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Dark Schneider is the main protagonist of Bastard!!, and is the self-proclaimed greatest wizard in the universe. 15 years ago, he leaded an army of thousands, alongside his adjutants, "The Riders of Havoc" (consisting of Arshes Nei, Abigail, Gara, and Kall-Su). However, he was defeated by Lars Ul Meta-Licana, the prince of Metallicana, but he escaped death by using his dark arts to reincarnate himself in the body of a young child, Lucien Renlen. However, Geo Soto Noto, the head priest of Metallicana, sealed Dark Schneider's spirit so that it would not resurface within the young boy.
After an all-out war erupted to break the seals of Anthrax, the high priest ordered that Dark Schneider be unleashed into the world once more to conquer it.
Powers and Stats
Tier: High 6-B to High 6-A | Unknown, likely 5-C | 4-B | 3-C, 3-B via Reactive Power Level | 3-B, likely higher
Key: Pre-Timeskip | Base Post-Timeskip | Majin Dark Schneider | Dragon Knight Lucifer | Adam of Darkness
Name: Dark Schneider, Darsh, Dark Messiah
Origin: Bastard!!
Age: Over 400 years
Gender: Male
Classification: Human Magician / Artificial Being / Adam of Darkness / Deity
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Enhanced Senses
- Extrasensory Perception (Scales to various characters such as Gara, who could sense magic, energy or ki)
- Magic (Is the greatest wizard of all time, his Magic capacity far exceeded any mortal conception)
- Flight
- Aura (Releases an aura that causes others to tremble)
- Acid Manipulation
- Air Manipulation
- Darkness Manipulation
- Earth Manipulation
- Electricity Manipulation
- Energy Manipulation
- Fire Manipulation
- Ice Manipulation
- Sleep Manipulation
- Curse Manipulation (With Accused DS bestow a curse on someone)
- Duplication
- Deconstruction (Jude the Priest destroyson an atomic level)
- BFR (With Black Sabbath)
- Sealing, Power Nullification, Purification, Soul Manipulation and Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; DS's demon sealing spell sucks out the power of other demons and then exorcises them, which will also destroy the soul of the victim should they try to struggle)
- Space-Time Manipulation, possibly Void Manipulation and Existence Erasure (His space-time distortion magic crush the opponent to nothing)
- Resistance Negation (His spell worked on demons, who are resistant to magic. Killed an undead despite its wearing The Demonic Armor)
- Power Mimicry (The enchanted power from the 3 demon lords helped DS to imitate most powerful spells of Havoc Riders)
- Matter Manipulation and Temperature Manipulation (Can accelerate electrons to create indefinitely high heat. With the demon lords' enchanted, he could use the ultimate freezing spell of Kall-su, which froze everything on the way to sub-atomic level)
- Summoning (Can summon starving souls from Hell)
- Accelerated Development (His power grew fast after each battle)
- Reactive Evolution (His regenerative power leveled up just by fighting)
- Healing (Constantly restore his stamina and wounds at a much faster rate than a normal person)
- Teleportation (Could teleport to dodge attacks)
- Pain Tolerance (Endure extreme pain while still releasing a powerful aura)
- Astral Projection (DS sent Lucien as an astral projection)
- Dream Manipulation (Entered Arshes's dream)
- Piloting (Was riding his golem)
- Power Absorption (With Enchanters, he sealed the defeated demon gods into his body and stole their powers)
- Pressure Points (What he did to stimulate Porno)
- Telepathy (Can communicate via thoughts)
- 4th wall break (Awares that he is the main character of a shounen manga)
- Immortality Negation (Type 9; killed Ede, whose body exist on two planes of existence simultaneously)
All the previous on a much higher degree, has general abilities of high level demons, including the following:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Abstract Existence
- Intangibility (Angels/Devils are spiritual in nature and do not possess a material body.[1] They are primarily composed of Spirit (Astral Body),[2] which turns out to be a being's emotions[3] and consciousness, and Soul (Ideal Body) which is independent archetype making up a being's inviduality. Can also phase through materials[4])
- Avatar Creation
- True Flight
- Non-Physical Interaction (The battle of Angels/Devils involves destroying not only each other's physical but also Astral as well as Ideal bodies.[5] They have shown to be capable of harming each other casually)
- Astral Projection (The Astral Body is independent of the Material Body and can act separately even after the physical body's death[6])
- Extrasensory Perception and Enhanced Senses (Could sense Lucien's presence, who is just a spirit[7])
- Possession (Since angels/devils are non-corporeal initially, to manifest into the material world would require a vessel to contain them.[8] Can also possesses ones that have their mind or soul destroyed by him[9])
- Shapeshifting (Can change their bodies to different forms such as shields, swords...)
- Body Control (As shown by Konron and Beelzebub)
- Blessed (As residents of the Heaven, angels are blessed/give protection from Heaven and the love of God. Devils should have the same features being residents of Hell and the fact that they have their own God)
- Empowerment (Non-combat applicable)
- Paralysis Inducement (As shown by Michael, angels can make others incapable of moving just by willing it)
- Illusion Creation (Even low-tier demons are capable of creating hallucinations)
- Telepathy (Devils are capable of mind reading. They can also communicate via sending telepathic messages)
- Passive Fear Manipulation (Just by looking at low-level demons can fill the victim's soul with fear)
- Magic (Angels/Devils are adept magic users, high-level ones can even cast spell with just normal movements. Can utilize most spells of the verse comfortably[10])
- Projection Energy, Energy Manipulation, Soul manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1) and Summoning (The basis of magic is calling upon the power from the Spirit Realm to control supernatural forces[11])
- Fusionism (Capable of fusing into one being)
- Dimensional Travel (In various ways. As messengers of God, angels occasionally manifest themselves from Astral Plane(Heaven/Hell) to the Material Plane. Even low-level demons can escape from Hell to Human world)
- Portal Creation (High-ranked beings could casually break the dimensional boundary through sheer force)
- Immense Pain Tolerance, Longevity, andImmortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9: Exists prior to the creation of the universe,[12] do not have a Physical body.[13] Konron managed to survive with just his head for several chapters, Angels/Devils in-general survived with vital wounds. Can endlessly regenerate on different levels of existence as long as her Eternal Atoms don't get destroyed.[14] Astral bodies can come back to the Astral Plane after the Physical one is destroyed.[15] Can possess and active in Material Plane through a vessel. Angels/Devils nature resides in the Astral plane, which is a different plane of existence, a separate dimension isolated from the material plane,[16] which is the Physical universe/Human world)
- Limited Toon Force
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 2: Angels could travel in space with ease. Survived being sealed in absolute ice for aeons)
- Matter Manipulation and Vector Manipulation (Scales above Power-rank angels who govern the movement of particles)
- Law Manipulation and Physics Manipulation (Scales above Virtue-rank angels who govern the physical laws of the universe)
- Limited Size Manipulation (Is above Angels of Virtue-rank who can change the size of their body[17])
- Electricity Manipulation (Could fire lightning bolts that reached up to 870k Celsius degrees)
- Transmutation (Devils could easily turn a human into slime)
- Time Stop (As shown by Lucien in his weakened state, high-ranked beings can create a space where time is stopped[18])
- Possibly Pocket Space Creation (Seraphim-rank angels are said to have a deep connection to the creation of space[19])
- Transformation (Angels/Devils can metamorphose into higher ranks, they are also able to''fall'', can also transform to Augoeides)
- Spatial Manipulation (Scaling above Anthrax who is actually a Dominion-rank angel:[20][21] Can distort space to prevent attacks from hitting her)
- Empathic Manipulation and Corruption (Can amplify negative emotions and turn the victim into her minion[22]), BFR (BFR'ed DS into a sealed dimension that required an energy output equal to Big bang to open in 1/6 nanosecond[23][24][25])
- Soul/Concept Absorption (Can consume souls as well as negative emotions)
- Passive Soul/Mind Control (The instant Abigail came into contact with Anthrax, he had his soul/concept and mind controlled by her)
- Teleportation
- Reactive Evolution (Constantly evolved to get pass the defense system of Ten wise man)
- Multilocation (Eternal Atoms which constructed all of the Body, Spirit/Mind and Soul/Concept exist simultaneously on separate dimensions/planes of existence)
- Regeneration (High, up to Mid-Godly: Via Eternal Atoms, high-rank beings can reconstruct/regenerate on Material, Astral and Conceptual level) Regeneration (Up to Mid-Godly) and Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9) Negation (Battles between High-rank beings level involves destroying each other's Eternal Atoms, their attacks also nullify EA's regeneration)
- Existence Erasure and Causality Manipulation (Capable of annihilating EA, which means to utterly destroy the Physical, Astral and Ideal body and would lead to the soul's existence being erased from the law of cause and effect[26])
- Statistics Amplification, Reactive Power Level and Reactive Evolution (Had a 1000x power boost at the beginning of his battle with DS. The battle between the two involved rising up the energy levels, as well as constantly breaking their natural limits until they were capable of destroying each other.[27] The more they hate, the stronger they become,[28] these negative emotions (such as hatred, anger,...) were what led to the increase in their spiritual energy[29])
- Madness Manipulation (Type 3; His battle against Uriel had effects on both the surrounding environment and creatures. DS also passively caused others to feel his sadness and induced absolute terror in everyone and even made trees emit toxins)
- Possibly Enhanced Existence Erasure and Regeneration Negation (Mid-Godly; Via Judas Priest)
- Resistance Negation (Evolved so that his normal attacks could negate someone who resisted Judas Priest)
- Darkness Manipulation (With Dark Kain)
- Passive Matter/Magic Absorption and Attack Reflection (The activated Judas Pain constantly absorbs surrounding matter as well as is capable of absorbing and reflecting spells)
- Summoning and Portal Creation (Used Judas Pain to summon DKL from a different dimension), (Souls in Bastard!! are inherently conceptual elements of existence that are free from reality itself)
Resistance to:
- Magic (Angels are highly resistant to most magical attacks/spells)
- Time-Space Manipulation (Can fly near the Black Abyss, which traps even time and distort itself, is able to move normally in a time-stop space.[30] Astral bodies are unbound by time and space)
- Physics Manipulation (The soul does not obey the laws of physics[31])
- Gravity Manipulation and Deconstruction (Could move near Black Abyss/Black hole, whose gravity is so great that it can annihilate all surrounding matters[32])
- Sealing, Power Nullification, Purification and Soul Manipulation (Could render DS's demon sealing spell which sucks out the power of other demons and then exorcises them, which will also destroy the soul of the victim should they try to struggle, completely useless. High-level beings are mass of dense magic themselves, even their normal attacks contain magic, which has shown to be able to clash directly with Dispel Bounds)
- Resistance Negation (High-level beings resisted the sealing spell that worked on lower-level demons who are already resistant towards magic[33])
- Fear Manipulation, Mind Control, and Body Puppetry (High-level ones can easily resist being controlled)
- Empathic Manipulation, Pain Manipulation and Existence Erasure (Was continuously enduring the side effect of 7 Judas Pain which consumes/erases the body and soul of the user to nothingness while inducing the pain on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Even the Demon Lords themselves avoid using 1 at a time)
Same as before, plus:
- Fusionism (Attached himself to the DKL)
- Empowerment (DKL takes its user's emotional/spiritual energy as the main source of power)
- Pain Manipulation (Can suppress extreme pain)
- Black Hole Creation and Gravity Manipulation (Giranira creates a mini black hole that allows absorbing attacks thanks to its intensive gravity)
- Dimensional Travel (Could use dimensional leap)
- Attack Reflection (Can reflect all the damage received back to the attacker)
- Resistance to Void Manipulation (Collided directly with Uriel's Augoeides that was covered with dark matter)
Same as before, plus:
- Regeneration (High-Godly; having abused Judas Pain & DKL, DS's body and soul/concept vanished, and his very existence was destroyed. He could still come back, however)
- Creation and Resurrection (Brought back Amrael to life, who has been killed/erased at 3 levels with Konron, using the information of her existence recorded inside him)
- Regeneration Negation (High-Godly; eventually managed to kill Uriel)
- Via Passive Forcefield Creation, gains Negation of the following:
- Magic
- Poison Manipulation
- Camouflage
- Plant Manipulation
- Energy Projection/Energy Manipulation
- Blessed
- Biological/Matter/Air/Heat/Light/Space Absorption
- Void Manipulation
- Time Manipulation
- Gravity Manipulation
- Deconstruction
- Body Puppetry
- Smoke Manipulation
- Physics Manipulation
- Paralysis Inducement
- Reality Warping, Mind Manipulation
- Radio Waves
- Sound Manipulation
- Precognition
- Extrasensory Perception
- Causality Manipulation
- Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9)
- Regeneration (up to Mid-Godly)
- Possibly Reactive Evolution
- Power Nullification and Existence Erasure (Can be used to crush other dispel bounds and harm the Eternal Atoms)
- Enhanced Senses (Can detect treasure, lies, traps, etc.), likely far more[34]
Attack Potency: Large Country level to Multi-Continent level (Near the beginning of the series, he had spells capable of this much destruction while very rusty. His prime had matched Lars, who was able to beat a Dominion-rank angel effortlessly, he did kill Anthrax himself after had regained most of his powers) | Unknown, likely Moon level (Could damage base Konron even though by surprise and even somewhat matched Uriel, which can just be that the latter wasn't fighting seriously since he got caught effortlessly by Raphael, an angel that is supposed to be on the same level. He should be stronger than in Hell-Arc, who is hundreds of times inferior to Porno/The Seven Demon Prince) | Solar System level (Fair superior to any Demon Lords/Seraphs. Absorbed Michael's Leviathan, then turned on Judas Pain and got enhanced millions of times and was still on the upper hand in his fight with Uriel after the latter's 1000x boost) | At least Galaxy level, Multi-Galaxy level via Reactive Power Level (Was also powering up to match Uriel's Augoeides and later beat him to a near-death state) | At least Multi-Galaxy level, likely higher (Should be at least as powerful as DKL at the bare minimum. It's somewhat implied he would be the second strongest, only to God. The universe will come to an end should he lose his sanity)
Speed: Hypersonic+ | FTL reaction and combat speed | Massively FTL+ (His perception is tens of thousands of times greater than that of a human. Exchanged millions of attacks and counters in one second), higher with Reactive Power Evolution | Massively FTL+ | At least Massively FTL+ (Superior to all of his previous forms)
Lifting Strength: Class 100 (Capable of lifting and holding back the paw of Omega Abigail, who is similar to the 100,000 ton Stone Golem of Darsh's summon)
Striking Strength: Large Country level to Multi-Continent level | Unknown | Solar System level | Galaxy level to Multi-Galaxy level | At least Multi-Galaxy level, likely higher
Durability: Large Country level to Multi-Continent level | Unknown | Solar System level (Extremely hard to deal with thanks to abstract nature, Eternal Atoms and Dispel Bounds) | Galaxy level to Multi-Galaxy level | At least Multi-Galaxy level, likely higher
Stamina: Superhuman at base (Should be at least comparable to Lars. He is extremely pain-tolerant); Infinite in Majin Form (Judas Pain can constantly absorb surrounding energies and convert them into an infinite source of energy for him)
Range: Standard Melee Range; Kilometers with spells | Standard Melee Range; Kilometers with spells | Standard Melee Range with Interdimensional effect in every normal punch (Although mostly fighting hand-to-hand, he is capable of destroying Eternal Atoms which simultaneously exist on different planes of existence) | Standard Melee Range with Interdimensional effect in every normal punch | Stellar (Ripped open Black Abyss)
Standard Equipment: Judas Pain and Dragon Knight Lucifer.
- Chanters: By implanting the severed heads of demon gods he defeated in the past onto his armour, Dark Schneider can force them to chant the incantations of spells alongside him, allowing him to cast up to four of his most powerful spells at once.
- Fire Sword: A large, dark red sword that is in truth a fire elemental, Efreet, who is under Dark Schneider's control. It can harm intangible opponents.
Intelligence: Genius (Dark Schneider can read complex languages like High Elvish, something considered particularly hard for common scholars and wisemen, and has a very high understanding of nuclear fission and magic)
Weaknesses: Dark Schneider is extremely arrogant, and using the Judas Pain takes a huge toll on his body and soul. Before the four-year time skip, the kiss of a virgin would revert him to his form as Lucien. He originally could only use Halloween during a full moon
Judas Pain stated to have enough power to destroy an entire Galaxy:
Seraphine Angels stated as being able to exceed the Speed Of Light (光速を超えるスビードと) :
Notable Attacks / Techniques:
- Accused: One of Dark Schneider's nails turns blue, and then rips itself from his finger and embeds itself into his opponent's body. If his opponent attempts to remove it or disobey his orders, they will be transformed into a toad.
- Acid Drinker: Dark Schneider blasts his opponent with a burst of acid that rapidly eats through their body.
- Black Sabbath: Dark Schneider creates a matter-less space within a magical barrier and traps his opponent within. Then, he transports random matter into this vacuum and forces it to undergo nuclear fission, causing an explosion of heat that reaches a million degrees Celsius and sends his opponent to another dimension.
- Blind Guardian: Dark Schneider summons a forest of brambles that entrap his opponent.
- Chrome Rose: Taking a pose, Dark Schneider launches a beam of energy forwards.
- Crow Bar: Using this demon sealing spell, Dark Schneider traps his opponent in a thirteen-layered magical prison that saps their power. If they attempt to escape, it will unmake their soul.
- Damned: A powerful magic spell that summons an explosion of pure magical force.
- Damned Nation: Distorting the fabric of space and time, Dark Schneider throws a rupture in space and time at his opponent.
- Dark Angel: With a single hand, Dark Schneider blasts his opponent with magic, ripping them apart.
- Dispel Bound: The ultimate defensive ability, made up of layer after layer of innumerable forcefields, each protecting Dark Schneider from a certain form of attack, including mental attacks, instant victory effects, and reality warping. While powerful, these forcefields can be easily destroyed by those significantly stronger than Darsh, and can be torn away by those on his level, but they regenerate quickly.
- Golem: By drawing a magic circle with his own blood, Dark Schneider can summon the stone golem of Metallicana to fight alongside him.
- Gran Kene Hill Halford: Dark Schneider traps his opponent within a multidimensional, layered magical circle.
- Illusions: Dark Schneider can create illusions so powerful that they can convince others that they're dreaming. He can also use them in the midst of combat to take attacks.
- Iron Lightning Anthem: Dark Schneider summons a barrage of magical rockets aimed at his opponent's weak spots.
- Judas Priest: One of Dark Schneider's greatest spells, Judas Priest strikes his opponent on an atomic level to blast them apart. After his transformation into Majin Dark Schneider, it grew in power to strike his opponent on every level of existence simultaneously, destroying the eternal atoms of their body, soul, and spirit all at once and erasing them from existence.
- Mace: A spell used to pick locks and open magically sealed doors.
- Manowar: Dark Schneider summons a great, three-headed golden dragon that fires a powerful blast from all three heads before disappearing.
- Rainbow's Mystic Arrow: Calling upon the power of his patron god, Blackmore, Dark Schneider manifests a bow and arrow from magic and then fires multiple arrows of light at his target.
- Spirit Transfer: When near-death, Dark Schneider can transfuse his lifeforce into the body of another, escaping death by implanting a fragment of his soul into their body.
- Vengeance: Holding out his hand, Dark Schneider invokes this spell's name to blast his opponent with magical force, often ripping straight through their bodies and killing them instantly.
Elemental Magic:
- Balvolt: A spell that summons a bolt of lightning and directs it straight at Darsh's target.
- Drash Gun: Dark Schneider manipulates the earth to create jagged rocks that burst from the ground and impale his opponents.
- Exodus: A great fire spell that summons 20, 000 degree flames that envelop Dark Schneider. Wreathed in flame, he then launches himself at his target, causing an explosion of fire.
- Guns and Roses: A spell that summons a wall of roaring fire.
- Impellitteri: Dark Schneider can fire powerful balls of flame in multiple directions at once, all around him.
- Law of Marshall: Dark Schneider blasts his opponent with a number of smaller fireballs that converge into one massive explosion.
- Magnet: Dark Schneider summons a pillar of flame beneath his opponent.
- Napalm Death: Dark Schneider summons a spinning torrent of flame that shoots blasts of fire in all directions.
- Raven: Calling upon the winds themselves, Dark Schneider gains the ability to fly at high speeds.
- Rings of Fire: A fire elemental spell that summons fire elementals known as Salamanders to attack Darsh's opponent.
- Riot: Dark Schneider strikes his opponent with arcs of electricity that damage their motor control, making it impossible for them to properly control their movements.
- Sepulchre: Calling upon the flames of hell, Dark Schneider blasts his opponent with an explosion of fire.
- Tesla: Dark Schneider creates a massive ball of electrical energy that he fires at his opponent, badly electrocuting them.
- Testament: An extremely high-level ice spell that creates a field of absolute zero temperatures and launches it at his opponent, causing their atomic integrity to collapse and turning all matter to ash.
- Van War: Dark Schneider fires a series of small blasts of fire out in front of him.
- Voivod: Dark Schneider surrounds himself in an orb of electricity that explodes like a bomb with enough heat to boil blood.
Black Magic:
- Halloween: Opening the gates of Hell, Dark Schneider fires a huge blast of extremely powerful energy capable of frying entire armies. At first, Darsh could only use this spell during a full moon, but he eventually circumvented this weakness.
- Led Zeppelin: Dark Schneider traps his opponent within a magical barrier and then summons starving souls from the depths of Hell into this space, leaving them to be ripped apart and consumed.
- Megadeth: A powerful spell that causes a massive explosion powerful enough to destroy a fortress.
- Sodom: Using magic, Dark Schneider launches a series of invisible blades at his opponent.
- Venom: A spell that summons digestive enzymes from the gates of Hell within the body of Dark Schneider's opponent. These enzymes quickly break down all the organic matter in their body, destroying most of it instantly and leaving only mush.
Majin Dark Schneider: After stealing 6 of the 7 shards of Judas Pain, Dark Schneider unlocks this form, increasing his power by several million times. In this form, he can absorb matter from his surroundings and reflect, if not absorb, spells used against him.
- Dark Kain: Dark Schneider blasts his opponent with an attack of pure darkness, consuming their body in shadow and causing a massive explosion of force.
Dragon Knight Lucifer: As his trump card, Majin Dark Schneider can summon this mecha from any dimension, granting him a new host of abilities and a tremendous boost to his power.
- Bloodstone: Dark Schneider creates a cursed space in which all damage dealt to him will be reflected onto his opponent with the same intensity.
- Exodus + Light Wings + Jawbreaker: Dark Schneider flies straight into his opponent with pure, blazing force, breaking through dimensions for a tenth of a second.
- Giran Ira: By creating a micro-black hole, Dark Schneider can negate attacks used against him by transporting them to another dimension. It can also be used to leap through dimensions, but the space-time distortion created would destroy an entire country.
- Loudness All Guns Blazing: Removing the limiters of the Dragon Knight Lucifer armor and activating all nine elemental furnaces, Dark Schneider fires its entire arsenal of elemental spells all at once, blasting his opponent into pieces.
Notable Matchups
- ↑ Chapter 111
- ↑ Chapter 106
- ↑ Chapter 137
- ↑ Chapter 91
- ↑ Chapter 106
- ↑ Chapter 137
- ↑ Chapter 91
- ↑ Chapter 89
- ↑ Chapter 101
- ↑ Chapter 99
- ↑ Chapter 99
- ↑ Chapter 99
- ↑ Chapter 111
- ↑ Chapter 106
- ↑ Chapter 137
- ↑ Chapter 116
- ↑ Chapter 95
- ↑ Chapter 90
- ↑ Chapter 97
- ↑ Chapter 88
- ↑ Chapter 89
- ↑ Chapter 83
- ↑ Chapter 90
- ↑ Chapter 91
- ↑ Chapter 92
- ↑ Chapter 106
- ↑ Chapter 131
- ↑ Chapter 125
- ↑ Chapter 130
- ↑ Chapter 91
- ↑ Chapter 137
- ↑ Chapter 100
- ↑ Chapter 99
- ↑ Chapter 121
Discussion threads involving Dark Schneider |