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*'''Optional Equipment:''' [https://youtu.be/xichprg5s58?t=2337 Exploding Chocolate Milk], [[Plunderseeds]], [https://imgur.com/gallery/discord-invisipaint-wUu4b62 Invisipaint], [https://youtu.be/DvakRyeSI4E?t=1104 Crystal Ball], [[Bewitching Bell|Grogar's Bewitching Bell]]
*'''Optional Equipment:''' [https://youtu.be/xichprg5s58?t=2337 Exploding Chocolate Milk], [[Plunderseeds]], [https://imgur.com/gallery/discord-invisipaint-wUu4b62 Invisipaint], [https://youtu.be/DvakRyeSI4E?t=1104 Crystal Ball], [[Bewitching Bell|Grogar's Bewitching Bell]]
'''[[Intelligence]]:''' '''Above Average''' in terms of common sense | '''[[Nigh-Omniscience|Nigh-Omniscient]]''' in terms of knowledge and perceptions (He is stated to have knowledge that knows no bounds, and he has eyes and ears everywhere that allows him to see and hear everything across time and space. Mentally unstable. A rather clever trickster as he was able to outsmart and deceive the Mane 6)
'''[[Intelligence]]:''' '''Genius'''. He is a clever trickster who was able to outsmart and deceive the Mane 6, and it has been stated that he has knowledge that knows no bounds. '''Average''' in terms of common sense due to his mental instability. He also has advanced [[Cosmic Awareness]] that allows him to see and hear anything across time and space.
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[[Category:My Little Pony]]
[[Category:My Little Pony]]

Revision as of 19:28, 18 June 2024

Scots Discord
Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?
~ Discord


Discord is a recurring character in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

He is a Draconequus and Spirit of Disharmony and Chaos who was imprisoned in stone more than a thousand years ago due to the chaos he caused in Equestria. Introduced as the primary antagonist of the Season 2 premiere, Discord later learns the value of friendship and becomes a helpful ally, albeit one often still learning the importance of trust in one's friends.

Discord MLP IDW Refixed TR
I am here, in every pony! I am the Unifying Principle of Order! I live in the hearts of all ponies who desire Order! And Order we shall have.
~ Accord


Discord is a recurring character in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

He is a Draconequus and spirit of Disharmony who was imprisoned in stone more than a thousand years ago due to the chaos he caused in Equestria. Introduced as the primary antagonist of the Season 2 premiere, Discord later learns the value of friendship and becomes a helpful ally, albeit one often still learning the importance of trust in one's friends.

Grogar by andoanimalia dd4zwvs
Each of you failed to defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends! My power is greater than all of yours combined. This is but a fraction of it! Understood?!
~ Grogar threatening the other villains


Long before the show's events, Grogar was a treacherous tyrant who took over the land of Equestria, until he was stopped by Gusty the Great, who rid him of his most prominent magic by stripping his bell away from him, banishing him elsewhere.

During season 9 of the show, Discord impersonated Grogar, and gathered Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and King Sombra, under the pretense that they together can ultimately defeat the Mane 6 with their efforts and teamwork combined.

However, in reality, he just wanted Twilight Sparkle to gain more confidence by defeating them, with himself as a safety net if she should need it.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 2-A, possibly Low 1-C | 2-A, possibly Low 1-C

Name: Discord, Grogar | Accord

Origin: My Little Pony

Gender: Male

Age: At least thousands of years old (Claimed that he's lived at least this long), Possibly far older (Is implied to have had friends since the Dinosaur era, and if so he would be at least millions of years old)

Classification: Draconequus, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony | Spirit of Order and Harmony

Powers and Abilities:




All of Accord's abilities but with chaos instead of order (Is Accord's opposite)

Attack Potency: Multiverse level+, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level (Easily defeated both Celestia and Luna at once. Can effortlessly snap away King Sombra's attacks, and later confirmed that he faked getting hurt by him. Pinkie Pie with his powers stated that she could transform the entire cosmos. Created the Plunderseeds effortlessly. Stated to be able to warp all of reality) | Multiverse level+, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level (He is an Order-based version of Discord)

Speed: At least Infinite reactions, attack and combat speed (Comparable to Princess Luna. Nonchalantly reacted to the Elements of Harmony. Comparable to the Pony of Shadows of another dimension that was going to invade every universe in the infinite multiverse), Immeasurable travel speed (He flew so fast that he went back in time a week)

Lifting Strength: At least Multi-Stellar with Telekinesis (Superior to Celestia, who could move multiple stars)

Striking Strength: Multiverse level+, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level | Multiverse level+, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level

Durability: Multiverse level+, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level (Was completely unharmed by a blast from King Sombra), possibly far higher (Intangibility and Regeneration make him incredibly difficult to kill) | Multiverse level+, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Interstellar (Superior to Celestia), Multiversal+, possibly Low Complex Multiversal with Reality Warping (His powers were stated numerous times to be able to affect all reality. Pinkie Pie with his powers stated she can turn the entire cosmos into a giant party), Interdimensional via portals (He was going to banish Treehugger into another dimension by using a portal)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Genius. He is a clever trickster who was able to outsmart and deceive the Mane 6, and it has been stated that he has knowledge that knows no bounds. Average in terms of common sense due to his mental instability. He also has advanced Cosmic Awareness that allows him to see and hear anything across time and space.


  • Discord's magic can be overcome by certain individuals or objects. He has been defeated and petrified by the Elements of Harmony; Celestia cast a spell on the Elements to keep Discord from taking them again; His magic has been overpowered and taken by an empowered Tirek and Grogar's Bell; His magic had been nullified by Queen Chrysalis' throne and an anti-magic lock put on him in Abyssia.
  • He can be so overconfident and cocky that he will not go all-out against enemies, and has a tendency to underestimate them. He has been defeated three times due to this; Initially by Celestia and Luna, later by the Mane Six, and most recently by Tirek. Despite being a master manipulator, he can be tricked himself at some points, such as when he was tricked by Lord Tirek into betraying his friends for freedom, and then tricked by Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow into thinking that they failed to obtain Grogar's bell.
  • If Discord acts or becomes "normal", he starts to fade away from existence as he cannot use his reality warping powers in the process of doing so, but it can be reversed if he experiences something "chaotic". In addition, he can lose his powers if someone compatible with his realm enters it while he is not there and begins to link with it, although this can be reversed by proving himself the more chaotic one. They would have to destroy the spare Discord recently residing in the dimension first before the linking can begin.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Reality Warping: Discord's reality warping has shown no real limitations, but it is not as powerful as Tirek was after draining most of Equestria's citizens. Although he usually activates his powers with a snap of his fingers, it's been shown to be thought based on multiple occasions.

Note: It has been confirmed that the Sun of Equestria is the same size as our own, despite that it revolves around the Earth.

Notable Matchups



  • Dr. Clef (SCP Foundation) Dr. Clef's Profile (Both characters are completely in-character, Dr. Clef had prior knowledge, and starting distance was 5 meters)



Discussion threads involving Discord