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Jake the Dog


Body Control is the ability to manipulate the physiology and anatomy of your own body beyond any normal biological limit.

Possible Uses

  • Control of basic functions - allows one to control the basic functions of the body, including body temperature, tone of voice, enhancing the senses, increasing the efficiency and strength of muscles, healing damage, in some instances regeneration, etc.
  • Advanced function control - allows one to not only manage the vital functions of the body and increase its capabilities but also to do what is impossible for an ordinary person. For example, fully controlling the hair (to lengthen them to increase strength, turned into a needle, etc.), manipulating their blood (and other body fluids), lengthening nails or bones (including changing the shape of the bones), etc. At this level of the ability the body can also, to some extent, change its shape.
  • Control of anatomical features - allows control of individual parts of the body (including organs), improving their functioning. For example, unnatural shifting and stretching of joints, limbs, bones, etc.
  • Control of cells - allows one to control the body at the cellular level. This gives not only protection from diseases and poisons, but also opportunities to adapt, or even reactively evolve. In addition, this level of control may also allow regeneration from sufficient biomass.
  • Control of microparticles - allows one to control the atoms and molecules of your own body. Similar to the cellular level of this ability in scope, though obviously significantly heightened in terms of the degree of change that the individual can cause to their own body.



Discussion threads involving Body Control