A robot is a machine capable of carrying out complex actions, often appearing in science-fiction as sentient beings with advanced artificial intelligence.
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Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Pre-Genesis Wave) -
Metal Sonic (Game) -
Self-Reference ENGINE (Character) -
The Thought Robot -
Cyn -
Optimus Prime (IDW) -
William Afton (Games)
All items (1311)
- A.D.A.M.
- A.M.A.Z.O. (CW)
- A.M.A.Z.O. (DCAU)
- A106
- Abyss (The Weakness of Beatrice)
- Ace (Aceable)
- Ace (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
- Adventure Coffee
- Affimojas
- Agent Texas
- AiCandii
- Aida
- Aigis
- Air Man
- Airazor (Dreamwave Unicron Trilogy)
- Airazor (IDW Beast Wars 2021)
- Aldebaran (Puzzle and Dragons)
- Alia
- Alien Robots (1982 Hulk Cartoon)
- Alisa Bosconovitch
- All-Terraintula
- AllSpark Drones (Transformers 2007 DS Games)
- Alphonse
- Amadeus Syndicate
- Amazo (Justice League Action)
- Ambush (Real Steel)
- Anaxim
- Ancient Punisher (Summoners War)
- Ancient Tormentor
- Android 14
- Android 15
- Android 16
- Android 19
- Andromon
- Aqua Droid
- Aradia Megido
- Arale Norimaki (Dr. Slump)
- Arale Norimaki (Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Arc-Gurren Lagann
- Arcee (Dreamwave Unicron Trilogy)
- Arcee (IDW)
- Arnim Zola (Marvel Comics)
- Askad
- Assaultron
- Astraea
- Astro Boy
- Astro Boy (Turma da Mônica)
- Astro Man
- Astrotrain (G1 Cartoon)
- Asura (Real Steel)
- Asura (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Atheon, Time's Conflux
- Atlan (DOOM)
- Atlas (Astro Boy)
- Atlas (Turma da Mônica)
- Atom (Real Steel)
- Atomsk
- Autochrome
- Awesome Android (Marvel Comics)
- Axl
- Ayaka Shinozaki
- B1 Battle Droid
- B2 Grapple Droid
- B2 Super Battle Droid
- Baby Ducks (Regular Show)
- Badniks (OVA)
- Bahrag
- Bal-Bados (Toaru x Virtual On Crossover)
- Ballade
- Balloon Boy (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- Banny the Bunny
- Barricade (DS 2007 Game)
- Barricade (IDW Movie Comics)
- Barricade (Michael Bay)
- Bass (Classic)
- Bastion
- Battle Machine (Clash of Clans)
- Battle Ravage (Dreamwave Unicron Trilogy)
- Baymax (Disney)
- Baymax (Kingdom Hearts)
- Baymax 2.0 (Kingdom Hearts)
- Beat (Mega Man)
- Beck (Mighty No. 9)
- Beebo (Robot 64)
- Beebop
- Belisarius Cawl
- Bender
- Benkei
- Berotha Magia
- Bertrum Piedmont
- Betelgeuse (Puzzle and Dragons)
- Bi-Beast (Marvel Comics)
- Bidybab
- Big Dog (Nuclear Throne)
- Big Robot Bil
- Bijinder
- Billy the Clown
- Binah
- Bingo (The Banana Splits Movie)
- Bit (Mega Man X)
- Bizu
- Black Mechagodzilla
- Black Phantom
- Blackarachnia (IDW Beast Wars 2021)
- Blackarachnia (Transformers Animated)
- Blackout (2007 DS Game)
- Blackout (IDW Movie Comics)
- Blackout (Michael Bay)
- Blacktrap
- Blade Man
- Blade Wolf
- Blank the Animatronic
- Blitzcrank
- Blitzwing (2018 Reboot)
- Blitzwing (Transformers Animated)
- Blue Hakaider
- Blurr (Dreamwave Unicron Trilogy)
- Bobert
- Boccowaus
- Bofoi (Metal Knight)
- Bohrok
- Bohrok-Kal Kaita Ja
- Bohrok-Kal Kaita Za
- Bomb Man (Classic)
- Bomb the Mechanic
- Bon the Rabbit
- Bonecrusher (Michael Bay)
- Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- Bonnie The Bunny (Movie)
- Boomer Kuwanger
- Boozoo the Magician
- Borareta
- Boss Orleans
- Bot (Inanimate Insanity)
- Bouncer
- Boxman Jr.
- Bracer Phoenix
- Brain (Kamen Rider Brain)
- Brainiac (DCAU)
- Brainiac (Post-Crisis)
- Brainiac (Pre-Crisis)
- Brainiac (Smallville)
- Brawl (2007 DS Game)
- Brawl (Michael Bay)
- Brigade
- Brominator
- BT-1
- BT-7274
- BuffPup
- Buffy Summers
- Build Strike Gundam
- Build-a-Bot
- Bulkhead (Transformers Animated)
- Bull Clones
- Bumblebee (2018 Reboot)
- Bumblebee (DS 2007 Game)
- Bumblebee (IDW Movie Comics)
- Bumblebee (Michael Bay)
- Bumblebee (Transformers Animated)
- Bumblebee (Transformers: Prime)
- Buster Legion
- Buster Rod G
- Buzz Bomber (OVA)
- BX-series droid commando
- Byte & Barq
- C-21 Highsinger
- C-3PO
- Cain (Binary Domain)
- Caine (The Amazing Digital Circus)
- Cait Sith
- Camille Ferros
- Canopus (Puzzle and Dragons)
- Canti
- Captain Fleagle
- Captain Punch
- Captain Whisker
- Castellan (Edens Zero)
- CAT (Five Nights at Candy's)
- Caterkiller
- Cayde-6
- CELL Sentinel
- Centaur Man
- Chaos (SnO)
- Chaos Gamma
- Chappie
- Chase the Wandering Robot
- Cheetor
- Cheetor (Dreamwave Unicron Trilogy)
- Cheetor (IDW Beast Wars 2021)
- Cherno Alpha
- Chester the Chimpanzee
- Chibi Mechagodzilla