A monster is any creature, usually found in legends or horror fiction, that is often hideous and may produce fear or physical harm by its appearance and/or its actions.
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All items (3735)
- Aarakocra
- Aarbron
- Aaron
- Aballin
- Abathur
- Abeloth
- Abhorrent Beast
- Abilisk (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Abiorugu
- Aboleth
- Abomasnow
- Abomination (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Abomination (Marvel Comics)
- Abomination (Ultimate Destruction)
- Abraham (Ape vs. Monster)
- Abrian
- Absol
- Abstract Daddy
- Abyss (Marvel vs. Capcom)
- Abyss Demon
- Abyss Herald
- Abyss Mage
- Acacia (Green Worldz)
- Achaierai
- Acklay
- Adam (Evangelion)
- Adam Crowley
- Adamantoise (Final Fantasy XV)
- Adjust Rex
- Adventurer (Dwarf Fortress)
- Aegislash
- Aerodactyl
- AeroVeedramon
- Aggron
- Agnaktor
- Agracite Scorpion
- Agumon (Taichi Yagami)
- Ahmanet (Dark Universe)
- Aht
- Air Force One Angel
- Air Screamer
- Airdramon
- Akane Koumoto
- Akanin
- Akantor
- Akaza (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Aktaios
- Aku
- Alaghi
- Alaskan Bull Worm
- Alatreon
- Albert Wesker
- Albion I
- Alcatraz (Monument Mythos)
- Alcyoneus (Riordanverse)
- Alduin
- Alex Kralie
- Alexia (Underworld)
- Alfe
- Alien (Alien: The Original Screenplay)
- Alien (Mortal Kombat)
- Alien Apes (Evolution 2001)
- Alien Dragons (Evolution 2001)
- Alien Pods (Godzilla)
- Aliens (Horrorclix)
- Aliens (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Alioth (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Alistar
- Allegro (Vampire in the Garden)
- Alligator (Resident Evil)
- Allip
- Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
- Almiraj
- Aloe Turtle
- Alpha (Mega Man)
- Alpha 06
- Alphamon
- Alphys
- Alriune
- Alucard (Rosario + Vampire)
- Amatsu
- Ambush (DOORS)
- Amelia (Underworld)
- Amhuluk (MonsterVerse)
- Amnion
- Ampharos
- Amphibion
- Amumu
- Anakaris
- Ancalagon the Black
- Ancient Leshen (Monster Hunter)
- AncientMegatheriummon
- AncientMermaidmon
- AncientVolcanomon
- Angeal Hewley
- Angels of Paradiso
- Angewomon
- Anguirus (Godzilla Final Wars)
- Anguirus (Godzilla Singular Point)
- Anguirus (Showa)
- Anima (The Evil Within)
- Anjanath
- Ankheg
- Annona
- Annoying Dog
- Anorupatisu
- Anosillus II
- Ant-type Kaiju
- Antenmaru
- Anti
- Antideer
- Apemen (Nosferatu)
- Apocalymon
- Apocalypse Bird
- Apollo Geist (DCD)
- Apollomon
- Aqua Slug
- Aquarius Vertex
- Arachnid the King of Spiders
- Arael
- Aranea
- Arbormon
- Arch-vile
- Archbishop Tsubasa
- Archer (Small Soldiers: The Video Game)
- Archnemon
- Arctotis (Jurassic Fight Club)
- Area 51 Mutation 1
- Area 51 Mutation 2
- Argus (Shadow of the Colossus)
- Ariados
- Aries Vertex
- Arixmethes
- Arkadimon (Cyber Sleuth)
- Arkvelza
- Armadimon (Iori Hida)
- Armillaria
- Armisael
- Armurk
- Army in Black
- Army of Mordor (Shadow of Mordor)
- Arrowhawk
- Articuno
- Ascomoid
- Asgore Dreemurr
- Ash Beast
- Ashiok
- Asphyxia (Silent Hill)
- Asriel Dreemurr (Flowey)
- Astalos
- Astaroth (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
- Astaroth (Soul Calibur)
- Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
- Atlach-Nacha
- Atlanteans
- Atlas (Monster Legends)
- Atsushi Ookawa
- Aura Beasts
- Australis
- Avant Gamera
- Avatar (Granblue Fantasy)
- Avion
- Awakened Cockroach
- Awakened Shrub
- Awakened Tree
- Axe Beak
- Axor
- Ayano Aishi
- Azami
- Azathoth (Puzzle and Dragons)
- Azazel (Tekken)
- B.O.B.
- Ba'al (The Last Halloween)
- Baby Godzilla (TriStar)
- Baby Monster (Godzilla)
- Baby Plum
- Baby Snowballs (Jack Frost)
- Babylla
- Bacillus
- Bacteria (Kane Pixels)
- Baddie
- Bagan (Godziban)
- Bagan (Super Godzilla)
- Bagi
- Bagorah
- Bagramon (Xros Wars Manga)
- Bahamut (Rage of Bahamut)
- Bai Tza
- Baihumon
- Baku (Voltron)