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Dark Souls Logo (Render)
Prepare to Die.
~ Series' slogan


Dark Souls (ダークソウル Dāku Sōru) is an action role-playing video game series developed by FromSoftware and published by Namco Bandai Games for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows. A spiritual successor to FromSoftware's Demon's Souls, Dark Souls began development under the working title of Project Dark. The first game was self-published and released in Japan in September 2011, and worldwide by Namco Bandai Games the following month.

In August 2012, the "Prepare to Die" edition of Dark Souls was released for PC, featuring additional content previously unavailable to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 users. In October 2012, the other material from the PC version was published as downloadable content for consoles under the title Artorias of the Abyss. Dark Souls takes place in the fictional kingdom of Lordran. Players assume the role of a cursed undead character who begins a pilgrimage out of the Undead Asylum to discover the fate of the Undead.

Dark Souls II was released in March of 2014. Although set in the same universe as its predecessor, it lacks a direct story connection to the original game. Taking place in the Kingdom of Drangleic, the game features both player versus environment (PvE) and player versus player (PvP) play, in addition to having some co-op components. As in the earlier games in the series, it again features challenging gameplay, but with a more powerful graphics engine and more advanced AI system.

The final game in the series, Dark Souls III, was released in March of 2016. Set in the Kingdom of Lothric, a bell has rung to signal that the First Flame, responsible for prolonging the Age of Fire, is dying out. As has happened many times before, the coming of the Age of Dark produces the undead, cursed beings that rise after death. The Age of Fire can be prolonged with the linking of the fires, a ritual in which great lords and heroes sacrifice their souls to kindle the First Flame. However, Prince Lothric (the person chosen to link the fire this time) has abandoned his duty and instead decides to watch the flame die from afar. The bell is the last hope for the Age of Fire, raising previous Lords of Cinder, heroes who have linked the flame across eons to attempt to link the fire again. However, all but one Lord abandon their thrones rather than linking the fire again. The Ashen One rises and must return three other previous Lords of Cinder, as well as Prince Lothric, back to their thrones in the Firelink Shrine to link the flame. The Lords include the Abyss Watchers, a group of warriors sworn to protect the land from the abyss and linked by a single soul; Yhorm the Giant, who was once a conqueror of the very people for whom he then sacrificed his life, and Saint Aldrich, who was forced to become a Lord of Cinder despite an enjoyment of consuming both men and gods.

Power of the Verse

While the power of Dark Souls may not be immediately apparent, it is by no means a weak verse. Even the weakest of demons can generate enough energy to level a City Block through pure physical might, whereas the higher-tiered characters sit around Island to Large Island level. The Lords, through magic and physical might (With the likes of Seath crushing the scales of Everlasting Dragons in his hands) and the top tier of the verse can achieve Star level yields. The god tiers such as the Ashen One and the Soul of Cinder are Star level to possibly Large Star level.

In terms of speed, the most consistent reaction speeds sit around Supersonic.

For hax and other assorted abilities, Dark Souls has the likes of Soul Stealing/Absorption, Elemental Manipulation (Of your generic 4 classic elements variety), Flight and Levitation, the ability to rapidly age matter through some form of aura miasma, Immortality, Poison Manipulation, minor forms of Healing and Regeneration, and Magic.


Knowledgeable Members







Chosen Undead Bearer of the Curse Ashen One
The Undead The Hollow The Unkindled
Chosen Undead Bearer of the Curse Ashen One

Great Lords

Great Lords
Great Lord Gwyn Gravelord Nito Bed of Chaos Furtive Pygmy
Lord of Light Lord of the Dead Lord of Life Lord of Dark
Gwyn Nito The Witch of Izalith Furtive Pygmy

Old Ones
Old Iron King The Lost Sinner The Rotten The Duke's Dear Freja
Old King Soul Old Witch Soul Old Dead One's Soul Old Paledrake Soul
Old Iron King The Lost Sinner The Rotten The Duke's Dear Freja

Lords of Cinder
Soul of Cinder
Guardian of the Flame
Soul of Cinder
The Abyss Watchers Yhorm the Giant Aldrich, Devourer of Gods Ludleth of Courland
Farron's Undead Legion The Lonely Ruler Devourer of Gods The Exiled
The Abyss Watchers Yhorm Aldrich Ludleth


Gwyn's Progeny
Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight Dark Sun Gwyndolin The Nameless King Crossbreed Priscilla
Princess of Sunlight The Dark Sun Gwyn's Firstborn The Crossbreed
Gwynevere Gwyndolin The Nameless King Priscilla
Filianore Company Captain Yorshka Dancer of the Boreal Valley Lothric and Lorian
Gwyn's Youngest Company Captain Outrider Knight The Twin Princes
Filianore Yorshka Dancer Lothric and Lorian

Four Knights of Gwyn
Dragonslayer Ornstein Artorias the Abysswalker Lord's Blade Ciaran Hawkeye_Gough
The Dragonslayer The Abysswalker The Lord's Blade The Hawkeye
Ornstein Artorias Ciaran Gough

Executioner Smough Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth Silver Knights Silver Knight Ledo
The Executioner Mother of Rebirth The Royal Guard The Eccentric
Smough Rosaria Silver Knights Ledo
Black Knights Vordt of the Boreal Valley Shira, Knight of Filianore
Demon Hunters Of the Boreal Valley Knight of Filianore
Black Knights Vordt Shira


Oscar of Astora Solaire of Astora Big Hat Logan Siegmeyer of Catarina
The Fateless Warrior of Sunlight Old Big Hat The Adventurer
Oscar Solaire Logan Siegmeyer
Darkmoon Knightess Knight Lautrec of Carim Black Iron Tarkus Havel the Rock
Blade of the Darkmoon The Embraced Black Iron The Rock
Knightess Lautrec Tarkus Havel
Patches Paladin Leeroy Xanthous King Jeremiah Shiva of the East
The Hyena Way of White Paladin Xanthous King Forest Hunter
Patches Paladin Leeroy Jeremiah Shiva
Pinwheel Witch Beatrice Sieglinde of Catarina Ingward
The Necromancer The Witch Knight of Catarina Guardian of the Seal
Pinwheel Beatrice Sieglinde Ingward
Crestfallen Warrior Laurentius of the Great Swamp Griggs of Vinheim Petrus of Thorolund
Hopeless Pyromancer of the Great Swamp Logan's Apprentice Way of White Cleric
Crestfallen Warrior Laurentius Griggs Petrus
Kirk, Knight of Thorns Oswald of Carim Marvelous Chester
Knight of Thorns Sin Absolver Time Displaced
Kirk Oswald Marvelous Chester

King Vendrick Lucatiel of Mirrah Aldia, Schloar of the First Sin Velstadt, The Royal Aegis
King of Drangleic Knight of Mirrah Scholar of the First Sin The Royal Aegis
Vendrick Lucatiel Aldia Velstadt
The Pursuer Prowling Magus and Congregation Dragonrider Throne Watcher and Throne Defender
Sin Attonement The Warlock Elite Knights of Vendrick Throne Guardians
The Pursuer Prowling Magus and Congregation Dragonrider Throne Watcher and Throne Defender
Sir Alonne Burnt Ivory King Loyce Knights Creighton the Wanderer
Of the East The Burnt Eleum Loyce Guard The Wanderer
Sir Alonne Ivory King Loyce Knights Creighton
Benhart of Jugo Captain Drummond Carhillion of the Fold Sellsword Luet
Knight of Jugo Drangleic Captain Sorcerer of the Fold Sellsword
Benhart Drummond Carhillion Luet
Pilgrim Bellclaire Steelheart Ellie Masterless Glencour Lone Hunter Schmidt
Pilgrim Steelheart Masterless Lone Hunter
Bellclaire Ellie Glencour Schmidt
Ashen Knight Boyd Abbess_Feeva Drifter Swordsman Aidel Vengarl of Forossa
Ashen Knight Abbess Drifter Swordsman Warrior of Forossa
Boyd Feeva Aidel Vengarl
Steel-Willed Lorrie Old Dragonslayer Looking Glass Knight Licia of Lindeldt
Steel-Willed Dragonslayer Copy Mirror Knight Priest of of Lindeldt
Lorrie Old Dragonslayer Looking Glass Knight Licia
Titchy Gren Straid of Olaphis Rosabeth of Melfia Felkin the Outcast
Brotherhood of Blood Masked Sorcerer Pyromancer of Melfia The Outcast
Titchy Gren Straid Rosabeth Felkin
Devotee Scarlett

Anri of Astora Horace the Hushed Orbeck of Vinheim Sirris of the Sunless Realms
Knight of Astora The Hushed Sorcerer of Vinheim Knight of the Sunless Realms
Anri Horace Orbeck Sirris
Champion Gundyr Siegward of Catarina Sister Friede Sir Vilhelm
The Champion Knight of Catarina The Blackflame Hangman of Londor
Gundyr Siegward Elfriede Vilhelm
Slave Knight Gael Ringed Knights Father Ariandel Champion's Gravetender
The Slave Knight Ringed City Guard The Father Champion's Gravetender
Gael Ringed Knights Ariandel Champion's Gravetender
Crystal Sage Deacons of the Deep Halflight, Spear of the Church Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild
Twin Sorcerers Aldrich's Devotees Spear of the Church Daughter of Crystal
Crystal Sage Deacons of the Deep Halflight Kriemhild
Livid Pyromancer Dunnel Black Hand Kamui Black Hand Gotthard Ringfinger Leonhard
Livid Pyromancer Black Hand Black Hand Rosaria's Faithful
Dunnel Kamui Gotthard Leonhard
Sword Master Yellowfinger Heysel Eygon of Carim Holy Knight Hodrick
The Master Yellowfinger Guardian of Irina Holy Knight
Sword Master Heysel Eygon Hodrick
Lion Knight Albert Knight Slayer Tsorig Yuria of Londor Hawkwood the Deserter
Lion Knight Knight Slayer Mentor of the Sable Church The Deserter
Albert Tsorig Yuria Hawkwood
Cornyx of the Great Swamp Greirat of the Undead Settlement
Of the Great Swamp The Thief
Cornyx Greirat

Demons and Kin

Children of Chaos
Chaos Witch Quelaag Ceaseless Discharge Quelana of Izalith Grana of Izalith
Chaos Witch Son of Chaos Mother of Pyromancy Daughter of Chaos
Quelaag Ceaseless Discharge Quelana Grana

Greater Demons
Demon Firesage Centipede Demon Demon of Song Old Demon King
Last Master of the Fire Arts Orange Charred Ring Shrine of Amana Last Demon of Izalith
Demon Firesage Centipede Demon Demon of Song Old Demon King
Demon Prince
Demon from Below
Demon Prince

Lesser Demons
Asylum Demon Capra Demon Taurus Demon Stray Demon
Asylum Gatekeeper Goat Demon Bull Demon Hidden Asylum Gatekeeper
Asylum Demon Capra Demon Taurus Demon Stray Demon
Batwing Demon Titanite Demon Covetous Demon Smelter Demon
Emissary of the Gods Demon Titanite Unrequited Love Old Iron Demon
Batwing Demon Titanite Demon Covetous Demon Smelter Demon

The Abyss

The Abyss
Manus, Father of the Abyss The Four Kings Darkwraith Knights Fume Knight
Father of the Abyss Kings of New Londo New Londo Guard Fume Knight
Manus Four Kings Darkwraith Knights Raime
Nashandra Elana, the Squalid Queen Nadalia, Bride of Ash Alsanna, Silent Oracle
Queen of Drangleic The Squalid Queen Bride of Ash Silent Oracle
Nashandra Elana Nadalia Alsanna
Bloatheads Murkmen White-Faced Locusts Harald Legion Knights
Township of Oolacile Dregs of Man White Preachers Bloated Humanity
Bloatheads Murkmen Locusts Harald Legion Knights
High Lord Wolnir Karla Darklurker
High Lord of Carthus Child of the Abyss Dark Chasm of Old
Wolnir Karla Darklurker

Everlasting Dragons

True Dragons
Seath the Scaleless Black Dragon Kalameet Sinh Darkeater Midir
The Duke Black Dragon The Slumbering Dragon The Darkeater
Seath the Scaleless Kalameet Sinh Midir

Dragon Descendants
Ancient Wyvern King of the Storm Hellkite Drake Gaping Dragon
Descendant of Dragons The Stormdrake Bridge Dragon Corrupted Descendant
Ancient Wyvern King of the Storm Hellkite Drake Gaping Dragon

Dragon Offshoots
Ancient Dragon Oceiros, the Consumed King Undead Dragon Undead Dragon
False Deity The Consumed King Zombie Dragon Water Dragon
Ancient Dragon Oceiros Undead Dragon Hydra


Iron Golem (Dark Souls) Great Grey Wolf Sif Moonlight Butterfly Sanctuary Guardian
Sen's Fortress Guardian Great Grey Wolf Seath's Creation Guardian Manticore
Iron Golem Sif Moonlight Butterfly Sanctuary Guardian
Bell Gargoyles Hollows
Guardians of the Bell of Awakening The Undead
Bell Gargoyles Hollows

Executioner's Chariot Giant Lord Ruin Sentinels Lud and Zallen, the King's Pets
Undead Tormenter The Last Giant Animated Armor The King's Pets
Executioner's Chariot Giant Lord Ruin Sentinels Lud and Zallen
Scorpioness Najka Flexile Sentry Mytha, the Baneful Queen The Skeleton Lords
The Scorpioness Dungeon Sentry The Baneful Queen Undead Hunters
Najka Flexile Sentry Mytha The Skeleton Lords
Royal Rat Authority Royal Rat Vanguard Aava, the King's Pet Manscorpion Tark
Trial of the Rat King Rat King's Army The King's Pet Manscorpion
Royal Rat Authority Royal Rat Vanguard Aava Tark
Grave Warden Agdayney
Grave Warden

Pontiff Sulyvahn Dragonslayer Armour Curse-rotted Greatwood
The Pontiff Memory of the Hunt Undead Spirit Tree
Sulyvahn Dragonslayer Armour Curse-rotted Greatwood



Discussion threads involving Dark Souls