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Articles about Doctor Doom
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I have looked into the future, I have seen how one violent action after another spins the world toward a future where all that remains of Earth is a burned out cinder. Every time I have looked into the future, that is what I have seen. Every time but one.

In one possible future mankind becomes united. Cures for all diseases are found. Global conflicts end. Hunger is abolished. Education is universal. And no one goes without. In that world, there are laws. To break even the slightest of these is to suffer immediate and terminal punishment.

Ten thousand futures have I looked at. A hundred thousand. And in only one does mankind finally unite, and flourish... and survive. Only one. Doomworld.

~ Doctor Doom


Doctor Victor Von Doom is the dictator of the small European country Latveria and the archnemesis of the Fantastic Four. The son of a Romani witch, Cynthia von Doom, he was orphaned at a young age and grew into a brilliant, stubborn man who used his technology to protect his people. He travelled to the United States to study, where he met Reed Richards and immediately disliked him. However, after a machine he created to communicate with the dead malfunctioned, his face was badly scarred, and he blamed Richards for the incident.

Expelled, he travelled the world, ultimately collapsing on a Tibetan mountainside. There, he was rescued by monks, whose martial arts he mastered before taking control of their order himself. After creating himself a complex suit of power armor, complete with a mask to hide his badly scarred face, he named himself Doctor Doom. He conquered Latveria and looked to the future, immersing himself in sorcery and science so he could conquer the planet and rule over it.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 5-B, up to 5-A with magic, up to 3-C to 1-A with Optional Equipment, Absorption, or Preparation | 1-A

Key: Base | God Emperor Doom

Name: Victor Von Doom

Origin: Marvel Comics

Age: Likely in his 40s or 50s

Gender: Male

Classification: Human scientist & sorcerer, Monarch of Latveria

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

Enhanced Resistance to:

Limited Resistance to:

In addition to his previous abilities, Doctor Doom possesses all the powers and abilities of the Silver Surfer.

All previous abilities on an incredibly immensely greater scale:

Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Planet level (Can trade blows with and overpower the likes of the Thing. Fought and matched Iron Man's Model 29[69] and Model 42[70] Armors[Statistics Values 1]), up to Large Planet level with Magic (Comparable to Doctor Strange and has fought alongside him using magic on multiple occasions.[Statistics Values 2] One-shot Blue Marvel.[71] Casually blocked the combined attacks of nearly a dozen Doombots at once, and proceeded to one-shot all of them at the same time with a magic attack), up to Galaxy level (Managed to absorb the power of the Silver Surfer.[72] Can cut through Hulk's skull with an adamantium chainsaw to perform brain surgery, and recreate the Destroyer by draining the Odinforce from a bunch of Asgardians. Can artificially emulate the Power Cosmic) to Outerverse level (After centuries of training under the Marquis of Death, he killed a Watcher with an "off-the-scale power source", it being an alternative dimension version of Uatu.[73] Can channel the mystic energy that exists in vibranium to connect himself to every piece of vibranium on the planet, gaining power greater than that which he had when he held a Cosmic Cube,[74] when said cube was used by Reed to defeat Doom with a well-fed Galactus' power, at a point where Doom was so powerful that he said he could "end all time -- all existence -- with a simple thought".[75] Through Power Absorption, he stole Galactus' power in the scale said before, siphoned the cosmic powers of a Watcher[76] [who should be on the same level as fellow Watchers like Uatu], turning it into an armor, and attempted to claim Uatu's power for his own too.[77] On one occasion, he managed to absorb the power of the Beyonder using a device in his armor.[78] Was capable of absorbing the power of Franklin Richards, stating that it'd be enough to let him "attend to" the Celestials.[79] With heavily implied preparation, staggered Uatu with an energy blast[80] Absorbed the Life Force power of Scarlet Witch[81]) with Optional Equipment, Absorption, or Preparation. Can ignore conventional durability in several ways. | Outerverse level (After the Molecule Man absorbed the power of The Beyonders, Doom was allowed to channel a part of it from which he was able to utilize enough to fight and overpower a user of The Infinity Gauntlet and kill Phoenix Force Cyclops with ease. Recreated Galactus to be Franklin Richard's servant)

Speed: Relativistic+ (Has repeatedly fought on par with Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman), up to Massively FTL+ with Magic (Has constantly fought alongside and kept up with Doctor Strange,[82] and alongside Strange has fought and reacted to Mephisto[83][84]), up to Massively FTL+ to Infinite with Optional Equipment, Absorption, or Preparation | Immeasurable

Lifting Strength: Class G, up to Immeasurable with Optional Equipment, Absorption, or Preparation | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Planet level, up to Galaxy level to Outerverse level with Optional Equipment, Absorption, or Preparation | Outerverse level

Durability: Planet level (Inside the armor, survives attacks on this level either relatively fine or harmed while running the risk of being killed, but the armor itself is more durable. He can take blows from the Thing[Statistics Values 1]), to Large Planet level with forcefield against physical attacks (His forcefield can deflect up to 99.7-99.9% of incoming kinetic energy[Statistics Values 3]), up to Low Complex Multiverse level with Magic Defenses (Easily blocked a slash from Wolverine's Adamantium claws[85]), up to Outerverse level with Optional Equipment, Absorption, or Preparation (With heavily implied preparation, Doom's forcefields managed to endure blasts from 4 Mad Celestials for roughly 27 minutes, although his shields were eventually overwhelmed.[86] Took a blast from Uatu with no damage, stating that he'd put a "nigh impenetrable cosmic alloy" in his armor to protect himself[87]) | Outerverse level (Tanked blows from a user of The Infinity Gauntlet)

Stamina: Superhuman. Doom's willpower is one of his greatest assets, along with his intellect, allowing him to fight off legions of demons in Hell after losing his demonic mystic powers. He has even managed to survive the Marquis of Death turning his heart to stone and his blood to acid while killing his atoms, right before being tossed millions of years into the past and being torn limb from limb by Megalodons. He and Doctor Voodoo managed to fight against the forces of Nightmare for days without tiring.

Range: At least Kilometers with normal blasts (Can blast most other places in Latveria from his castle); Planetary with other technology (Can affect people across the planet); Interstellar with teleportation (Can teleport himself, and others to far off planets) | Outerversal

Standard Equipment:

  • Power Armor: Doom is never without his signature power armor, a technological marvel he magically forged at a Tibetan monastery and which he has extensively upgraded and modified over the years. It incorporates many systems, some optional and others almost always present, and Doom builds on it whenever necessary. These systems include jet systems, advanced sensory systems that can scan on all frequencies, many computers that allow it to automatically track and attack targets, a nearly self-aware AI that constantly works to improve Doom's defenses, supported by other adaptive technologies, and life support systems that produce air, water, food, and energy. Doom's armor also contains many weapons, such as grenades, lasers, missile launchers, plasma cannons, repulsor beams, wrist blasters, and so on. It is also protected by an electrical current that shocks anyone who touches it, and a powerful forcefield capable of withstanding a Celestial's energy blasts. The armor even has fragments of the True Cross incorporated to fend off vampires and demons. It has fail safes to make sure that only Doom can make full use of its abilities, to ensure his technology cannot be used against him, and even if it is worn by someone else, it will slowly brainwash them and replace their personality with Doom's. The armor will even automatically fight on its own should Doctor Doom swap his mind with that of another person's with the Ovoid Mind Transfer, its AI viewing itself as an extension of Doom's will. Other systems include;
    • Ectoplasmic Ionizer: Built into Doom's armor, this allows him to dispel the spirits of the dead, sending them to the afterlife.
    • Inhibitor Ray: Doom's inhibitor ray can be used to dampen the supernatural powers of others and subtly affect their minds to make it impossible for them to attack him.
    • Instant Hypnotism Impulsers: Doom's gloves have these hypnotic devices built into them, which allows Doom to hypnotize others by pointing his hand at them.
    • Miniature flying spy camera: A flying camera no bigger than a pea that is controlled by Doom. It can be used to stealthily see and hear enemy territory for Doom to gain valuable information.
    • Molecular Expander: Doom carries a Molecular Expander with him that he can use to expand pebbles and even atomic particles to the size of boulders.
    • Nerve-Scrambler Ray: Using this weapon, Doom can scramble his opponents' nerve impulses to prevent them from properly controlling their body or coordinating their movements.
    • Unknown booby traps and point-singularity power supply: Even with Doom captured and his armor's power drained, heroes like the Avengers may fear the many booby traps awaiting any who dare attempt to remove the armor from Doom, despite the likes of Thor and She-Hulk being in the team and thus implying either a reaction at their level of power or some form of hax. The zone of his ankle also houses a secret button that can restore the power of his armor.[88]
    • Power Cosmic Siphon Harness: A device that Doom built that allows him to absorb the power of others. Originally a clunky harness, it has decreased in size over the years, eventually becoming a part of Doom's armor. It allows him to near-instantly drain the power of even cosmic beings such as Terrax, Silver Surfer, Watchers such as Uatu, and Galactus.
    • Refrigeration Gloves: Doom's gloves have a refrigerating device built into them that can quickly fully freeze others when contact is made.
    • Time Cube: Doom has a Time Cube incorporated into his armor, which he can use to manipulate time, reversing it to reconstruct his destroyed castle.
  • Skin Armor: After making a pact with the Hazareth Three, and sacrificing his lifelong love, Valeria, Doom gained this mystic armor and all the knowledge he would've possessed if he had devoted his entire life to mastering magic. However, after failing to deliver on his end of the pact, he lost these powers.
  • Iron Man Armor Model 51: As the Infamous Iron Man, Doom has carried on Iron Man's legacy and wears his newest armor, Model Prime.

  • Actuality Shield: A personal shield that can transform the unreal into real things, allowing it to counteract Nightmare's powers and reduce him to a physical being.
  • Doombots: Doom is well-known for his legions of Doombots, robotic duplicates of himself created to fool others into thinking that they have defeated him or to act in his stead. Each Doombot's mind is near completely identical to Doom's, preventing telepaths from telling the difference. His most powerful Doombots are outfitted with replications of the Power Cosmic, making them equal to the likes of the Silver Surfer.
  • Emotion Charger: Doom used this device to make every villain on Earth active at once, affecting even Kang in the future and Super-Skrull within the Andromeda Galaxy.
  • The Prime Mover: One of Doom's most powerful inventions, the Prime Mover allowed him to control reality and dictate the actions of others by entering in commands and directing reality as if it were a chessboard. With the Prime Mover, he can retroactively remake the lives of others and even himself, temporarily making it so that he had always been a tulpa formed from the dark side of Reed's subconscious.
  • Reducing Ray: A shrink ray that Doom created while in Reed's body that allows him to shrink others down into "nothingness" - in truth, this shrinks them down to below subatomic size, sending them to the Microverse.
  • Time-Shift Bomb: A bomb that throws those affected 2 seconds back in time, distorting their perception and allowing Doom to easily avoid their lagging movements.
  • Vibration Bomb: A bomb that erases the loyalties and personalities of all those caught in the blast and replaces it with complete and utter loyalty to Doom, making his thoughts their only thoughts, and his will their own will.

  • Cosmic Cube: A powerful cosmic artifact that contains the power of a 4-dimensional space-time continuum and grants its wielder the ability to fulfill their wishes by warping the world around them. In the storyline of Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Comics Magazine, Doom acquired a Cosmic Cube by travelling into the past and took it for himself. He can use it to create constructs in the shapes of others and with their powers, banish others to alternate dimensions, nullify the powers of others, even those as powerful as Galactus, and even become one with the universe itself. At one point, Doom's scientists even created their own Cosmic Cube, which was able to layer other universes over the prime 616 reality.
  • Cosmic Control Rod: Annihilus' symbol of power, a device that allows its wielder to control the cosmic energies of the Negative Zone and halt their aging process. During the aforementioned storyline, this is one of the artifacts that Doom acquires.
  • Helix of Randac: An endless supply of bio-energy used by the Inhumans, which Doom stole in the aforementioned storyline and used to alter himself so he could survive while utilizing the Ultimate Machine.
  • Ultimate Machine: The Ultimate Machine is an ancient device owned by Uatu that contains all the information in the universe and can be worn like a helmet to access this knowledge. However, for most beings, even those as smart as the Leader, these billions upon billions of sensations would prove lethal, making it impossible to use it. Doom, however, was able to draw upon its knowledge after modifying himself with the Inhumans' Helix of Randac.

Intelligence: Supergenius (Doom is a brilliant polymath only rivaled on Earth by Reed Richards, his greatest opponent. His brain is faster than the world's most advanced computers, and even in his college years, he was smarter than his professors and revolutionized computer science simply because the computers available could not keep up with him. Doom has invented many extremely advanced weaponry and items, including his armor, more advanced than even that of Iron Man. He has a vast knowledge of science and sorcery amassed through his time travels, knowing enough of magic to be a candidate for Sorcerer Supreme, and having knowledge of spells that even Doctor Strange doesn't know. His mystic library contains texts from the dawn of writing. He can easily reprogram robots far more advanced than normal humans would be able to comprehend, and has even reprogrammed Ultron to be completely loyal to him. At one point, though the knowledge was later lost to him, Doom even learned how to create his own Cosmic Cube. Understanding Hyperstorm's advanced technology was a simple matter for him, and he's also a practiced brain surgeon. He also mastered the secrets of Vibranium, which not even Wakanda and T'Challa could accomplish. His consciousness was vast and powerful enough to download a planet’s worth of data. Loki has stated that he somewhat fears Doom's intelligence and states that he's confident that Doom could even clone Thor with time. Doom accounts for all possibilities in combat, building failsafe after failsafe into his armor to deal with any negative outcomes. Being horrifically tortured and sent millions of years into the past was not enough to kill Doom, who managed to hijack and skillfully use the time machine of the Thunderbolts to escape to another period in time, hiding his true identity from the Marquis of Death and even becoming his apprentice, waiting centuries for his chance to betray the Marquis. He is exceptionally skilled in close combat and strategy, catching Captain America's shield and matching Black Panther in hand-to-hand combat. He is a master swordsman and tactician, at one point switching places with a doppelganger while fighting Reed and simultaneously time travelling to fake his death. While on many occasions Reed has been said to be his only better, only Doom has been able to return Ben Grimm to his human form, and only Doom saved his unborn daughter Valeria. All in all, Doom is considered by many to be the most dangerous man on Earth, including the likes of Kang the Conqueror) | Nigh-Omniscient with the Ultimate Machine (It grants its wielder all knowledge in the universe, including of things that are currently transpiring)

Weaknesses: Doom is very arrogant and overconfident, and sometimes becomes bored and allows his opponents to win. He cannot retain the Power Cosmic to the same extent as the Silver Surfer or Galactus, as he is still only a human. When wielding Galactus' power, Doom is subject to his hunger. During Secret Wars, he couldn't fully control the immense powers of the Beyonder.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Psionics: Doom has studied and gained access to a host of mental abilities, evolving as a being through his extensive mental development.

  • Hypnosis: Doom has the power to hypnotize others through eye contact, dominating their minds with his overwhelming willpower.
  • Ovoid Mind Transfer: A mental power that Doom learned from the alien Ovoids. By making eye contact with another being, he can transfer his consciousness into their body, switching places their original consciousness, and leaving them in his old body. As he prefers his own body to that of any other, he dislikes doing this, but will do it if necessary, and can even use it multiple times in quick succession while fighting.

Magic: Doom is one of the greatest sorcerers on Earth. He has amassed this magical knowledge from several tutors and sources over the years, reading from many tomes of black magic and training under Morgan le Fay, Doctor Strange, the Haazareth Three, and the Marquis of Death.


  • This profile only covers the 616 version of Doctor Doom. Not all of the features described in his armor are present at once (although they could be), and many of them are devices that he made in the past.
  • Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.

Notable Matchups





  1. Fantastic Four #569
  2. Fantastic Four #567
  3. Marvel Graphic Novel Vol 1 49
  4. Heroes Reborn: Ashema #1
  5. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Vol 1 #10
  6. Heroes Reborn: The Return #4
  7. Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) 13-14
  8. Iron Man: Fatal Frontier #10
  9. Avenging Spider Man #8
  10. Fantastic Four #567
  11. Excalibur #39
  12. Fantastic Four #507
  13. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Vol 1 #10
  14. Fantastic Four #561
  15. Venom (2021) #25
  16. Marvel Graphic Novel Vol 1 49
  17. Fantastic Four #381
  18. Fantastic Four #406
  19. Fantastic Four (2018) #25
  20. Fantastic Four Vol 1 196
  21. Fantastic Four Vol 1 320
  22. Fantastic Four #569
  23. Super Villain Team Up Issue 9
  24. Fantastic Four #26
  25. Savage Avengers #9
  26. Infamous Iron Man #8
  27. Doctor Strange: Triumph and Torment
  28. Captain Britain and MI13 #10
  29. Darkhold Omega
  30. Fantastic Four #287
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Thor Annual 1999 Vol 1
  32. Fantastic Four #399
  33. Fantastic Four #400
  34. Fantastic Four 2018 #7
  35. Fantastic Four Vol 3 24-25
  36. Fantastic Four (2023) #7
  37. Fantastic Four Annual Vol 1 2
  38. Fantastic Four Vol 1 23
  39. Cloak and Dagger Vol 1 10
  40. Fantastic Four #157
  41. Fantastic Four #569
  42. Iron Man: Fatal Frontier #8
  43. Doctor Strange: Triumph and Torment
  44. Avengers & X-Men: Axis #6
  45. Midnight Suns #2
  46. Darkhold Omega
  47. Fantastic Four #567
  48. Fantastic Four #569
  49. Loki: Agent of Asgard #7
  50. Excalibur #37
  51. Secret Invasion - Dark Reign
  52. Marvel 2-In-One #6
  53. Guardians of The Galaxy (2020) #17
  54. Books of Doom #4
  55. Dazzler Issue #3, Issue #4
  56. Darkhold Alpha, Darkhold Omega
  57. Spiderman and the Fantastic Four #3
  58. Fantastic Four (2023) #7
  59. New Avengers Volume 3 #29
  60. Super-Villain Team-Up Vol 1 2
  61. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Vol 1 #4
  62. Black Panther #19
  63. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #34
  64. Marvel Super-Heroes Vol 1 20
  65. Super Villain Team Up Vol 1 11
  66. FF Vol 2 #15
  67. Fantastic Four #567
  68. Dark Avengers #176
  69. The Mighty Avengers #9
  70. Iron Man: Fatal Frontier #10
  71. Doctor Doom (2019) #3
  72. Fantastic Four #57
  73. Fantastic Four #569
  74. Doomwar #1
  75. Fantastic Four World's Greatest #10 & 11
  76. Fantastic Four #373
  77. Fantastic Four #374
  78. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Vol 1 #10
  79. Heroes Reborn: The Return #4
  80. Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Comic Magazine #6
  81. Avengers: Children's Crusade #7 & 8
  82. Savage Avengers Vol. 1 #9-#10
  83. Doctor Strange: Triumph and Torment
  84. Infamous Iron Man #12
  85. Midnight Suns #2
  86. FF Vol. 1 #14
  87. Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Comic Magazine #6
  88. Secret Wars vol 1/(1985) issue 9


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.23626 Yottatons
  2. 12.36268 Yottatons
  3. 400 Yottatons-1.2 Ronnatons


Discussion threads involving Doctor Doom