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VS Battles Wiki


As it's already clear, in Digimon there's the Digital World and everything there is made of "data", of 0s and 1s. Of course due to the metaphysical nature of the Digital World, data in the Digital World is very complex and can represent lots of abstract things, but the idea that it's like the building blocks of digital existence is always there, with data being said to be like "atoms and molecules" by Gennai. The most interesting explanation was given by Duftmon, that explains the existence of "nanobyte-sized noise code found between the 0 and 1 code that all digital matter and energy is expressed" found. If we try to equate the "nanobyte-sized" into something more physical, the equivalent should be the nanometer as it's the scale that works with atoms and wavelength.

During the series a very common trope is "reducing the enemy into data", into 0s and 1s. Sometimes that data is absorbed by a Digimon, other times it's just released in the world and so on. Digimon Tamers is a series that focused a lot on the process of reducing things into data so that other Digimon could load that data into their bodies. The writer of the series, and basically the creator of the concept behind Tamers, is doing a series review of the episodes, talking about what happens in the episodes and explaining about the setting of Tamers. Konaka always mentions the moments when a Digimon is destroyed into data and is loaded, and after a few episodes, Konaka started using a very specif word in the context of data. In episode 14 he describes that as "being quantum destroyed" and since them, the words "quantum destroyed", "quantum level"n "quantum decay" and "quantized",have been used in nearly every single description of a data destruction scene. Konaka only reviewed up to episode 18 until now, but the amount of very clear references to quantum destruction is huge.

But of course, you might say "but this is just his personal blog released after the show ended, there's no evidence that it was called that during the show production". And in fact, there's a way to know. Konaka has released the script of the episodes that he wrote, and alongside the lines of each character, Konaka puts some notes on the setting and descriptions of what was happening. And in fact, even in the scripts the words "quantum destruction" and "quantized" are used to describe the data destruction scenes and the data from the scenes is directly called "quantum-decomposed data" (量子分解したデータ).

And for more evidence later in the series the Realization process is explained by Shibumi as being "Quantum Teleportation". It happens when data from the Digital World is transferred to the Rel World as "information energy" that is converted into mass using the D-Ark. if the use of "quantum" wasn't well explained before, this explanation makes very clear that Digimon are converted from pure quantum information energy into physical being with mass. If we want to, this could even be considered very clear mass-energy conversion.

Of course, Data in Digimon is already understood as being the basic block of existence in the Digital World. It's not like something will change because of that. The curious thing is how that seems to still be the case for "data" in the Real World. Taking at face value Duftmon's statement about 0s and 1s being the source of expression of all digital matter and energy, data in the Real World could still be the same thing and with the various statements of Data being "quantum-level particles", it really seems that is the case.

The most important detail is that "quantum destruction" happened with non-Digimon things, like the train that Sandiramon destroyed with a roar or the line maker that Evilmon destroyed with Nightmare Shock. As such I'll calculate how much energy they would need to release in order to really "destroy at the quantum level" said things.

Nightmare Shock reduces line marker into data

So I did my best to find something similar to what was used here, and turns out that it's in fact something very common.

The line marker has a mass of 2.3 kg and is made of steel. Now the big question is, what would "quantum destruction" be ? I looked into other franchises here and it seems that "quantum destruction" is commonly accepted as sub-atomic destruction or smaller. So I think that using the values from the Sub-atomic destruction table would work.

However, since data is the "most basic block that makes up all of matter and energy" then it could also be something much smaller such as the destruction of protons and neutrons in even smaller quacks or even smaller. As already showed, data comes from pure information energy that is converted into mass, if the Digimon are destroying this mass back into quantized data, then it could be considered a mass-energy feat. Since it starts as basic sub-atomic destruction and ends with mass-energy conversion I decided to use only two ends.

Low-end (Sub-atomic destruction) The value of sub-atomic destruction for steel, going from the sources of the table, is 8.50457201e11 j/g. The value in the table is in j/cm^3, but since I only have the mass of steel (2300 g) I multiplied it by the density in the source.

Energy = 8.50457201e11 * 2300 = 1.95605156e15 Joules.

This is only for the steel, the marker can also have space for 7.5kg of Calcium carbonate or 3.7 kg of slaked lime (Calcium hydroxide) and that could rise the value by a bit. However we don't know how much of any of those two were in the marker (And we don't have values for them for a quick calc, and I don't have the time to find them), so even this value is an even more lower-end.

High-end (Mass-energy conversion)

Energy = 2.3 * c^2 = 2.3 * (299792458)^2 = 2.06713691e17 joules

Sandiramon's roar quantumly destroys train cars

In the scene above, it's implied that the event happened in the Wakamatsu-kawada Station that is part of the Toei Ōedo Line. The trains that are used there are from the Toei 12-000 series. There are 8 cars and the total mass would be:

25.5 + 25.9 + 25.8 + 25.9 + 25.9 + 25.8 + 25.9 + 25.7 = 206.4 t = 206400 kg

As shown in the gifs, the entire train is destroyed so using the full value should correct. I'll use the sub-atomic value for Aluminium (as most trans are made of Aluminium-alloys) and use 2.172E12 j/cc. Of course as I only have the mass I used the original source to find the value in j/g that is 8.04444444e11 j/g

Low-end (Sub-atomic destruction): Energy = 8.04444444e11 * 206400 * 1000 = 1.6603733e+20 Joules

High-end (Mass-energy conversion): Energy = 206400 * (299792458)^2 = 1.8550307e+22 joules


  • Evilmon destroys line maker:
    • Low-end: 1.95605156e15 Joules; High 7-C + (Large Town +)
    • High-end: 2.06713691e17 joules; Low 7-B + (Small City +)
  • Sandiramon destroys a train:
    • Low-end: 1.6603733e+20 Joules; 6-C (Island)
    • High-end: 1.8550307e+22 joules;Low 6-B+ (Small Country)

Any other assumption of "quantum destruction" as between the sub-atomic values or the mass-energy ones would just be too much work for a not very big difference, and I think that the statements aren't that full of explanations for something that specific.

Even if the calculations aren't accepted, the content on Digimon affecting the world in the quantum level should still be considered, although I think it could fit another blog on its own.
