Characters who can create, manipulate or become Earth
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Anos Voldigoad -
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All items (2326)
- A (Fourth Raikage)
- A (Third Raikage)
- A (Xenoblade)
- Aang
- Aarbron
- Abaddon (Supernatural)
- Abaddon (Tatoeba Last Dungeon)
- Abram Stoker
- Absinto
- Absolver
- Abyss (Izuna)
- Abyss (The Weakness of Beatrice)
- Abyssal Chicken
- Accelerator
- Accelgor
- Ace (Final Fantasy)
- Acererak
- Acqua of The Back
- Adalman (Light Novel)
- Adamantoise (Final Fantasy XV)
- Adel
- Adramelech (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Adventurer (Dwarf Fortress)
- Aeon (Castlevania)
- Aerith Gainsborough
- Aerodactyl
- AeroVeedramon
- Aether (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Aganos
- Agares Picero
- Aggron
- Agil
- Agnaktor
- Agrias Oaks
- Agunimon
- Ahan Dan
- Ahmanet (Dark Universe)
- Aiba
- Aido Kagerou
- Aika Maki
- Aiko Hatayama
- Ain (One Piece)
- Airdramon
- Aisha Necron
- Akamai
- AkaNinger
- Akantor
- Akatsuchi
- Akemi Nakajima
- Akira Tadokoro
- Akron
- Aladdin (Magi)
- Alain (Pokémon)
- Alan (The Invincible Shovel)
- Albedo (Genshin Impact)
- Aldebaran (Re:Zero)
- Alder
- Alex Louis Armstrong
- Alex Russo
- Alger Wilson
- Alia
- Alice (Light Novel)
- Alice (Web Novel)
- Alien Vase
- All For One
- Allister
- Alovenus
- Alpha (Inazuma Eleven)
- Alpha (Velgress)
- Alpha (Xenoblade)
- Alpha Gang Trio
- Alphamon
- Alucard (Castlevania)
- Alus Reigin
- Alvarez Empire
- Alvis (Xenoblade)
- Alzack Connell
- AM (I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream)
- Amanda O'Neill
- Amber (RWBY)
- Amemiya Taiyou
- Amethyst (Post-Rebirth)
- Amleth (Valkyria Revolution)
- Amy Rose (Game)
- Anabel (Pokémon)
- Ananta Shesha (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Ancient Dragon King, Astaroth
- AncientVolcanomon
- Angel of Light and Shadow
- Angelus (Seven Senses of the Re'Union)
- Angemon
- Angewomon
- Anguirus (Showa)
- Anhur (SMITE)
- Anna (Epic Battle Fantasy)
- Anorupatisu
- Anos Voldigoad
- Anthrax
- Antylamon
- Anub'arak
- Aoba Yamashiro
- Apollomon
- Apostles of God
- Applin
- Arale Norimaki (Dr. Slump)
- Arale Norimaki (Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Arataki Itto
- Arbok
- Arc (Final Fantasy III)
- Arcanine
- Arceus
- Archdaeva
- Archie (Pokémon)
- Arctozolt
- Ard Meteor
- Ardos
- Ardun
- Ares (God of War)
- Ariel (Disney)
- Ariel (Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?) (Web Novel)
- Arkadimon (Cyber Sleuth)
- Arle Nadja
- Armadimon (Iori Hida)
- Armor Spider
- Arthur (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
- Articuno
- Asa (Mission: Yozakura Family)
- Asahi (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Ash (Phantom Brave)
- Ashen One
- Asmodean
- Asmodeus (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Astaroth (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
- Asuka (Senran Kagura)
- Asuka R. Kreutz
- Asuna (Post-Aincrad)
- Atlas (God of War)
- Atlas (Mega Man)
- Atlas (Monster Legends)
- Atlas (Warframe)
- Atlesian Colossus
- Atoli
- Atropos (God of War)
- Atsuko Kagari
- August
- Aulë
- Aura (Maou-sama no Machizukuri!)
- Aurore Beauréal
- Aurorus
- Aussa the Earth Charmer
- Avak
- Avalon Drake
- Aviendha
- Avior (Bakugan)
- Axl
- Ayer
- Ayumi (Blades of Time)
- Ayumi Otosaka
- AZ (Pokémon)
- Aza'gorod the Nightbringer
- Azazel Ameri
- Azelf
- Azhdaha
- Azulongmon
- Azumarill
- Baal (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Baba Yaga (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Baba Yaga (SMITE)
- Baba Yaga (World of Darkness)
- Babau
- Baby (The Binding of Isaac)
- Badgerclops
- Bahamut (Final Fantasy)
- Bahrag
- Bai Xiaochun (Heavenspan Realm)
- Ball (Basket and Ball)
- Balor
- BanchoLeomon
- BanchoLilimon
- Baron Kiba
- Barret Wallace
- Barroth
- Barry (Pokémon)
- Bartleby
- Bartz Klauser
- Bash
- Bass (Classic)
- Bastiodon
- Batista Hoshi
- Battlepug
- Battler Ushiromiya
- Beatrice (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
- Beatrix (Granblue Fantasy)
- Bede (Pokémon)
- Beetlejuice (Cartoon)
- Behemoth (MonsterVerse)
- Beholder
- Belberith (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Belgarath