Articles about Dio Brando |
Classic • Diego • Alternate Diego • Heaven Ascension • JORGE JOESTAR |
“ | Human ability is extremely limited and finite. Your Hamon training avails you nothing. It's USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, UUUSSSELEEESSS! A MERE MONKEY CAN NEVER DEFEAT A LION! In comparison to my power, you are but a mere monkey, JoJo! | „ |
~ Dio Brando to Jonathan Joestar |
“ | JoJo... Without you, I, Dio, would not have gained the power of the Stone Mask... and yet, because of you, the world isn't mine yet! If there is a God that controls our fate, there's never been a relationship as calculated as ours! We are one and the same in this world of ours! In other words... I will take the body of the one man I admire in this world, and live gorgeously for all time! That is Dio's destiny! There will be no pain! That is my final courtesy to my one and only rival! Live as my body, JoJo! | „ |
~ Dio explaining why he wants Jonathan's body |
“ | The Heaven I'm talking about pertains to the soul, and where it goes... I'm not telling you to die. The power of your soul should evolve along with it. And I'm talking about where it ends up. I think you understand what I'm saying... True happiness lies there... if one can get to Heaven. I understand that happiness cannot be obtained by having an invincible body or mountains of money, or even being the ruler of the human race. The true winner is the one who gets to see 'Heaven'... I will get there, no matter how many things I must sacrifice. | „ |
~ DIO explaining his ideals to his friend Pucci |
“ | Every human being lives to overcome anxiety and find desire peace of mind. Acquiring fame, dominating others, and earning money is done to resolve anxiety. Marriage and friendship serve to resolve anxiety. Helping people, making war and peace... all of this is to resolve anxiety. Seeking peace of mind is the ultimate goal of all human beings. So, then... What objection do you have to serving me? You can easily obtain all those things that bring peace of mind simply by serving me | „ |
~ DIO trying to sway Polnareff to serving him |
“ | What a truly magnificent feeling! I feel so good, I could break out into song! [...] One hundred years ago, I obtained immortality. But I didn't feel as absolutely wonderful as I do now! Joestar blood suits me well! This is the greatest high! | „ |
~ DIO, after sucking Joseph's blood |
“ | Immortality! Eternal life! And STAND POWER! This proves that no one can surpass DIO! Puny Humans! I shall rule you all! Bow before my knowledge and might! | „ |
~ DIO after seeminly killing Jotaro Kujo |
“ | At first, I could only stop time long enough to blink. But as my neck wound healed, I was able to stop time for two, then three seconds. Now, I can stop time for five seconds... It's strange to think of it as five seconds, considering that time itself is stopped. Regardless, it feels like five seconds. Heheh... Soon, I'll be able to stop time for one minute, ten minutes, even an hour someday! I can't wait! I'll gradually be able to stop time longer and longer! | „ |
~ DIO reminiscing on The World's time stoping power |
~ The World's battle cry |
~ One of Dio's catchphrases and battle-cries, as well as the signature vampiric screech. |
Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー Dio Burandō ) is the main antagonist in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part I: Phantom Blood and Part III: Stardust Crusaders. After the death of his abusive and alcoholic father, Dio was sent to live with the Joestar family to repay a debt owed to his father by George Joestar. Dio quickly asserts himself as the superior of his new adoptive brother, Jonathan, beginning an intense rivalry. This ultimately leads to Dio casting aside his humanity in pursuit of power and immortality using the Stone Mask, becoming a vampire and seeking world domination as opposed to merely earthly riches. Dio's conflicts with his brother conclude with their apparent mutual defeat at sea.
It is in 1983 that DIO finally resurfaces, revealing that he had escaped and hid within a casket, bound and trapped somewhere within the ocean. Now in possession of Jonathan's body after the destruction of his own, he uses the Stand Arrow to grant himself a Stand, furthering his power and control. However, the effects of the arrow seemed to reverberate across the Joestar blood flowing in Jonathan's veins, granting Stands to his grandson, Joseph, his gentle daughter Holly, and her son, Jotaro Kujo. As Holly is too peaceful for a Stand, she is left sickened by its presence, and seeking to save her before it ultimately claims her life, Joseph, Jotaro, and the rest of the Stardust Crusaders set a course to Egypt to kill DIO once and for all.
Powers and Stats
Tier: High 8-C, higher with Space Ripper Stingy Eyes | Likely High 8-C, At least High 8-C with The World | At least High 8-C. At least High 8-C with The World.
Key: Phantom Blood | Stardust Crusaders | Awakened DIO
Name: Dio Brando | DIO, Lord DIO
Origin: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Age: 20-21 years old | 122-123 years old
Gender: Male
Classification: Former Human, Vampire, Stand User
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Enhanced Senses
- Flight
- Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3 & 6; Survived as just a severed head after being left incapable of healing properly thanks to Hamon, and was able to steal Jonathan's body in this state)
- Self-Sustenance (Type 1; would survive at the bottom of the ocean locked in a coffin for approximately 100 years)
- Regeneration (High-Mid; His regenerative capabilities should be comparable to that of other vampires such as Straizo, who regenerated from being blown to pieces by grenades. By himself he was regenerating faster than fire was burning his body and easily healed after being vertically bisected by Jonathan)
- Body Control & Minor Elasticity (Can extend his veins)
- Genius Intelligence
- Necromancy (Capable of resurrecting the dead, even from presumably just skeletons)
- Biological Manipulation & Fusionism (He can fuse the bodies of others to create monstrous chimeras and transform living beings into zombies by inserting his vampiric essence into their systems)
- Heat Manipulation & Ice Manipulation (By vaporizing the moisture in his own body, he can drain the heat from others on contact, freezing them and inhibiting the flow of Hamon through his own body)
- Mind Manipulation (Hypnotized Poco and Jack the Ripper with eye contact)
- Water Manipulation (Can fire highly pressurized jets of liquid from his eyes)
All previous abilities, plus:
- Extrasensory Perception (Capable of seeing ghosts and souls among some other supernatural forces that are normally otherwise invisible)
- Likely Non-Physical Interaction (Ghosts, Incorporeality, Intangibility & Souls; Could interact with Stands on multiple occasions)
- Acrobatics (Hypermobility & Self-Momentum; Can make big jumps with flips and mobilize in the air)
- Regeneration (Mid; Due to Jonathan's body rejecting him, his regeneration has weakened, though is still capable of regenerating from a hole in his head)
- Telepathy (Spoke to Enrico Pucci despite not physically being present)
- Social Influencing (Charisma & Instigating Fear; Can drive others to swear loyalty to him or instill intense fear in people he just met with his presence and speech alone)
- Mind Manipulation (Can create flesh buds capable of implanting themselves inside a persons brain, forcing them to obey his commands)
- Aura (Fear-inducing; Besides the usual Stand Aura, DIO can emit an aura that causes those around him to get chills, become on edge and in some cases, stricken with a nauseating and crippling fear)
- Summoning (Of his Stands)
Hermit Purple #2:
- Elasticity
- Clairvoyance
- Technology Manipulation
- Mind Reading
- Selective Intangibility
- Incorporeality (Stands are the incorporeal manifestations of one's vital energy, and can only be harmed by other Stands)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Ghosts, Incorporeality, Intangibility & Souls; Stands can interact with ghosts and other Stands)
- Invisibility (Stands can only be seen by other Stands and Stand Users)
All previous abilities enhanced (DIO claims that after drinking Joestar blood this is the strongest he's been) plus:
- Regeneration (High-Mid; His regeneration has improved a considerable degree in terms of speed and potency)
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Superhuman Precision
- Enhanced Senses (Has the same precision capabilities as Star Platinum)
- Afterimage Creation (Capable of leaving numerous afterimages of its attacks, such as punches and kicks)
- Aura
- Time Stop (Can stop time for up to five seconds, allows DIO to stop time as well)
- Size Manipulation
- Selective Intangibility
- Incorporeality (Stands are the incorporeal manifestations of one's vital energy, and can only be harmed by other Stands)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Stands can interact with ghosts and other Stands)
- Invisibility (Stands can only be seen by other Stands and Stand Users)
- Flight (Within its effective range)
Resistance to:
- Pain Manipulation (Has suffered through extensive injuries and damage that would otherwise cause tremendous pain with little, if any issue)
Limited Resistance to:
- Time Stop (Can see and think within stopped time, as well as move at the cost of his own personal five second limit)
Attack Potency: Large Building level (Stated to be one of the most powerful beings in the verse, whether this applies to his Part 1 self or later on is unknown though. Furthered his power by drinking the blood of numerous innocents throughout the Part, to the point where even while casual, he was shown to be at least several times stronger than when he first turned, being stated to be 5 times stronger than Pre-Deep Pass Overdrive Jonathan and Will Anthonio Zeppeli combined.[Statistics Values 1] Much stronger than Tarkus, Bruford, Jack the Ripper and Wang Chan), higher with Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (Capable of effortlessly defeating Jonathan Joestar), can ignore conventional durability with Vaporization Freezing. | Likely Large Building level (Should be near to his peak during Part 1. Consistently deflected Emerald Splash, even with just one finger). At least Large Building level+ with The World (The World has overwhelming power with its physicals capabilities far exceeding Star Platinum's initial capabilities and completely matched it, with no other Stand managing to replicate such a feat throughout the entire series. Dio claimed it was the most powerful Stand which would include the likes of Whitesnake and the rest of his allies, stated to be one of the strongest Stand's in the whole world alongside Star Platinum and claimed to be one of the most powerful). | At least Large Building level (Much stronger than before due to Joseph Joestar's blood, claiming it was the most powerful that body has ever been. Overpowered Star Platinum, in conjunction with The World). At least Large Building level+ with The World (The more familiar DIO becomes with Jonathan's body, it's likely The World's fighting capabilities increase as well. Demonstrably stronger then he was initially against an enraged Star Platinum, even breaking through his guard at maximum output. With DIO, they overpowered Star Platinum)
Speed: Massively FTL (Should have around the same speed as his Stardust Crusaders self. Immensely superior to his minions[Statistics Values 2]) | Massively FTL (Could casually and consistently deflect the Emerald Splash multiple times, seeing it as if it was in slow motion. Stopped time after being skewered but seemingly before Silver Chariot could greatly damage him. Managed to react to an enraged Star Platinum's punch). At least Massively FTL with The World (Faster than an initial Star Platinum; Out-speeding him and matching him in a contest of speed and moreover surpassing him. DIO claimed his speed is far greater than that of Star Platinum and that he's slow comparatively) | At least Massively FTL reactions (At least equal, if not greater than he was before in regards to speed, blocked a strike from an enraged Star Platinum). At least Massively FTL with The World (His fighting capabilities likely increased and is faster than an enraged Star Platinum, having matched him and at maximum output he could cross-counter with Star Platinum at its peak)
Lifting Strength: At least Class K, possibly Class M (Superior to Tarkus[Statistics Values 3]) | At least Class K, likely Class M (Much stronger than he was before, claimed to be the strongest he's ever been) | At least Class K, possibly Class M with The World (Comparable to Star Platinum)
Striking Strength: Large Building level | Likely Large Building level, At least Large Building level+ with The World | At least Large Building level, At least Large Building level+ with The World
Durability: Large Building level (Should be able to withstand the power of his own attacks. Far more durable compared to Tarkus, could tank blows from Jonathan Joestar who's his equal) | Likely Large Building level (Should be near his peak during Part 1. Took only superfluous damage from Emerald Splash). At least Large Building level+ with The World (Capable of withstanding the force of his own blows explicitly. Matched Star Platinum's attacks and took hits from him. Just like Star Platinum, The World should outclass nearly any other Stand in durability) | At least Large Building level (His body is far stronger; Could tank multiple blows from an enraged Star Platinum, something he couldn't do previously against an even weaker Star Platinum), At least Large Building level+ (Much like DIO, The World's capabilities increased. Could now briefly match an enraged Star Platinum, something it couldn't do prior)
Stamina: Superhuman (Dio can keep on fighting even when badly injured) | Superhuman, but lower than before as he has gone nearly a century without proper nourishment and the body of Jonathan actively resists him | Superhuman (Claims that after drinking Joestar blood, this is the strongest he has felt)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters with Space Ripper Stingy Eyes | Standard Melee Range, Several Meters with The World (Its maximum range is 10 meters, though it weakens the further it strays from DIO), Hundreds of Meters with Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, at least Several Meters with throwing knives, High Universal with Time Stop (Due to manipulating time, it is a Range-Irrelevant ability that affects the whole world through all the space)
Standard Equipment: None notable | The World and a number of knives
- Optional Equipment: Steam Roller
Intelligence: Genius (Although he is arrogant and full of himself, Dio is a cunning, pragmatic opponent who is willing to do anything necessary to succeed in a fight, no matter how underhanded he has to be. He experiments with his powers, not just his vampiric ones but the limits of his Stand, pushing himself further and further in search of strength, which he uses to brutal effect in fights. With The World, DIO does not pull any punches, moving to finish fights as quickly as possible by stopping time and unleashing a lethal strike, though he can be goaded into actually fighting against an opponent. When fighting against Jotaro, DIO utilized everything at his disposal to defeat him, throwing knives at him from a safe distance to test the limits of his ability to move in stopped time before cautiously making sure he was dead. Even then, DIO's next move was to decapitate him anyway, just to be safe. Before he became a vampire, he was skilled in hand-to-hand combat and had knowledge in Law)
Weaknesses: Dio is very overconfident, and as a vampire, he will be disintegrated by sunlight and is vulnerable to light-based attacks (Of the Ultra Violet variety or those mimicking the sun or sunlight), which circumvent his regeneration | Same as before. Because Jonathan's body is rejecting him, his strength has diminished and he cannot use his vampiric powers to the same extent. Any damage dealt to The World will be reflected onto DIO, and the Stand weakens the further it moves from him to a limit of 10 meters away. Someone else with the ability to stop time may be able to think and move during The World's stopped time | Due to his new peak of power, DIO has become even more arrogant and psychotic in general temporarily.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: | ||||||
Notable Matchups
- J'zargo (The Elder Scrolls) J'zargo's Profile (Awakened DIO was used; Speed was equalized)
- Morbius (Marvel Comics) Morbius' Profile (Phantom Blood Dio was used. Battle took place inside Hotel Transylvania at 4:45 AM; Speed was equalized)
- Denji (Chainsaw Man) Denji's Profile (Phantom Blood Dio and Chainsaw Man Denji were used; Speed was equalized)
- Massimo Volpe (Purple Haze Feedback) Massimo's Profile (Phantom Blood Dio and Enhanced Massimo were used)
- Noriaki Kakyoin (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Kakyoin's Profile (Phantom Blood Dio was used; Speed was equalized)
- Nightwolf (Mortal Kombat) Nightwolf's Profile (Phantom Blood Dio was used; Speed was equalized)
- Risotto Nero (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Risotto's Profile (Phantom Blood Dio was used)
- Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Joseph's Profile (Phantom Blood Dio and Pre Training Joseph were used)
- Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) Scorpion's Profile (Phantom Blood Dio and High 8-C Scorpion were used; Speed was equalized; Battle took place in Dio's Castle)
- Blade (Marvel Comics) Blade's Profile (Daywalker Blade with standard equipment and Phantom Blood Dio were used. Speed was equalized)
Discussion threads involving Dio Brando |