhwach (Bleach) Yhwach's Profile (2016 DOOM, Doomguy and Soul King Absorbed Yhwach were used. Doomguy has all of his equipment. Yhwach could access all of the Sternritter's Schrifts. Speed was equalized)





  1. 6-D


Discussion threads involving Doomguy