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No blood can be spilled in this holy place. Our time will come. If you survive, I will be waiting in the city of Immora.
~ Davoth challenges the Slayer after the latter's failed attempt to execute him in the Luminarium

You bring violence and war to thwart the Dark Realm, but conflict was born in Hell. It is inevitable... a fire that fuels creation and gives purpose where there is none. Stand and fight, Slayer. Honor your true God. Fight and show me your purpose.
~ Davoth to the Doom Slayer

You feel you are prepared now, for this...?
~ Davoth taunting the Slayer from within his life sphere


Davoth (The Dark Lord) is the supreme ruler of the realm of Hell; he serves as the main antagonist of Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods and by extension, the entire Doom series.

When the void first appeared, Davoth alone swept across it. New realities bloomed where he lingered, the first being Jekkad. The world of Jekkad (later known as Hell) prospered under the guidance of their leader Davoth. He longed to solve the riddle of immortality for his people - an ability only he possessed. His efforts met with failure, as mortal flesh could not sustain the undying spirit. Using his unrivaled power, he crafted the Maykr race to find the solution, their machine minds working in unison. Davoth created Urdak and forged Vega to steward the realm. Davoth was obsessed in his effort to eliminate death from the world of Jekkad. When the Maykrs discovered the secret of immortality, they deemed the knowledge too dangerous to share, for, in their judgment, Davoth had come to be seen as an eventual threat to all life. The Maykrs acted in secret and worked quickly to seal Jekkad away, and Davoth with it. Enraged, Davoth became the Dark Lord as vengeance and hatred consumed him and his world, transforming it into Hell.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 1-C | Unknown

Key: Physical Body | Incorporeal Form

Name: Davoth, The Dark Lord

Origin: DOOM

Gender: Male

Age: Predates creation

Classification: God/Supreme Ruler of Hell, Primeval

Powers and Abilities:

Keeps his Mind Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness and Fate Manipulation, unknown about everything else. Incorporeality & Omnipresence

Attack Potency: Complex Multiverse level (He was the primordial being of the void,[1] capable of molding said void into his creations.[2] The void contained the multiple infinite-sized multiversal structures Davoth created. The entire structure of Hell was created as only a part of himself.[3] Hell is unlimited by the boundaries of space, time, or dimension. Hell itself is a living thing, an entity possessing certain undeniable sentience. Hell connects to worlds with pathways of darkness transcending space and time[4][Statistics Values 1]) | Unknown (Is far weaker thanks to not having a physical form, but it is said that he still has a powerful influence.[5] How potent this "influence" is exactly is unknown)

Speed: Immeasurable (Could contend with TAG Doom Slayer. Should be comparable in speed to the Seraphs) | Omnipresent (Exists throughout the infinite multiverse, Urdak, and Hell)

Lifting Strength: At least Class G (Could knock around the Doom Slayer) | Unknown

Striking Strength: Complex Multiverse level[Statistics Values 1] | Unknown

Durability: Complex Multiverse level[Statistics Values 1] | Unknown

Stamina: Infinite (Comparable to The Doom Slayer and the demons of Hell. The demons of Hell have limitless aggression and are tireless beings[6]) | Unknown

Range: Complex Multiversal[Statistics Values 1] | Complex Multiversal[Statistics Values 1]

Standard Equipment: Energy Sword, Armor, and Shield | None notable

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius, likely Supergenius (Helped develop the advanced, futuristic city of Immora. Should also be comparable, if not superior to the likes of Samur Maykr, who is comparable to the Maykrs who have created advanced dimensional shift technology that allows them to change their position in relation to Hell on a sub-quantum level, as he helped him in guiding the creation The Divinity Machine, a machine from a race of beings[7] with transcendent technology[8] designed to infuse beings[9] with Davoth's essence[10] and can be used to see every possible future with omniscient, inextricable clarity[11])

Weaknesses: None notable | Lacks a physical form, making him unable to interact with the physical realm and is far weaker then when he has a physical body



Notable Matchups





  1. Book of the Seraphs - Part I
  2. Book of the Seraphs - Part II
  3. DOOM Eternal: Hugo Martin's Game Director Playthrough - Ch. 5 Super Gore Nest
  4. The Art Of Doom Eternal - Chapter 3 - Hell
  5. Story of Hell - The Tainted Prophecy
  6. DOOM II RPG - Computer Note
  7. Story of Hell - The False Salvation
  8. The Art Of Doom Eternal - Chapter 3 - Urdak
  9. Story of Hell - The Seed of Doubt
  10. Story of Hell - The Rise of the Slayer
  11. 11.0 11.1 Story of the Sentinels - The Divinity Machine
  12. Doom Eternal - Final Boss
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Art Of Doom Eternal - Chapter 5 - Demon VS. Slayer
  14. History of the Sentinels - Part VI


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 6-D


Discussion threads involving Davoth