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Articles about Captain America
Comics Golden AgePost-Golden AgeUltimate
Movies 1990 MovieMCU
Shows EMHAvengers Assemble
Games Marvel's AvengersMarvel vs. Capcom
Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- No, YOU move.
~ Captain America


Born to poor Irish immigrants in the 1920s, Steven Grant Rogers always felt a strong sense of duty to his country and a desire to defend the weak and helpless from those that would prey on them. Unfortunately for him, his impoverished upbringing left him a scrawny and weak youth at the advent of the second World War and was denied enlistment in the U.S. Army.

His impassioned plea to serve his country in any way he can led him to be designated as the test subject for a new, top-secret super soldier formula devised by Dr. Abraham Erskine, transforming the sickly young man into the pinnacle of human athleticism. Now christened Captain America, Rogers led the charge against the Nazi regime and its subsidiary HYDRA before seemingly giving his life to stop a bomb-loaded drone plane, crashing beneath the Arctic Ocean. Instead of dying, the frigid waters placed him in suspended animation, and he was revived in the modern era by the Avengers, becoming their leader to defend truth, justice, and freedom.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-C. Far higher with Shield Bash/Throw

Name: Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers, Captain America, The Living Legend

Origin: Marvel Comics, Captain America Comics #1

Gender: Male

Age: 200s, physically in his 40s (Was born on July 4, 1920; Stayed frozen for decades but has been living in current times by around 10 years. Also spent 12 years in the Dimension Z, and 100 years fighting against Korvac, but he ages slower than a normal man)

Classification: Enhanced Human, Super Soldier, Leader of the Avengers

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity (Ages slower than ordinary men. Spent 12 years in the Dimension Z but didn't look a day older), Enhanced Senses (Has a sight and hearing far superior to that of ordinary humans), Precognition (Possesses a "Well-Honed Sixth Sense" which allows him to instinctively react to his enemies' movements, often moments before they occur), Genius Intelligence, Vehicular Mastery (Proficient in[1] driving motorcycles[2]), Regeneration (Mid-Low; Healed from a bullet injury after a short duration. Mid overtime; Recovered from a headshot), Indomitable Will (Willed himself out of a Cosmic Cube[3]) Martial Arts Mastery (Mastered every single form of Martial Arts known to men), Hacking (Can hack into advanced computer systems without tippling security and firewalls[4]), Acrobatics,[5] Pressure Points (Makes use of pressure point strikes in combat, rendered Viper unconscious by applying pressure to a nerve cluster), Weapon Mastery (A master at wielding virtually every weapon there is, be it melee or ranged. Can master new weapons in seconds just by holding them).

Attack Potency: Building level (Fought through a ladder of villains and escaped from all of them single-handedly. Superior to the Winter Soldier. Comparable to Wolverine and could crush the tendons in his arms[8]). Far higher with Shield Bash/Throw (His shield has, on occasion, damaged/dented Iron Man's armors, and decapitated a non-Adamantium version of Ultron)

Speed: Transonic running speed (Should be somewhat equal to Black Panther) with Hypersonic Combat & Reaction Speed (One of the fastest "Street-level" Marvel heroes, matching the likes of Daredevil, Spider-Man and Iron Fist. Can casually dodge and block bullets without even looking, as he simply "Sees faster". Has thrown his Shield at speeds faster than a flying ICBM Missile, reacted to Ultrasonic-Wave based attacks, and blocked Electro's lightning. Can react to his own Shield thrown at him and react to Hawkeye's arrows)

Lifting Strength: Class M (Comparable to D-Man,[9] Black Panther and Wolverine. Ripped off a mechanical arm, has torn apart steel chains, can easily crumple metal with his bare hands, has ripped apart several metal bolts, easily snapped metal restraints while drugged)

Striking Strength: Building level

Durability: Building level, Outerverse level with his shield (Rogers' shield is cast from Proto-Adamantium,[10] an extremely durable steel-Vibranium mixture alloyed with an unknown catalyst.[11] It can endure a blow from Thor with the Odinforce, who only slightly dented it.[12] After Cul Borson broke it, Tony Stark had it repaired and enhanced with Uru metal, making it even more durable.[13] In this new form, it blocked a strike from Thor with the Odinforce[14] and withstood an attack from a Celestial[15])

Stamina: Superhuman (Can fight for hours on-end without stopping. Can endure 12 hours of torture without flinching. His Metabolism is so fast that he rarely gets tired, and it also makes him incapable of getting drunk)

Range: Standard melee range, at least hundreds of meters with his shield throw

Standard Equipment:

  • Captain America's Shield: Steve Rogers' greatest and most iconic weapon as Captain America is his shield. Made from a Proto-Adamantium / Vibranium Alloy that has never been duplicated, the shield is one of the most durable items in the universe, being capable of taking full-powered attacks from the likes of Thor, The Hulk, and Silver Surfer without even suffering a small-dent. Furthermore, the Shield also absorbs most-kinetic energy from impacts due to its Vibranium component, which is why Captain America doesn't get sent flying when he blocks attacks from such powerful opponents. The shield is also highly aerodynamic, receiving minimal wind resistance and deflection of path, which combined with Steve Rogers' inhuman precision and skill makes it a highly efficient throwing weapon.
  • Captain America Suit: The uniform that Steve Rogers wears as Captain America. The suit is made of Kevlar, Nomex and Light-weight Titanium, as has displayed various capabilities such as: Being Bulletproof, water and fire retardant, resistant to electricity, immune to vampire bites, and resistant to piercing weapons. It also contains a voice-operated, wireless communicator in his left ear, and an imbued Universal Translator.

Intelligence: Genius. The Super-Soldier Serum greatly enhanced Captain America's mind, allowing him to absorb information faster than an ordinary person. Is one of the most brilliant military minds on Earth, having studied numerous different tactics from across history; Possesses an eidetic memory; Is one of S.H.I.E.L.D's greatest spies, rivaling Nick Fury himself; Has mastered every single Martial Arts known to man, and virtually every weapon as well. Has mastered a 0-Gravity centered alien martial arts in minutes, becoming more skilled than alien warriors who have trained in it for decades, and can also master new weapons in seconds according to Beast. Has had decades of fighting experience fighting against opponents of all kinds and has successfully led the Avengers for around a decade or more. Spent over 100 Years in a time-loop fighting against Korvac's Galactic Empire and kept the memories of the event. Remembers an opponent's weaknesses by only fighting them once

Weaknesses: He refuses to kill unless necessary; none notable otherwise.



Notable Matchups





  1. Captain America Vol 1 259
  2. Captain America Vol 1 336
  3. Captain America #448
  4. Daredevil #233
  5. Captain America: Volume 1, Issue 374
  6. Marvel Super Heroes secret Wars Vol 1 8
  7. Avengers Unlimited: Infinity Comic 64
  8. Wolverine Origins #4
  9. Captain America Vol 3 14
  10. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol. 1 #15
  11. Captain America Vol 1. #303
  12. Avengers Vol. 3 #63
  13. Fear Itself Vol. 1 #7
  14. Thor Vol. 6 #15
  15. A.X.E.: Judgment Day Vol 1. #4


Discussion threads involving Captain America (Marvel Comics)