Beings that come from another world than Earth.
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Son Goku (DBS Anime) -
Omni-Man (Image Comics) -
Thragg (Image Comics) -
Superman (Post-Crisis) -
Son Goku (DBS Manga) -
Son Goku (Super Dragon Ball Heroes) -
Alien X -
Son Goku (Xeno)
All items (1879)
- A.M.A.Z.O. (DCAU)
- Abathur
- Abe (Oddworld)
- Abeloth
- Abilisk (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Abo and Kado
- Absolute Tartarus
- Abuto
- Abzorbaloff
- Acheron Hive
- Achi
- Acklay
- Adam (Evangelion)
- Adam Warlock (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Adi Gallia
- Admiral Tarung
- Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
- Adu Du
- Ahamkara
- Ahsoka Tano
- Air Elementor
- Alarak
- Alarak (Heroes of the Storm)
- Albedo (Ben 10)
- Aldar
- Alexandrite
- Alexei Stukov
- ALF (Character)
- Alien (Alien: The Original Screenplay)
- Alien (Mortal Kombat)
- Alien (Streets of Rogue)
- Alien Apes (Evolution 2001)
- Alien Crabs (Evolution 2001)
- Alien Dragons (Evolution 2001)
- Alien Grunt
- Alien Intruder
- Alien Parasite (Rick And Morty)
- Alien Pods (Godzilla)
- Alien Robots (1982 Hulk Cartoon)
- Alien Train Tank
- Alien Vase
- Alien X
- Alien X (Reboot)
- Aliens (Fallout)
- Aliens (Galaga)
- Aliens (Horrorclix)
- Aliens (WorldBox)
- Aliens (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Allen the Alien (Image Comics)
- Allen the Alien (TV Series)
- America Chavez (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Amingo
- Amnesio
- Amora the Enchantress (Avengers Assemble)
- Ampeel
- Amy Rose (Sonic X)
- Ancient (Shadow Fight)
- Angel (Lilo & Stitch)
- Angila
- Angol Mois
- Anguished One
- Anissa (Image Comics)
- Annihilus
- Annona
- Announcer (Battle for Dream Island)
- Anti-Pops
- Antispiral
- Antlion Guard (Half-Life)
- Anubis (Doctor Who)
- Anubis Cruger
- Apollo (Star Trek)
- Aqua Slug
- Aquamarine
- Aradia Megido
- Archer (Small Soldiers: The Video Game)
- Archon
- Arctiguana
- Aria T'Loak
- Arishem (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Armodrillo
- Artanis
- Artemis (No Man's Sky)
- Asdrubael Vect
- Ash Graven
- Assassin Asha
- Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
- Astrodactyl
- Atlach-Nacha
- Atomic-X
- Atomix
- Atomsk
- Atriox
- Atrocitus
- Atrocitus (Injustice)
- Attea
- Audrey II (1986)
- Aun'shi
- Auta Magetta
- Aventurine (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Avocato
- Azmuth (Original)
- Azmuth (Reboot)
- Babidi
- Babs
- Baby (Dragon Ball GT)
- Babyfier
- Badussa
- Bagorah
- Bailu
- Bakugon
- Balgaras
- Ball Weevil
- Barakidon
- Bardock (DBS Manga)
- Bardock (Dragon Ball Heroes)
- Bardock (Dragon Ball Xenoverse)
- Bardock (Toei)
- Baron Gallic
- Barricade (DS 2007 Game)
- Barricade (Michael Bay)
- Barrump Barrump (Krypto the Superdog)
- Barugaron
- Bashmouth
- Basil (Dragon Ball)
- Battle Beast (Image Comics)
- Battle Beast (TV Series)
- Beerus
- Beheeyem
- Behemoth (LIVE A LIVE)
- Ben 10,000 (Alternate Timeline)
- Ben 10,000 (Main Timeline)
- Ben 10,000 (Reboot)
- Bendu
- Bergamo
- Berserker (Predators)
- Berserker, Kell's Scourge
- Beta Ray Bill
- Big Chap
- Big Chap (Comic)
- Big Chill
- Big Chuck (Ben 10)
- Bigfoot (Chasing Bigfoot: The Quest For Truth)
- Bismuth
- Biter
- Bizarro (Injustice)
- Bizarro (Superman and Lois)
- Black Arms
- Black Beetle
- Black Cube of Darkness
- Black Doom
- Black Hawk
- Black Krrsantan
- Black Mechagodzilla
- Black Night Direction
- Black Oak
- Black Warrior
- Blackarachnia (Transformers Animated)
- Blackfire (Teen Titans)
- Blackhand (Alternate)
- Blackout (2007 DS Game)
- Bladderfish
- Blades of Crota
- Blastoneuron (Star Trek)
- Bleeder (Subnautica)
- Blitzwing (Transformers Animated)
- Blitzwolfer
- Blob (Mutant Blobs Attack)
- Bloxx
- Blue Diamond
- Blue Pikmin
- Bluebird Azurite
- Bob Ragelot (StarCrafts)
- Bojack
- Bone (No More Heroes)
- Bone Race (Martial Peak)
- Bonecrusher (Michael Bay)
- Boneshark
- Bootleg (Ben 10)
- Bora Ra
- Bosgun
- Bossk
- Botamo
- Brainbug
- Brainiac (Injustice)
- Brainiac (Lego)
- Brainiac (Post-Crisis)
- Brainiac (Post-Flashpoint)
- Brainiac (Pre-Crisis)
- Brainstorm
- Brandon Breyer
- Brawl (2007 DS Game)
- Brethren Moons
- Brianne de Chateau