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Every time a number increases, that feeling...

That's me.


~ Chara



How curious.

You must have misunderstood.


~ Chara


Chara was the first human to fall into the Underground. They were adopted by King Asgore and Queen Toriel after being rescued by their son Asriel, becoming an adoptive member of the family. Not much is know about the child's past or personality while they were alive, but they were described by Asriel as "not being the greatest person" and having a deep hate on humanity for unknown reasons, choosing to go the the Underground for a unhappy motive. Their death came about after they formulated a plan to kill themselves by poisoning with Buttercups, thus letting Asriel absorb their soul to cross the barrier and collect 6 more to break it and set monsterkind free, Asriel hesitated against their will to kill the humans however, who attacked them both thinking that the monster had killed the child, ending with both of them dying.

By the beginning of Undertale, Chara's presence is vague, seemingly connected with Frisk is some way after they have fallen in the Underground, in the Neutral and Pacifist route their influence is vague and up to debate, the Genocide route being when Chara is most prominent, making various narrations and appearing physically by the end, with a new darker goal and personality after receiving the guidance by the actions committed during the route.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-A | Unknown without a host. At least High 8-C, likely far higher while using Frisk's body | 2-B

Key: Pre-Death | Post-Death | Absolute

Name: Chara (Name in-game varies depending on what the player chooses to name them, but "Chara" is the true name)

Origin: Undertale

Gender: Unknown

Age: Pre-teen at the time of death

Classification: Human child, The Fallen Child, Adopted child of Asgore and Toriel, Asriel's adopted sibling, Manifestation of the player's willingness to kill just to increase their stats, The demon that comes when people call its name

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

All the powers they would have without a host outside of Incorporeality and Nonexistent Physiology.

  • Almost all of Frisk's Powers and Abilities (While using them as a host, Chara should have access to almost all of their powers due to them showcasing even the ability to SAVE and LOAD, though the ones achieved through Peak Determination are not included, given that they were never displayed through the Genocide Route)

Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Small Building level (Should be comparable to a Frisk with Minimal Determinaton and LV 1) | Unknown without a host (After their death, Chara became a nonexistent being who cannot interact with the world from their own). At least Large Building level+, likely far higher while using Frisk's body (Took over the body of a LV 19 Frisk, who defeated Undyne the Undying at a lower LV. Easily killed Asgore[5]) | Multiverse level (Destroyed the entirely of "Undertale" alongside its reality, then recreated it[5]. As Sans says in his Genocide fight, at every LOAD and RESET a new timeline is created, with Flowey alone having RESET and LOADED so much that he has done everything the Underground had to offer, to the point where he saw 'every line of dialogue, every set of numbers', etc.[7][Note 1])

Speed: Subsonic+ (Should be comparable to Frisk with minimal amounts of DT and low level monsters like Froggit) | Unknown without a host. Hypersonic+, possibly Massively Hypersonic+ while using Frisk's body (Killed Asgore and Sans without giving either of them a chance to react[5]), higher with Sea Tea (Can move faster with the Sea Tea up to reaching twice their regular speed) | Immeasurable (Due to Chara gaining their power from the Player's Determination and having managed to destroy the whole "Undertale" world,[5] they should at least be the same as a Frisk at the Peak of their Determination, as they also use the Determination of said entity[9][Note 2])

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Should be the same as Frisk) | Unknown without a host. Peak Human while using Frisk's body | Likely Superhuman (Should be immensely superior than before)

Striking Strength: Small Building level | Unknown without a host. At least Large Building level+, likely far higher while using Frisk's body | Multiverse level (Destroyed the game in one blow[5])

Durability: Small Building level (Should be comparable to a Frisk with Minimal Determination and LV 1. Survived their fall into the underground[10]) | Unknown without a host (Is a nonexistent being who cannot interact nor be interacted with in conventional ways). At least Large Building level+, likely far higher while using Frisk's body | Multiverse level (Unaffected by their destruction of the game[5]), the ability to SAVE & LOAD and Immortality makes them extremely difficult to kill permanently

Stamina: Unknown | Infinite without a host; Superhuman while using Frisk's body | Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range | Unknown without a host. Standard Melee Range, higher with Equipment, Several Meters with Yellow Mode, Low Multiversal via the SAVE System while using Frisk's body | Multiversal

Standard Equipment:

  • Real Knife: The Genocide Route weapon counterpart of the worn dagger, with Chara implying to have had this before death. Grants +99 AT, making it the strongest weapon in the game.
  • The Locket: The Genocide weapon counterpart of the Heart Locket and beats like a heart would. Grants +99 DF, making it the strongest armor in the game.

  • Optional Equipment: The items Frisk uses when they possess their body.

Intelligence: Unknown (As a simple child, before their death, they were already knowledgeable about the workings of SOULs and formulated a plan revolving around them, but were also likely a bit naive, as they presumably thought that putting flowers in a pie would have no negative consequences.[11] After their death, while little is still known about their actual personality given the small amount of time they've shown to talk on their own, they should be comparable to Frisk in fighting skills, due to them always watching the latter's fights. They have also convinced the Player in making a deal with them, persuading them in giving their SOUL to restore the game after that Chara has destroyed it.[5])

Weaknesses: Chara needs someone with strong enough Determination and capacity for violence to manifest and needed to possess a host to interact with the universe before they had reached a sufficiently great level of power.


Notable Matchups


Riku (Kingdom Hearts) Riku's Profile (Absolute Chara and KHI Riku were used. Speed was equalized)




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Waterfall: The War of Humans and Monsters
  2. 2.0 2.1 Asriel’s Flowerbed Dialogue
  3. True Lab: Entry 3
  4. New Home: Asriel's Story
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 Genocide Route Ending
  6. Soulless True Pacifist Ending
  7. 7.0 7.1 New Home: Flowey's Story (Genocide Route)
  8. True Lab: Entry 5
  9. Undertale Demo (Manual)
  10. Undertale: Opening Sequence
  11. True Lab: Tape 3


  1. More info on these reasonings is shown here.
  2. More details and info behind this speed rating is wrote here.


Discussion threads involving Chara