Characters who possess wings, or similar appendages.
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- A.D.A.M.
- Abijah Shalom
- Accelerator
- Adorabat
- African Bees (The King Kong Show)
- Afuro Terumi
- Aigokeros of the Goat
- Air Screamer
- Akuma (Marvel vs. Capcom)
- Alastor (Viewtiful Joe)
- Alatreon
- Alex Russo
- Alien Dragons (Evolution 2001)
- Alisa Bosconovitch
- Alita (Last Order)
- Amatsu
- Angemon
- Angewomon
- Anorupatisu
- Applin
- Archangel (Marvel Comics)
- Archfiend Pam
- Arle Nadja
- Arthur (Marvel vs. Capcom)
- Articuno
- Arus
- Asian Giant Hornet
- Asta (Final Saga)
- Asta (Post-Timeskip)
- Asta (Pre-Timeskip)
- Astalos
- Astaroth (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
- Ath'taros
- Avacyn
- Avatar of Evil
- Azazel (Rage of Bahamut)
- Badniks (OVA)
- Bald-Faced Hornet
- Balerion
- Banjo & Kazooie
- Baphomet (Ultimate Antihero)
- Barbie (Movies)
- Barioth
- Barry Bee Benson
- Battra
- Baylord Doom
- Baylord Paul
- Baymax (Disney)
- Bayonetta (Bayonetta 3)
- Bazelguese
- Beedrill
- Beelzemon
- Beewolf
- Belial (Summoners War)
- Benjamin (RHG)
- Beringel
- Berukyurosu
- Birdon
- Black Arms
- Black Doom
- Black Hawk
- Blackmist
- Bloom (Winx Club)
- Bogabadorumu
- Boom Boom
- Brianne de Chateau
- Brunhilda
- Buck Bumble
- Buzz Bomber (Game)
- Buzz Bomber (OVA)
- Buzz Lightyear (2022)
- Carla (Fairy Tail)
- Carnage (Marvel Comics)
- Cearadactylus (Jurassic: The Hunted)
- Chameleos
- Chaos Kin
- Charmy Bee (Archie Pre-Genesis Wave)
- Charmy Bee (Game)
- Cheese
- Chernabog (Fantasia)
- Chicken
- Chip (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Choco Yuzuki
- Chramine
- Clank
- Claus (Mother 3)
- Clockwerk
- Cockroach
- Cornelia Hale
- Cozy Glow
- Crow (Real World)
- Cry Baby
- Cthulhu (Monster Strike)
- Cthulhu (Smite)
- Cuca (Invisible City)
- Cupid (Dragalia Lost)
- Cupid (SMITE)
- Cure Passion
- Cure Rosetta
- Cutie Honey (Re)
- Cutie Honey (TV)
- Cygnus Wing
- Cymbal
- Cynder (The Legend of Spyro)
- Dante Zogratis
- Dark Angel Olivia
- Dark Meta Knight
- Dark Pit
- Decidueye
- Demitri Maximoff
- Desghidorah
- Devilman (Devilman Crybaby)
- Devimon
- Devimon (Digimon Adventure)
- Diablos
- Discord
- Disufiroa
- Divebomb (Dreamwave Unicron Trilogy)
- Divine Bird Warrior Ornis
- Doctor Strange Supreme (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Doomsday Beast
- Dr. Eggman (Game)
- Dracula Ant
- Dragan
- Dragaux
- Dragon (Shrek)
- Drogon
- Dry Bones
- Dung Beetle
- Durandal
- Dyuragaua
- Gabriel (Dragalia Lost)
- Gargos (Modern)
- Gargwa
- Garuda (Dragalia Lost)
- Gerard Valkyrie
- Giant Bat (Godzilla: The Series)
- Giant Praying Mantis (Goosebumps Film Series)
- Gigginox
- Gill (Udon Comics)
- Gliscor
- Gna
- Gogmazios
- Gold Fafnir
- Golden Cheese Cookie
- Golden Eagle
- Goliath (Gargoyles)
- Gondul (God of War)
- Goomba
- Gore Magala
- Grand King Ghidorah
- Gravios
- Greater Roadrunner
- Green Goblin (Spider-Verse)
- Griffon (Godzilla)
- Guanzorumu
- Guardian Robot (Sonic the Comic)
- Gurenzeburu
- Gypceros