A cyborg is an organic being that has been outfitted with mechanical body parts, making them part machine, often increasing their abilities to superhuman levels in science fiction.
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Asura (Asura's Wrath) -
Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Pre-Genesis Wave) -
Darth Vader -
Thor (Marvel Cinematic Universe) -
Rick Sanchez -
Jason Voorhees -
William Afton (Games) -
Master Chief
All items (772)
- Ace (Street Fighter)
- Ada (Boruto)
- Ada Lovelace (Super Science Friends)
- Adam Davenport
- Adam Jensen (Deus Ex)
- Adam Smasher
- Adeptus Astartes
- Adeptus Custodes
- Admiral Majin
- Adorabat
- Agumon (Taichi Yagami)
- Aigis
- Akira Urabe
- Akuma (Marvel vs. Capcom)
- Alex Denton
- Alita (2019 Movie)
- Alita (Last Order)
- Alita (Pre-Last Order)
- Ambassador Darkness
- Ambassador Hell
- Amnion
- Anakin Skywalker
- AncientKazemon
- Android 17
- Android 18
- Android 21
- Andromon
- Anilaza
- Anthrax
- Ao (Naruto)
- Aoi Himegami
- Apollo Geist (Showa)
- Aradia Megido
- Arcann
- Armored Gorilla
- Armsmaster
- Ash (Warframe)
- Ash Williams (Dead By Daylight)
- Ashe (League of Legends)
- Ashley Stillons II
- Askad
- Assassin Asha
- Asura (Asura's Wrath)
- Ata
- Ati Custos
- Atlas (Warframe)
- Augus
- Automatons
- Azazel (Helltaker)
- B'Elanna Torres
- Baby Ducks (Regular Show)
- Badgerclops
- Baraom
- Baron of Hell
- Bartholomew Kuma
- Bavakh Empire
- Beetlemon
- Belisarius Cawl
- Bertrum Piedmont
- Beta Ray Bill
- Big Band
- Big Daddy (Bioshock)
- Bill Goldy
- Biolizard
- Birdperson
- Bishop (Marvel Comics)
- Bitterman
- Black Satan
- Black Scorpion
- Blackarachnia (Transformers Animated)
- BlackWarGreymon
- Bloodshot (2020 Film)
- Blossom (2016)
- Blue Hakaider
- Boothill
- Boro (Boruto)
- Brain Drain
- Brainiac (Post-Flashpoint)
- Brainiac (Pre-Crisis)
- Breach (Valorant)
- Brian Buster Jr.
- Brixton Lore
- Brock Samson
- Brocken
- Brother Blood (Teen Titans)
- Bryan Fury
- Buccaneer
- Buck Bumble
- Bugs (No More Heroes)
- Bunnie D'Coolette (Archie Pre-Genesis Wave)
- Bunnie Rabbot (SatAM)
- Bushwhacker (Marvel Comics)
- Cable (FOX)
- Cable (Marvel Comics)
- Cable (Marvel vs. Capcom)
- Cacao
- Caliborn
- Camille Ferros
- Car Man
- Casserale
- Cassiopeia Du Couteau
- Cebolinha
- Ceph Commander
- Ceph Devastator
- Ceph Grunt
- Ceph Pinger
- Ceph Reaver
- Ceph Shadow
- Ceph Stalker
- Ceph Trooper
- Chai (Hi-Fi Rush)
- Charlie Nash (Marvel vs. Capcom)
- Chase Davenport
- Che Heart
- Cherry Darling
- Chibi Mechagodzilla
- Chitauri (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Cho'Gath
- Chozo Statue
- Clock Crack Chrome
- Clockwerk
- Clockwork Beast
- Code (Boruto)
- Colonel Zol
- Combustion Man
- Commander Rimanah
- Condiment King (Post-Crisis)
- Constable Neyla
- Cooler
- Copen (Luminous Avenger iX)
- Crayak
- Crossfire (Marvel Comics)
- Crunch Bandicoot
- Cull Obsidian (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Curtis
- Cutie Honey (Re)
- Cutie Honey (TV)
- Cy-Raging Menace
- Cyber-Mastiff
- Cyberdemon
- Cybermen
- Cyborg (DC Animated Movies)
- Cyborg (DC Extended Universe)
- Cyborg (Post-Flashpoint)
- Cyborg (Smallville)
- Cyborg (Teen Titans)
- Cyborg 008
- Cyborg 009
- Cyborg Noodle
- Cyborg Superman
- Cyrax (Second Timeline)
- CZ2128 Delta
- Daemon (Boruto)
- Dalek Sec
- Daleks
- Daniel (Dengeki Stryker)
- Darkdramon
- Darth Vader
- Daruma (Samurai 8)
- David Martinez
- Death-X-mon
- Deathlok (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Deepa
- Del Spooner (I, Robot)
- Delta (Boruto)
- Demoman (Red vs Blue)
- Destro-King
- Destron
- Destroyman
- Detragon
- Deus (Asura's Wrath)
- Devligus Devotindos
- Diejeah
- Diekuu Ohrowchee
- Dix-Neuf
- DJ Doroko
- Doctor G
- Dogma Kingdom
- Doomsday (Post-Crisis)
- Doppelganger (Toaru)
- Dorothy (Goddess of Victory: Nikke)
- Dorugoramon
- Dr. Animo (Future)
- Dr. Blowhole
- Dr. Gero
- Dr. N. Gin
- Dr. Nefarious Tropy
- Dr. Shinigami
- Dr. Weil
- Dr. Wheelo
- Drazil
- Drive Knight
- Duran
- Durge