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Cybele is the twelfth God in Idling to Rule the Gods, the goddess of caverns, mountains, nature, and wild animals. She is the twelfth weakest god and resides on Planet Reality, along with seven other gods.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown, likely 7-B physically, Low 7-C with Creation

Name: Cybele

Origin: Idling to Rule the Gods

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: God

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 1, Gods don't seem to age[1]), Earth Manipulation, Creation, Weapon Creation, Gravity Manipulation

Attack Potency: Unknown (Never damages another character), likely City level physically (Stated to be stronger than Nephthys,[2] eventually scaling to twice the value[3] of Shu blowing clouds away), Small Town level with Creation (Is able to create mountains)

Speed: Unknown attack, combat, and travel speed (Never competently engaged the protagonist in direct combat, and the protagonist was able to easily dodge all of her attacks[4][5][6]) and Transonic reaction speed (Able to intercept attacks from the protagonist,[5] and is stated to be stronger than gods who could keep up with the protagonist, a character who is capable of traveling 4000km in 3 hours)[7]

Lifting Strength: Unknown, likely Class T (Should be far stronger than Hyperion who threw a mountain onto a crowd of humans)

Striking Strength: Unknown, likely City level

Durability: Unknown (Never clearly shown to have taken attacks from the protagonist, their fight ended after she collapsed from hunger),[6] likely City level

Stamina: High (Fought the protagonist for hours)[8]

Range: Standard Melee Range physically, likely Tens of Kilometers with abilities (Gradually made a mountain bigger[8] until it was larger than the one Shu resides on,[6] which is known to be twenty kilometers tall)[9][10][11]

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Unknown

Weaknesses: There's a limit to how large she can make her mountains;[8] she can't stack two mountains on top of each other to get around this limit.[5]

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Earth Manipulation: Cybele can control mountains and caves like they're her own body.[12][5] She can use this to form walls,[12][5] change the direction of walls,[8] close off entire caves,[13] and increase the size of mountains.[8]

  • Creation: She can also create entire mountains,[14][12][4] done by summoning a large amount of stones through a method she keeps secret.[15]
  • Weapon Creation: She can form and launch stone spears and arrow-shaped stones[4]
  • Gravity Manipulation: She is able to manipulate gravity inside mountains, confusing its inhabitants.[8]

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

