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Natural weapons from real animals


Wolverine's iconic claws


Wally Warbles can throw his feathers as projectiles


Mega Man characters and their arm cannons


Many living beings, from animals to plants, have evolved in order to use specific parts of their body as weapons. Sometimes fictional characters and creatures possess unconventional weapons in regards to their structure, the placement on the body, and the way they are utilized, for almost countless amounts of types and variations. Robots, golems, cyborgs, and other artificial beings are included, as they often feature various weapons on or inside their bodies, despite not being biological.

Note that this ability should not be confused with Weapon Creation and Organic Manipulation, not even in relation to powers such as Blood and Bone Manipulation, but it can come along with Body Control and other abilities that affect body parts that are already meant to be weapons in the first place.

Furthermore, despite humans having teeth and nails, they do not count for this power, as we reserve abilities for qualities that are exceptional compared to ordinary humans. Only teeth and nails that are distinct anatomically should be given this.

Examples and Possible Uses


  • Natural weapons found in the real world, such as claws, teeth, fangs, horns, beaks, stingers, spikes, antlers, tusks, etc...
  • Natural armors, such as shells, exoskeletons, scutes, scales, plates, etc...
  • Weaponized limbs, including tails, tentacles, raptorial legs, etc...
  • The weapon can brim with poison, bacteria and other lethal substances.

Examples: Several types of Animals, Cryptids, Dragons and Monsters


  • All kinds of weapons not found in real life, such as forearm blades, oddly-positioned spikes, and realistic weaponry brought to the extreme.
  • The weaponization of body parts that aren't normally meant for this purpose, such as feathers, tongues, fur, hair, petals, vines, and such.
  • Unique appendices, commonly found on strange, alien, or eldritch creatures.
  • Said weapons can be made of non-standard materials, such as or rock or metal, be combined with elements or utilized to absorb blood or life energy.

Examples: Wolverine (Marvel Comics), Xenomorph (Alien), Orochi (One-Punch Man), Kabutops, Mawile and other Pokémon.


  • Imitations of natural weapons
  • Human cold and blunt weapons, firearms, explosives, etc...
  • Weaponry enhanced by or based on additional factors, some examples being Laser Beams and Flamethrowers.

Examples: Bastion (Overwatch), Metal Gear REX (Metal Gear), Mechagodzilla (Godzilla).


Discussion threads involving Bodily Weaponry