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Cang Du Render1
Those who spend their lives together should remain together in death. That is my belief.
~ Cang Du to Toshiro


Cang Du (蒼都ツァン·トゥ Tsan Tu?) is a Quincy and a member of the Wandenreich's Sternritter with the designation "I" - "The Iron".

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least High 6-B, High 6-A with Blut Arterie and Daiguren Hyōrinmaru, higher with Vollständig, far higher with Vollständig and Blut Arterie, at least High 6-A with Sklaverei, higher with Sklaverei and Blut Arterie

Name: Cang Du 

Origin: Bleach

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Quincy, Sternritter

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: At least Large Country level+ (Breaks through Shikai Toshiro's ice[6], and would be at most 10x weaker than his Blut Arterie[Statistics Values 1]), Multi-Continent level with Blut Arterie and Daiguren Hyōrinmaru (Blut provides a Bankai level increase[7], and Blut Arterie amplifies attack power[8]. Yhwach states that comparable power is required to steal Bankai[9], which is consistent with the Sternritter being opponents that cannot be combatted without Bankai[10], so Cang should scale to Toshiro's Bankai with at least his own Bankai level amplification in Blut Arterie[Statistics Values 2]), higher with Vollständig (Vollständig opperate using the same mechanism for Quincy as the stolen Bankai[11], and Yhwach implies that the Sternritter are more lethal with their Vollständig than the Bankai they stole[12]), far higher with Vollständig and Blut Arterie (Blut Arterie is a 5x increase[Statistics Values 3]), at least Multi-Continent level with Sklaverei (All Sternritter can use Sklaverei to enhance their Vollständig, and since Vollständig is superior to Letz Stile[13], it's ability to amplify one's power via reishi subjugation would be superior to Letz Stile which can amplify one's power 3x[14][Statistics Values 4]), higher with Sklaverei and Blut Arterie (5x more powerful[Statistics Values 5])

Speed: At least High Hypersonic (Fought and easily defeated Rangiku Matsumoto[15])

Lifting Strength: Class 10

Striking Strength: At least Large Country level+ (Comparable to his Attack Potency, as he is a physical brawler), Multi-Continent level with Blut Arterie (Comparable to his Attack Potency), higher with Vollständig (Comparable to his Attack Potency), far higher with Vollständig and Blut Arterie (Blut Arterie amplifies his offensive capabilities 5x)

Durability: At least Large Country level+ (Would be at most 10x less durable than his Blut Vene[Statistics Values 6]), Continent level+ with Daiguren Hyōrinmaru[Statistics Values 7], Multi-Continent level with Blut Vene (Blut Vene is a Bankai level durability increase, that would be comparable to his Blut Arterie as it functions utilizing the same reishi channel[Statistics Values 8]), Multi-Continent level with Vollständig (Comparable to his Attack Potency, as he can withstand the force of his own strikes, and is superior to the Bankai he stole[Statistics Values 9]), higher with Vollständig and Blut Vene (Blut Vene is a 5x increase[Statistics Values 10]), far higher (Used The Iron to blocks a strike from Jugram[16], albiet we don't know if Jugram used Blut Arterie or not[Statistics Values 11]), possibly even higher with The Iron (Potentially halted a Blut enhanced strike from Jugram[Statistics Values 12])

Stamina: Superhuman (Vastly weaker characters can fight for days without rest and with injuries that would be fatal to even the hardiest of normal humans)

Range: Hundreds of Meters

Standard Equipment: Medallion and Sanrei Glove, His Spirit Weapon

Intelligence: Highly knowledgeable and efficient in combat

Weaknesses: Blut Vene and Blut Arterie use two different Reishi systems, so they cannot be used at the same time. When using medallion, its user need to be sufficiently powerful to wield it and the power stolen by medallion is weaker than the original unless the Quincy in question takes the time and effort to master it. Quincy are unable to activate their Vollständig after they stole power with medallion.

Notable Attacks and Techniques:
The Iron

Cang uses The Iron

She Jin Zhao Anime

Shé Jìn Zhǎo

  • Bankai: Daiguren Hyōrinmaru (ばんかいだいれんひょうりんまる?): Much like Toshiro's Shikai, Cang Du can freeze objects and areas, though the radius and strength of the freezing is greater, it also has the additional benefit of regenerating its lost ice.

Note: Quincy cannot use their stolen Bankai in conjunction with their Vollständig and vice versa

Notable Matchups





  1. Bleach Chapter 559
  2. Bleach Chapter 553
  3. 3.0 3.1 Bleach: Chapter 132
  4. Bleach Chapter 358
  5. 5.0 5.1 Bleach: Chapter 359
  6. Bleach TYBW Episode 4
  7. Bleach TYBW Episode 7
  8. Bleach TYBW Episode 4
  9. Bleach TYBW Episode 6
  10. Bleach TYBW Episode 4
  11. Bleach TYBW Episode 16
  12. Bleach TYBW Episode 16
  13. Bleach TYBW Episode 3
  14. Bleach Chapter 125
  15. Bleach Chapter 525
  16. Bleach TYBW Episode 19


  1. 443.5 Teratons
  2. 4.435 Petatons
  3. 22.175 Petatons
  4. 13.305 Petatons
  5. 66.525 Petatons
  6. 443.5 Teratons
  7. 3.894 Petatons
  8. 4.435 Petatons
  9. 4.435 Petatons
  10. 22.175 Petatons
  11. 44.35 Petatons
  12. 2.2175 Exatons


Discussion threads involving Cang Du