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VS Battles Wiki
Darth Sion render by HIT IT
I hate you because you are beautiful to me, and in that weakness lies death.
~ Darth Sion to Meetra Surik

Powers and Stats

Tier: 5-B

Name: Darth Sion

Origin: Star Wars (Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords)

Gender: Male

Age: At least in his 50s by the Dark Wars

Classification: Human, Sith Lord

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Precognition, Force enhanced reflexes/reactions, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Various lightsaber combat skills, Extremely high pain tolerance, Regeneration (At least Low-Mid, possibly High-Mid, via Force Healing), Sever Force

Attack Potency: Planet level (Fought Meetra Surik, and assisted in draining Darth Traya of the Force)

Speed: Relativistic. FTL combat speed and reactions (Battled Meetra Surik, who was Revan's lieutenant and was later trained by Darth Traya)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human. Superhuman with Force Amplification (Was able to move around in Malachor V's artificial gravity well at high speeds)

Striking Strength: Planet level with Force Amplification

Durability: Street level naturally. Planet level with Force Amplification (Was considered difficult, if not impossible, to kill at a time when both Darth Nihilus and Darth Traya lived. Meetra Surik had to use Dun Möch to convince him to die. Survived getting Force Crushed by Darth Traya)

Stamina: Very high

Range: Stellar (Per the Force Secret "Distant Power")

Standard Equipment: Lightsaber

Intelligence: Prefers to act, not think

Weaknesses: None notable (Though he can be persuaded out of living)

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Dark Side Regeneration: Sion constantly draws upon the Dark Side to hold himself together, with the side effect of constant, intense pain (which doesn't seem to bother him). He also uses this ability to pull himself back together when wounded, making him very, very hard to kill.
  • Force Drain: Sion drains the life from his opponents and adds it to his own.
  • Sever Force: Cuts a Force User off from the Force, used to strip his former master, Darth Traya, of the Force. It should be noted that Traya was powerful enough that both Sion and Nihilus had to hit her with the technique to strip her of her power.

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Darth Sion