The Cat, also known as housecat, alley cat or Domestic Cat, is small, furry mammal. It is a subspecies F. s. catus belonging to the species Felis silvestris in the family Felidae. This animal is the most popular pet in the world.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 10-C, 9-C kinetic energy, higher via piercing damage
Name: Cat, Felis silvestris catus
Origin: The Real World
Gender: Varies. There are generally more males than females, although some breeds have more females than males.
Age: Generally have a life expectancy of 5-16 years, though they can live up to 38
Classification: Cat, felid, mammal
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Speed, Acrobatics, Enhanced Senses (A cat can see between 6 and 8 times more than people. They have a field of vision of 200 degrees, while that of humans is 180 and can detect the mood of its owner. Their whiskers are like sensors.) Small Size (Type 1), Natural Weaponry (Claws and teeth), minor Disease Manipulation via Toxoplasmosis (Cats host this disease, and have infected a large portion of the world population with it)
Attack Potency: Below Average Human level (Responsible for the extinction of many bird and small mammal species alone. Capable of taking down a squirrel on its own. Some are capable of tackling small children. Feral cats, however, generally have a tough time dealing with rats, with only two confirmed kills from five to seven cats out of a population of 150 rats over a period of five months), Street level kinetic energy, higher via piercing damage (The bites and scratches of cats can leave gashes in adult humans)
Speed: Below Average Human (Because of its small size, its walking/movement speed is lower than that of a human). Superhuman in short bursts (48 km/h), at most Subsonic reaction speed (Cats have a reaction time of 20 milliseconds, 0.02 seconds)
Lifting Strength: Below Average Human (A cat was only made to support at most its own weight of 3.6 - 4.5 kilograms)
Striking Strength: Below Average Human level
Durability: Below Average Human level (By it's tier. Can survive & potentially withstand multiple bites and damage from various other comparable cats and other predators, implying that their attack potency they can be unharmed from is lower than their attack potency.[1] They have survived large falls and being lightly kicked by adult humans)
Stamina: Average (Can survive injuries caused other cats)
Range: Below Standard Melee Range
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: High Animalistic (Cats possess impressive intelligence. Their brains gather information, assimilate that information, and use it to learn. Although wild cats are not very intelligent, it has been proven that cats that grow with people develop their intelligence more. Cats learn through imitation, observation, and experience, and combine learning with the instinct to survive. They can remember facts that have happened and act accordingly. They can also detect, through smell and behavior, people who will not treat them well and will avoid them. In the same way, they differentiate acquaintances from strangers and defend their territory from the latter)
Weaknesses: Despite cats having Subsonic reactions, they are regularly not reacting at this speed due to laziness, lack of attentiveness, or other factors, with them usually only reacting at this speed when hunting.
Notable Matchups
Tarantula Goliath (The Real World) Tarantula's Profile (Speed was equalized, the cat was an adult male while the tarantula is a female)
Virginia Opossum (The Real World) Opossum's Profile (Both are bloodlusted and speed is equalized)
Red Bulborb (Pikmin) Bulborb's Profile
Woody (Toy Story) Woody’s Profile (Speed was equalized, Woody had an hour of preparation time)
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