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VS Battles Wiki


Deinosuchus is an extinct genus of crocodilian related to the modern alligator that lived 82 to 73 million years ago, during the late Cretaceous period. The name translates as "terrible crocodile" and is derived from the Greek deinos (δεινός), "terrible", and soukhos (σοῦχος), "crocodile". The first remains were discovered in North Carolina (United States) in the 1850s; the genus was named and described in 1909.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: Deinosuchus Rugosus

Origin: Real Life

Gender: Male or Female

Age: Varies on individual

Classification: Ancient Creatures, Ancient Crocodyliform

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Skilled in stealth and Natural Weaponry (Teeth)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Far bigger and possibly stronger than a Saltwater Crocodile, was one of the largest Crocodyliform to have ever existed)

Speed: Likely Below Average Human on land, Peak Human in the water (Comparable to a Saltwater Crocodile)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Usually hunted and fought some Dinosaurs)

Striking Strength: Wall Class

Durability: Wall level

Stamina: High (Should be able to fight similarly to a Saltwater Crocodile)

Range: Several meters by sheer size

Standard Equipment: Teeth, tail

Intelligence: Animalistic.

Weaknesses: Possibly slow speed on land, likely plagued by lactic acid after long physical activity


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
